• Member Since 3rd Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Feb 24th, 2023


I am a conglomerate of Engineeriological and Writeological forces with a Ponypreneurial spirit.


How does Derpy put up with one of the most boring jobs in Equestria?

With the most active imagination in Equestria, of course.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 44 )

And that, ladies and gentlemen...

Is how you enjoy your job.

~Skeeter The Lurker

This is a very entertaining short you have here...

Thank you :heart:

Can't say how often I'm guilty of doing that. I'm sure there are tons of people who do just that, if even a little bit, to pass the time.

Nice day in the life of Derpy

That was wonderful. :derpytongue2:

Really well done story, I like it.

Fun times with Derpy.:derpytongue2:

Well, that settles it. Derpy has better daydreams than I do. :derpyderp2:

I lol'd.
Good short!

I enjoyed the Daring Derp part the most because it was adapting to Derpys environment more than the previous parts.
The previous ones I didn't care much for. Sticking to one kind of imaginary story would have made more sense and Daring Derp would have been ideal for the whole trip.

Still it was enjoyable.

This is great. You write Derpy perfectly - cheerful, a little klutzy, and a bit of a daydreamer, but otherwise a good-hearted and intelligent mare who loves her job and all the ponies she encounters. As others have said, I can certainly relate to falling into fantasy during more monotonous activities--it was fun seeing how Derpy goes about doing the same thing to pass the time. Daring Derp was probably my favorite sequence, but the others were well-written as well. Great job! :pinkiehappy:

:moustache: The Daring Derp was definitely my favorite and the best one in my opinion. See? Ol' Derpy ain't dumb or in the need of special help, she's a dreamer!


This was lovely!
I only have one teeny tiny little thing: "as she stared at the confection in her hand". Derpy doesn't have hands, silly.

Good story.
Best pony.

Thank for a wonderful romp through Derpy's imagination.

Walter Mitty-- the Original Thurber version-- with hooves.

I highly approve.

Marvelous. This is exactly the way I would imagine Derpy doing her job. She loves it, because every new delivery is a new adventure for her.

By the way, "The Muffin of Healing":rainbowlaugh:

Derpori Hoovzo. Loved it. :rainbowlaugh

Hayten Dinky-Ryu

And that's when I lost it.

>stared at the confection in her hand


As someone who works in a closely related field, I wholeheartedly endorse this story!
Derpy is best mailpony. :derpytongue2:

Okay, this is good! I can also imagine Derpy humming theme music for her fantasies.


"Hey, Derpy? Uh, why are you standing on the sign?"

:derpytongue2:"Obviously, Twilight, because the floor is made of lava."
:facehoof:"But that's a kid's game."
:derpytongue2:"What's the fun of being an adult if you can't be childish sometimes?"
:twilightoops::twilightsmile:"Mind if I join you?"

Very Danny Elfman-ish.

This could be an actual episode. It would be so easy. Surly there's room in the episode list for something fun like this? If not season 4 then season 5.

Hey, if we got the Power Ponies, we can certainly get a daydreaming Derpy taking a page from The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. :derpytongue2:

And as I look right now, 115 to 0 likes, that has got to count for how good this is.

"Daring Derp". :rainbowlaugh:

Wow :derpytongue2: does at work what I do at school
....almost exactly

Brilliant, absolutely and in all ways brilliant!

Great story!


It makes me VERY happy to see these comparisons. I remember reading Secret Life of Walter Mitty as a kid, this was my love letter to it.

I loved this. And I can totally relate... *of daydreaming*


You should check out the movie too. I'm sure it doesn't compare to the book in scope but the visuals and music really do pack a punch if you can swing a IMAX or RPX showing (Regal Cinema's version of semi-IMAX).

Actually, this one would do quite well as a comic too I suspect... seeing as how you're not even considered doing it right unless you spew 37 variants of a single issue.

(Comic cover variants set out in sequence are actually another comic right on the front covers? Comiception!) :pinkiegasp:

3789307 Dat Doctor Who reference tho :pinkiecrazy: erm... I mean.. Doctor Whooves...

3826496 Was that what it was? I was thinking of C.S. Lewis. Close enough.

That was ADORABLE! Stories like that, mixing fantasy and "reality", are really hit-or-miss; but you nailed it perfectly.

Excellent work, Brian. You even used irregular verbs! It always disappoints me how those are avoided in this community. I almost wanna favorite this fic just for that

One complaint, though: Flitter referred to Derpy as "Depry". Other than that, great job. I'll be sure to recommend this to others

Awesome story. Wonderful to get a short sight of what Derpy's workdays could be like.

I like all the Derpyfied names here (even though I have no idea what, if anything, they're referencing :derpytongue2:)

The magic separated into several more swords, all of which spun around Dark Stallion's head.

Up above the clouds parted, revealing the full moon.

It's probably just coincidence, but both of these parts immediately made me think of Ōkami.

Very cute and fun, nicely done:)

This was absolutely amazing. You had me giggling the whole time, accentuated by moments of true, true laughter. Very cute, very well put together, and wonderfully timed bits of unexpected humor. Bravo!


You may say she's a dreamer... but she's not the only one.

This story was glorious. There are nowhere near enough depictions of Derpy that don't fall into somewhere between 'dumb' and 'pants on head'. Thank you for adding one more to an exceedingly small pile of fics that don't go to the same tired 'Derpy is special' well for inspiration.

6381581 Yeah you right.

Daring Derp Cx My life is complete.

Okay, admittedly, I haven't read that much fanfic yet, so maybe my point isn't too strong, but I think it's safe to say that this is the best fanfic I've ever read, and it's far better than many short books. I could go on for a while as to why, but this story has tons of comments already, so I'll leave it at: The story was great, the writing was consistent, everypony was in character (specifically Derpy, of course), and it was just the right length for the story provided. Even if you aren't writing as much anymore, as your blog post stated, this is an amazing work of art and you should be proud of yourself. ^_^

My only regret is not reading this sooner. This was really cute, a fun read. Behold, the power of daydreaming! :pinkiehappy: :heart:

Hey, No One decided this needed an audio reading. So use your imagination!

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