• Published 23rd Mar 2014
  • 20,646 Views, 941 Comments

My Little Villains - HiddenUnderACouch

It was supposed to be a normal day in Ponyville. But, as it is known, there are no normal days in Ponyville. Due to Twilight's failed expirement (another one), Fluttershy has to deal with a problem. Three of them, to be exact.

  • ...

How not to be a jerk

It took Chrysalis a few moments and a poke to the side to realize that she was awake. Her eyes were shut, her body was numb and motionless, and her feelings weren’t yet functioning properly.

The rustling of the hay beneath her and the legs wrapped around her made her feel peaceful. Those were the best things to feel when waking up. Struggling with her own body, she managed to lift her eyelids, which were immediately greeted by the soft darkness of the caves. She forced some more efforts from her body and nudged the changeling who hugged her from behind a little. It was so annoying when they did that, but it helped preserve the warmth, at least.

The hay rustled softly when Chrysalis tried to lift herself up and sit down. Blinking away the dizziness, she turned her head to the ceiling and yawned. It was nigh time for breakfast: maybe she could find some delicious roaches while other ‘lings were sleeping — she would get the fattest ones!

A soft crack of wood was enough to disturb her thoughts. Blinking furiously, she slowly turned her head around, trying to find the source, but her muscles ceased to function and her heart skipped a beat when she saw something gleam in the sunlight and bite her eyes, reflected from teeth sharper than razors and bigger than stalactites.

The sound of dripping water, which she had assumed to simply be the spring somewhere above them, in her mind quickly turned into the sound of saliva; dripping from the mouth of a rabid monster. She was close, so very close! And she was hungry!

Chrysalis suddenly realized that she was the only pony in here, aside from the sleeping ‘ling. She didn’t like to eat the sleeping ones. She liked her victim to struggle for a bit. Chrysalis felt shivers throughout her whole body as the crunching of the teeth was getting closer with each passing second.

“No!” she screeched at the top of her lungs…

Chrysalis gasped for air, her heart pounding like an engine, several drops of sweat running down her brow. She looked around, scanning her surroundings for anything that would dare to threaten her, but found nothing more than a broken washbasin dripping water from its bottom. After a deep inhale she realized that, gladly, she wasn’t back home in the caves. She was in a barn, accompanied by a silently snoring filly just to her left.

Chrysalis turned to Apple Bloom and tapped the filly’s cheek. Warm, soft and just begging for a rub, like her whole body. Chrysalis took a deep breath, put both of her hooves on Bloom’s back and started stroking. Nopony would see them, nopony would tell, and this would remain her little secret for all eternity.

Chrysalis couldn’t quite grasp that she had spent the whole night being hugged by a pony. It was so… weird. She was used to groping in the caves, where it was always cold and windy. It wasn’t unusual for the changelings to gather closely to conserve warmth. But this was something different.

Besides, the fact that they were sleeping together just felt too… irky to let go. Chrysalis took a moment to question her own morals before resuming the stroking. The feeling of the fur tickling her hooves was too good to resist. Too tempting.

“Erm, Chrysalis… What’re ya doin’?” Apple Bloom’s voice reached her ears and she immediately jumped back, startled.

“I... I am not doing anything?” Chrysalis looked at Bloom with fake pride and got up, shaking her rump to get rid of the hay that was present everywhere. “I was… trying to wake you up, that’s all.”

“Well, I wasn’t complainin’!” She yawned and stretched out her body, arching her back and letting out such a loud moan Chrysalis had to cover her ears.

“You done?” she asked when Bloom closed her gaping maw and sat down.

“Yep. Let’s check on sis. She might have some work for us to do!” The earth pony filly exclaimed, jumping off the bed and making her way to the doors.

“Yeah… whatever.” Chrysalis trotted after her, ejecting her dismay orally with a current of air. “I’m so excited it’s literally pouring out of my ears.”

“Aw, don’t be like that! We’ll have fun!” Bloom smiled and tried pushing the door, but it didn’t even budge. She tried pushing it a few more times, and even gave it a strong buck, but nothing helped.

“What the hay?! We’re stuck!” Apple Bloom knocked on the door a few times, before proceeding to bang on it furiously.

