• Published 16th Jun 2015
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Mobians and Equestria Girls: Fates Between Worlds - DarkMaster0224

Sonic, Shadow, and Silver have been sent to the human world of Canterlot High, to save it from the eternal darkness. Along the way, they will make new friends, meet old and new enemies, and much more.

  • ...

Chapter 19

Chapter 19
Storming the Dark Empire

The Blue Typhoon was now flying over Canterlot City, heading towards the Dark Castle.

"My goodness. Look what they've done to our city." Rarity said looking down upon the city streets.

"And look at what they've done to some of the citizens." Ace said.

Many of the citizens that had been captured had been turned into robots.

"It seems they used Eggman's infamous Roboticizer." Sonic said.

Suddenly an alarm went off, and the entire ship began to shake violently.

"All Mobians, head to the main flight deck. We're under attack!" Tails yelled, "And girls, you all head to a gunning station. You shoot off on coming missiles and aero-troopers."

Everyone nodded and ran off to their fighting stations.

(Main Outer Flight Deck)
(Guy's Fight)

Several robots had jumped on board the Blue Typhoon and began to wreck the place.

"Guys, we can't destroy them. These are innocent people in their." Sonic said, "Just stun them."

Everyone nodded.

"I've got just the things for the job guys." Tails' voice said through the speakers, "I managed to create a new kind of Power Ring. These ones are Electrically charged. So they can short the robots and shut them down."

Several Blue Power Rings were shot out of a small turret.

Each of the guys caught one and put them on their wrist. They all felt electrical energy flow through their bodies.

"Let's do this." Sonic said running towards a robot.

He did a spin dash into it. When he hit it, instead of the robot blowing up, it was zapped with electrical energy and itself shut down.

"Sweet. I already love these new Power Rings." Sonic said running towards another robot.

"Chaos Spear!" Shadow yelled, throwing an electrical cyan spear at the robot Sonic was heading for.

"Hey! That one was mine." Sonic said as the robot fell.

"Hmph. You were too slow." Shadow smirked.

Dark and Ace were firing electrical dark and chaos beams, shutting down several robots.

"Heh. Just like in the old days huh bro?" Ace smirked.

"Maybe, but this is too easy." Dark said.

Three robots were running up behind the two brothers.

But two were suddenly picked up with cyan auras, and then were shorted with electrical waves of energy.

The ground under the third robot began to crack.

Knuckles smashed out of the ground and did an uppercut on the robot, but accidentally knocked it off the side of the ship.

"Knuckles! You idiot! We're not supposed to knock them off the ship. We're supposed to shut them down!" Silver yelled at Knuckles.

"Oh. Sorry. All I know is to smack down my enemies." Knuckles said.

(With the Girls)

The girls were on the lower level of the Blue Typhoon, inside the manual turrets.

"WOOOOO! THIS IS SOOOOOOOO AWESOME!" Rainbow shouted, her voice vibrated as she shot down missiles and aero-troopers with her machine gun turret.

Fluttershy was having a hard time shooting her laser turret, "Oh. I can't do something so violent."

Then an aero-trooper whack a bird out of the sky.

Fluttershy's eyes widened, and then flared with rages, "I WILL DESTROY YOU ALL!" She began shooting as many aero-troopers that she could with her laser turret.

Rarity was freezing each missile and aero-trooper she saw, then she kept admiring how beautiful they looked when they sparkled, "It's such a shame that I don't have a device like this at home. I could make so many beautiful dresses with the crystals."

Applejack used the grappling beam to latch onto aero-troopers and fling them into one another, "WOOO! Get out of our city! Or be destroyed."

Pinkie was having a blast, blasting troopers with her water turret and causing them to short with electricity, "Hehehe. WATER PARTY!"

Sunset and Lilac were using a dual beam turret. Lilac used the dark beam, while Sunset used the light beam. Lilac would shoot her dark beam and freeze the target, and then Sunset would shoot the frozen target with her light beam, incinerating it.

(30 Minutes Later)

The aero-troopers and missiles had ceased fire.

"Great job everyone. I think we finished all their defenses." Tails' voice called through the com links.

Suddenly the alarm went off.

