• Published 21st Nov 2013
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My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic: Stallion Edition - SuperPinkBrony12

A fic where show canon stallions become the Elements of Harmony bearers. Shining Armor is sent to Ponyville per the request of Princess Celestia, and is tasked with making friends. This changes Shining Armor's life forever.

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Chapter 33: Secrets and Lies

Discord continued to laugh as the minutes ticked by, and the reality of the situation sank in.

"And what the hay are YOU laughing at?!" Braeburn suddenly asked crossly.

"Oh, don't take this personally. It's just that, you ponies are simply the most fun I've had in eons." Discord replied, wiping a tear from his eye due to laughing so hard.

"Yeah? Well quit it!" Braeburn snapped "You'll rue the day you laugh at the Brae-burn!"

"Is that so?" Thunderlane asked smuggly "Well haha."

This made Braeburn cross "Quit it!" he shouted.

"No, haha." Thunderlane replied.

"I said quit it!" Braeburn shouted.

"Still no, hahahaha." Thunderlane said, and continued to laugh.

Meanwhile, Big Macintosh and Fancy Pants were having their own arguement.

"Say Fancy Pants? About that there diamond of yours, Shining Armor said we're gonna split it six ways. You know, since we found it together and all." Big Macintosh lied.

Fancy Pants replied with a swift kick that sent Big Macintosh reeling "Don't try any funny business!" he said firmly "This diamond is mine and mine alone! I found it fair and square, and no one is going to take it away from me!"

"I wouldn't dream of it." Big Macintosh lied. All the while, Discord was laughing.

"Stop this nonsense, all of you!" Shining Armor ordered. His pleas fell on deaf ears.

"Sorry Shining Armor, but your friends can't help you anymore." Discord replied "It's just too entertaining, to see your former friends picking fights with one another."

"I know you're behind all of this Discord." Shining Armor stated "You're not playing fair!"

"I'm not playing fair? Uh, did you forget who I am?" Discord asked "I told you already, the name is Discord. Spirit of chaos and disharmony, or have we not met?"

"How are we suppose to find The Elements of Harmony, when you take away the labyrinth before we've explored every inch of it?" Shining Armor asked.

"Oh wait, did you actually.... oh, how funny." Discord chuckled.

"What do you mean?" Shining Armor asked.

"Perhaps it's just better for me to show you, rather than tell you." Discord explained, and snaped his fingers. He and Shining Armor disappeared in a flash of light.

When Shining Armor opened his eyes, he saw himself looking at the hall with the glass window displays again. Then, he heard a familiar riddle.

"In order to retrieve your missing elements, just make sense of this change of events. Twists and turns are my master plan. Then you may find the elements back where you began."

There was another flash of light, and Discord and Shining Armor returned to the present. "I never actually said The Elements of Harmony were in the labyrinth." Discord said with a smirk "You just assumed that. Not that it matters, as I would've held a game anywhere you went. But maybe I would've had a harder time corrupting your friends, if you had chosen somewhere else."

"Why should I believe you?" Shining Armor asked "You have proven to be very underhanded so far."

"Guilty as charged." Discord replied "But the fact is, this has all been worked out far in advance Shining Armor. You are merely the last tiny cog in my grand design. So now all I have to do is break you, and The Elements of Harmony will be useless."

"You'll never get the best of me! I'm too smart for your tricks!" Shining Armor boldly proclaimed.

"You still don't know your place, do you?" Discord asked "Perhaps you need a little example of what I'm capable of. And I have the perfect thing in mind to show you why it's useless to resist."

There was yet another flash of light, and Shining Armor now found himself in some sort of movie theater. Except, he was the only one there. Just then, the familiar sound of a film projector starting up, reached his ears. Shining Armor gasped at what he saw on the screen. Somehow, Discord was replaying the moments when he had broken each of Shining Armor's friends.