“Come on now. Aren’t you excited about being stuck in a barn with a pony you’ve just spent the whole night with?” Chrysalis snickered. Bloom slowly turned to her, eyeing the changeling with utmost care.

“Ah, shoot! Ah totally forgot to tell AJ! And now we’re stuck here! Ah’m doomed.”

Realizing the grave situation they were in, Chrysalis approached the door, giggling, wrapped her hoof around the handle and pulled gently, prompting Bloom to back away as the barn door swung inwards to welcome the outside world.

“Do not worry. It’s just that this door does not swing both ways.” Chrysalis stepped outside and took a deep breath of the fresh morning air.

“Oh… Ah totally forgot ‘bout that.” Bloom looked around, taking a deep breath. “Please, AJ, don’t be mad. Please don’t be mad!”

She trotted away hastily, whispering something under her breath, while Chrysalis found a big pile of hay right by the barn entrance and put the weight of her troubles, and body, upon it.

This looked like a pretty nice place to spend the day. Soft, comfortable and a little tickly.

Chrysalis suddenly remembered yesterday’s event, and she started to feel a little… weird. Today, Applejack was bound to give them some work, and, after what happened yesterday, leaving Apple Bloom to work alone seemed kind of horribly evil.

Apple Bloom was like an open book, it was so easy to read her, and Chrysalis knew if she slacked off again, Apple Bloom would bring her cake in the evening. Again. She looked like a pony who would do that, her easily exploitable nature was like that.

Chrysalis’ emotional struggle was disturbed by Apple Bloom herself, who looked a bit happy for a pony who just got scolded, and, in addition to that, was carrying two salad sandwiches, each wrapped in a napkin, and two bottles of juice.

“That’s our breakfast, I suppose?” Chrysalis critically ogled the sandwiches, questioning their origin and the lack of apples in the recipe.

“Yep!” Bloom sat down and hoofed Chrysalis a bottle of juice and a sandwich. “There ya go.”

“Thanks” Chrysalis accepted the food. “So, what was your punishment? Six strikes with a whip? Seven? Or all fifteen?”

“What? No! She forgave me!” Bloom replied with joy. “Though, she did give us plenty o’ work to do. So we gotta get movin’.”

“Yeah… yeah, sure.” Chrysalis replied, finally surrendering to the voice that she rarely listened to - her conscience. She would do a little bit of work, just a tiny bit, to ease her thoughts and make it easier for Apple Bloom to carry on. Just to make that conscience stay quiet. And nothing more.

“Hey, don’t be such a downer!” Apple Bloom exclaimed. “Ah’ve got so much to show you!”

“Like? Apples? Trees? Oh, wait… it’s gonna be… don’t tell me…” Chrysalis held a dramatic pause. “Apple trees! Exquisite! I’ve never seen those before!”

“No-no. Ah’m going to show you that work can be fun!” Apple Bloom said, munching on her sandwich. “Ya’ll be left satisfied, one hundred percent guarantee!”

“And I take it you do not offer refunds?” Chrysalis opened the juice bottle and took a sip.

“What’s a refund?”

“Bah, forget it!” Chrysalis took another sip. “Let’s just finish our breakfast and get to work. We’ll see if your guarantee is any good.”


“Are you being serious? Gathering apples? Again? Is there nothing else you do on this farm?” Chrysalis groaned. “Apples are tasty, yes, but you’re really overdoing it. It’s getting old.”

“Well…” Apple Bloom hummed, picking up a small basket. “Ya did slack off most of the time. That’s why we couldn’t gather them in time.”

“Whatever.” Chrysalis rolled her eyes, looking at the ripe fruits hanging from the branches. They just begged to be eaten. Chryssie licked her lips and sighed deeply before picking up a basket and turning her attention to Apple Bloom.

Chrysalis’ jaw almost fell down when she saw Bloom juggle four apples at once. A silly smile spread across her face, the red tie in her braid and the soft blush across her cheeks made her look like a clown.

“What… are you doing?” Chrysalis blinked a few times, trying to make sure she wasn’t hallucinating. “I don’t think apples are meant for that kind of abuse.”