"What now?" Sonic said looking at the Dark Castle, then his eyes widened, "Uh oh."

The Alpha Egg Cannon was mounted on a platform, pointed straight at the Blue Typhoon.

The seven small turrets began to glow.

"Abandon ship! ABANDON SHIP!" Tails yelled.

Silver used his psychokinesis to lift everyone off the ship, then they all jumped off the side of the ship.

"Wait. What about Tails? He's still on the ship!" Twilight shouted.

"Don't worry, I'll be right..." Tails' voice began through the coms, but was replaced with static.

"Tails? Tails!" Twilight yelled into the com, "We have to go back for him!"

"We can't. We'll never make it!" Silver yelled.

The Alpha Egg Cannon was fully charged. The seven small turrets shot their beams, and then the large central beam shot its large beam.

"NO!" Twilight screamed.

The cannon shot its beam and shot through the entire ship, causing it to explode and fall out of the sky.

The shock wave created by the blast knocked everyone out of the sky, and they all fell into a grass field.

Twilight watched in horror as the Blue Typhoon crashed into a nearby lake.

"TAILS!" She screamed, tears formed in her eyes.

Dark and Lilac sank into their shadows and slid across the water to go search the wreckage.

They came back five minutes later, and Dark was holding Tails' wrist com, now broken.

"We're sorry... We couldn't find Tails." Lilac said.

Dark gave Twilight the broken com.

Twilight just stood there and cried into her hands, "It's not fair." Then she shot a death looked at Silver, "YOU COULD HAVE SAVED HIM! BUT YOU DIDN'T!"

Silver back off, a little hurt, "Twilight... If I had gone back for him, we would all be dead."

"It's just not fair." Twilight cried.

"What are you crying about Twi?" A familiar voice asked.

The others were looking behind Twilight, and they all gasped.

Twilight slowly looked behind her and then she gasped.

Tails was standing right behind her, badly injured, but alive.

Twilight ran over to Tails, still crying.

Tails thought he was going to receive a death hug, but instead, he received a smack across his face, "Ouch. What was that for?"

"I had to make sure you were real." Twilight said.

"Oh. Ok well I..." Tails began, but was slapped once more.

"YOU HAD ME SCARED TO HELL!" Twilight screamed at him.

Tails was silent for a few seconds, "But I'm still here."

He was afraid Twilight was going to slap him again, but instead she kissed him and hugged him.

"Yes. At least that's true." Twilight said.

"But how did you escape the ship?" Ace asked, "The X-Tornado is in pieces over at the wreckage."

"I know how he did it." Sonic said smirking, "Look behind that large bush over there."

Everyone walked over behind the bush and gasped.

There, behind the bush was a blue biplane, that had Sonic's name on the side.

"I knew you would never have scrapped that plane." Sonic said to Tails.

"Well duh. That plane holds many memories." Tails said.

"This is mine and Sonic's first plane, the Tornado. We went on many adventures with this plane." Tails explained.

"Uh. I hate to interrupt your little old memory talk, but the Dark Castle still stands and the enemy still have the Chaos Emeralds." Ace said.

"Right. Now how do we get in?" Sonic asked.

"I have an idea." Twilight said looking at the wreckage of the Blue Typhoon.

(Dark Castle)
(Mephiles, Night Rose, and Neo Metal Sonic POV)

Neo was looking out the giant window, at the heroes, "Grr. What does it take to destroy those infidelic fools?!"

"Relax Metal. In time, you will have your chance to kill Sonic." Mephiles said, sitting in a throne.

"I want more than just Sonic's life. I want all their lives dead at my hand." Neo growled.

"Too bad, I want Dark and Ace's lives. And I might also want to keep that new girl, Lilac. I kind of like her." Night Rose said, "This body is starting to look... ugly... to me. I'd like a newer and more beautiful looking body." She said looking into a mirror.

"You two can take whomever you want. But Sonic is mine." Neo growled.

"Whatever." Night Rose said rolling her eyes. Then she heard a whirling sound, "Hey, what is that sound?"

"Sounds like a… plane." Neo said, "Uh oh."

Suddenly a badly damaged X-Tornado smashed through the giant window, sending glass everywhere.

Night Rose screamed as glass scattered across the floor.

