• Published 31st Aug 2013
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Odrsjot - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash and her companions fly east.

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Unto Death and Dying

Princess Lasairfion’s glowing eyes opened.

Slowly, she stood up, then shuffled across the dark cabin interior with her long silken mane trailing behind her. Waving aside a group of maidservants, she made for a round aperture. With her hoof, she gracefully pulled at a lever. The brass panels opened from the center like a catseye, revealing a large round window staring into the desolate plains of the vulnerable battlefield that lay beneath the shadow of the Lightning Bearer.

Trenches, tents, and battlements full of helpless equine soldiers lay before her gaze.

Slowly, with a deep breath, she smiled.

That’s when the entire ship rocked.

Lasairfion gasped, gnashing her teeth as she rocked on her regal hooves in a desperate bid for balance. The servants behind her yelped as they fell to their sides. The body of the Lightning Bearer rocked from side to side.

On the top deck, everything was utter bedlam. Arcshod grasped for the nearest railing that he could while disguised Xonans collapsed to his left and right. The air still rang from an enormous clap of thunder. Through his peripheral vision, he saw a bursting plume of smoke. He looked left and instantly winced.

Tongues of flame leapt at his face and mane. He had to slink back to avoid being engulfed by a sudden fireball that was engulfing a chunk of the Lightning Bearer’s massive port side. Bells rang and ponies ran back and forth, shouting in their natural tongue as they fought to sway the vessel back into an even glide.

From afar, Rainbow’s ruby eyes twitched. Her jaw dropped and she shook her head several times in utter disbelief. There, before her eyes, the Lightning Bearer had been flung into a counter-clockwise twirl. The hulking dreadnaught drifted eastward as it struggled to even out.

As the smoke and flames from the sudden explosion dissipated, a massive shadow loomed towards the northwest over the killing fields.

“I don’t get it!” Ebon Mane stammered, joining the other Jurists as they stood, gawking out the cockpit’s windshield. “What hit the thing?!”

“I sure hope that wasn’t Rainbow Dash!” Props exclaimed. “I don’t think her mane’s flame retardant!”

“Maybe she stowed away on board?” Eagle Eye was already shaking his head as he thought aloud, “Or perhaps Roarke had an explosive snuck on board--”

“Everypony!” Pilate hissed. The rest of the crew glanced at him in time to see the zebra’s runic plate flickering madly. “Nnnngh… Something’s drowning out all the leylines around us?!” He stumbled, forcing Ebon to catch him. “N-north of us! Coming in fast! It’s h-huge!”

“What what what?” Props squeaked.

Floydien’s brow furrowed. He took one look out the cockpit. The entire hull was suddenly draped over with shadow. Gritting his teeth, he bucked a pair of levers with his hooves. Everypony flinched, their bodies jolting ceilingward as the Noble Jury suddenly dropped.

Like a heavy stone, the Noble Jury dropped. It was with good timing too, for the battered wooden hull of a massive battleship roared overhead, barely scraping the dormant skystone of the smaller aircraft as it dipped out of the way.

The air shook with sonic tremors as the Steel Wing dove upon the scene. Only when it was within three hundred meters of the Lightning Bearer did it slow down, turning broadside and launching volley after volley of cannonfire.

Two out of every three shots made its way to the Lightning Bearer’s hull, sending metal shrapnel and burning bits flying skyward, taking a good dozen bodies with the violent bombardment. The sky filled with ash and noise, above which everypony on board the Ledomaritan flagship could hear Shell’s shouting voice.

“Fire everything!” the haggard stallion howled, marching forward as crew members scurried from station to station all around him. The pale unicorn horn rattled around his neck as he bellowed, “Spare no ammunition! We’re going to send those Spark-forsaken bastards to the abyss even if we have to give them in smoldering ashes!”

“Sir!” Enforcer Evans ran to a stop, sweaty and panting. “I know we’ve been through this, but it’s Prime Enforcer Fortis’ ship! Shouldn’t we accept his surrender by the Queen’s terms--?”

“That is a ship of ghosts, demons, and imposters!” Shell spat. With a flounce of his disheveled mane, he spun and grinned at Bellesmith, his eyes wide as cracked saucers. “Isn’t that right, my darling?!”

Belle gritted her teeth, clinging onto a wooden mast for dear life. Despite her bruises, she managed a crooked smile, nodding. “Traitors. All of them.” She shuddered her way through the next exclamation, “Punish them for their treachery, father!”

“Sir! Honestly!” Evans pointed a hoof at the mare. “Aren’t you confusing her with--?”

“Rrrggghhh!” Shell suddenly skidded forward and snarled in the quivering officer’s face. “My beloved daughter did not spend her years in exile for nothing! She was gathering intelligence for the Council of Ledo! Don’t you see?!” Explosions lit the air, filling the overcast sky with burning ribbons of flak and mayhem. Shell strolled through it all, tossing his mane to the wind and cackling, “It all makes sense now! It was all a plan!” He pointed a hoof towards the battered, swaying sight of the Lightning-Bearer. “And they must suffer for it! The perpetrators of my offspring’s torment!”