“Nah, don’t worry, they’ll be fine!” Bloom’s hoof flashed downwards, grabbing yet another apple and adding it into the juggling circle. She let out a giggle, before tossing one apple after another into the basket elegantly.


Chrysalis clapped her hooves a few times. “Well done. You’ve just rewarded these fruits with physical and psychological trauma. Your sister must be proud of you.”

Apple Bloom burst into laughter. “Oh, silly! They’re fruits! They can’t feel a thing.”

“Wh- what? Oh, no! My childhood is ruined!” Chrysalis frowned, puffed up and tried to look sad, which made Apple Bloom laugh even harder.

“Yer so funny!” she managed to eject forcefully between fits of giggles.

“Yeah, I have that effect on ponies,” Chrysalis smiled. Apple Bloom finally calmed down, picked up three more apples and started juggling.

“On three, Ah’m tossing them to ya, and then ya try it!” she exclaimed.

“W-wait, I-I can’t juggle. Like, at all! This is certainly a bad idea. It’s the worst idea ever,” she rambled. “D-don’t. Just… don’t. It will end ba—”


Chrysalis’ heart skipped a beat when the first apple got flung right at her. She staggered for a split second, then extended her hoof and caught the apple, immediately tossing upwards. This happened to the second apple, and the third one as well. Chrysalis gazed at Apple Bloom with a mix of confusion and anger, before all three apples, on their way back down, decided they were terribly in love with her jagged horn and never wanted to part with it again.

Chrysalis felt the sticky juice drip on her nose, while Bloom’s laughter echoed through the orchard.

“Yeah… that’s really funny. Splattering your juices all over my face.” Chrysalis groaned, catching a stray drop of apple juice with her tongue.

“Ah’m gonna teach ya how to juggle.”

“Yeah, sure, whatever strikes your fancy.” The changeling carefully removed all the apples from her horn and proceeded to gobble up each one. After munching on the delicious fruits, she noticed Apple Bloom doing something weird.

She quickly untied her ribbon, letting her mane loose. She shook her head, turning once a long and careful braid into a huge waterfall of hair. Chrysalis took a glance at her own mane, and then back at Bloom’s flowing beautiful goodness and felt jealousy almost choking her.

What was her measly green mane compared to that ocean of red color? One could bathe in Bloom’s hair while Chryssie’s mane would be just a puddle after a storm.

Chrysalis sighed heavily, deciding instead to turn her attention to what Apple Bloom was doing: she found the thinnest tree and carefully attached the basket to it, using the bow tie.

“Err, if you don’t mind me asking: what are you doing this for?”

“It’s a game. Ah call it Basketapple!” Bloom finished the construction and admired it for a bit. “The goal of the game is to throw the apples into the basket from as far as possible. Whoever manages to get the most apples wins!”

“This sounds stupid and childish.” Chrysalis rolled her eyes, almost yawning at such idea. Throwing apples in a basket, what could be more boring? Maybe just collecting them.

“It’s not stupid! It’s fun and addicting! Come on, let’s try it!” Apple Bloom felt mildly offended, but quickly cast those feelings aside in favor of forging new relationships. She picked up an apple and hoofed it to Chrysalis. “Y’go first!”

With an irritated grunt, Chrysalis accepted the apple and prepared to toss it into the basket. There was nothing else to do, she might as well play along.

The fruit rolled several times in its flight and landed firmly inside the basket. Chrysalis needed a full second to realize that she had actually hit the mark. Apple Bloom’s applause irked her at first, but the feeling evaporated when she saw the sincerity in her eyes; it filled her with pride and some kind of warmth. Somepony was genuinely happy for her.

It felt new...

“Well done! That was great, Chrysalis!” Apple Bloom exclaimed. “First try, and you land it!”

“Well… That’s skill, yo!” Chrysalis made a sly grin and assumed an awesome kick-flank pose. Bloom giggled in reply.

“More like beginner’s luck. Lemme show you real skill!”


“Ha! Yes! Yes!” Chrysalis shouted at the top of her lungs, after witnessing the apple-projectile land straight into the basket. “Chrysalis rules, Apple Bloom drools!”

“It ain’t fair! Yer cheating!” Apple Bloom crossed her forelegs on her chest and puffed up. Chrysalis let out a friendly giggle and pulled Bloom in a hug.