"Now then, I think I'll begin with how I pealed back the layers of your friends minds." Discord narrated "Oh, they all tried bravely to fight it off at first. You would've been so proud, to see them so strong. You truly are, or I should say were, the best of friends. But alas, all too soon, the chaos and the brainwashing took their toll, and your dear friends began to share such deep secrets with me. And those secrets, are secrets that are mine alone to know Shining Armor. It's true, I know everything there is to know about you. Your thoughts, your beliefes, your wishes, even your fears. And right now, what you fear most is me. Much like the foal that peeks at his Hearth's Warming presents, I must admit that it's rather anti-climatic for lack of a better term."

"Anti-climatic? Why?" Shining Armor asked.

"Isn't it obvious?" Discord replied "I know what you really are. Behind all the stern and drama, you know in your heart that you're not a leader. Heck, if Princess Celestia hadn't practiclly gift wraped your promotion to captain, you would've declined it outright. But there's one thing that you don't do that everyone else does, and that's why they all look to you for advice."

"What are you talking about?" Shining Armor asked.

"You don't break or even bend." Discord explained "That was made obvious during the parasprite infestation in Ponyville all those months ago. Even when your sister Twilight started to lose her grip on reality, you were able to pull yourself together and find a solution to the problem. Naturally, your ability to think calmly and clearly in times of crisis made everyone flock to you. But deep down, you're not okay with that. You know you're not strong, and that you've come close to losing it several times. But you don't have the heart to turn everyone down, so you just go along with the role they assign you. Unfortunately for you, I am not like the other threats you've encountered during your life. With the snap of a finger I can turn the world upside down, and with another snap, I can make it rightside up again."

"I fail to see how that gives you the advantage Discord." Shining Armor said sternly.

"Isn't it obvious?" Discord asked "I have powers that even Celestia herself could only dream of. And with those powers, I don't have to just do battle with you in the physical sense. I can do battle in your mind as well. And unfortunately, you are not as strong as Celestia, or even Luna, so you have don't have the strength to keep me from probing your mind. I know every move you can make, before you even make it. So, why don't you just give up now and make things easier for the both of us?"

Before Shining Armor had a chance to contemplate what Discord had said, a voice called out "Don't listen to him Shining Armor. He will say and do anything to make you believe him. You must resist his lies. You are the only one who can stand up to him. You can't let him win!"

"Hey, this is a private conversation!" Discord said crossly "Who invited you?"

"No one, I invited myself!" the voice replied.

"Who are you?" Shining Armor asked "And are you a friend or an enemy?"

"I can't tell you that right now, not with HIM listening." the voice explained "Let's just say that I have something to gain if Discord does not corrupt you here and now. Good or bad, I refuse to say."

"You had to spoil everything, didn't you?" Discord hissed "Oh well, I suppose there's no harm in sparing you from my boring lectures, Shining Armor. Consider yourself lucky, because I rarely grant such favors." With another flash of light, Shining Armor and Discord returned to the empty space that was once the palace labyrinth.

"If The Elements of Harmony aren't here, then where are they?" Shining Armor asked Discord.

"I could tell you, but where's the fun in that?" Discord replied "It's much more fun to let you figure that out for yourself. However, I will give you this little piece of advice. Perhaps, the so called 'Magic of Friendship' can help you. Now then, if you'll excuse me, I have chaos to reek. We will speak again, I'm sure of it." And with that, Discord vanished.

A second later, pink cotton candy clouds rolled in, and began to unleash their chocolate milk rain.

"Chocolate rain? Man, I hate chocolate rain!" Braeburn snorted.

"Don't any of you think about touching my diamond, you hear me?!" Fancy Pants shouted.

"Who me, I ain't touching it." Big Macintosh lied.

"I'm touching your diamond Fancy Pants." Thunderlane teased "You gonna make something of it?"

"Ugh, I'm sick of this." Shining Armor moped "I just wanna go home." Then, it hit him. "Home! Of course, that's it! Why didn't I think of it before?"

Author's Note:

Discord's dialogue draws inspiration from several sources, including Pegasus from classic Yu-Gi-Oh!, The Contessa from Sly 2: Band of Thieves, and The Joker from Batman Beyond: Return of The Joker

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