• Published 16th Jun 2015
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Mobians and Equestria Girls: Fates Between Worlds - DarkMaster0224

Sonic, Shadow, and Silver have been sent to the human world of Canterlot High, to save it from the eternal darkness. Along the way, they will make new friends, meet old and new enemies, and much more.

  • ...

Chapter 18

Chapter 18
Fight for Chaos
(Group POV)
(Sweet Apple Acres)

Our heroes were joined together at Sweet Apple Acres.

Tails had the X-Tornado parked just outside the barn. He and Twilight were fixing the Chaos Emerald tracking system, so they could locate the last Chaos Emerald, before Eggman and his goons did.

The others were in the barn, discussing yesterday's events.

"So, what do you think of Rainbow, Rarity, and Sunset's transformations yesterday? I've never seen a transformation like them. And what do you think was cause of them." Shadow said.

"I don't know. In all my history of studying the Chaos force, I've never discovered a transformation like those." Ace said, then looked at his brother, "What about you Dark? You did leave off for training once, back in the Mobian dimension."

"I actually had read an ancient script that I found in an ancient mobian temple. It had mentioned a group of humans that could harness the powers from other dimensions. But before I could continue reading, the temple collapsed and I had to leave." Dark said.

"What temple was this?" Knuckles asked.

"Some kind of temple I found in the middle of a jungle. I'll show you a picture I have of the outside of it." Dark said pulling out a picture and handing it to Knuckles.

"I've seen this temple before. I found a shard of the Master Emerald in it. And I now remember the script you mentioned." Knuckles said, "The group that the text mentioned were known as the Chaos Guardians. A group of seven mysterious, but great warriors, who could harness the abilities of other entities."

"But that must have been thousands of years ago. And what do these warriors have to do with the girls?" Sonic said scratching his head. The cyan/white Chaos Emerald accidentally fell out of his pocket, and dropped to the ground.

"Hey Sonic, you dropped your Chaos Emerald." Rainbow said reaching out to grab it.

"Rainbow no!" Sonic yelled.

Too late, Rainbow picked up the emerald.

She began to shiver, "Uhg. I've felt this before. What's going on?"

Suddenly Rainbow flashed bright cyan, and she transformed into the Chaos Ninja again.

"You again? Ok who are you?" Sonic asked.

"I already told you all. I am Rainbow Dash the Chaos Ninja." Rainbow said, "I think it's time to bring back the others as well." She snapped her fingers and the red Chaos Emerald appeared in Sunset's hand, and the purple Chaos Emerald appeared in Rarity's.

The two girls began to shiver, and they changed into their Chaos Warrior forms.

"We are members of the Chaos Guardians." Sunset said, "We are the girls' great ancestors. Allow us to show you something that will help you understand."

The three warriors pulled out their Chaos Emeralds, then raised them up, "Chaos Control."

(Time Traveling to the Past)
(500 Year Ago)

Everyone suddenly appeared in a barren wasteland, the clouds and sky were black with ash, and a black castle could be seen in the far distance.

"Where are we?" Sonic asked looking around.

"We're standing in the same place, but 500 years ago." Sunset said, "This is where we began."

"We?" Knuckles asked.

Rarity pointed towards the top of a hill.

Everyone else gasped.

There, on the top of the hill, stood Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Applejack, and Rarity.

"B-But that's not even possible. This is only my first time being in this dimension." Twilight said looking at her duplicate.

"Yes, your first time. You and Sunset are not the first Equestrians that have managed to get into this dimension." Rainbow explained, "Your great-great-(etc.) grandmothers had managed to find a way into this world. Though, they were best friends, and neither tried to take over the world."

"But what's with the dark sky?" Tails asked.

Rarity pointed at the black castle in the distance, "The evil and corrupted king and his evil companion are the reason the world looks like this. The evil King Sombra. And his partner, Mephiles the Dark."

"Mephiles! He got into this world before us?" Shadow asked.

"Yes, and he had brought the Chaos Emeralds somehow also." Rainbow said, "They used all the negative energy in the Chaos Emeralds and they caused chaos and havoc throughout the entire world."

"When they had completely drained the Emeralds of their power, they cast them away." Sunset said, "We collected them all, but they were useless due to them having no power. Until we refilled them." She pointed at the teens on the hill.

They each had a single, dark gray, Chaos Emerald. They closed their eyes. The Chaos Emeralds then floated in midair, and they began to refill their energy.

When the Emeralds were refilled at max, the girls grabbed one each and they began to glow brightly.

Then the memory suddenly flashed.

