• Published 23rd Mar 2014
  • 20,646 Views, 941 Comments

My Little Villains - HiddenUnderACouch

It was supposed to be a normal day in Ponyville. But, as it is known, there are no normal days in Ponyville. Due to Twilight's failed expirement (another one), Fluttershy has to deal with a problem. Three of them, to be exact.

  • ...

Evil Has Waffles!

“I don’t understand,” Sombra’s pensive voice startled Fluttershy a little bit, “Why do ponies eat only plants?”

“No, deary, that’s not the only thing we eat. We eat honey, we drink milk. Butter, cheese - all that is made by animals.” Fluttershy bit her lip, concentrating her mind on sorting the salad leaves.

“But we don’t eat animals — why?”

The question almost made her jump. She had always considered animals her friends. She heard of ponies that practiced meat eating, and, to her, that seemed deeply barbaric. Animals were friends, not food!

“Because it’s not right!” Fluttershy replied, trying not to let her inner struggle show. Sombra was just very young; it was logical for a foal to ask questions at his age. Nothing out of the ordinary. “Animals are living beings, and hurting a living being for a selfish reason is not right.”

“But… some animals eat other animals. Does that mean they’re selfish?”

“N—” Flutters started to reply strictly, but trailed off once his argument reached her. “G-good point, Sombra… Good point.”

“So, what should we do, mommy? Can’t we eat anything?”

“Sombra, we absolutely do need to eat, and there is nothing wrong with us eating plants. But please, do keep in mind: when you pick a flower, think about its feelings.” Fluttershy wanted to get back to sorting the salad leaves, but couldn’t help picking Sombra up from her head and kissing him on the cheek. “You’re such a clever and kind foal. I’m so proud of you!”

“Thank you, mommy! Now, can I go back to being a hat?” Sombra looked at Fluttershy with all the depths of his eyes. Such depths that Fluttershy, despite her neck feeling tired after carrying Sombra on her head for half of the day, durst not refuse.

“Sure, sweetie,” she said and put him back on her head. Sombra quickly set himself up in her head and burrowed his muzzle in her pink mane. “Though, could you pause being a hat in a few moments and tell Moonie that dinner is ready?”

“I can,” Sombra replied. “What shall we have today?”

Fluttershy pointed at the bowl full of a delicious salad she prepared, making Sombra almost squeal with excitement. He jumped off her head and ran outside, eager to get Moonie to dinner. The little colt surely had a gigantic appetite.

Fluttershy dropped a few more leaves into the bowl and put it on the table, sighing with satisfaction. The two little troublemakers certainly were a challenge to handle, but she enjoyed it greatly. Moonie and Sombra playing together, running around in the yard, chasing butterflies or being chased by Angel; it all soothed her soul and mind.

“‘Tis a delight to my ears and stomach, truly!” Nightmare Moon jumped into the room, unzipping her hoodie and throwing it on the couch. “Dinner is the best thing ever concieved by pony mind!”

“Oh, Moonie, you say that every time you skip breakfast.” Fluttershy giggled at the alicorn, who pouted in reply.

“I am not fond of peanut butter jelly. ‘Tis a fact, and I beg of thee to accept it. I just do not like peanut butter jelly.”

“But it was delicious!” Sombra exclaimed, earning an angry glance from Nightmare Moon.

“It might be, but it would ruin my figure!” Moonie gasped. “Canst thou imagine what it is like to be fat?! It’s not ladylike!”

Fluttershy stiffled a giggle. Nightmare Moon and Rarity would get along so well. All Moonie was missing was a passion for fashion and they would seem like exact copies of each other. Though, what would a creature of darkness and nightmares know about fashion?

The dinner was at its peak, and Fluttershy was about to open the bottle of juice to share with the foals, when she noticed Sombra staring at the bottom of his glass sullenly.

Sombra leaned on the table and gave his glass a bit of a push as Fluttershy was pouring juice into it. He enjoyed spending time with his new mother, and Nightmare Moon, whom he considered a sister. But he really, truly felt, that for all the great moments he had so far, there should be not two observers, but three.

“I wonder how Chrysalis is doing,” Sombra suddenly spoke up, picking up his glass and looking into the liquid. “I hope she is okay.”

“Sheesh! I hope that evil bully is having the worst time of her life!” Nightmare Moon took a sip from her glass. “Ponies like her need manners beat into them instead of taught!”

“Do not worry, Sombra, Applejack is taking good care of Chrysalis.” Fluttershy said in a rather surprised tone. “Though, why are you asking? It has not been that long, only a week and a half.”

“I still miss her… She was fun.”

“Fun? Thy definition of ‘fun’ is quite nebulous, my friend. There was nothing fun in what Chrysalis was doing. That pony is an evil monster!”

“I know you’re worried about her, Sombra, but it had to be done. She put Moonie in great danger!” Fluttershy leaned closer to Sombra. “She did a very bad thing, something that nopony should ever, ever do.”

“I know… but I really miss her.” Sombra sighed heavily, taking a tiny sip of his juice.

“Bwah, ridiculous!” Nightmare Moon pouted. “There’s nothing missable about her, and yet thou still missest her. Thou art an enigma, Sombra. Thy mind is convoluted beyond belief.”

Fluttershy leaned back. Of course, Applejack kept in touch with her, reporting about every little thing that happened with Chrysalis at the farm, but she hadn’t seen the changeling ever since Fluttershy put her in AJ’s care, and so far, the news hadn’t been great.

“Sombra… would you like to see Chryssie once more?” she pondered, and the colt brightened up and started smiling.

“Oh, I would! But how?”

“Well, we can pay her a visit. Today!”

The sound of a joyfull “Yoo-hoo” and a dissatisfied, angry “No!” filled the room. The usually peaceful dinner was now completely ruined.

“Visit her? Nonsense! That is complete and utter rubbish! I am not going. No! Never! Not in a million infinities times infinity!”

“Come on, Moonie! I am sure she changed, and she would apologize to you!”

“Apologize? Chrysalis would never apologize! Her brutish nature rejects the word ‘apology’ as if it’d be toxic!”

Fluttershy was confused on what to do. This argument was very minor, and yet she had never seen the kids fight about anything. There was nopony nearby to ask for advice. She could only depend on her own decision that she had to make herself.

Being an adult was so scary.

“Children, don’t fight…” she mumbled, the two ponies turning quiet. “Moonie, you really should go see Chrysalis. Maybe... maybe she really changed.”

“No, she did not!” Moonie crossed her hooves.

“But if you don’t visit her, how can you be sure?” Sombra argued, which made Nightmare Moon look around in confusion, unable to answer such a simple question.

