• Published 31st Aug 2013
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Odrsjot - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash and her companions fly east.

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Make a Collect Call

”Props thinks she can patch up the hull damage, but the steam engine is going to take an extra long period of time. We’re grounded for the time being.”

Bellesmith nodded, lying in the corner of the dark room as she cradled the soundstone in her forelimbs. “And what of Floydien?”

”Mr. Floydien is… angry.”

“But isn’t he always angry?”

”It’s different this time. It’s focused. It’s channeled. I shudder for anypony within earshot if he were to cross paths with your captor.”

Belle sighed. “Yeah, well, Pilate, he’s not the only one ready to blow a gasket at the sight of the enforcer.”

”How are you being treated, Belle? Has he hurt you terribly?”

“I… uhm…” Belle fidgeted. “I’ve been left alone for the most part.”

”Please don’t hide the details from me. I want to know everything.”

“I am being honest, beloved. Shell is… distant.” She gulped. “It’s almost as if he’s not really there. Quite likely he thinks that he’s done the worst he possibly can to me so far. I’m expected to bend psychologically to his will now.”

”Though I shudder to make the suggestion, it is probably prudent of you to play along, Belle. So long as he expects your fealty, I suspect he’ll keep you in one piece.”

“I don’t think I even fit much into the equation. He’s obsessed with his daughter, Imre.” Belle sighed. “May the Spark liberate her soul…”

”Did his love bring about her death?”

“I’m still trying to figure it out, Pilate. But however she died, it’s traumatized him intensely. He’s intent on communicating with her through sequencing. He’s in denial of a great deal of guilt. If it was any other stallion, I’d almost pity him.”

”Is that even possible?

“What? Sympathizing with Prime Enforcer Shell? Spark, no!”

”No, I mean sequencing with Imre so soon after her death.”

Belle bit her lip. “Theoretically, yes. I’ve heard of cases where it’s been done before. What matters is having the right equipment. And this Far Ridge place…” She shrugged into the shadows. “I simply do not know.”

”You just keep him preoccupied, Belle. We’ll find a way to get to you. I swear it.”

“Pilate, how can that possibly be an option?” Belle exclaimed. “It’s been proven time and time again that the Noble Jury is no match for battleships, and with the skystone on the fritz, what chance is their in outrunning Shell’s… erhm… shells?”

”We simply can’t leave you in his clutches!”

“We’ve been heading north, Pilate,” Belle said. “It’s in the opposite direction of where you need to be going.”

”Where… we need to be g-going?”

Belle’s face hardened as she said, “Go save Rainbow Dash, Pilate. Get her, Roarke, and Kera out of their predicament. Then you can worry about me.”


“All that matters is Rainbow Dash, Pilate,” Belle said. She smiled painfully, her eyes moist. “Bring the wind to her wings, and she’ll take care of the rest.” The mare shuddered. “She always does.”


”You have always been a beacon of hope and courage for me, beloved.”

“Now now, Pilate. Don’t speak with such finality.”

”I-I cannot help it…” His voice wavered with emotion. “Every time the stone goes silent, I’m convinced it’s the last time I will ever hear from you. I can’t sleep… can’t think straight, knowing you are where you are…”

Belle clenched her eyes shut, taking a few seconds to compose herself. Bravely, she changed the topic. “Any news from Josho?”

Pilate hesitated a bit. ”N-news?” He cleared his throat, and his voice evened out slightly. ”Not exactly. Because of the entanglement, I get… uhm… s-sensations, mostly. I feel a jolt every now and then, as if his pulse is quickening. I also find m-myself getting a little bit short with the other crew members.”


”Ebon asked me if I wanted dinner delivered to my bunkroom and I responded with a blunt request indicative of our pegasus friend.”

Belle managed a weak smile. “Yes, well, Ebon does have a habit of being nosy.”

”He only means well. He’s such a fantastic, sincere friend. Everypony on board is so fantastic, Belle. You… You should be with us. By the Spark, you should be…”

“I’m working on it, Pilate. It’s not gonna be easy. I have to find a way to convince Shell that… that…”


”Convince him of what, beloved?”

There was a series of hoofsteps trotting towards the door to the room.

“Pilate, I have to go.”

”But Belle--!”

“Manawave silence!” She sneered, shoving the glowing shard into the fibers of her tail hairs. “I mean it!” She cleared her throat and folded her legs beneath her.

With a creaking noise, a wave of bright light wafted over Belle’s figure. She squinted into the outside world.

Evans’ shadow stood in the doorway, flanked by two guards. “We’re here,” he said in a dull tone. “The Prime Enforcer wants you.”

Belle exhaled slowly as she was hoisted up on all fours. “I’ll try to contain my excitement…”

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