• Published 21st Nov 2013
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My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic: Stallion Edition - SuperPinkBrony12

A fic where show canon stallions become the Elements of Harmony bearers. Shining Armor is sent to Ponyville per the request of Princess Celestia, and is tasked with making friends. This changes Shining Armor's life forever.

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Chapter 217: Sweet Apple Wedding

The last Summer Sun Celebration seemed to stretch on forever, no one wanted it to end. Alas, time only ever moved forward. It was impossible to preserve the moment forever. Eventually, the celebration ended. Just like that, a tradition dating back over a thousand years had faded into the history books.

With the festivities over and clean up under way, it was time for Shining Armor and his friends to head back to Ponyville for the time being. Shining's coronation was drawing near though, in a matter of weeks it would unfold. And nopony knew just what would come of it or how their bonds of friendship would be altered.

However, that quickly took a back seat to more pressing concerns as Shining sought to finally fill his friends in on what had unfolded just before the last Summer Sun Celebration had begun, and what had likely been behind all the chaos.

"No way!" Soarin gasped along with the rest of the stallions as Shining finished his explanation! "Three evils we thought for sure we'd defeated have been set free?! But how?! Why?!"

Shining could only hang his head and sigh. "I'm afraid I don't know. They offered no explanation. But I'll bet it's tied to whatever or whoever is responsible for King Sombra's short lived return. Someone or something is trying to unite all the great evils we've bested in the past."

Fancy Pants tried to suggest a more optimistic perspective. "Well, we were able to more or less undo their acts of sabotage. And with all the increased security you've added to Canterlot, they'd have to be fools to try anything now. I'll bet if we tracked them down we could easily defeat them."

But Shining wasn't convinced. "Unless we can find out how and why they were freed or brought back to life in the Storm King's case it's not going to make a difference. Even if we defeat them they'll probably just break out again. We need to go after the source."

Braeburn commented. "So you're sayin' those guys are just a front for even bigger creeps?"

The prince nodded his head in firm confirmation. "Yes. And I'm afraid it gets worse," Clearing his throat, he added. "The royal guards reported being ambushed by Tirek, and by the time they came to there'd already been in a break in at the Canterlot Archives. However, the only thing that was stolen was an old book on prophecies and pony tales."

"Really? All that chaos and all that confusion just to steal an old book?" Soarin frowned. "Either they're highly incompetent, or there's more to that book than meets the eye."

"There's no way they'd steal just any old book, not even under time constraints," Shining replied. "That book has to contain something of great value to them. And I think it's safe to say that they're preparing for an attack or an assault of some kind."

Fancy Pants nervously pondered. "You don't suppose they'd try to attack during your coronation, do you?"

The prince ominously answered. "I wouldn't be surprised if that's what they did. But the fact is that without knowing what was in that book, there's no way to know what their plans are. They could strike at any time, anywhere, any place."

Having overheard all of this, Big Macintosh (who had remained silent for the entire train ride back to Ponyville) began making up his mind about something. "There's no guarantee of what tomorrow will bring anymore!" He thought to himself. "That means I gotta get all my affairs in order and take care of something I've been putting off for long enough!" He was preparing to propose to Cheerilee, to make her his wife.

As soon as the train arrived back in Ponyville and the six stallions went their separate ways once again (with Braeburn returning to Appleloosa and Soarin and Thunderlane heading back up to Cloudsdale, all with the promise to meet up again on the day of Shining's now inevitable coronation), Big Macintosh made his way to the same jewelry store near the clock tower that he'd visited long ago while under the influence of a love poison.

This time, however, the stallion was thinking clearly. He was prepared to make a purchase for his proposal to Cheerilee, the love of his life who would soon hopefully become part of his family. It never occurred to him that Cheerilee might turn him down. After all they'd been through together and after all the time they'd gotten to know each other, the idea of them not becoming husband and wife seemed impossible.

Of course, Big Mac knew he had to be sensible. There was no need to splurge for the most expensive, shiny diamond in the store when he arrived. Just like his parents during their wedding, he knew Cheerilee wasn't going to be looking for a big splash or a major ceremony. She'd be happy with just about anything Big Mac had to offer. And he soon found a diamond for a reasonable price that complimented Cheerilee's mane and tail so perfectly.

With the necklace in tow, the stallion leisurely trotted through town to get to the school house. No classes were being held during the summer, but he knew Cheerilee still had to hang around for board meetings and to draw up lesson plans for the next semester that would begin in the fall.

Cheerilee had just finished neatly stacking some papers and had tucked them away in her desk, when she heard a knock on the school house's front door. "Could it be?" She thought as her heart skipped a beat. It had been so long since she'd had an opportunity to even have a conversation with Big Mac, it always seemed like something came up that prevented them from spending time together.

It wasn't long before the door swung open, and Big Macintosh strolled into the classroom in all his glory. And it wasn't hard to spot that little black box he was carrying. "Howdy, Cheerilee," Big Macintosh greeted as he took the liberty of closing the door behind him. "Hope I ain't catchin' you at a bad time."

Cheerilee just waved a hoof as she tried to keep her composure, which was hard considering she suddenly felt a warmth radiating on her cheeks. "Oh don't be silly, Big Mac. I always have time for a friend. Especially one like you."

"You know we're more than friends, right? It ain't like everypony doesn't already know." The stallion replied with a giggle.

"Well, still, I don't want ponies to start breathing down our necks about it. Or for my students to see me distracted," The currently off-duty teacher answered. "In any case, it's great to see you again after all this time. The next time you see Shining Armor, tell him I'm very happy for him and I'm sure he'll make a fantastic leader."