“Alright, I concede to you, fine.” Nightmare Moon finally surrendered. “I shall visit the prison of the angry evil pony. But if she has not changed, do not be surprised when I tell ye all ‘I told you so!’”

Fluttershy nodded in joy. “Good! So, let us finish our dinner, and then we’ll visit Chrysalis!” Nightmare Moon replied with a stiffled grunt while Sombra clapped his hooves with delight. He seemed to be very eager to see Chrysalis, despite all the trouble she had caused even to him.

Truth be told, Fluttershy didn’t know how to feel about the idea of visiting Chrysalis. Even though what Chrysalis did was horrible, she didn’t feel any anger towards her anymore, only hope that she had abandoned her terrible ways. But at the same time, beside hope, fear was resting in her mind: what if she had not changed? What if she’d gotten even worse? It was highly unlikely, but it was still possible.

Fluttershy took a deep breath and remembered all her adventures and what they’d taught her. It was okay to feel fear, but not in a single instance was she allowed to fall under its control. She would go and visit Chrysalis — of that, she was absolutely positive.

What she would see when she’d actaully arrive was another matter entirely. How she would handle that matter was also up to a debate. Panic was definitely an option. The most likely option.


Sweet Apple Acres. While it might not be the most beautiful side of Ponyville, it was definitely the most refreshing and energizing part. The smell of fresh apples and grass floated in the air twenty four hours a day, filling you with vigor for the whole upcoming day.

The same thing happened to Sombra, who, after feeling the new unfamiliar smell fill his nostrils, started jumping around Fluttershy, humming some playful tunes. He got so excited that, for the lack of a better mane to chew, he started chasing his own tail, eager to find out how it tasted.

Fluttershy noticed a few fat, red apples, hanging right above her head. She felt grumbling in her stomach and her gums itched a bit. She stopped for a split second to admire the apples and slowly licked her lips, several drops of her spit dripping on the grass.

No! Not again! Not anymore! she angrily berated herself in her mind, swiped away the saliva and shook her head, driving the thoughts of sinking her teeth into the apples away. After that, she took another brief moment to breathe in and continued on her way towards Applejack’s farm.

“Would this be where Chrysalis is being held captive?” Nightmare Moon asked when the Apples’ humble farmhouse appeared in her line of sight. “But… where are the guards? Where are the dragons? Where is the giant, unclimbable mountain?”

“Putting ponies in giant, unclimbable mountains is mean!” Sombra exclaimed, taking offense to the notion that Moonie wanted Chrysalis to be imprisoned in such an evil way.

“Oh, I beg thy pardon, for I was wrong. It shouldn’t be a giant, unclimbable mountain. It should be a giant, unclimbable mountain on another planet! Or in the depths of the void!” Nightmare Moon huffed, still feeling humiliated.

Fluttershy said nothing, unsure that anything that she would say right now would help change Moonie’s mind. Hopefully, Chrysalis would show just a tiny bit of decency after spending week and a half at Applejack’s.

Before Fluttershy could rap on the door, she paused for a moment. She wondered if it was a good idea to show up in front of the whole Apple family along with her little foals. She looked around at the two.

They weren’t different from normal foals at all. Fully dressed, Nightmare Moon looked no different from anypony — except the fact that she was dressed, of course. Sombra was just a normal unicorn. His curved red horn and his and Moonie’s slitted irises could be passed off as birth defects.

The more Fluttershy thought about it, the more crazy ideas she got. With proper preparations and some explanation, she could even walk around Ponyville with her little friends! Maybe even take them to school!

“Why art thou leering at us like that?” Nightmare Moon tilted her head, snapping Fluttershy out of her dreams. She quickly turned back to the door and knocked, blushing heavily. Seriously, what was wrong with her? Sending a cruel monarch, a spawn of darkness, and a queen of a species that feast on love to school — ridiculous! Stupid, stupid Fluttershy!

Applejack opened the door, and her expression quickly changed to that of happiness and excitement. She stepped out of the house and closed the door behind her.

“Ah’m so glad ya came, Fluttershy! Ah’ve got some great news fer ya—” she stopped mid-breath when she noticed Sombra waving at her.

“Hello!” He smiled at her and she was forced to return it.

“Why did ya bring them here?” she whispered into Fluttershy’s ear, waving hello at Sombra and grinning forcibly. “Ah had trouble explainin’ to mah family ‘bout one changeling, and ya bring the rest o’ the crew?”

“B-but Applejack…”

“Besides, somepony could have seen ya on the way here!”

“Nopony has seen us… I think.” Fluttershy felt a little discouraged by such a greeting and Applejack replied with a deep sigh, finally dropping that creepy smile.

“Let’s go inside. Big Mac is working right now, and Granny Smith is having her after-dinner nap. We can talk safely inside.”


“Woooow!” Sombra’s jaw almost fell when the whole spectre of delicious smells invaded his nose. “Can… can you feel it too?”

“Y-yes… I can.” Nightmare Moon said, licking her lips. Together, they followed the delicious trail, leading them to the closed oven.

Inside, a freshly baked cake was waiting, tempting them, calling upon them to sink their teeth into it, devour it with no mercy. They sat down on their hauches in front of the oven and just stared at the baked delight.

“Ya better take a seat, ‘Shy,” Applejack poured some juice into a glass and put it on the table, “cause otherwise you’ll fall.”

Fluttershy decided to heed her friend’s words and took a seat. Applejack poured another cup of juice and hoofed it to Fluttershy.

“Ah think Chrysalis is finally changin’... He-he-he, changin’...”

“Are you sure? What happened?” Fluttershy put the glass on the table and focused her attention entirely on Applejack.

As Applejack was telling the story, Fluttershy felt a smile creep onto her face. She simply couldn’t believe it — Apple Bloom and Chrysalis became friends! If Chrysalis was capable of making friends, that meant she wasn’t evil! It meant that the ice in her heart was finally melting! It meant that she could take her back!

“Can I talk to her? Please, let me talk to her! Oh, this is so great! I knew you could do it! I knew it!” Fluttershy clapped her hooves. “What a clever idea, to get her and Apple Bloom to be friends! You’re a genius!”

“Actually, they became friends on their own.” Applejack scratched the back of her head. “It was never part o’ the plan.”

Fluttershy’s eyes turned round, and she barely resisted squeeing as loud as possible. That was even better than expected! Not only did it mean that Chrysalis now had a friend, but it also meant that she was capable of doing so by herself!

“That’s even better! I need to talk to her, right now!” Fluttershy exclaimed. Applejack finished her drink and stood up.

“She should be in Apple Bloom’s room right now. She said she had a headache or somethin’.”