“Don’t be a gloomy pony, it doesn’t suit your pretty face!” She laughed, and her new friend brightened up a little, even giggled a few times. “Alright, whose turn it is now?”

The two ponies looked at each other and then at the contraption. It was almost falling apart due to the weight of apples inside of it. Bloom sighed, approached her masterpiece and gently put her head underneath the basket. Chrysalis’ horn sparkled green, untying the red ribbon and letting the basket rest on top of Bloom’s head. She carefully and gracefully carried it to the side, where at least five full baskets were sitting.

“Ahm… Ah think we ran out of baskets.” Apple Bloom scratched her head.

“Did we now? That’s a shame… But, well, we ran out of apples as well.” Chrysalis looked around at the ground, clear of apples.

“Wow, that was so fun!” Apple Bloom said, approaching Chrysalis and dropping on the ground from exhaustion. “This is the most fun Ah’ve ever had with Basketapple!”

“Can’t say I disagree.” Chrysalis replied and collapsed right by Bloom’s side. “That was some legit apple-throwing fun right there.”

Then, when there was nothing more left to say, they simply stared into the sky. It was surprisingly empty.

“Chrysalis, can Ah ask you a question?” Apple Bloom turned over, giggling as the grass tickled her belly.


“Why do y’all changelings need love? Like, do you eat it? And how exactly would ya eat love? Can ya make pies out of love?” Apple Bloom bombarded Chrysalis with questions, pausing only to wonder: “Pie made out of love? What does that taste like?”

“That’s such a silly question, no offense. That’s like asking: why do you need to drink? Or why do you need to eat? It’s natural for us, just like breathing or se—” Chrysalis’ speech was interrupted by a loud yawn. “Sheesh, all these games sure are tiring.”

“Oh, Ah get it now. Thanks for explaining.” Bloom replied. “But how do ya eat love?”

“I- I’d rather not talk about that. My Moth- I mean, the Queen of the hive would just put me in a cocoon, in which I am to sleep, and when I wake up, I’m all fed.”

“Wow… cocoons… What is it like to be in a cocoon?”

“It’s wet. It’s dark. And it’s really tight. Anything else you wanted to know?”

“Nah… Ah guess cocoons aren’t that cool.” Bloom got up and looked at the baskets full of apples. “Maybe we should carry ‘em back home, aye?”

“Most likely. Let’s get to it, then.” Chrysalis clapped her hooves before getting up and flexing her muscles.

Several minutes later, the duo had managed to divide the baskets between each other: three for Chrysalis, who carried one with her magic and the other two on her back, and three for Apple Bloom, who carried everything on her back.

“So many apples! AJ’s gonna give us some extra cake for this!” Apple Bloom said with excitement. Chrysalis looked around, doubting her words. It looked like soon would come the time to find out the truth: whether her earth pony friend was right, or delusional.

Chrysalis hoped for the former, before suddenly, she noticed that which shattered her hope in such a possibility completely: a pony, whom everypony here called Big Mac, carrying two baskets full of apples… while also dragging a big barrow filled with such baskets. Her jaw hit the floor.

So many apples… Too many, compared to what they had managed to gather. Something had to be done, else this big one would get all the cake with extra icing made of their tears on top.

“Psst, Bloom!” Chrysalis carefully put the baskets on the ground and nudged Apple Bloom to attract her attention. “Look over there!”

“Oh, hi, Big Mac!” Apple Bloom waved her hoof at Mac, smiling.

“Mornin’, sis!” Big Mac replied and continued on his merry way. Chrysalis squinted her eyes and moved very close to Bloom’s ear.

“Can you see all these apples? There’s no way we can top that!” she whispered.

“Yep. It’s Big Mac, alright. Ah’m not surprised.”

“Then, you’re probably aware that if Applejack sees all of that, we won’t get any cake whatsoever!” Apple Bloom tilted her head and looked at her companion.

“Where did ya get that idea? Why would AJ leave us without dinner?”

“That’s how it works, dummy. You’ve got to be the best of all to get your share of food… else you don’t get anything. Not zilch. No nothing,” Chrysalis licked her fangs. “So, here’s my idea: you distract him, while I tow away that barrow. Then, we can claim all the apples and all the cake for ourselves!”