(Back to the present)

Everyone appeared back at Sweet Apple Acres.

"What just happened?" Silver asked.

The three Chaos Warrior girls' heads hurt.

"Gah. We can't seem to remember the rest. I think it is because we are no longer in our original bodies." Rainbow said, "Nearing the end of our time, we transferred a fraction of our souls and minds into the Chaos Emeralds. When one of our descendants that showed the spirit of a Chaos Guardian, touched a Chaos Emerald, they would release our souls and we would take over, just in case evil returned."

"We must get all the Chaos Emeralds back, before Mephiles does, because he is not truly working with Eggman. He will surely betray him." Sunset said.

"We need all them to destroy him also. We require all seven to use our full potential." Rarity said.

The others nodded.

"Now we must go, so we are ready to fight Mephiles." Rainbow said.

The girls dropped their Emeralds, and they returned back to normal.

"Uhg. What happened? I felt so cold." Rainbow said rubbing her arms.

"You'll have to explain later, cause we just got the location of the last Chaos Emerald." Tails said running over to the group with Twilight.

"So who has it this time?" Shadow asked.

"No one. It's actually in a temple on a non-active volcano." Twilight explained.

"If we want to get there before Eggman does, we better get going now." Tails said, "Eggman is already on his way to the location."

Sonic and Shadow picked up the Chaos Emeralds and they crossed their arms, "Chaos Control!"

A large green portal opened next to the teens. They walked through the portal, which closed behind them.

(Volcano Base)

The teens stood at the base of a huge mountain, that reached higher than the clouds. And on the top, a black stone temple.

In the distance, Eggman's flagship could be seen.

"We got to hurry." Sonic said looking at Eggman's ship.

The teens began to hike up the mountain side.

"Uhg. Why couldn't we just teleport into the temple with the Emerald?" Rainbow whined.

"Because the Chaos Emerald inside the temple prevents us from teleporting that close to it." Shadow said, "Other wise we would have teleported to each Chaos Emerald by now and would have been home."

"Oh. Ok." Rainbow said, "Brr. It's really cold up here."

Sonic took off his jacket and put it on Rainbow, "Here. Stay warm."

Rainbow smiled, "Thanks Sonic."

(Time Traveling forward)

When the teens reached the temple doors, they saw it had an ancient script written on it.

"What does it say?" Tails asked.

Everyone shrugged, except Dark.

"Those who seek to enter the temple of Darkness, only those who are masters of Darkness may enter." Dark read.

The door opened.

"Dark masters." Ace repeated.

"I must go.." Dark said, "I am the only Dark master."

"No Dark we all need go go." Ace said.

"No. You all need to stop Eggman and Mephiles from getting in. Use the Chaos Emeralds we already have. I promise I will come back." Dark said.

"Be safe." Sunset said hugging Dark.

Dark entered the temple, and the doors shut behind him.

He saw across the room the seventh and final Chaos Emerald. The Yellow Chaos Emerald floated on an altar across the other side of the room.

Dark took one step, but stopped quickly.

"Do not touch it." A female voice said.

"Who said that?" Dark asked forming a Dark Burst in his hand.

The voice laughed, "I'm not surprised you don't recognize my voice, Dark."

"How do you know my name?" Dark asked.

"I know more than just your name. I know of your family. Your mother; Your father; Your little brother." The voice said then paused, "Your sister."

"I don't have a sister." Dark said.

"Yes you do." The voice replied.

"And how do you know of this?" Dark asked.

"Because I am your sister." The voice said.

A female teen walked out of the shadows. She had purple and black hair; she had dark blue eyes like Dark's; her boots were dark blue, with black flame designs; her skin was peach; she wore a light purple t-shirt, with a black leather jacket; she had purple gloves; and she wore light blue rings just like Dark's.

"Ace and I do not have a sister." Dark growled.

"Ace doesn't. I am only half related to Ace. Different fathers. I am truly your sister. Lilac Steele." The teens replied.

"I do not remember you." Dark said, but he was a little more calm.

"Of course you don't. You memory of me was lost during combat." Lilac said, "Allow me to return your mind."

She sank into her shadow and then rose right in front of Dark. She touched his forehead, and Dark gasped.

Dark could see himself, as a young hedgehog, playing with a younger female hedgehog with blue and black quills.

"Your the best big brother ever." Toddler Lilac said hugging the young Dark.

Ten years later, Dark and Ace, both grown up, waved to their parents. Lilac stood with a sad look on her face, as she waved and watched Dark leave to help fight the raging war.

Then the memories dissappeared.

Dark groaned and placed his hand on his head, "I... I remember you now. Lilac."