“Don’t go anywhere, kids! I’ll be back!” Fluttershy said. However, she didn’t need to worry: the baked delight was enough to hold Sombra’s and Moon’s attention till the end of eternity.

“Apple Bloom! Open the door! Fluttershy wants to visit!” Applejack proclaimed loudly, after finding out that the door was locked. Soon, the door opened slowly and Apple Bloom leaned out and put her hoof to her lips.

“Shh! Keep quiet, please. Chryss is having the mother of all headaches,” she whispered, which made Fluttershy to explode into a barrage of quiet questions.

“What happened? Is she okay? Have you checked her temperature? Ha—”

“Fine, we’ll be quiet.” Applejack interrupted Fluttershy, and Apple Bloom took a step back, letting them enter.

Chrysalis was peacefully napping in Bloom’s bed, her head resting on the pillow and her body wrapped in the blanket. On occassion, she would twitch a little and turn around, but other than that, she was motionless.

“Bloom, was she sleeping in yer bed last night?” Applejack raised an eyebrow, while Apple Bloom’s cheeks blossomed fiery red.

“N-no…” Apple Bloom crossed her hooves and looked away.

While Applejack and Apple Bloom were arguing about their family matters, Fluttershy approached the sleeping changeling and sat down by her side. She was tempted to wake her up and find out just what kinds of effects Applejack’s farm had on her, but she looked so peaceful.

Fluttershy didn’t get to ponder that long as Chrysalis woke up on her own probably because of the bickering Applejack and Apple Bloom were emitting.

“So, she did sleep in yer bed?”

“Ah never said she did… but Ah never said she didn’t either… It’s, uh, possible that she did… but that’s not the case…” Apple Bloom blushed even harder.

“Oh… Hello, Fluttershy. You’re not a hallucination or an after-dream glitch, right?” Chrysalis yawned and flexed her neck a bit.

“Good morning! Are you okay? How are you feeling? How’s your head? Do you need anything?” The endless flood of questions made the changeling roll her eyes. Chrysalis let Fluttershy express her worry for a few minutes, before she finally stopped talking.

“No, thank you. I just felt sleepy, that’s all. And—” She stopped for a moment and took a deep breath, mentally preparing herself to say something she had never said before, and hopefully, would never need to say in the future. “—I wanted to say something… face to face.”

Fluttershy turned around to see Applejack and Apple Bloom too engaged in a conversation between each other, Apple Bloom desperately trying to explain the metaphysical concept of Chrysalis sleeping and not sleeping in her bed at the same time.

“Nevermind, then.” Chrysalis chuckled, but her face turned serious seconds later. “So… I wanted to say that… I’m sorry.”

Chrysalis paused for a moment, and, when no negative reaction from Fluttershy followed, she continued her speech.

“I know I’ve been a real thorn in your behind, going as far as to hurt you, and, let’s be fair, I did everything I could to make your life a living hell. Yeah… But, I think I… might have been wrong about you. So, I’m sorry.”

Fluttershy didn’t say anything, and instead just hugged the little changeling, much to her displeasure.

“Hey, I said I’m sorry! Why are you strangling me?!”

“I’m not strangling you. It’s called a hug. It’s when two ponies…”

“I know what a hug is, just stop doing it!” However, Fluttershy kept hugging her for a few minutes. Chrysalis tried to push her away, but her hooves drowned in the sheer softness that was her fur.

Fluttershy finally backed away, smiling.

“You’re so soft…” Chrysalis paused, before blushing hard. “I mean, eww, you’re so soft! Yuck!”

“I’m so glad that you have learned your lesson. Now, we can go home all together!”

“Oh… yeah…. home. Okay, then. Just… give me a minute, and we’ll go,” Chrysalis tried to hide sadness in her voice and slowly got up. Going back to the cottage didn’t seem all that bad now, except for Nightmare Moon, who would still hate her guts, which meant even more apologizing.

Leaving Apple Bloom behind was the worst, though. Out of all ponies, she was the best one. Without her, life would get so much more grey.

Fluttershy approached Applejack from behind and tapped her shoulder, trying to distract her from arguing with Apple Bloom.

“Uh, Applejack…”

“What is it, sugarcube?”

“I wanted to thank you for your help. Without you, I don’t know what would have happened.” She blushed. “Now, I won’t trouble you any longer and take Chrysalis back.”

“What?! Why?!” Apple Bloom leaned over Applejack, her huge eyes wide open and already sad. “D’ya absolutely, one hundred percent have to?”

Chrysalis slowly approached, and sat down by Fluttershy’s side.

“Bye, Bloom. I’ll miss our totally platonic cuddles—” Chrysalis sighed heavily, while Bloom blushed even harder. “—and applebasket as well.”

Fluttershy and Applejack looked each other in the eyes and nodded.

“I think it would be alright if Chrysalis could come here from time to time. I hope you’re okay with that, Applejack.”

“O’course Ah’m okay with that. We shouldn’t stop a blooming friendship.” Applejack said, prompting Apple Bloom to hang on her neck like a tie, muttering ‘Thank you!’ after ‘Thank you!’ in rapid succession.

Chrysalis expressed no such feelings, but Fluttershy still could tell that she was incredibely grateful by the smile she gave to her. Though, to be honest, Chrysalis’ fangs made the smile look a little creepy — like she was staring at her future dinner.

“Come on, Chryssie. Somepony downstairs is waiting for you.” Fluttershy said, unsure if calling Chrysalis ‘Chryssie’ would entice her to smother her in her sleep. Hopefully, all issues between them were settled, and they had no hard feelings against each other anymore. Fluttershy certainly didn’t.

But there was still a problem. A big problem.


“This is unacceptable! Inconcievable!” Nightmare Moon swiped away the remains of the drool from her lips and continued complaining. “No! No, no and no!”

“Chryssie!” Sombra sung and tackled Chrysalis, grabbing her in a tight hug, squeezing her so hard she uttered a squeak. “I’m so glad to see you’re okay!”

“I… I think I can hear my ribs cracking…” Chrysalis coughed a bit before Sombra finally let go of her. “Glad to see you too. And you as well, Moonbutt.”

“If thou call me Moonbutt once more, I shall smite thee on the cheek with the back of my right hoof!” Moon huffen and turned away.

Fluttershy sighed heavily, and looked at the small puddle of drool Moonie and Sombra had left near the oven, having stared at that cake for over ten minutes straight. Perhaps she should ask Applejack to give her that cake; maybe it would soothen Nightmare’s anger.

“Listen, Moon, I’m not in the mood for witty remarks right now, okay?” Chrysalis gently pushed Sombra away from herself, who was far too eager to lick her face. “Maybe later.”

