• Published 15th Aug 2013
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The Adventures of Damon Lipton - Mr101

After being tricked into using a forbidden spell to enter the void, Damon Lipton is turned into a Lich and thrown into Equestria by the God of Mischief. Dorian the Deranged.

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Chapter V - Drunken Lullabies.

The Adventures of Damon Lipton
Chapter V - Drunken Lullabies

Celestia was beginning to get more concerned with each passing minute, it’d grown dark by now and she, Luna and the Elements had gone back to the library whilst her guards had gone to search for Damon. Her main concern was that she couldn’t detect his magical signature anymore and had no idea where he could have gone, they had scoured every inch of the park earlier on to no avail and no one in the town had seemed to have seen where he had gone after the Princesses arrived.

Twilight watched as Celestia gazed out of the window and lowered her head in shame, beside her were the other Elements who also were looking miserable, more so Fluttershy and Pinkie. Fluttershy had only just stopped crying over the fact she had betrayed Damon’s trust and Pinkie was still down about the fact she might be racist.

“I’m worried about Damon…”

“But why?” Luna asked, “I’m sure he can take care of himself.”

“That’s just it, Luna, I know he can but I’m worried about how he now feels towards ponies in general. I mean, we need to remember that he isn’t from this world.”

Luna and the others looked at her slightly unsure as to what she meant, Celestia rolled her eyes and sighed.

“We didn’t give him a friendly reception, you tried to kill him, Luna,” Celestia said, “twice.”

Luna winced slightly as Celestia continued.

“And you girls, you over reacted towards him and attacked him.”

The girls once again looked to the floor in shame.

“And even I am not without fault, I nearly vaporized him because I thought he was a demon when all he was doing was telling me his name,” Celestia finished

There was a silence that lingered over the whole library, Spike came down the stairs letting out a loud yawn that caught the attention over everyone present.

“Spike? Have you been asleep this whole time?” Twilight asked.

Spike shrugged and scratched his stomach.

“Well, yeah,” he started, “after you teased me I went upstairs and read some comics and decided to have a nap.”

Twilight rolled her eyes and shook her head, Spike then noticed both Celestia and Luna in the room and grinned.

“Oh hey Princess Celestia and Luna, what are you doing here?” He asked.

“Hello, Spike, it’s good to see you,” Celestia smiled, “we are here because of the incident about Damon.”

“Who? The skeleton guy?”

Everyone looked at Spike with slight confusion as to how he knew who Damon was.

“Yes… how… how did you know?” Celestia asked.

“Well, I looked out my window earlier and saw you guys chasing him down the road, and man did he look frightened.”

At his words, the Elements cringed again.

“Well… we thought he was a monster,” Twilight sheepishly said.

“Monster? How could you think that?” Spike smacked his forehead, “firstly, the Princess said not to treat him like a threat and secondly, you live with a dragon!”

Twilight cringed at his words, although Spike was a baby, he was still a dragon. A fearsome race and she knew he would grow to look terrifying in some ponies eyes.

“We know, we know…” Twilight started, “and we do regret it, but now we can’t find him to apologise.”

“I don’t blame him if he’s run away or is hiding from you all,” Spike said, “I’d have done the same if I didn’t have you guys as friends…”

Twilight winced again as Spike headed back upstairs, since arriving in town she had gotten wind that some of the ponies had initially been terrified of Spike because he was a dragon and would often give him looks when he was with Twilight in the town.

Before Twilight could say anything, there was a knock on the door and a guard walked in, giving Celestia and Luna a salute.

“Your highness, we’ve got a witness who saw where Damon went.”

“Really? Where is this witness?” Celestia asked as the group looked at the guard in hope.

“Well… that’s just it Princess… the witness… he... well…”

A belch interrupted him as a drunken stallion wobbled in with a goofy happy expression on his face, Rarity looked at the stallion in horror as the others stared in confusion.

“Holy shit… I drank so much,” he stopped and hicupped, “I’m seeing Princess Celyesiah and… and… Princess... Princess...uh...”

“Luna,” the guard whispered.

“Gesundheit,” the stallion replied with a wave of his hoof.

Luna and the guard slapped their foreheads as Celestia resisted the urge to giggle.

“Rest assured, dear subject. I am very real,” Celestia smiled at him.

“No kiddin’?” The stallion slurred with a hiccup.

“Indeed, now, you have information on the location of Damon?”

“Sure do!” The stallion hiccuped and swayed, “bone man can ssssssssure sing and dance!”