"About time. But I am not on your side right now." Lilac said, her eyes flashed yellow.

Dark's eyes widened, "No. You've been corrupted by the Chaos Emerald's power."

"Yes. But guess what. You can't remove it from me without your little brother and your Chaos Fusion ability. Only Drake could remove the corrupting power of the Chaos Emeralds." Lilac said as she began to float and glow yellow.

"Lilac. It doesn't have to be this way. You can fight the corrupting power." Dark said.

"Yes I could. But I don't want to." Lilac sneered.

"But why?" Dark asked.

"Because you made me suffer. I waited for year for you to return. But you never came. You left me." Lilac said, "Over those years, I became more independent. I lost all hope in you coming back. So I left home and learned more about dark energy." She flicked her wrists and black flames covered them, "It seems your not the only Master of Darkness."

"Lilac, don't do this." Dark said forming another Dark Burst.

"Too bad. You shouldn't have left me alone." Lilac said. She flung her wrist forward, throwing a black energy mass.

(Play Three Days Grace - I Hate Everything About You)

Dark dodged the attack, and threw one of his Dark Bursts at Lilac.

The ball exploded and a medium black hole formed behind her, and began to suck her life energy.

"Argh!" She yelled, throwing two more entanglers at Dark.

The first one missed him, but the second one hit him and froze him. The dark energy mass began to squeeze him more and more tightly, "GAH!"

He broke free of the mass and then looked back at Lilac, "You may have enhanced your dark powers with the Chaos Energy of a single Chaos Emerald, but I have my seven Dark Emeralds." Suddenly the Dark Emeralds appeared around Dark ad they began to spin around him.

"Perfect. You've fallen for my trap." Lilac sneered.

"What?!" Dark asked alarmed.

Suddenly the Dark Emeralds stopped spinning around Dark and they flew over to Lilac.

"Impossible! The Dark Emeralds only respond to me and Ace!" Dark growled.

"Not anymore. They now only respond to Dark Masters." Lilac snickered.

The Dark Emeralds entered Lilac's body and she began to glow brightly.

When the light died down, Lilac had become Dark Lilac. Her rings had become dark blue; her eyes had become pure white; and her boots had black fire on them.

'Now what? I have nothing else to use against her.' Dark asked himself.

Dark Lilac shot a dark beam at Dark, sending him into a wall.

Dark groaned as he tried to get up, 'What now? I can't fight against her. I have now weapons now.'

Suddenly Dark's rings began to glow, 'What? Why are my rings glowing?'

Then he remembered something his mother told him and Ace.

'You have powers you don't even know about. You just need to discover and unlock them.' Their mother told them.

Dark looked at his rings again and smiled. He focused on the energy inside the rings, and he began to glow light blue.

"Goodbye Dark." Dark Lilac said. She shot a large Dark Beam at Dark. The beam exploded upon contact.

Dark Lilac turned, with a sad feeling, but she quickly turned back.

Dark was still alive. He had formed some kind of light blue armor that had protected him. He wore two gauntlets, a helmet, boots, and a torn dark blue cape.

"Impossible. What is this armor that protected you from my dark beam!?" Dark Lilac asked.

"This armor is made of Phazite." Dark said, "And your beams can't destroy it."

Dark dissappeared, and reappeared in front of Dark Lilac, "And I know something you don't." He grabbed her neck, "I can free my real sister without Drake's powers."

Suddenly all the dark energy in Dark Lilac began to leave her body and poured back into the Dark Emeralds. And all the Chaos energy began to pour back into the yellow Chaos Emerald.

Dark Lilac began to scream.

Then, everything went black.

(Outside the Temple)
(Group POV)

The Mobians and the three Chaos Guardians; Rainbow, Sunset, and Rarity; were fighting off Eggman and his goons. But they were starting to loose.

Chaos Ninja Rainbow and Sonic were fighting against Night Rose; Ace, Knuckles, Silver, and Chaos Archer Rarity were fighting Neo Metal Sonic; Chaos Knight Sunset was fighting Mephiles; and Twilight and Tails were fighting off Eggpawns and Eggman's ship in the X-Tornado.

Night Rose managed to knock Chaos Rainbow unconscious, reverting her back to normal.

Neo Metal managed to stop Chaos Rarity's attacks by stealing her quiver and use them against her and her friends.

Mephiles and Chaos Sunset were currently in a sword lock, but Sunset was loosing.

"Heh. Once we finish with all you, we're going to take your Chaos Emeralds and the last one inside that temple." Mephiles snickered.