“Remarks?! Oh, I shall show thee remarks, thou evil savage! Umm… Err…” Moonie paused for a moment to come up with something truly creative. Eventually, her eyes brightened up, and she even stuck the tip of her tongue, meaning she came up with something truly outrageous.

“Moon, seriously, I don’t—” Chrysalis barely opened her mouth when her speech was completely overtaken by Moon’s royal pronounciation.

“I wish not to talk to thee anymore, thou empty headed animal! I blow dust off my coat in thy general direction. Thy countenance is uglier than a thousand nightmares that fought in a ferocious battle to determine who is the ugliest of them all, and your mother was a cabbage!” To top off her incredibly mature and offensive insult, she slammed her tiny hoof into the ground and turned away from Chrysalis, showing her scorn, anger and indignance in one simply gesture. “Now, go back to your apple-sugared prison, or I shall taunt a second time!”

Sombra silently put his hoof to his lips, shocked by the sheer amount of imagination and anger Nightmare Moon put into that insult. He slowly shifted his eyes to Chrysalis, to see if she would react poorly. He was ready to jump between her and Moonie, to prevent a fight. He was ready to do anything to make them stop hating each other.

“Mhmm.” Chrysalis replied and slowly trotted to the exit. Nightmare’s jaw almost dropped. How? She just put out the worst insult of all, and Chrysalis didn’t even blink!

“I… umm… We’ll talk about this at home.” Fluttershy decided to deal with this issue as soon as they would arrive home. “Let’s go, children. We’re going home.”

Nightmare Moon followed Chrysalis to the door, and so did Fluttershy, but Sombra stayed behind for a moment. Besides Applejack, he noticed a shifty figure hiding near her. Soon, the figure came out of the shadows and he saw a small pony, as small as him, Chrysalis and Moonie, but much different.

Sombra felt intrigued by this new filly, so he quickly trotted towards her and sat down on his hauches near her. She carefully shifted her sight at him and their eyes met.

“Err… hi,” she said in a rather confused voice. Sombra didn’t say anything and only tilted his head, his glance drilling deep into her psyche.

“Hi… umm…. what’s yer name?” Apple Bloom asked, and finally, Sombra showed signs of life: he carefully extended his hoof forward and touched her bowtie several times.

“Who are you,” he said clearly, “and why are you in this pony’s mane?”

“Ehm, that’s mah bow tie… and it doesn’t talk, sadly.” She carefully fixed it back in its usual position.

“Oh… I see…” Sombra put his hoof back on the floor and looked at Apple Bloom. A short but awkward pause followed.

“Sombra! Come on, hurry up!” Fluttershy called upon the foal, and he obeyed, but before going, he smiled gently at Bloom.

“Goodbye. I hope I’ll see you again, bow tie pony.” He quickly trotted away, chasing after Fluttershy and the others.

“Ehm, bye…” Apple Bloom tapped her chin. “Wait… Sombra?”

Immediately upon saying those words, she looked at Applejack, who was doing the same contrariwise. An awkward silence claimed dominion in the house of the Apples.

“It’s a long story.” Applejack finally spoke up. “Ah’ll tell ya after dinner.”


Oh, home sweet home. You could walk a thousand miles, see the most beautiful places in Equestria, and yet, nothing could replace the feeling of homecoming.

Fluttershy pondered quite often why she felt this way every time she came back home, even if she was absent for only a short amount of time. It might seem like a small thing, but feeling like you had been absent for a millenia after coming back from a shop felt beyond embarassing.

Chrysalis sat down in the centre of the room, looked around and yawned loudly. Several birds who were peeping through the windows lost all colour and barely escaped when they saw her monstrous maw which looked a bit like a huge abysm with teeth.

“Fine, fine! I may allow thee to sleep in the same universe as I am, but thou shalt sleep far away from me, In the basement, most likely.” Moonie, who refused to settle down no matter what Fluttershy said to her, approached Chrysalis and looked at her with scorn.

“Whatever, rapper-master. As long as I get to sleep now, I’m fine even with a relatively soft filly.” Chrysalis yawned once more. Nightmare Moon looked at her with her eyes as round as saucers. It wasn’t the fact that Chrysalis was going to sleep with some ‘filly’, no. Moon knew exactly what Chryssie preffered as an appetizer. It was the strange word she called her.

“A… rapper? Excuse me, but nopony had insulted me in such a strange manner before! I don’t produce rapping noises!”

“It’s not an insult, you dummy… What, you don’t know what a rapper is?” Moonie shook her head. “Seriously? Urgh, fine. Let me show you how it’s done.”

Chrysalis slid closer to Moonie, grabbed her by the forelegs and crossed them together.

“That’s your main stance. You’re gonna be assuming this position most of the time. Now, the rap.” She then started moving Moonie’s hooves up and down, while singing with a strange fake accent.

“Go go go go go go go Moonie, it's yo’ birthday.

We gon' party like it's yo’ birthday.

We gon’ sip Bacardi like it’s yo’ birthday...” She closed her eyes, dancing to the beat of the music that was playing in her head.

“B-but it’s not my birthday today… and what’s a ‘Bacardi’?”

“Silence, Moon, don’t kill the beat! Hum-hum…” Chrysalis mumbled some words before resuming.

“My flow, my show brought me the dough.

That bought me all my fancy things.” She obviously was skipping most of the verse, since her memory was failing and she couldn’t remember the words of that funky song she heard once.

“W-what dough? What say’st thou? Which fancy things?” Moonie kept pestering Chrysalis, and finally, she gave up.

“Argh, I’m done! You killed the beat. You ruined it! No cookies for you!” She threw her hooves into the air and left Moonie alone. “You’re the worst rapper in the world, Moon.”

Nightmare Moon stayed silent, watching quietly as Chrysalis limped towards the couch. Sombra approached her, sat down beside her and smiled.

“Dough is what cookies are made of! Which means, fancy things are cakes!” he exclaimed. “It’s easy!”

“B-but what’s a rapper?” This question made Sombra hum for a moment, before his mouth widened in a smile.

“If it has somethign to do with dough, and fancy stuff, which is cookies, that means a rapper is a baker!” he concluded, solving the mystery of the century. Nightmare Moon tapped her chin, connecting all the little details together, and deduced that Sombra was actually correct.

Fluttershy, however, was not exactly fazed by the notion that Chrysalis knew what rap was, even though she herself didn’t. She was far more concerned with Chrysalis’ wellbeing - the way she spoke and the way she limped the whole way made her worry greatly. But first things first.