Mephiles however, was just sitting on his throne calmly, "It's about time you showed up."

All the teens jumped out of the scrapped X-Tornado.

"We're here to put an end to your reign of Chaos." Ace said, "Now hand over the Chaos Emeralds."

"Gladly. When we're done with them." Mephiles said, then he threw a Chaos Spear at the group.

"Split." Sonic said.

The teens split up and went after a villain.

(Play Sick of it - Skillet)
(Neo Metal Sonic Battle)
(Sonic, Rainbow, and Knuckles POV)

Sonic spin dashed into Neo's power core, causing him to zap.

"Grrr. I will destroy you Sonic!" Neo yelled shooting a Chaos Spear at Sonic.

Sonic just quick-stepped, "If you can hit that is."

Neo kept shooting more Chaos Spears at Sonic, but missed each time.

"Hey Metal, I have a quiz for you. Have you noticed I'm not attacking you?" Sonic asked while quick-stepping, "Did you perhaps think there's a reason for that?"

"What are you talking about?" Neo asked.

"Hmm. Oh I don't know, maybe I'm just trying to distract you." Sonic smirked.

"Knuckleduster!" Knuckles yelled from behind Neo.

Neo turned around and received a fist to the face, "Bzztt!"

Neo crashed into a wall, "Grr. Time to terminate you." He pulled out the White Chaos Emerald and placed it in his power core.

"Sonic. That's my Chaos Emerald." Rainbow said pointing at the Chaos Emerald in Neo.

Sonic and Knuckles nodded and charged at Neo.

Neo formed two Chaos Lances, "Time to end you." He threw the lances at the two.

"Knuckles, toss me." Sonic said running close to Knuckles.

He nodded and grabbed Sonic's legs. He then began to swing Sonic around "Here. We. GO!" He threw Sonic directly at Neo.

Sonic curled up into a ball and began to spin. Then the electrical power ring he was wearing glowed and formed a blue aura around him.

The Chaos Lances missed Sonic.

"No!" Neo shouted.

Sonic rammed into Neo, "You're finished Neo!"

Thousands of electrical volts were sent throughout Neo's circuits, and then shut him down.

Sonic walked up to Neo and pulled out the Chaos Emerald, "I'll take that."

Sonic then threw the Chaos Emerald to Rainbow.

"Alright. Time to kick some enemy butt." Rainbow said as she began to glow cyan.

She then transformed into Chaos Guardian Rainbowdash.

Neo's servos began to reboot, "Priority one: Destroy Sonic."

He got up and then grabbed Sonic's legs.

"What the?" Sonic said alarmed.

Neo began to swing Sonic around, "Out with you." He threw Sonic out the broken window.

"Sonic!" Rainbow yelled.

But Sonic didn't fall, instead, he was standing on the wing of the Tornado.

Tails and Twilight were flying it.

"You alright Sonic?" Twilight asked.

"Yeup." Sonic said.

"I've got Neo. You try to find a way to free the roboticized citizens. But Twilight needs to stay." Rainbow said.

Twilight jumped out of the plane and landed next to Rainbow, "Why do I need to stay?"

"Because we're going to need to release the Chaos Guardian within you." Rainbow said.

Twilight nodded.

"But we need the Purple Chaos Emerald for that." Rainbow said, "And I detect it in Neo's grasp."

"I have just the thing. To get it." Twilight said reaching into her bag. She pulled out her Element of Harmony and put it on.

She began to focus hard, 'Come on. Purple Chaos Emerald. Be drawn to my Element's energy."

Suddenly the Purple Chaos Emerald flew out of Neo's core, "What?! NO!"

The Chaos Emerald then flew into Twilight's hand.

Twilight began to shiver, and glowed purple.

When the light dies down, Twilight had changed.

She had a purple robe with a hood; she held a book in her left hand, and a staff in her right; she had a metal purple breast-plate; and she was levitating above the ground.

"It's good to be back." Twilight said, "I am Twilight Sparkle the Chaos Mage."

"Let's go." Rainbow said.

The two Chaos Guardians charged at Neo.

(Night Rose Battle)
(Dark, Ace, Lilac, and Sunset POV)

Dark and Ace were trying to shoot Night Rose with Chaos and Dark beams, but she kept dodging them.