Big Mac nodded. "I will, though I reckon it won't be the same comin' from me instead of you," Then he cleared his throat. "But I came here today to talk about us. About what's gonna happen to us."

Cheerilee was quick to guess. "It's about what's in that box, isn't it? Sorry, I probably wasn't supposed to peak. But I couldn't help myself. I don't know what it's inside it, but I think I have a pretty good idea."

The earth pony with a red coat gave his signature "Eeyup" as he brought the little black box forward and opened it.

Cheerilee's eyes widened at what she saw! A sparkling little diamond attached to a lovely gold necklace! It took all her will power not to faint.

"Cheerilee, would you be willin' to become Mrs. Big Macintosh? Will you marry me?" Big Mac proposed as he got down on his hooves, holding the box with the necklace up.

The off-duty teacher didn't even need to think about her answer. "Yes!" She happily exclaimed as she pulled her soon-to-be husband in for a kiss. "Oh, Big Mac! I wasn't sure you'd ever ask! I thought I was gonna have to be the one to propose."

Big Macintosh giggled anew. "I was just waitin' until I felt the time was right. And the time is definitely right."

"So, what's your big plan for the wedding?" Cheerilee asked as she took the necklace and hung it around her neck. "I assume you have one, right?"

"No big plans, just a simple little ceremony at Sweet Apple Acres like my folks did," Big Mac explained. "'Course, our weddin' ain't gonna be secret. We'll get dressed up a bit. But I reckon we'll keep the whole thing a simple affair. Just a few close friends and family. That's okay with you, right? I'd be willin' to settle for somethin' grander if it makes you happy."

But Cheerilee only leaned into her soon-to-be husband as she sweetly told him. "Big Mac, I'd be happy with any sort of wedding as long as I'm with you. Just being around you makes me feel like a princess who's finally meet her prince charming."

And so it was that, a few days later, Sweet Apple Acres was the site of a wedding for the first time in almost a hundred years. Compared to the secret wedding that had taken place in the middle of the night, this wedding was held in daylight and with several witnesses. And the bride and groom couldn't be happier, their futures looked bright.

As with countless other weddings and ceremonies that had occurred in Ponyville under her tenure, Mayor Mare presided over this wedding as well. She'd even opted not to dye her mane and tail so that her natural pink colors could shine through. On this occasion she felt like the through back was fitting.

Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were the flower fillies just as they had been for Shining Armor and Cadence's wedding, and Rumble served much more happily as one too (though he preferred the term of flower colt for obvious reasons). Spike was the ring bearer (or necklace bearer in this case) and Applejack was made the best mare, wearing a dress similar to what she'd worn for the royal wedding years ago.

At last, a small aisle in front of the intertwined apple and pear trees grown from the seeds planted by Bright Macintosh and Pear Butter all those years ago was ready. Ponies stood on either side in this clearing in the orchard as the soon to be married couple came trotting up to the small podium that had been erected for the occasion. Cheerilee wore a pure white wedding veil with a golden flower on either side of it, and Big Macintosh had a beautiful black bow tie.

Silence fell as Mayor Mare cleared her throat and began the proceedings. "Dearly beloved," She spoke with practiced precision. "We are gathered here today on the lovely grounds of Sweet Apple Acres to join these two ponies in holy matrimony. Usually, I would ask if anypony had a reason as to why these two should not be wed. But I have no doubt in my mind that there are none who object to such a union. The bond between the two ponies standing before me is one that seems likely to stand the test of time."

Mayor Mare first turned to Big Macintosh as she asked. "Big Macintosh, do you take Cheerilee to be your lawfully wedded wife? In sickness and in health? In good times and bad times? Until death do you part?"

"I do!" Big Mac nodded and smiled.

Then Mayor Mare asked mostly the same of Cheerilee. "Cheerilee, do you take Big Macintosh to be your lawfully wedded husband? In sickness and in health? In good times and bad times? Until death do you part?"

Cheerilee didn't hesitate to say! "I do!"

Adjusting her glasses, Mayor Mare happily declared. "Then by the power invested in me, I hereby declare you husband and wife! You may kiss the bride!"

Without a second's hesitation, Big Macintosh leaned in to do just that and Cheerilee let him. The two shared their first kiss as an officially wedded couple as a chorus of aws and cheers filled the orchard grounds. It was truly a most beautiful sight, made all the more beautiful by the young couple placing their wedding necklaces around each other's respective necks.

As Big Mac then strolled down the aisle with his new wife by his side, he looked up to the sky. Despite it being the middle of the day he was sure he could see a pair of shooting stars passing over head. "Ma, Pa," He thought to himself. "I sure wish you were here to see this. I know you'd really like Cheerilee and consider her a fine addition to the family."

Cheerilee then called to her new husband. "Come on, Big Mac. It's time for our first dance as newlyweds," And she smiled. "I can't wait for the honeymoon."

"I can't either." Big Macintosh replied with a nod. Whatever the future might bring, at least now he knew he could say with sincerity that he had no regrets. The one thing he wanted to do while he still had the time had been accomplished. Which was good considering he couldn't shake this impending sense of dread. A nagging feeling in the back of his mind that told him that the happiness he was feeling now was going to be short lived.

Author's Note:

And so we have the last Big Macintosh solo focus chapter, and of course it involves him getting married to Cheerilee. At least in this universe he doesn't fall in love with Sugar Belle. It was kind of a knee jerk reaction on my part to keep shipping CheeriMac here, though at the time I wrote Sugar Belle's introduction I had no way of knowing she'd come back or even move to Ponyville, with the distance being what kept me from shipping SugarMac at the time.

With all the stallion six members having gotten a chapter of focus, it's now time for the finale. The finale arc should commence in October, probably on October 10 to commemorate the anniversary of FiM's first airing.

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