• Published 4th Jul 2015
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Tarnished Silver and Clouded Diamonds - David Silver

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon are banished to another world entirely, where they will have to use their wits to survive. With no money and no support, what are they to do? At least Pinkie Pie's on the way! Ponyfinder/MLP Crossover

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16 - Finding a Market

Diamond Tiara barely checked into the inn before she was guiding them out to the street. "First order of business? Food, but keep your eyes open. Our goal is to find where the griffons aren't doing things right. Look, don't talk. We'll compare notes after we've treated ourselves." She waved them forward and led her group with a confident walk to the first little cafe she saw.

She liked the look of it, with the griffons all being dressed well, the energy relaxed, and not a single vagrant in sight. This was a place for people with money and purpose, people like her. She strode into it and moved to an empty table, then hopped up onto a chair and settled herself. Her friends joined her, and they waited for service, which proved slow in coming.

With growing dissatisfaction, Diamond Tiara clopped the top of the table. "Maybe I was wrong. I thought this was a place of refinement."

A griffon approached. His dress made Diamond think more of a maƮtre d' as opposed to a random waiter. "I'm afraid we don't serve... that." His gaze fell squarely on Gneech.

Diamond Tiara waved a hoof dismissively. "He is my servant and my responsibility. We are ready to be served."

Her thickly-entitled tone of voice and casual dismissal put him off-balance. If she was as rich as she sounded, perhaps... "Of course, madame. We will have to apply a ten percent fee, for the discomfort presented to our other patrons."

Diamond raised a brow. "Your other patrons are less cosmopolitan than I thought, but very well. Can we have our menus now?" She snorted softly. "I hope you aren't expecting much of a tip with the way this is going so far."

Silver Spoon lowered her glasses lightly and shook her head at the griffon. "Hmmph, I thought they would have better manners in such a deceptively classy establishment."

Gneech glanced between the two, wanting to help, but unsure how to do so and sound properly snooty. "Yeah..."

The waiter slid menus before them and retreated without another word, looking embarrassed and infuriated. Diamond smiled at her companions. "Gneech, you're getting more valuable. While you're here, they're focused on you, and not us, which leaves us the chance to observe, and act." She tapped at her chin. "Go ahead, pick what you'd like to eat. Today we eat like kings and queens."

The menu had a variety of foods, plenty to satisfy a pony or kobold's appetite with a selection of nuts, vegetables, fruits, and glorious meats for a very happy Gneech. "Gneech knew following you would be good idea. He had hunch, when was stupid and hit by trap he should have stopped and saw. Gneech, hunch said, pink pony is last chance. She will either kill you, or save you. So Gneech gave dagger, and you save Gneech."

Diamond Tiara didn't bring up that she had fully intended on murdering Gneech at the time. "It all worked out in the end, didn't it?"

Silver Spoon sipped at the citrusy juice that filled her glass. "Whatever the fault in service, the food is excellent, isn't it?"

Gneech bobbed his head. "Is good!"

Diamond Tiara gestured with her head subtly. "Now look around, what's missing?"

Gneech was the first to reply. "Gneech not sure..."

Silver Spoon adjusted her glasses, pushing them up along her snout. "Like, they're dressed kind of plainly."

Diamond nodded. "I'll wager if we went up to the really ritzy areas, they're dressed better. There's a supply issue, either in talent, or in dyes and pigments, so only the richest can afford bright colors around here, and you saw the poor ones. If we can resolve that, we're looking at instant returns." She lifted her glass of milk. "To profits."

Diamond and Silver clinked their glasses together. Gneech was slower in recognizing the gesture and hurriedly banged his mug in. At least he didn't shatter their glasses.

Silver Spoon tilted her head. "We should find out what the laws are about opening businesses around here."

Diamond nodded at her. "Great idea. Silver, that's your job after we're done here. I'm going to investigate where the tailors are getting their supplies, and who's in the business. We'll snatch one or two up to work on our side."

Gneech pointed at himself. "What Gneech do?"

Diamond frowned with thought. Gneech subtly gestured at a griffon. "Double stitch with single dye. Lazy manufacture. It'll fall apart too fast. Gneech knows how to tell."

Diamond smiled. "You talented little lizard! Your value keeps expanding. You're with me."

Gneech bobbed his head. "Gneech is dragon, more reptile, less lizard, but will come with, yes."

Diamond suddenly imagined Gneech as a red-scaled version of Spike and burst into a fit of giggles, much to his confusion.

Pinkie looked around the exotic oriental stylings of Yi Sheng architecture before approaching one of the unicorns that seemed to dominate the town. "Excuse me. I'm trying to get to the griffon mountains?"

The unicorn looked Pinkie over a moment before smiling. "Curious pink pony, may I trouble you to come with me for a moment?"

Pinkie tilted her head. "Um, sure? What's up?" She began to follow him through the streets as he led her towards one in particular, with large gates and a larger courtyard.