"*Sigh* What a waste of time." Night Rose said tossing the Red Chaos Emerald up and down in her right hand.

"Give us that Chaos Emerald!" Dark yelled.

"Too bad." Night Rose said. She then threw two orbs of ice energy, which hit Ace and Dark, and froze them completely, "Too easy."

Suddenly, Night Rose was cut across the face by a blade.

She turned and saw Lilac holding a rapier with a dark blue blade.

"Ahh. It's you. I want to keep you alive. I like your body and the way it looks. Much better than this one." Night Rose smirked while observing Lilac.

"Grr. You will not have my body. It is mine. The only thing of me you will have is my hatred!" Lilac yelled swinging her rapier at Night Rose.

Night Rose smirked and grabbed the blade, "Imagine all the power I could give you. I could give you powers your brother couldn't even imagine. I could give you powers to change your past."

Lilac's eyes widened a little, "Change… my past?"

"Lilac! Don't listen to her. She's trying to trick you!" Sunset yelled to Lilac.

Lilac snapped back into reality and glared at Night Rose, "You won't fool me Nightmare Moon." Suddenly Lilac's sword began to glow purple.

Night Rose's eyes widened. Her hand began to burn, "Ahg!"

Lilac took this to her advantage. She kicked Night Rose in the chest, and then grabbed the red Chaos Emerald from her hand, "Sunset! Catch!" She threw the red emerald to Sunset.

Sunset caught the emerald and smirked, "Let's do this." She said as she began to glow red.

Night Rose's eyes widened when she saw Chaos Guardian Sunset charging at her.

"Lilac. Move now." Sunset said as she brought her sword back, it began to glow bright orange.

Lilac moved out of the way quickly.

Sunset swung her sword across Night Rose's chest, burning her in the process.

"AHG!" Night Rose screamed, and then she disappeared in a puff of blue mist.

The Blue and Yellow Chaos Emeralds dropped where Night Rose had been.

Sunset picked up the Emeralds, "We need to get these to Rarity and Fluttershy."

"But first, we need to free my brother and Ace." Lilac said.

"I thought Ace was Dark's brother. Wouldn't that make him your brother too?" Sunset asked walking over to Ace's frozen body.

"I don't want to talk about it." Lilac said as she began to chip away Dark's ice.

(Mephiles the Dark Battle)

(Group POV)
(Stop Playing Sick of it - Skillet)

Mephiles growled as he watched the teens finish off his allies, "I won't fail like the other two did."

Mephiles smiled evilly.

He waited till all the teens were in front of him. Then he put his hands up, "I surrender." He dropped the rest of the Chaos Emeralds on the floor.

"What? You're just going to give us the Chaos Emeralds?" Sonic asked.

Rainbow, Twilight, and Sunset went to pick up the three Chaos Emeralds.

"NO! I was waiting for the others to come to me!" Mephiles said, he shot three chaos beams at the girls.

They were hit and they dropped their Chaos Emeralds, causing them to revert back to normal.

Neo and Night Rose appeared next to Mephiles.

"It is time." Mephiles said.

The three villains rose into midair, and then the Chaos Emeralds began to spin around them.

"Metal Overlord." Neo spoke.

"Nightmare Rose." Night Rose said.

"Dark Mephiles!" Mephiles finished.

"Uh oh. Guys, we need to get out of here." Silver said.

Everyone ran to the window and jumped out of it.

When everyone made it to the ground, they ran to the outskirts of the city.

"Oh my god. Guys look." Twilight said pointing at the Dark Castle.

The Dark Castle suddenly exploded. And out of the hole, rose Metal Overlord. And then a different person rose next to him, it looked like Night Rose, but she had a helmet, black wings, and a sword. And then Mephiles rose next to her.


Author's Note:

AND that's chapter 19 folks. So, oh no! Mephiles, Night Rose, and Neo got all the heroes in one spot so they could get weaken the Chaos Guardians. And ow, Metal Overlord, Nightmare Rose, and Dark Mephiles have arisen. Can our heroes stop them? Find out next time on M&EG. Until then, PEACE EVERYBODY! Darksteele0224 signing off.