“Kids, I think it would be a good idea if you went outside and played a little.” She approached the two foals. Nightmare Moon immediately nodded to that remark, while Sombra didn’t look too enthusiastic.

“Chryssie is very tired, she needs to rest.” Fluttershy wrapped her hoof around Sombra and pulled him closer. “Come on, dear.”

Sombra wanted to protest, but Fluttershy’s gentle smile and big eyes were able to break even his childish rebel spirit. He nodded several times, and then followed Nightmare Moon outside.

Fluttershy carefully approached the couch, where Chrysalis had nested, and leaned over it. The little changeling was already curling in a ball on the pillow, and it seemed incredibly evil to disturb her, but Fluttershy felt that she had to do it.

“Chrysalis, are you feeling well?” Chryssie twitched a little before turning her face to Fluttershy and opening her eyes.

“No, I’m just tired,” she mumbled, while Fluttershy felt her wings shiver at the sigh of Chrysalis’ eyes. They looked swollen and red, like she hadn’t slept for countless days. Maybe she had insomnia at Applejack’s farm… or maybe…

“Chryssie, Applejack didn’t do anything bad to you, did she?” Fluttershy walked around the couch and climbed it, sitting down near Chrysalis. “Like, wake you up at late night to work?”

“Wha- No, no, she did nothing like that,” she yawned loudly, before continuing. “Relax, your pretty, yellow head, I’m perfectly fine. Just give me a moment to catch some z’s, and it should do it.”

Fluttershy nodded nervously. Maybe she really worried too much, and Chrysalis was perfectly fine, but her inner voice was telling her that something was off… very off.

“Do you want a blanket? I could get you one. A pink, puffy one if you want.”

“Mhmm, if only you could get me a filly pillow, then that would be totally rad,” Chrysalis burrowed her muzzle in the softness of the couch pillow and tried to fall asleep. For a moment, she even felt her mind drifting in the viscous weightlessness of the dream, but then got rudely pulled back into the land of the sleepless. The sounds of hoofsteps irritated her enough for her to open her eyes.

“What in the—” Her sentence was over, never to be accomplished, as the sight of Fluttershy holding a rather heavy plushie. The plushie looked like a pony, an alicorn, rather, with white coat and mane that reminded Chrysalis of sherbet. But the most interesting thing about it was the cutie mark on its behind: a sun.

“Umm… I don’t have a filly pillow, but I have this plushie. Will it do?” Fluttershy blushed as if she had just shared some naughty secret.

“Oh… this one will do… Who is it?”

“It’s Celestia. She’s the princess of the sun…” Fluttershy stuttered a bit, wondering if she should tell Chrysalis about Celestia.

“Looks kind of like Nightmare Moon. Hmm… Is she, like, anti-Nightmare Moon?”

“Umm… yes?” That question confused Fluttershy even more, but her uncertainty didn’t seem to have any effect on Chrysalis.

“In that case, I love her already. Gimme that!” she said, and Fluttershy carefully hoofed Celestia over to her. Chrysalis placed the plushie underneath her head and nuzzled the soft belly with her cheek.

“Mmm, comfy!” she exclaimed, grabbing the plushie tighter and burrowing her face in its fur.

Fluttershy watched as Chrysalis cuddled the plushie some more and then finally fell asleep. Part of her — the most childish and silly part — was a bit sore about giving Chrysalis her most treasured toy.

This big, fluffy Celestia plushie was her most loyal cuddle buddy: her father had bought it for her at a fair one day, and each night, whenever her parents had to leave for some reason, Fluttershy would grab Celestia, or Celly, as she used to call her, and hug her very, very tightly. She could feel the living warmth coming from this inanimate object, and quiet inspirational words being whispered into her young ears from Celly’s mouth. She had passed her exams after consulting with this plushie, and now, her Celly was being held by little Chrysalis.

Fluttershy drived away the jelousy and childish anger with ease, for a much more pleasing feeling replaced it: she felt glad, glad that her old toy was now dear to somepony else.

Fluttershy carefully leaned closer to Chrysalis and planted a small, swift kiss on her forehead. The weird feeling of lips touching chitinous skin made her shudder, but before she could even compare it to anything else…

“Sorry for ruining your moment, but could you please stop salivating all over my forehead?” Fluttershy quickly backed away, her cheeks aflame, realizing that she’d kissed her a bit too sloppily. “Thanks.”

Fluttershy sighed and gave Chrysalis a goodnight pat on the head. She still didn’t know whether she was ill or not. It would probably be wise to grab a thermometer and some medicine, and then get to it when she woke up, but Fluttershy still had so much to do.

But, the needs of the little ponies were most important, so she ran upstairs to get her first aid kit.

She only had to make a single step towards Chrysalis when somepony knocked on the door. Fluttershy put the medkit away and immediately felt shivers running down her spine. What if it was Rainbow? Or Rarity? Or, Celestia almighty, Pinkie? There were dozens of situations where it could go wrong. Reluctanctly, she approached the door and took a carefuly peep outside.

“It’s me, Fluttershy, don’t worry.” Fluttershy let out a sigh of relief at the sound of Twilight’s voice. She took a step back and let her inside.

“I’ve got plenty of news… Mostly bad news…. Ah, let’s not kid ourselves — I’ve got a whole array of horrible news,” Twilight grumbled after Fluttershy closed the door behind her. “The world is coming to an end. It’s the apocalypse. It’s Ragnarök!”

“Please, Twilight, calm down,” Fluttershy felt startled by her friend’s negative attitude, and how much more negative it would become if she told her that now more than two ponies knew about the existence of the villains. It was this moment when Fluttershy thought that asking Applejack for help might have been the wrong choice.

“I can’t calm down! I can’t! Not after this!” Twilight grit her teeth and growled silently, before finally letting go of her anger. She sighed heavily and leaned on the wall.

“I’m not going to sugarcoat it — things are pretty grim. After all calculations and research, I managed to figure out what a counterspell would need to do.” Twilight paused for a moment and then trotted to kitchen. “Fluttershy, do you mind if I have some water?”

“Oh, Twilight, I’ll make you some tea instead!” Fluttershy exclaimed and got to work, while Twiligth sat down at the table.

“I don’t know how to say it… so I’ll be blunt: it’s going to take months until I figure out how to reverse everything… maybe even longer!” Twilight took a deep breath and closed her eyes. “I’m sorry, Fluttershy, but I’m afraid they’ll have to live at your place for… quite a while.”

Fluttershy swallowed nervously upon hearing those words. She didn’t know why, but she felt both saddened and happy at the same time. Why was she sad? Why was she happy? She couldn’t tell. And it was scaring her.