Apple Bloom shook her head in denial. “Nu-uh. We’re not going to steal. There’s no reason to! Where’d ya get the idea that the best gets everything? They might get more, yeah, but we’ll not be left without dinner.”

She turned around, sat down, letting the baskets gently slide down on the ground. “We all work towards one common goal here. Every effort matters, and every effort will be rewarded.”

“You mean… One does not have to be perfect to be part of the family? You… don’t separate the weak from the strong?” Chrysalis’ eyes widened and her left eye started to twitch.

“Nu-uh! Nopony does that at all! Instead, the strong help the weak if they need help. That’s what makes us all a family!”

Chrysalis couldn’t believe her ears. Was that dogma that she had lived by for the entirety of her life nothing but an idea, adapted only by the changelings? Did she mean it wasn’t how life worked? Was there another way?

Chrysalis shivered a bit, as if a cold wind suddenly touched her skin. This entire get-along with Apple Bloom had got her much more than an ally in this cruel world. This little earth pony with crimson mane was shattering her perception of the world.

“Nevermind what I said. Let’s get all this done.” Chrysalis grunted, lifted the baskets into the air and continued walking towards the house. Apple Bloom scratched her head a bit, with the question ‘what was that all about’ floating in her mind. Nevertheless, she decided to oblige Chrysalis, picked up her baskets and followed her, hoping to find out more about this strange changeling.

Not that there wasn’t a changeling that wasn’t strange, though.


Applejack took a deep breath and put the knife away, having finished cutting the cake. The kitchen was once again filled with the aroma of fresh bread, the warmth of the working stove and the apple juice still sparkling on her hooves. It all felt so dear.

The dinner was to begin soon, and Applejack quickly put the slices on the dishes and set them on the table. Apple Bloom, Granny, Big Mac, herself — she didn’t forget anypony. Now, to finish off the picture of a welcoming family dinner, she put some fruits in the bowl and carefully placed it in the middle of the table. Just then, the door creaked and Big Mac came in, flexing his neck.

“Oh, Mac! I guess you’re done, right?”

“E-eyup.” The big pony nodded solemnly and inhaled the delicious smell he adored so much.

“Don’t forget to wash yer hooves,” Applejack felt like that phrase would be more accurately attributed to Apple Bloom, but Big Mac responded with a positive ‘e-eyup’ and disappeared from sight for a few moments, before returning with his hooves clean.

“Mac…” Applejack suddenly turned glum. “Do ya think Chrysalis will ever learn?”

“E-eyup.” His answer made her raise an eyebrow.

“Yes? Just like that?”

“We all learn, eventually.” Big Mac replied shortly and sat down at the table, awaiting for other family members. “Yer not exactly a paragon of learnin’ yerself.”

“Ah guess yer right.”

Applejack nodded. How was Big Mac doing it? Whatever he said was simple, and yet thoughtful at the same time. A philosopher to the core.

Applejack trotted towards the exit and just at the right time, since right when she was about to open the door, she was greeted by Apple Bloom’s muzzle, accompanied by Chrysalis. The changeling quickly passed by her, strangely untalkative. Usually, she would be saying at least one quip.

“So, just like usual, Apple Bloom?” Applejack spoke in a calm, quiet voice, expecting a dissatisfied sigh from her little sister, just like usual. However, Bloom responded with a bright smile and a shake of her head.

“If it wasn’t for Chryssie, we wouldn’t have gathered so much apples! Ya wouldn’t believe how good she is at Basketapple! Ah mean, she beat me at first try!” Bloom exploded in a charade of words. “Sis, she’s really not that bad! Ya just need to get to know her a little better; she’s an awesome pony!”

“Y-yeah, right… err… go ahead inside.” Applejack felt the blush bite her cheeks. She definitely hadn’t expected that.

Apple Bloom trotted past Applejack and sat down next to Chrysalis, immediately starting a friendly chat with Big Mac. Chrysalis looked at the slices of cake, sighed deeply and closed her eyes, leaning on the table.

Applejack felt humiliated. It was just this day that she thought Chrysalis would definitely slack off, but bam — now, she seemed like a heartless demon, even to herself. Why, out of all days, did Chrysalis decided to change on this one? Why so sudden?

