• Published 4th Jul 2015
  • 1,408 Views, 502 Comments

Tarnished Silver and Clouded Diamonds - David Silver

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon are banished to another world entirely, where they will have to use their wits to survive. With no money and no support, what are they to do? At least Pinkie Pie's on the way! Ponyfinder/MLP Crossover

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7 - Embrace of Mountains

They picked up some saddlebags for the girls and filled them with rations, supplies, and general survival kits. Diamond Tiara's money was whittled away at, though Dark Streak tossed in a few coin to finish it off. In the end, they also secured some warm clothing.

Silver Spoon smiled. "It doesn't look that different from my winter jacket, does it?"

Diamond tilted her head at Silver, considering. "It's not quite as fluffy, but it's not a bad match, no."

Their warm coverings brightened their moods, and they followed after Dark as she led them away from the town. As they walked, Silver looked sideways at Diamond, "You know... when we see them again, we should try making friends."

Diamond Tiara scowled. "With who? The Loser Mark Failures?"

Silver Spoon shrugged. "Think about it practically for once. They're all close to Princess Twilight and her friends, and they're super famous. Even if they don't have a cutie mark...?"

Diamond let out an exasperated sigh. "One of them does. Singing, pfft, what a stupid talent." She turned her head away from Silver Spoon. "Mine's better."

Silver Spoon glanced away and back again as quickly. "What is yours, Diamond Tiara?"

Diamond frowned. "You don't know?!" She pointed a hoof at her rump, half-concealed by the warm clothing she wore. "I'm destined to lead. I'm going to be just like my daddy and make lots of bits telling other ponies what to do. They need me! If there isn't a leader, nothing gets done." She pointed at Silver Spoon's silver spoon. "What's yours, anyway?"

Silver Spoon turned red quickly as she considered that. What was her special talent? Did she have one? She looked back at the mark adorning her flank. "I... got mine at a party, you were there. My parents went all out for us and I felt so special."

Diamond Tiara nodded as she looked into the distance. "I remember that. They really did go through a lot of trouble for you." She felt a little rush of jealousy. Her dad was always too busy to put in that much personal time into any of her parties. Of course, he was a powerful, important pony. One day she'd be just as important, and she'd be busy too...

Silver Spoon's ears fell a little. "I miss them."

Dark slowed a little to be closer to them. "What are you two talking about back here? We should be walking more and chit-chatting less. The quicker we go, the less opportunities for trouble." She pointed ahead. "Cuachan's at least two weeks hard march. It'd be faster flying..."

Diamond rolled her eyes. "Yeah yeah, but we don't fly." She hastened her steps through the snow, and the conversation died out, replaced with the soft howl of the wind and the ever-present crunch of snow beneath hooves, talons and paws.

A soft growl was all the warning given as a cat as white as the surrounding snow came bolting out of the scraggly underbrush at Silver Spoon. As it charged past Dark Streak, she lashed out with a beak, grabbing one of its paws in a painful and distracting bite that sent it tumbling along the pass, its charge entirely foiled. "Don't run! Cats'll eat you just as fast running as standing."

Silver Spoon pulled her bow free, shaking like a leaf as she fumbled for an arrow. Diamond advanced in front of her, spear already drawn. "Don't worry, Silver Spoon, I'll protect you." The words sent a pleasant warmth through Silver's chest at the brave sentiments from her friend.

The snow cat was unimpressed, rolling up to his paws and snarling as it looked between the griffon and and the spear-wielding pink pony. Sensing its ambush was a bust, it suddenly bolted off the path, and left them alone. Dark moved to check on the ponies. "Everyone alright?"

Diamond tucked the spear away. "We're fine. I can't be scared of an overgrown Opal."

Silver tucked her bow back onto herself. "I was a little scared... It was coming right at me."

Dark smiled. "Good, you should be scared, but everyone kept their head together and it won't find an easy meal today." She turned forward. "Let's go. One more hour and we'll break for a snack."

Diamond Tiara moved to keep up with Dark. "Say, uh, good job. You reacted so quickly. How'd you do that?"