“Quite a-a while? How long would t-that be?” She felt a shiver run down her spine and she almost dropped her cup full of tea.

“I can’t say,” Twilight rubbed her temples. “But it’ll be a long time before it is ready… I hope they’re not causing you much trouble. If anything, I always have my magical cage ready.”

“No, no, no need for that!” Fluttershy put the cup on the table and Twilight gently grabbed it with her magic, uttered a quiet ‘thanks’ and took a sip. “I’m doing quite well… They’re not that bad.”

“Thank Celestia. At least somewhere it’s going good.” Twilight took another sip, and then got up, holding the cup aloft with her magic. “If there’s anything wrong, ask me. I’ll provide you with everything necessary.”

While passing by the couch, she noticed Chrysalis, who was fast asleep, her muzzle buried in the plushie’s bright mane. Twilight froze in place, staring at Chrysalis with a shade of shock on her face.

“For a moment I thought it was real Celestia,” Twilight sighed with relief. “She’ll banish me to the sun if she’d find out.”

“B-but… the sun would burn you…”

“That’s the general idea.” Twilight approached Chrysalis and hummed. “She looks… strangely calm.”

“I think she’s ill… She’s been very inactive lately… and went to bed early, as you can see.” Fluttershy approached the couch and looked at Chrysalis. “I’m a bit worried.”

“Yeah, we can’t have them go ill. There’s no telling what will happen to the universe and the world itself if something bad happens to them.” Fluttershy felt a bit terrified at how cold Twilight sounded.

Chrysalis twitched a little when Twilight touched her side. “P-please, don’t wake her up…” Fluttershy murmured, but Twilight paid no attention to her mumbles and held Chrysalis still with one hoof, while carefully opening her mouth with another.

“W-what are you doing?” Fluttershy turned pale and was about to gently push Twilight away from Chrysalis, when the inevitable happened, and the little changeling woke up.

“Gugh… wha… waaah…” Chrysalis opened her swollen eyes and stared at Twilight. “Bad touch. Bad touch!”

“Stay still, I need to examine you! It’ll only take a minute.” Twilight grumbled, but Chrysalis continued to resist, swinging her hooves at her slowly and weakly.

“‘Shy, help me out here! Just keep her still for a few moments!” Fluttershy quickly approached Chrysalis and started stroking her head, hushing quietly at her. Then, she started humming a relaxing song, and Chrysalis ceased her resistance as if the song had hypnotized her.

Twilight inspected Chrysalis’ body, mostly concentrating on her eyes and mouth, murmuring some sciency stuff while Fluttershy kept the changeling docile. Her horn sparkled brightly, as the cup of tea landed on the table, so she could focus all her attention on Chrysalis.

“Tee-hee-hee… it tickles,” she babbled when Twilight started pressing on her belly. “He-he…”

Fluttershy took her hooves off Chrysalis’ head, and, after making sure she wasn’t fighting back anymore, simply observed the procedure. Her heart was beating faster and faster with every sigh Twilight let out. Eventually, she just started shivering as all kinds of bad thoughts entered her head, like they usually did. All kinds of what if’s crawled into her head and bothered her.

Fluttershy jumped when she heard the door creak. Twilight shivered a little, but the expression of worry was replaced with that of relief when she saw Sombra and Moonie standing at the doorstep.

“There you are! I was wondering if you’d ran away!” Twilight stated. Sombra blushed a little when he saw her.

“H-hi…” He blushed even harder when Twilight didn’t reply.

“What art thou doing with Chrysalis if I may ask?” Moonie stepped forth and asked. Twilight turned to her and barely managed to stiffle a chuckle before her face turned serious.

“Fluttershy, why is she wearing that?” Fluttershy blushed heavily and rubbed the back of her head.

“Well… you see…”

“Moonie couldn’t play outside because the sun hurt her! So Fluttershy brought these clothes, so she could play!” Sombra interrupted Fluttershy, jumping in place from joy.

“I… see… Well, I don’t think it will do any harm. As long as they stay out of sight.” Twilight shrugged, before stiffling another giggle. “Though, why you thought a rapper costume is a good idea is beyond me.”

Nightmare Moon sighed heavily and trotted inside after closing the door behind her, muttering something about rappers and meanings. Sombra followed her, and when he noticed what Twilight was doing, immediately slipped close to her.

“Mommy, what is she doing? Is Chryssie alright?” He looked up at Fluttershy, whose face almost burned at his words.

“Err, erm, of course, S-Sombra…”

“Mommy? He calls you mommy?” Twilight’s eye started twitching and her hooves shaking.

“Yes! My mommy’s the best!” Sombra sung, and was about to sing more praise to Fluttershy before she shoved a hoof into his mouth.

“I’ll explain later! Please, tell me, what’s wrong with Chryssie.” She smiled awkwardly, hoping that Twilight would forget about this incident shortly, that the amount of information in her brain would push out this little slip up and make her forget.

Which was unlikely.

“Hmm...” Twilight murmured, rubbing her chin and remembering dozens of pages read and written on the subject of changeling anatomy. So many theories had been proven and refuted after the changeling invasion, and it was time to put them to good use. “Judging from what I learned about changelings, this state is not uncommon for them. It’s not an illness, for sure…”

“What is it, then?” Fluttershy shivered a little, knowing that the knowledge would scare her.

“She’s not sick - she’s hungry. As you are well aware, changelings eat love — and in this state, she hungers for that.”

“Oh… But how do we feed her?” Fluttershy felt a little relieved. After all, simply hunger was better than sickness.

“I… don’t know.” Twilight rubbed the back of her head. “I’ve read a lot of literature on changelings, but none of them described how they eat love.”

Fluttershy looked at Twilight and then at Chrysalis. She felt her legs getting weaker, and then she fell on her rump, her eyes filled with water. She couldn’t believe it was happening.

“Mom!” Sombra shouted and dashed to his beloved mommy. “Why are you crying? What’s wrong?”

“Fluttershy, no need to worry!” Twilight’s cheeks turned pale. “I’ll check through the records, I’ll find a way! Just please, don’t cry!”

“B-b-but… she’s… she’s going to…” The room turned silent when Fluttershy grabbed her own tail and started weeping into it, constantly muttering something.

Twilight felt a soft bump to the side and noticed Nightmare Moon who was looking at her with worried eyes.

“Thou canst soothe her, right? Sombra does not like when she is sad. It makes him sad too.”

“I, uhh… I think I can. Just give me a moment.” Twilight replied and took a deep breath. She had been in this situations before. Fluttershy had assumed the worst possible outcome before. Twilight could handle it.

