• Published 15th Dec 2014
  • 5,355 Views, 236 Comments

The Curiosity of Mr. Disc - CrackedInkWell

One week after coming home to Equestria, the art teacher, Mr. Disc is invited by Pinkie Pie over to Sugar Cube Corner for her, the girls, and Sunset Shimmer to have a talk with him.

  • ...

7: Of Teachers’ Lounges and Cafeterias.

In every school, there is a place for us teachers and staff get together for lunch to get away from the previous hours of teaching, cleaning up, counseling, or sending students into detention. Since this particular room is usually off-limits to other students, it gives all of us a private room for gossip about this or that student.

The room is often times visited by one or both of our bosses. Sometimes it’s Celestia with a tuna sandwich or Luna with taco soup. Depending on the day, usually either one of them shows up, but sometimes the other has to stay because this student had done A, B or C and therefore must be dealt with in an orderly fashion (Whatever that means).

There’s an unwritten rule with the teacher’s lounge, in that students can be allowed in but they have to be invited in by a teacher or the principals. So when I lead Charlie though the door and get a room full of stares, I have to say, “He’s with me.”

As soon as Charlie walked right in and spots her majesty Principal Celestia looking up, he froze right there and then.

“Disc, who’s this?” Celestia asked.

“This here is Charlie, say hello Charlie.”

“Mmmmmumm…” he said with his legs starting to shake.

“He’s a nephew of mine,” I told them. “Sorry, he’s just a little shy.”


“More or less,” I added as I walked him over to a table. Charlie, in the meantime, had was still looking in Celestia’s direction through his sunglasses.

“What’s with you?” I whispered to him.

“Y-You d-d-didn't t-tell me sh-she’s g-g-going t-to b-be here!” he whispered back.

“Who? My Boss?”

“That makes it worse! Can I go somewhere else?!”

“Hey Disc,” this voice came from Ms. Cheerilee with a paper bag. She asked if she can sit with us and I told her to go ahead.

“Where’s your lunch?” she asked. I asked her if she has a napkin on her, “Yeah sure, but why?”

“You’ll see,” I took the napkin and unfold it.

“What? Are you going to do a magic trick or something?” she joked.

“You’d be surprised; I’m actually getting quite good at it lately.”

Charlie gave a Humph while I spread the napkin flat on the table. Slowly, there were clinks and clanks, sizzles and pops when I lifted the napkin off from the table for it to materialize a Thanksgiving lunch with a lit candelabrum. Both Charlie and Cheerliee had their mouths hit the table.

“So, you wanna trade for something?” I asked.


Ten minutes into eating lunch, Cheerliee had noticed that Charlie hadn’t touched anything from the impromptu Thanksgiving meal, he still had a hand over his stomach.

“Are you alright dearie?” she asked.


“You haven’t touched anything, is everything alright?”

“Uh, yeah. I’m fine,” Cheerliee looked away with a concerned look, not noticing that Charlie was sucking a little bit of green mist from her.


We still had about ten minutes left with lunch and Charlie complained that he’s still hungry. Even after taking a little bit of love from teacher to teacher (that is, except for Celestia, he wouldn't go anywhere near her), so we ended headed towards the cafeteria. I gave him specific instructions that if he’s going to eat, he has to eat a little bit at a time so it doesn't raise suspicion.

“I’m a spy, I know how to do something like this,” he waved it off.

“How old did you say you were?” I asked.

“Huh? How old...? I don’t know.”

“What do you mean, you don’t know?”

“I don’t know, we Changelings don’t really count how old we are. Why, should we?”

“So, you really don’t know how old you are?”

He shrugged, “None of us see the reason to, and we’re alive aren't we? Why should it matter if we just got hatched or about to be squished? As long as one is useful, age doesn't mean anything.”

At this point, we reached the cafeteria. I turned to him, “I’ll be watching, you've got until the bell rings.” He nodded and starts blending in with the crowd.

“Hey, Mr. Disc!” cried three familiar voices. I turned to the source to find the Crusaders; I smiled and walked over to their table.

“Afternoon girls, anything new today?” I asked while still keeping an eye on Charlie.

“Other than seein’ a stupid movie from last night, nothin’ much,” Applebloom said finishing her apple.

I asked them which movie, “Ever heard of ‘They Live Among Us?’” Scootaloo (a.k.a only to me as Applebloom’s secret crush) asked. I told her that I've heard of it but haven’t seen it yet. “Trust us, you don’t wanna see it, it’s not worth the eight dollars a pop to go.”

“How come?”

“It was dumb,” Sweetie Belle spoke. “The acting was pretty silly, the writing was dumb, and for the life of me I can’t tell you it was about.”

“Wasn't it to do with a monster that can change into anybody?” Scootaloo asked, which reminded me to look up at the Changeling.

“So what are ya girls planning on today?” I asked.

“Well, we’d figure we might wanna make a better movie of our own,” Applebloom said, turning to the other two Crusaders. “But what do ya think it would be about though?”

“That’s a tough one,” Sweetie uttered. “I guess animation is out the window, I've heard it’ll take forever.”

“If I make a suggestion here,” I said. “Why not film something that you girls are interested in, make something that you girls would like to watch.”

“That’s pretty sound advice,” Scootaloo said turning to the other two. “Come on, let’s try throwing ideas while we still can. Thanks, Mr. D.”

The three of them got up from their table and threw their lunch away. I looked over to where Charlie is, and he’s seemed to be headed for Sunset’s table. Perhaps I should step over and ask them if they heard anything from Twilight yet.