The others looked at each other in confusion as the stallion continued.

“Anywho” he hiccuped, “bone man is over at the tavern, putting ol’ Berreh Panch to shame.”

“Thank you, you have been a great help,” Celestia nodded and smiled at the stallion.

“Heeeeeey,” he slurred, “I heard that... Alicorns…. are genderless, that true?,” the stallion giggled as he was led out the door by a guard as Celestia and Luna lightly blushed.

“Sister… should we have somepony make sure he gets home ok? I don’t think we should let him go off on his own,” Luna asked.

“You have a point…” Celestia replied, motioning to another one of her guards, “sergeant, make sure he gets home ok.”

“Yes, Your Highness,” the sergeant replied, slightly annoyed.

As the guard left the building, Celestia turned to the others.

“Let’s make our way over there now,” Celestia said, thankful that it seemed Damon was ok.

“Princess, how should we go about this?” Twilight asked.

The girls and two Princesses, accompanied by a few guards, made their way through the near empty town of Ponyville. Several ponies watched with curiosity as they watched their two rulers and the essential protectors of their kingdom walk through the town, several of them decided to follow behind the group, letting their curiosity get the better of them. This had worried Twilight slightly as she wasn’t sure how Damon might react if practically the entire town suddenly appeared and might mistake it for something else given the days events, and another confrontation mishap was something she was desperate to avoid.

“I shall enter first, followed by Luna, and then you girls once I say you can,” Celestia started, “Lieutenant, you and the others shall remain outside, so we won’t give the wrong impression to Damon as well as keeping the rest of the town out of the tavern until we are ready.”

“Very well you highness,” the lieutenant nodded.

“Is that wise?” Rarity asked, “not that I’d ever disagree with you, Princess. But given today's events, wouldn’t Damon react badly to seeing us again?”

“She has a point there…” Applejack agreed.

“Don’t worry,” Celestia smiled, “that is why I’m going in first, to reassure him of our intentions.”

Seemingly satisfied with that reply, the group continued to make its way through the town and soon came to the edge of it. Laying directly ahead of them was the local tavern, ‘The Merry Mare’, and they could all hear the sound of muffled music as well as loud singing, laughter and general merriment .

As they came to the building, the guards set up a makeshift cordon to keep the other townsfolk from entering as Luna and the girls stopped, watching Celestia approach the tavern. No sooner had she entered, she quickly re emerged with the biggest smile on her face.

“Okay… this you have to see,” she giggled.

Curiously, Luna and the girls approached her and followed her into the tavern and their jaws dropped at what they saw, causing Celestia to burst into laughter.

“Now do you think he is still a monster and a threat?” She asked.

They stared up at the figure of Damon who was standing on a large wooden table with the entire tavern of ponies, griffons, a couple of diamond dogs and minotaurs and some black bug creatures. He was swaying about with a wooden tankard in his right hand and was quite clearly somewhat drunk, what made them even more confused and surprised was the fact that one of the ponies from the town who they recognized as Berry Punch, was sitting on his shoulders and was also wearing his hood and cloak and had a tankard in her hoof.

The band started to play a new song to which Damon, after taking a swig from his tankard not noticing the Princesses and the girls, started tapping his foot on the table and began to sing.***

“Must it take a life for hateful eyes,

To glisten once again!

Five hundred years like Gelignite

Have blown us all to hell!”

The girls jumped slightly as the other patrons in the room suddenly shouted the last two lines Damon sung.

“What savior rests while on his cross we die

Forgotten freedom burns

Has the shepherd led his lambs astray

To the bigot and the gun,”

“Must it take a life for hateful eyes,

To glisten once again.”

Damon briefly paused before the whole tavern and Berry sang along with him.

"Cause we find ourselves in the same old mess,

Singin’ drunken lullabies!”

The girls and Luna tried to find words to try and comprehend what they were watching exactly as the band continued to play and Damon took another swig from his tankard, Celestia was laughing and smiling as she watched the dancing skeleton man as Berry happily held his head with a grin on her face.

“Ah gotta tell yah, Princess,” a voice said, “at first we thought he was pretty odd looking, but I ain’ ever seen the Merry Mare this upbeat and happy.”

Celestia and the others turned to see a stallion with a tankard as his cutie mark, realising he was the barkeep, looking towards Damon with a smile on his face as Damon let out a contented sigh and continued to sing, all the while gently swaying.