He shook his head. "It shouldn't take too long, but I'd be willing to pay. It's not often I encounter an outsider that so closely resembles a pony."

Pinkie stopped, frowning a little. "I am a pony! Just like you or anypony else."

He held out a hoof towards her. "This is a hoof." He used his magic to lift one of pinkie's. "This is a not a hoof. Where's the wall? Where's the frog?"

Pinkie became confused. "Hooves are supposed to have frogs? That's strange. Why would ponies have frogs attached to their legs?"

"I'll explain in further detail..." He led her onwards to his laboratory, where he could examine her better.

With lunch complete, the waiter returned, looking a little suspicious. "That will be six silver pieces, madame."

Diamond fished out a platinum coin and set it down. "I'll need change."

He was clearly surprised at the presence of the valuable coin, but plucked it up and soon returned with proper change. Diamond passed back one of the silver coins. "Can I have this in the cheapest coin available?"

"Copper pieces, madame?"

"Yes, thank you."

He returned with ten copper coins, bowed, and departed. Diamond set the one copper on the table. "That's what he gets for his attitude. We'll meet back at the Gilded Promise, alright? Let's go."

Silver hopped to the ground, feeling full and happy. She held out a hoof to Diamond Tiara. "Give me some coins, in case some hooves need greased, or for application fees."

Diamond raised a brow. "Be sure to get receipts." She slipped two platinum to Silver Spoon.

Silver shook her head. "They don't give receipts for bribes, but for everything else, I will." She tucked the money away and trotted out into the city, looking around for and soon finding a guard. She approached the armored griffon with a smile. "Hello! Can you, like, tell me where I'd go to get a business license?"

The griffon looked down at her before crouching to be on her level. "Oh, I recognize you. They were talking about you, little pony. Already going into business for yourself? Aren't you an industrious little soul."

Silver smiled kindly at the griffon. "Yes sir. I just need to make sure we have all the paperwork done properly." She raised a hoof. "We wouldn't want you to have to spend time with us because we broke a rule."

"Right you are," agreed the guard. "I wish some of my chicks had your attitude. Ready to go, but making sure your lines are crisp. Follow me and I'll get you where you need to be." He rose up to his full height, but stayed on all fours as he led Silver along through the streets. "Watch out for the pencil pushers. They think there's glory to be had in managing their little desks, and putting a crimp in your day just validates their belief that they have power."

Silver nodded as she followed after him. "I'll be careful, sir. Thanks for taking the time out of your busy day to show me here."

They nodded to one another before he moved off, leaving her in front of the large building that reported itself to be "Office of Records". Silver nodded at the sign before moving for the door, confident that she was in the right place.

The inside of the building reeked of paper, new and old, and ink. In direct view of the door was an aged pegasus. Her creamy fur was turning grey at the ends of her ears and snout. Silver perked, not expecting a pony. "Hello there, miss. Some business partners and I would like to open a business, and we wanted to be sure we're doing it properly."

The pegasus tilted her head. "You're mighty young-looking to be in here? Is this a prank?"

Silver held up a hoof. "Assuredly not, miss. I've been entrusted to make sure this is done properly, and that's, like, what I'm here to do."

She nodded slowly. "Right, I see. Well I'm Inky Quill. Let's see what we can do for you. What's the primary nature of your business? Were you incorporated in a foreign country and transferring to here? Doing business here? Or forming here today?"

Silver smiled with building hope. "Textiles, and local."

Inky raised a brow. "Textiles? Curious. You're dressed like you just came in out of the wilderness."

Silver internally cursed her lack of foresight in getting a new outfit. "How astute, Miss Quill. We just arrived and are eager to get right to business." Inky Quill pushed some forms across the desk at her and Silver picked it up, looking it over. It was as dense as she had expected, and she found a small desk to sit at and start filling it out, scratching away with the provided quill. "Miss? How long will it take for this for to become valid after I submit it?"

Inky shrugged softly. "New business incorporation? Upwards of a month, depending on how long it takes to get before the review board, and assuming they approve it."

Silver winced softly. "I... see. And what's the submission fee?"

Inky shook her head. "Oh, just a single gold piece. Hardly a trifling for anyone who's serious about doing business."

Silver nodded. "Oh, of course. In fact, that seems like far too little, especially with all the questions you have to answer all day long. Such a hard worker, like, deserves a bit more."

Inky huffed. "Preaching to the choir there, filly."

Silver slid from the desk and approached Inky. "No, I'm totally serious." She fished out a platinum and set it on the desk. "Here you are, for the submission and speedy processing, and for being a great pony to work with."

Inky slid the coin towards herself. "Oh, of course. Yes. We'll see if we can't get this pushed through right away. Leave your contact information and we'll get back to you as soon as we have answers."

Author's Note:

What's this? No one was threatened with horrible injuries this chapter? That must be a typo.