"You won't win. We won't allow you to corrupt this world again Mephiles." Sunset groaned.

"You won't be able to stop me this time. King Sombra was powerful, but now powerful enough to help me rule the world." Mephiles said, "But this time, I will win!" He push through Sunset's sword and knocked it our of her hands. Then he cut her legs, causing her to fall. Mephiles pointed his blade at Sunset's throat, "Goodbye Sunset Shimmer." He raised his sword.

But he was suddenly tackled to the ground by someone.

Mephiles looked up and saw Dark in his Phazite Armor.

"Dark. How nice to see you. I see you have upgraded your armor. But it wont stop me from killing you." Mephiles said throwing a punch at Dark. But when his fist collided with Dark's armor, he yelled in pain.

"Nice try Mephiles, but you can't destroy Phazite." Dark said, kicking Mephiles in the chest.

When Mephiles got back up, a sword cut across his face, "Gah!"

He looked up and saw Lilac standing next to Dark, "Who are you?"

"Next to my brother, I'm your worst nightmare." Lilac said, swinging her sword down towards Mephiles.

Mephiles sank into the shadows and dissappeared.

Neo and Night Rose retreated back to Eggman's ship and they began to fly off.

"Coward as usual." Lilac sneered.

"Well they're not getting away this time." Dark said jumping up and flew towards Eggman's ship.

Suddenly, Eggman's Alpha Egg Cannon appeared, but it was different now. Now it had seven more medium turrets around the central turret.

"With the power of three Chaos Emeralds, I will destroy you!" Eggman's voice boomed.

Three of the smaller turrets glowed brightly, and then the central turret glowed.

"AND FIRE!" Eggman shouted.

The smaller turrets shot smaller beams that connected at one point, then the central turret shot into the middle. A large multicolor beam shot out of the intersection point, and engulfed Dark.

"No!" Sunset and Lilac yelled in union.

Everyone saw Dark's unconscious body fall down, but was caught by Neo Metal.

"Now then. Hand over all your Chaos Emeralds, or we'll take your friend's life." Eggman spoke, "You have 10 seconds."

Neo took the Yellow Chaos Emerald from Dark.

"Oh. Well how convenient. Your friend had one of them for me. Now give us the rest." Eggman said.

The Chaos Guardians dropped their Chaos Emeralds and reverted back to normal.

The last three Chaos Emeralds floated up to Eggman's ship.

"Nahaha. Too easy." Eggman gloated, "Neo, you can let him go now."

Neo nodded and let Dark continue falling.

Everyone gasped.

Eggman's ship flew away, while Eggman continued to laugh.

"No Dark!" Sunset screamed.

Lilac ran towards where Dark would hit, and then jumped up. She caught Dark, and then landed on her feat.

(Stop Playing Three Days Grace - I Hate Everything About You)

Dark was still unconscious, but still breathing.

"Will he be ok?" Sunset asked.

"He should be fine. My brother is a very strong. It would take more than that to finish him." Ace said.

Lilac looked up at Ace and growled a little.

"What's your problem?" Ace asked.

"You are my problem." Lilac sneered.

"What do you mean? I don't even know you." Ace said, glaring.

"Hmph. You did do plenty." Lilac said, tending to Dark's wounds.

Ace pulled her away from Dark and turned her to face him, "Get away from my brother. Who do you think you are?"

Lilac slapped his hand off her and glared at him, "I am Dark's other sibling. I'm his sister, Lilac Steele, the Second Dark Master."

"Dark only has one sibling. And that sibling is me." Ace growled.

"I knew him better than you ever have! But then you took him from me when you two left to go fight the war!" Lilac yelled.

Ace's eyes widened, "H-How do you know that we left to fight the war?"

"Because I watched as you two left." Lilac said, "Three years after that war ended, I left home and went into the city. Then I saw you two walking through the city. I stood in front of you two, but you both just pushed me away. I noticed Dark had changed a lot, and I figured out he had lost some of his memories." She then paused, "And you never reminded him about me. You told him about our mother, your father, yourself. But you never reminded him about me!"

Out of pure rage, Lilac threw a dark energy spear towards Ace.

Ace didn't have enough time to react. His arm was cut by the spear, and he yelled in pain.

Lilac gasped at her actions, "Oh my goodness. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to..."

Ace threw three Chaos Dagger towards Lilac.

Lilac gasped and rose a dark barrier.

The Daggers deflected off her shield and flew towards the top of the summit.

The top of the volcano exploded, causing it to become active.

The entire ground began to shake.