“I watch and stare as Rosin’s eyes,

Turn a darker shade of red,

And the bullet with this sniper lie,

In their bloody gutless cell.”

“Must we starve on crumbs from long ago,

Through these bars of men made steel,

Is it a great or little thing we fought,

Knelt the conscience blessed to kill.”

“Must it take a life for hateful eyes,

To glisten once again.”

Damon briefly paused again before the whole tavern once again loudly sang along with him.

“Cause we find ourselves in the same old mess,

Singin’ drunken lullabies!”

Damon continued to then sing by himself, looking at each individual randomly as he did.

“Ah, but maybe it’s the way you were taught,

Or maybe it’s the way we fought,

But a smile never grins without tears to begin,

For each kiss is a cry we all lost.”

He quickly inhaled before carrying on.

“Though there is nothing left to gain,

But for the banshee that stole the grave,"

Celestia swore to herself that she saw Damon smirk as, like before, the whole tavern joined in knowingly as did Celestia which startled the girls and Luna.

“Cause we find ourselves in the same old mess,

Singin’ drunken lullabies!”

As Damon stopped singing and the band played a solo part that consisted mainly of the banjo and violin, he waved his now empty tankard, followed by Berry who did the same, and both were levitated out of their grips by the barkeep who was more than happy to levitate them both another couple of tankards, that were full and waiting on the counter filled with cider. Damon and Berry then clanked their tankards together before they took a several swigs, finishing their drinks with a contented sigh and the barkeep swapped the empty tankards for full ones again. Once more they clanked them together and took a large swig, both laughing for a moment before Damon continued the song.

“I sit and dwell on faces past,

Like memories seem to fade,

No colour left but black and white

And soon will all turn grey.”

“But may these shadows rise to walk again,

With lessons truly learnt,

When the blossom flowers in each our hearts,

Shall beat a new found flame.”

Just like with before, the patrons sang out the last two words Damon sang, including Celestia and now Pinkie Pie who had joined in with a massive grin.

“Must it take a life for hateful eyes,

To glisten once again.”

The girls knew exactly what was going to happen the second those words came out of his mouth, and on cue, the whole tavern including Celestia and Pinkie who were clearly enjoying themselves joined in with Damon.

“Cause we find ourselves in the same old mess,

Singin’ drunken lullabies!”

“Cause we find ourselves in the same old mess,

Singin’ drunken lullabies!”

“Singin’ drunken lullabies!”

The second he finished, Damon clanked his tankard with Berry and they both downed their drinks as the band came to a finish, the tavern erupted into applause as they cheered Damon who belched along with Berry and both began to laugh and he took a few bows whilst she held on tightly with agrin.

Celestia smiled and applauded Damon along with Pinkie as the others simply stared at the spectacle, on one hand they were slightly confused as to what was going on and how long before they had arrived had it been going on for and on the other, they were beginning to question whether or not Damon was as horrific as they first thought he was. The barkeep chuckled seeing their confused looks and began to wipe the counter as Damon stumbled off the table, falling flat on his face as Berry rolled off his back and managed to wrap herself into a ball with his cloak, giggling as she did.

“In all my years… I have never seen anything like that before…” Luna whispered, shaking her head.

The bar began to wind down towards closing, most of the patrons had left, still singing lines from Damon’s song as well as others he had sung before the arrival of the girls. Damon was laying on a table softly sleeping with Berry Punch on his chest, hugging him tightly with his cloak wrapped around her like a duvet, a happy smile on her face.

Celestia and the others were sitting at the bar conversing with the barkeep, Celestia and Luna both had a glass of water, Applejack and Rainbow had a tankard of Cider each, Rarity had a fancy looking cocktail, Twilight had a mug of coffee and Pinkie and Fluttershy had a glass of water each. Fluttershy because she didn’t drink alcohol, and Pinkie because the girls were concerned about what a alcohol fueled Pinkie would be like, much to her disappointment.

“So, you say he cast a charm over the band so they were able to play the music he sang?” Celestia asked.

“Aye, at first we were all slightly unsure to his motives but Miss Berry reassured us he was harmless, and Miss Berry is a good friend of mine so I had no reason to distrust her,” the barkeep replied, “and for the past four hours he’s drinkin’ enough to knock out a minotaur, a feat might I add is impressive in itself, and been entertainin’ everybody with his singing.”

“I see,” Celestia said, glancing over the two sleeping bodies.

“Ah still can’t believe we thought he was a monster…” Applejack chuckled, taking a sip, “he does seem pretty harmless.”