“But sir--”

“Enough!” Shell jumped onto a stack of crates, dangling his hoof over a length of rope as he flailed his other forelimb forward. “Rain hellfire on their souls! All that stand before us are carcasses swimming in deathlight! They signed their putrid lives away the very moment they touched a hair on my beloved’s head!” He inhaled sharply, wheezed, and shouted at the full extent of his lungs, during which several cannons fired, blowing dust and gunpowder into his enraged muzzle.

Belle couldn’t help it. She clamped a pair of hooves over her ears as vaporous blasts of noise rolled across her beleaguered figure. With squinting, tearing eyes, she stared into the destruction rolling across the airspace.

“Ledomulien hraasta bleen!” A soot-stained Xonan clung to a shattered bit of portside railing. He turned and shouted towards the center deck of the Lightning Bearer. “Remmo naastaan rekku--”

The hull exploded underneath him, exploding his screaming body into scarlet ribbons. Blood and scraps of mane hair scattered across the deck, staining Arcshod’s hooves. He stepped back, grimacing from ear to ear. Howls of pain and terror rang across the portside platforms. Most ponies gravitated towards starboard, fumbling for fire extinguishers and everything else they could lift with horns or hooves. As they fought the flames, the ship spent an agonizing period of time turning about to face the Steel Wing Broadside.

A fellow officer scrambled up to Arcshod, his tattoos showing through his melting facade. “Arcshod Xon-Nagu’n!” He slumped against a metal stack of crates, panting. With imploring eyes, he stammered, “Jaalaastun mesuul renokeen brava thulien trenna drenden! Heeraastuun thriel jorjem Xon-Nagu’n?”

Arcshod gritted his teeth. He glanced over his shoulder at the hitherto untouched battlements of Seclorum’s camp. His eyes twitched upon the sight of the dark ravine lingering below.

“Arcshod…” the soldier pleated.

Stifling a snarl, the lead officer turned with a frown and nodded firmly.

The officer--with great relief--spun and shouted to his fellow soldiers. In response, several Xonans ceased what they were doing, stood resolutely still in spite of the continued shelling, and channeled vibrant streams of mana through their horns. Their tattoos lit up as their disguises dissolved. Several bright portals opened up between them.

Down below, several Ledomaritans stood outside their tents, gawking at the explosive sight looming high above.

“By the Spark!”

“That… that’s Prime Enforcer Shell’s ship!”

“What does he think he’s doing?! He’s attacking Fortis!”

“The traitor!”

“Everypony! Man the guns!”

“No! Fetch Seclorum first! He has to see this!”

“Can’t you see?! Our lead ship is under attack by a pyschopath and--”

“Look!” A soldier gasped. “The Lightning Bearer is glowing!”

“What in the Spark…?!”

Everypony’s eyes lit up, for high above, the larger of the two airships began shimmering with otherworldly light. The vessel pulsed at first, flickered, and then exploded with chaotic mana. Then, flying in devilish streams, dozens upon hundreds of gigantic translucent serpents orbited the massive vessel. The air filled with a hissing roar as the multiple reptilian creatures spun about, banked northwest, and flocked towards the Steel Wing.

“Blessed Spark, no…”

“It… it can’t be!”


“Those tattooed freaks took the Lightning Bearer!”

As ponies seethed in anger and shock on either side of him, Josho gathered his wits. Tightening his telekinetic grip of the shotgun, he galloped through the crowd of gaping ponies and rushed into Seclorum’s tent.

“See?!” Shell pointed, his bright eyes reflecting the chaotic summons swimming towards him. Several officers on board the Steel Wing froze in absolute terror, backing slowly away from the port side railings as the school of demonic creatures drew closer and closer. “Haaah! Traitors! Spiritual vagabonds! Every one of them! Curse the pony who doubted my beloved daughter! By Ledo, they are upon us!”

“Spark, save us…” Evans whimpered, his jaw quivering. “What have we gotten into…?”

“No!” Shell shouted, jumping down and giving Evans a swift kick in the rear. He marched forward, snarling as he flung several gasping stallions back to their stations. “We end this treachery! We restore honor in the name of our Confederacy! Even unto death!” He unholstered a manarifle and fired it violently into the air, shouting at the end of it. “Unto death!

Belle flinched as random soldiers on either side of her shouted in desperate blood lust for courage. The bulk of the crew rushed to their stations while Shell and an elite few charged the very edge, readying their swords, tasers, and manarifles, facing the incoming rush of serpentine destruction.

“Leave nothing unbleeding!” Shell howled, lunging forward as the wave hit the Steel Wing, filling the vessel with venom and screams.

Even Rainbow Dash winced. Her wings flapped harder, lifting her body’s altitude so she could get a proper survey of the carnage taking place. With the Steel Wing swarming with chaotic summons, the ship reeled blinding, giving the Lightning Bearer a space in time to turn about and train its guns on Shell’s vessel.

Rainbow Dash bit her lip. She looked at the Steel Wing, at the Lightning Bearer, then at the dark ravine beneath Seclorum’s plateau. Then she clenched her eyes shut, growling deeply. A few breaths later, she beat her wings, dove forward… and glided straight for the Lightning Bearer like a ruby streak.

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