In any case, there was only one thing left to do. Applejack approached the table and carefully moved her own dish towards Chrysalis. At first, the little changeling looked at her with the silent question: “For real?”. Several seconds later, she turned her sight to the cake, her expression changing to the one of shock and wonder. Apple Bloom displayed a friendly smile.

“Ya deserve it!”

Big Mac looked at Applejack and grinned slyly. She turned away, gritting her teeth from infuriation, amazement and happiness.

Big Mac, the darn philosopher of the Apple family who was also a seer. Applejack felt more and more insignificant with each passing minute.

After Granny Smith arrived, the family started their feast. Applejack watched the slices slowly disappear, keeping a close eye on Chrysalis. She ate slowly, carefully, savoring every bite.

The food well deserved always tasted the best.


Applejack gathered the dirty dishes and dumped them into the sink. Her stomach was rumbling, but she ignored the demands of her belly. Later, once the dishes were done, she would have something tasty.

Suddenly, she felt a soft pat on the back. She quickly turned around and was faced with Apple Bloom and Chrysalis. The earth pony was holding the changeling by her side, smiling, while Chrysalis looked a little displeased.

“Come on, can’t I go have a nap now?” Chrysalis grumbled, but Apple Bloom didn’t respond, and instead spoke to Applejack.

“Sis, can Ah ask you for something?”

“Err… sure. What’s it ‘bout?”

“Can Chrysalis sleep in my room from now on?” Bloom made her most effective begging face, staring at Applejack with her huge eyes. “It’s so lonely and boring in the barn! Pleeease!”

Applejack looked at Chrysalis, who was just as shocked as she was. The changeling was staring at Apple Bloom, her mouth open slightly, and something sparkling in her eyes. Either she was fascinated by the face Bloom made or… she felt something else.

“Well… Ah see no harm in that. Seeing as she’s clearly changing for the better,” Applejack said, much to Apple Bloom’s joy. She jumped in place a few times and then hugged her big sister tightly.

“Thanks! Yer the best big sister ever!”

“Ehehe… Ah’ll bring y’all a mattress.” Applejack smiled, hugging her sister back.

“That’s… a good idea.” Chrysalis tried one of her usual quips, but didn’t manage any cynicism or wicked joy; she just mumbled. Apple Bloom backed away and ran upstairs to prepare her room for a new guest. Applejack was left alone with Chrysalis.

“Is… everything alright?” she approached the changeling who responded with a deep sigh.

“Yes… it’s alright. I just don’t feel like making fun of you…” Chrysalis blinked a few times and rubbed her eyes. “No inspiration… so to say.”

“Ah see…” An awkward pause and silence set in for a moment.


Chrysalis raised her head and looked at Applejack with question.

“Mah sister seems to be quite fond of ya… Ah know it’s in yer nature to betray trust an’ stuff like that…. But please… don’t do that to her, okay?”

Chrysalis looked down again, sighing heavily. Applejack felt ashamed of asking that; she felt like it offended the little changeling. But she was too worried about Bloom’s wellbeing. She couldn’t do anything about it.

“Don’t worry. I won’t,” Chrysalis said in a voice so firm and strong that Applejack did not doubt her even a second. She smiled at the changeling and put her hoof on her shoulder.

“Y’know, if yer havin’ trouble, you can talk to me…. Yer part of our family, after all…”

Another moment of awkward silence. How Applejack hated awkward silences. Anything, but awkward silences.

Finally, Chrysalis looked Applejack straight in the eyes and smiled. She didn’t say anything, just smiled your casual everyday smile… and yet Applejack felt that it was the most honest thing this little changeling had put out so far.

A simple smile. No words were necessary.

Soon, Chrysalis went upstairs to visit Bloom’s room while Applejack continued her daily routine. Though, she couldn’t stop thinking about one thing: the promise she made to Fluttershy was being accomplished, step by step, but not by her. Applejack’s stern methods only served as a background for Apple Bloom, the real hero of this drama. Her little sister had outshone her, and because of that, Applejack felt nothing but pride for her.

“Well done, Bloomie,” she whispered while scrubbing the dishes. “Well done.