“I must agree with you, Applejack,” Rarity titters, “even if his attire is something he needs to work on.”

“Trust you, Rarity,” Rainbow laughed, “new creature from a different world and the only thing you can think of is his clothing,”

“She does have a point,” Twilight added with a giggle, “it does seem oddly cliche.”

“Oh and what are you going to do then, Twilight, ask him a series of questions?” Rarity huffed in response, “next you’ll be telling me Pinkie will be throwing him a party!”

“Well, duh! Of course I am silly, it’s what I do in all the stories!”

“What stories?” Rarity asked.

Pinkie just giggled as she took a gulp of her water, Rarity shaking her head and dismissing her.

“So… should we apologize to him now or wait till he wakes up?” Fluttershy asked Celestia.

“I think it would be best, Tia, if we did wait till tomorrow. It’ll give Damon a chance to sober up and fully take on board what we will be discussing with him,” Luna replied.

“Indeed, we will return to Canterlot though, Luna and return tomorrow… now we just need to find a place for him to stay for the night,” Celestia replied, glancing back over to the pair.

“Well, he can’t stay with me,” Rainbow said, “I have no clue if he can walk on clouds.”

“And ah can’t have ‘im at tha farm, he might give poor Applebloom and Granny Smith a fright,” Applejack frowned.

“And as for me,” Rarity said, “I’m not sure how dear Sweetie Belle will react.”

“Um… my animals might be a little scared by him…” Fluttershy whispered.

“Oh! Oh! Oh! He can stay with me!” Pinkie grinned.

“I’m not sure that’s a good idea, Pinkie,” Twilight replied, “he may give Mrs Cake a scare and that might cause distress to her unborn foals…”

Pinkie’s mane flattened slightly but returned to normal as she understood why having a five and a half foot skeletal creature stay with her might be a bad idea.

“And I don’t think Spike is quite ready to meet him yet,” Twilight sheepishly grinned, “that, and I don’t have a room ready for him…”

“Oh? This isn’t because you feel guilty that you were the lead on his attack at Fluttershy's home, and the one who masterminded the plan to capture him?” Celestia smirked.

Twilight laughed nervously then lowered her head in shame, it was then that they all heard a loud coughing and turned round to see Damon standing behind them with Berry in his arms, still asleep and wrapped in his cloak, swaying a little bit.

“Actually… if it’s all the same to you,” he slurred, “Berry’s offered to let me sleep at hers tonight.”

“Is that so?” Celestia asked.

“Mhm! Damon’s gunna be my new BRFF!” Berry declared waking up.

The girls looked at her confused as she rolled her eyes.

“Best roommate friend forever?” She slurred.

They all gave a nod of understanding as Berry giggled and yawned loudly, snuggling herself back into the cloak and closing her eyes again.

“But what about her daughter?” Rarity asked.

“Ah, her daughter stays with her Godmother every so often and tonight’s one of those days,” the barkeep replied.

“And besides,” Twilight added, “We’d have Damon settled in by the time she got home I’d reckon anyway.”

“Then it’s settled then, Damon will remain in Ponyville until tomorrow so we can discuss properly when he is sober what shall happen,” Celestia said.

“One request,” Damon hiccuped.

“And that is?” She asked.

“I want to stay with Berry,” he slurred, “I like Berry, Berry’s cool.”

“Uhm… Damon, dear?” Rarity said, “we already decided that you were going to stay with her.”

“We did?”


“Huh… awesome! There’s just one problem…” Damon said.

“And that is?” Applejack asked.

“I don’t want to wake her… and I don’t know where she lives.”

Applejack sighed and got down from the counter and headed for the door.

“Come on girls, we better help ‘im get to her house.”

The rest of the girls got down and followed suit, Twilight quickly exchanged a hug and farewell with Celestia and agreed on meeting Damon again in the morning at the library. The girls watched as Celestia and Luna left with their guards, who had been waiting patiently for their return and headed back to Canterlot and begun to lead Damon towards Berry’s home.

“Tia, are you sure you know what you’re doing?” Luna asked.

“Of course, Lulu,” Celestia smiled, “trust me.”

Author's Note:

[Edited version to come.] Any errors, feel free to let me know.

*** Yes, I'm aware that Flogging Molly does NOT exist in Cyrium, where Damon comes from, but honestly I couldn't resist it as I love Flogging Molly and their songs are great to drink with imo. Plus, I just thought the song itself fitted in perfectly with the scene.

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