(Play Metroid Other M - Vs Ridley - (HD))

"Oh great. That's just great. The volcano has become active again." Twilight said irritated. She looked over at Ace and Lilac, and glared at them, "Nice going idiots."

"Hey she started it!" Ace said pointing at Lilac.

"He's the one who threw his daggers at me!" Lilac fired back.

"How about we argue later, AND GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!" Sonic said panicking.

"How are we supposed to get out of here? We gave up all our Chaos Emeralds to Eggman to save Dark's life." Tails asked.

Suddenly, the volcano exploded and lava began to slowly leak down towards the bottom.

"For now, RUN!" Sonic said.

Then the ground split open in front of the teens, stopping them from getting any further.

"What now?" Silver asked.

"Silver, use your powers to lift us all across the chasm." Sonic said.

"Right." Silver said nodding.

But right before Silver could do anything, a rock hit his head and knocked him unconscious.

"Silver!" Rarity screamed running over to him.

"Great. Now what do we do?" Sonic said.

The lava was getting close to the teens.

"Looks like this is the end for us..." Spike whined looking at the lava, "I wish I was still a dragon. I was fire-proof then."

"Not today." A familiar voice said.

Everyone looked back and saw Dark had awaken.

"Dark?" Ace asked.

"I'm fine." Dark said smiling slightly.

Suddenly a large wave of lava burst out of the side of the volcano, and was about to splash down on the teens.

Dark quickly created a phazon barrier sphere around the teens.

The lava wave poured on top of the barrier and submerged the barrier in lava.

(1 hour later)
(Stop playing Metroid Other M - Vs Ridley - (HD))

All the lava had hardened into obsidian.

Where the teens had been covered, the obsidian began to crack.

The obsidian smashed open and a phazon blue energy sphere rose out of it.

The sphere dissappeared and all fourteen teens dropped to the ground.

Dark dropped to one knee out of exhaustion, "Wow. That's the first time I've done that. And it took a lot of energy out of me."

"Guys. Look around us. Look at the sky." Ace said.

Everyone looked up and gasped.

The sky was black and covered with dark clouds. All the trees were dead. Barely any life could be seen.

"We need to get back to the city." Sonic said worried.

The X-Tornado flew over to the teens.

"Who's flying it?" Rainbow asked.

"No one. Twilight and I added an autopilot feature to it. I called it earlier, before we were submerged in lava." Tails said.

"Ok but how are we all going to fit into it darling?" Rarity asked.

"You guys aren't going anywhere yet. Knuckles and I are going back to Mobius to get something to help us." Tails said.

"How are you going to do that?" Sonic asked.

"Using the Master Emerald. I had the X-Tornado grab it for us." Tails said, "Come on Knuckles."

Knuckles nodded.

The two jumped into the X-Tornado, and flew off.

Tails shot a beam into midair, and a portal appeared.

The X-Tornado flew into the portal and dissappeared.

"What do you think he's getting?" Fluttershy asked.

"I have a feeling I know what it is." Sonic said.

"What?" Twilight asked.

Suddenly a giant portal opened, and the Blue Typhoon flew out of it.

"Yeup. He went and got his Blue Typhoon." Sonic said.

Twilight's jaw dropped, "T-That's the Blue Typhoon!" Then her eyes sparkled and she squealed with joy, "SWEET CELESTIA!"

Tails landed the Blue Typhoon and called through the loud speaker, "Get in everyone."

(Canterlot City)

The Blue Typhoon flew near the edge of Canterlot City.

"Oh no." Sonic said looking at the city.

A lot of the city had been destroyed. And in the center, a giant metal castle.

"Eggman, you are so dead." Sonic growled.

"Eggman didn't do this." Dark said.

"What?" Everyone except Ace gasped.

"This is the work of Night Rose, Neo Metal Sonic, and Mephiles. They turned against Eggman once all the Chaos Emeralds were in their grasp." Ace explained.

"And how do you two know of this?" Rainbow asked.

Ace pointed.

Far in the distance, Eggman's ship could be seen, crashed and destroyed.

"Oh." Rainbow said.

"It has begun." Dark said crossing his arms.

"What has?" Sonic asked.

"The Chaos War." Dark said.

Author's Note:

Darkmaster0224: And that's Chapter 18 people. So; Dark has been reunited with his long forgotten sister, Lilac Steele. But oh no. The villains got all seven Chaos Emeralds. But Mephiles, Night Rose, and Neo Metal Sonic turned against Eggman ad has begun to enslave the world, starting with Canterlot City. Can our heroes stop them before it's too late? Find out next time on M&EG! See you all next time, PEACE! Darkmaster0224 signing off.