• Published 15th Dec 2014
  • 5,362 Views, 236 Comments

The Curiosity of Mr. Disc - CrackedInkWell

One week after coming home to Equestria, the art teacher, Mr. Disc is invited by Pinkie Pie over to Sugar Cube Corner for her, the girls, and Sunset Shimmer to have a talk with him.

  • ...

(The C-Files: According to Scootaloo.)

With school now done and over with, and the girls in the Crusader mobile, our next stop in paving the way for filmmakers is at Ms. Cheerliee’s house. The reason for that is that she said that we can borrow her camera for our new project as long as we’re careful with it.

“You ever noticed these black cars around?” I heard Sweetie Belle asked. I asked her what she was talking about and she pointed to a car that’s painted black and had one of those tinted windows going the other way. “Like that one, you ever noticed that there are more of them lately?”

“What’s so odd about that?” Applebloom asked the same question on my mind as we turned a corner.

“Well, with all the weird things happening lately, have you ever noticed that every time something weird happens those cars always show up?” Sweetie asked. “I mean, first with Sunset Shimmer turning into a demon, then those girls that got the school music-crazy, and even more so after Mr. Disc disappeared for a while. Each time something weird happens, those cars pop up somewhere.”

“Maybe they’re like the F.B.I or something,” I shrugged.

“But why would they?” Applebloom asked, “Why would the government come to our town of all places? It’s not like we’re anythin’ important. Sides, if that’s true, what are they expectin’ ta find? Aliens?”

I slammed the brakes on my scooter, both Applebloom and Sweetie Belle asked: “Hey! What was that for?!”

“That’s it!”

“What’s it?” Applebloom asked.

“Don’t either of you get it?! That has to be the reason?”

“What reason?” Sweetie questioned.

“Our town is invaded by aliens.”

The other two Crusaders looked at me as if I've gone crazy. “Scoots, that’s gotta be the most insane thing Ah’ve ever heard in mah life.”

“No, think about it, I mean, really think about it. Sunset turning into a monster and tried to turn everyone else into zombies; these girls who sang that made everyone mad at each other; and then all the weird stuff happen ever since Mr. Disc reappeared out of nowhere, there’s a connection here.”

“And it’s – Aliens?” Sweetie Belle asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Of course! What else could it be? Sunset is an alien and we've just seen what she really looks like, those girls were using some mind control, and Mr. Disc was abducted and experimented on.”

“That’s jus’ crazy talk,” Applebloom said, clearly unconvinced.

“Okay then, then try to explain to me all the weird stuff that’s been going on?”

“Well…” For a while, she didn't say anything.

“Scoots does have a point,” Sweetie Bell uttered. “Aliens or not, something weird is going on in this town. Especially at our school.”

“But why?” Applebloom asked, “Ah mean, before Sunset, this town has been pretty normal with nothin’ and suddenly this? Why?”

At this point, I had the scooter moving again, I said to them: “Even if I’m wrong with my alien theory, you guys have to agree that something is up.”

“Of course,” Sweetie agreed with me. “You have to be deaf and blind not to notice.”

“What are we gonna do about it?” Applebloom asked a very important question.

“Maybe we could investigate?” I suggested. “Come to think of it, Cheerilee's camera might come in handy after all. We could go around interviewing people about the weird things happening.”

“Like Mr. Disc?” Sweetie asked.

“I guess that’s a good place to start, after all,” I slowed the scooter down in front of Cheerilee's house. “He’s the one who for the past several days that weird stuff has been happening. Yeah, let’s get the camera and start with him.”

After parking the Crusader mobile, we went up to Cheerilee's door and rang the doorbell. A moment later our teacher opens up, “Yes, I have the camera.” She told us, “I just found it a minute ago.”

She hands us over the camera to us, “Thanks Ms. Cheerilee,” Sweetie said, “Hey, Ms. Cheerilee?”


“Has anything weird happen recently?”

Ms. Cheerilee tilts her head to the side with a raised eyebrow. “What do you mean by that?”

“We've figured out what we’re gonna film,” Applebloom said. “Since there have been some weird things that have been goin’ on here lately, we figured that we might wanna make a movie about that. So we might wanna talk to some folks about it.”

“Like a documentary?” Cheerilee asked.

“I guess so,” I answered. “We figured that we wanna start with Mr. Disc first.”

“Mr. Disc…” Cheerilee muttered, “Actually, now you've mentioned it, something odd did happen today.”

“What’s that?” the three of us asked.

“During lunch, while I was in the teachers’ lounge. Mr. Disc brought a nephew of his, seemed to be very shy. But I've noticed he hasn't eaten anything. Oh, and Disc pulled off the most impressive magic trick I've ever seen.”

“How so?” I asked.

“Just using a napkin, he made a whole Thanksgiving meal appear out of nowhere. I still haven’t figured out how he did it, but I must say, the turkey and the sweet-potatoes were rather good.”

The three of us looked at each other, all of us shared the expression that says: “We really need to look into this.” We thanked Ms. Cheerilee and told her that we’d be careful with the camera.

“So where do ya think Mr. D might be at this time of day?” Applebloom asked as she and Sweetie Belle got into the Crusader mobile.

“Let’s try swinging over to his house first and see if he’s there,” I said putting my helmet on and starting the motor. A few streets and turns later we came in front of Mr. D’s house with the piano still on his front porch. We went up to knock on his door to be responded with nothing.

Just when we’re about to leave, I think Sweetie Belle noticed the music book sheet thing on the piano when she asked, “What’s this?”

We turned our attention to the book that it looked like he left from the night before. The thing was open along with the exposed keyboard, for this was one of those pianos where you can close the lid. Unless anyone didn't know about Mr. Disc like us, nobody would have thought that this was strange. After all, we've come here from time to time, and we always saw the keyboard is always closed. And it was really, really rare that he would leave it open.

But what really got our attention was the music itself, apparently, it was written so that two people could play it. I think it was Sweetie Belle who said that this has to be what he was playing last night, but that didn't make any sense. Why would you keep a piece of music that’s written for two when he wouldn't allow anyone to touch it, we included? I mean, sure, Cheerilee did mention about a nephew, but didn't Mr. D say that he didn't have a family?

So what’s going on here?