Treading carefully and slowly, Twilight gently wrapped her wings around Fluttershy and caressed her wet cheeks. “Don’t be so negative, Fluttershy! I’ll figure out a way, it’ll all be fine. Just please, don’t give up so soon.”

“B-but… without love she’s going to…” Fluttershy tried to mutter but Twilight quickly covered her mouth.

“No. She won’t. I will find a way. Pinkie promise.” At last, Fluttershy stopped sobbing and sighed deeply. Twilight backed away from her, and couldn’t help but turn away — the sight of Fluttershy in tears was enough to make anypony’s heart ache.

“Here, mommy!” Sombra, who disappeared just minutes ago, popped up, holding a handkerchief.

“T-thank you, d-dear.” Twilight barely opened her mouth to ask about Sombra, when her inner self told her not to. After a short pondering, she figured out this was the worst moment to ask such questions. Maybe later, when everything had settled down.

“Keep her in bed and watch over her.” Twilight regained her composure and dashed towards the exit door. “Feed her with soup, or anything liquid. Do not apply any medicine, and do not try to reduce the temperature without me or it might get worse. I’ll report back to you as soon as I have anything!”

Twilight was about to leave the cottage when a tiny unicorn popped up in front of her and stopped her advancement. She lowered her head and looked at Sombra, who was staring back with pleading eyes.

Something was very eerie about seeing the eyes that used to glare at you with pure anger now sparkle with water in them, filled with sadness.

“Miss Twilight, I know you don’t like us very much, but please, help Chryssie. She’s a good pony, she just doesn’t want to show it. Please…” His gaze seemed to drill right into her soul. “Please help her.”

“Y-yeah… I will… Don’t worry.” Twilight mumbled evasively and moved past Sombra. However, she stopped right at the doorstep and turned around.

“Fluttershy… you know that when the counterspell…”

“What?” Fluttershy looked at her, her eyes still a bit wet.

“Nothing… Nevermind… I’ll report to you as soon as I can.” Twilight sighed heavily and shut the door behind her.

“Wargh…” Chrysalis finally closed her mouth, chewing on her own saliva. “Wah… Did ya know that when you keep your mouth open like I did you get a ton of saliva? It’s like an ocean in your mouth… gargh…”

The whole bunch gathered around Chrysalis and looked at her with such compassionate eyes that, despite fevering, she couldn’t help but notice. She displayed a silly smile, drool flowing from the side of her mouth. “Wha- do I have something on my face? Whoops…” She touched her own nose and went cross-eyed for a moment. “I’ve got cheese for legs!”

“Will… will she be okay?” Nightmare Moon expressed her worry. “‘Tis a great shame to see her in such state…”

“I hope she will, Moonie… I really hope she will.”


“Waffles!” Chrysalis roared, while Fluttershy was carrying her upstairs to bed. “I can see the… waffles! They’re everywhere! And they’re evil! Evil has waffles! Waaaaaaaaah!”

Nightmare Moon sat down by Sombra and joined him in observing Chrysalis being carried away. For some reason, all bad thoughts about her were gone now, and the only emotion left was worry.

“I really hope this mean pony makes it through…” Moon spoke her thoughts outloud and rubbed the side of her leg. “I mean… so I can deliver my vengeance upon her, of course.”

Sombra looked at the lonely plushie, which Fluttershy seemed to have forgotten to take. To clear his mind of the heavy thoughts, he dragged Celestia with his magic towards himself and gave her a nuzzle.

“She looks a bit like you. Just less black.” He gently showed the plushie to Moonie. She tilted her head and looked closer, trying to spot a difference between this silly smiling plushie and her.

“Thou couldest say that. We do share some similarities…” She took the plushie and examined it, taking a close look at her rump, where there was a sloppily embroided image of Celestia’s cutie mark. “I take it she’s in charge of the sun… Does she hate me, I wonder?”

“Why would you think that?” Sombra looked at Celestia’s smiling muzzle. “She doesn’t look like a pony who would hate you.”

“Why does the sun burn me, then? If she liked me, she wouldn’t have let that happen.”

Sombra nodded his head. Moonie was speaking the truth. But did that mean that this smiling, happy mare was capable of hurting such a sweet, good friend as Nightmare Moon? No, that was impossible.

“Maybe… maybe she just hasn’t met you yet!” Sombra exclaimed, pulling the plushie away from her. “She just doesn’t know what a great pony you are. When you meet, you’ll get along just fine!” He stopped for a second to eye the sun on Celestia’s behind. “What does this little thing show? What is it, even?”

“I-I don’t know… Maybe it shows a pony’s affinities towards something… Fluttershy has one too, but with butterflies…”

“Does that mean that she’s the butterfly controller? The queen of butterflies?”


Sombra’s jaw almost dropped. His mommy was the queen of butterflies. How awesome! He should definitely ask her to teach him how to control butterflies.

“What if I paint something on my butt? Will I be able to control it? Can I control water? Earth?.... Can I control ice cream?!” The possibilites were endless. Sombra ran away, probably to find a pencil. It was amazing how easily he could change his mind about things, how easily he could be distracted. Nightmare Moon sighed heavily, wishing she could be capable of such a feat. Finally alone with her thoughts, she rested her body on the couch.

Soon, Sombra returned, all covered in ink and with a disappointed expression on his face.

“It doesn’t work that way! How?!” He fell on the ground and plead to the sky. “How do these butt-pictures work?! I have to know!”

Nightmare Moon chuckled, but this funny moment was completely ruined by her thoughts of Chrysalis. After all that happened between them, she really wanted to feel some kind of demented joy for what was happening to her, and yet… she couldn’t.

Hopefully, the purple one would find a way to help her. Because Chrysalis, while a major meanie, was still… sort of needed for Moonie. Without bad, there wasn’t good. Without Chrysalis’ ‘assistance’, she would have never bonded with Sombra so much. Without her assistance, she would have never found out that eating cookies and not sharing would always lead to bad outcomes.


The sudden sound of knocking startled Nightmare Moon, who had had almost slipped into daydreaming by that point. She shook her head and jumped off the couch.

The desire to run and open the door right away was quite powerful - it might be the purple pony with good news. And yet, there was this odd feeling of danger. Nightmare Moon took a few steps towards the closed door, feeling the anxiety in her growing with each passing second.

“Who goes there?” She drove away the fear and assumed a bold position, as if preparing to charge at the door. If no answer was to follow, she would blast the door down with powerful spells…

If she could use her magic during the day, that is! Being magic restricted was not something Moonie enjoyed very much. Maybe she should ask Fluttershy to do something about it…

“Err, it’s me, Twilight.” Upon hearing the words, Moon immediately opened the door, but, before she could utter even a word, Twilight raced past her and ran upstairs, without even saying hello.

“How rude!” Moon exclaimed, but Twilight was too far away by then. Nightmare grumbled angrily and trotted back to the couch, hoping that she at least might have brought some good news.

It would be a good idea to go upstairs and check on Chrysalis, she thought, but decided against it — who knew what that crazy purple pony would suggest. It might be something very nasty. Besides, she should find Sombra, before he would draw anything else on his butt.

“I have it!” Twilight exclaimed. “I found it!” Fluttershy almost jumped through the ceiling when she burst into the room.

“Twilight, please…” She took a step to the side and pointed at Chrysalis, who was peacefully drooling into the pillow. Twilight immediately blushed and muttered a quiet apology.

“I found it, Fluttershy. I believe I found a way to feed her!” She approached Chrysalis, remembering the overly complicated text of Star Swirl’s Of Ponies and Other Miraculous Creatures. “You’re going to be shocked but Star Swirl actually found and studied changelings for a while! I have no idea why he decided to encrypt that text, maybe to hide the existence of changelings… Maybe he actually got in contact with the changelings, but they asked him not to reveal their existance, and…”

“Twilight, what did you find out?” Fluttershy asked rather rudely, and immediately bloomed with red color. “If… you’re okay.. with that… otherwise continue… It’s very interesting.”

“No, sorry, my mistake. Anyway…” Twilight took a deep breath and looked closely at Chrysalis. “Changelings absorb through different means; one of them is by placing their victims in cocoons, which drain the love essence from them. This method is used to feed massive swarms of changelings. Also, there’s the leech spell. It also serves as mind control — Chrysalis used it to control Shining Armor…”

“I see him! My waffle in shining armor!” Chrysalis suddenly growled, raising her hooves to the sky. “He’s here for me! My waffle!... Why am I made of outdated cheese?!”

Twilight waited till Chrysalis smashed her head into the pillow and resumed drooling. “So, where was I… Ah, yes. There’s this leech spell, but I doubt Chrysalis knows how to cast it..”

“So… there’s no h-hope?” Fluttershy’s eyes became wet again, but Twilight rushed to calm her down.

“No! No, Fluttershy, there is hope. There’s a third way, but it’s quite difficult as it requires the love donor’s complete willingness to share their love.”

“I’m ready! What do I need to do?” Fluttershy took a step forth.

“Well… you have to let Chrysalis draw some of your blood, and then let her drink it. Blood can carry many different magical energies, including energy of love, so, it should work but… I don’t know how much blood is needed. What if… too much?”

Fluttershy turned pale, but this didn’t shake her resolve. Of course, this would be scary — blood had always scared her. Whenever she went to donate blood, she would pass out. Whenever she cut herself, she would pass out. And now, there was the possibility that Chrysalis would drain too much of her blood. But she was ready, still.

“Still, I have to try.”

“No, Fluttershy, don’t rush it. I can study a little bit more, maybe I could magically transport it, without bloodshed, maybe…”

“Twilight, look at her. We don’t have time! I have to do this, now!” Fluttershy pointed at Chryssie, who was chewing the pillow. Her condition was getting worse and worse, her eyes were practically crimson and her body was as hot as fire.

Twilight opened her mouth, but realized, that Fluttershy was right. There was no time to lose, and even though she felt disgusted by the idea that her friend could get terribly hurt by a mistake she had made, she had no choice but to let Fluttershy have it her way. Twilight looked down into the floor and sighed deeply.

“Fine, Fluttershy. But please, stay safe, I beg you. I’ll never forgive myself if something happens to you.”

“It’ll be okay, Twilight… I think.” Fluttershy smiled at her, and then, Twilight reluctantly walked out of the room and closed the door behind her.

Now, there was no way back. She had to do it - Chryssie’s life depended on it. Fluttershy took a deep breath and lied by Chrysalis’ side.

“I-I know what we have to do now… and I’m ready… Y-you can go ahead…” She mumbled, imagining Chrysalis sinking her teeth into her flesh, going deeper and deeper, before reaching the most tasty parts. Fluttershy glanced into her mouth for a moment when she yawned, and was staggered by how big her fangs were. At least, right now they seemed big.

“A-any time now… I’m… I’m ready.” Fluttershy closed her eyes and prepared for the worst.

Chrysalis slowly tore her eyes open, her eyes swollen and red, her ears pounded like drums by even the quietest sounds, and her mouth full of drool. But she felt that finally her hunger was going to be sated, as she felt that distinct aroma of delicious love that she used to smell only when the bell in the hive rung dinner time. Shaking and shivering, Chrysalis lifted her frail body and took a few steps towards Fluttershy, before collapsing on top of her, burrowing her muzzle in her fur.

Fluttershy eeped when she felt Chryssie’s hot breath over her neck and grit her teeth, preparing to feel unimaginable pain. But she was ready to stand it, and not even scream. Not even flinch. She was ready.

“Eeep!” Fluttershy squeked when she felt a sudden sting in her neck, and prepared herself for the true pain, but none came. She slowly opened her eyes, scared to see herself mutilated but she only saw Chrysalis hungrily licking her neck. Had Fluttershy been able to twist her neck, she would have seen a tiny wound on her neck that produced blood in tiny drops, which Chrysalis licked with passion.

Minutes went by. Fluttershy felt her worry disappear, but she was a bit uncomfortable — the growing wet stain on her fur made her dream of taking a shower, and yet, there was something satisfying in it.

“Nngh… urgh… bleh…” Fluttershy flinched when Chrysalis spoke something that wasn’t insane babbling. “Ouch…”

“Chryssie! You’re okay!” She brightened up and gave Chrysalis a loving hug. “I was so scared! So scared that something horrible might happen to you!”

“‘Shy, you know… I kinda have this killer headache and you’re not helping…” She mumbled, and Fluttershy quickly let her go.

“So, you’re not completely over it. But, I hope the worst part is past is.”

Fluttershy got up from the bed and helped Chrysalis settle in. “Sleep, Chryssie. You should feel better in the morning.”

“Yeah, probably…” An awkward pause set in for a moment.

“Sleep well, Chryssie. Sleep well and get better,” Shy kissed Chrysalis on the forehead and left, feeling glorious. She couldn’t wait to deliver the good news to Twilight, Sombra and Nightmare Moon; they were sure to be excited as well!

But, most of all, she was glad that this whole ordeal had come to an end, and Chrysalis had gotten better — both in her health and her behavior. Though, the latter remained to be seen.

Author's Note:

Good beware - evil has villains. My Little Villains.