Dark snorted softly. "Practice. I've been in the wilderness as long as I've been in civilization. You want a lesson? You're getting it right now. Learn from everything."

Silver came up on the other side. "I thought you lived in the town back there?"

Dark shrugged. "Sure, for a few years. I let myself fall for that damned fool, and now I'm babysitting two ponies that barely have a clue between the two of them. As you can see, I've made some questionable life choices." She smiled. "But at least it isn't boring."

Silver Spoon gave a sheepish smile. "Well, sorry. We didn't mean to be a pain in the flank. We need to get home."

Diamond huffed softly. "You don't need to apologize, Silver. We didn't do anything wrong in the first place."

Dark shrugged. "So how'd you get here again?"

Diamond turned her nose upwards. "We were attacked by a no-brain country bumpkin."

Dark nodded slowly. "Alright, and he just came out of nowhere?"

Silver Spoon's head sank. "Well, we were kind of making fun of her little sister at the time."

Dark smirked a little. "People usually have reasons for doing things, even if they're stupid reasons."

Diamond Tiara stomped as she walked. "That didn't give her the right to send us here! I'll make sure she rots in a jail cell, and her farm gets taken away! She's just angry her sister didn't get a cutie mark when her friend did. That's not my fault."

Silver Spoon raised a hoof. "Well, like, if you--"

Diamond glared her into silence. "When we get back, they'll regret ever messing with me."

Dark shook her head as she walked. "I think your friend's just looking out for your best interest."

Diamond huffed. "Well if she knows how to get home right now, I'm listening."

"No..." Silver kicked a little snow as she went, defeated.

Dark decided to call a break for lunch, and guided the fillies off the trail to a small alcove in the mountain that kept much of the wind off of them. With some effort she got a fire going to relax by.

Silver Spoon rubbed her forehooves together by the fire, enjoying its warmth. "Say, Dark Streak? Why'd you burn your house?"

Diamond Tiara nodded. "That's a good question. You could have sold it for more money than you got burning it to ash."

Dark frowned sharply. "The house was never mine to start. It was his. And he's dead, and I'm leaving. It didn't feel right to sell it, even if the law said I had a right to. Bunch of pricks don't deserve another house anyway. You saw them, whispering and staring, but did even a single one of them question that big oaf? Of course not! It's safer keeping your beak shut and your head down and just let the rough spots pass you by." She pulled out some rations and tossed a packet at each of the ponies. "Eat up, we should get moving while there's light to go by."

Silver chewed roughly at the brick-like ration. It wasn't that tasty, but it was something to put in her belly, and she appreciated that even as she thought of better times. The smiling faces of her parents, her warm bed, and even the fancy drinks Diamond Tiara often served while she was visiting. Her thoughts turned more sour as she thought about her cutie mark. What did it mean? Was being rich her talent? Being pampered? What kind of destiny was that?

"Hey, what are you brooding about?" Diamond was staring at Silver Spoon while chewing her own food. "You look like you want to cry," she said with more acid than she intended.

Silver shrank back a little. "Just thinking about home..." She raised a hoof to rub along her pearl necklace. "Mom gave this to me... But if we... if we need to... maybe we should sell it?" The tears that had been threatening to escape broke free in a wave, and she closed her eyes, chewing miserably at her food.

Diamond felt her chest tighten. She didn't like seeing her friend so sad, but she wasn't sure what to do about it. What would her father do? What was expected of a leader? "That will not be necessary, Silver Spoon." She pointed at herself. "You stay with me, and it'll never get that desperate. We'll make it to that big city, uh, Cuachan? We'll blow them off their paws. They'll be feeding us grapes while we shower in bits."

Dark smiled at the exchange, pleased to see a sign that Diamond could have some feeling for another. "Keep those spirits high. Besides, you have me too, that counts for something, right? I've not starved so far, and I don't plan to break the trend now." She rose and paced away from the fire. "I'm going to have a quick look at things, see if I can't spot any trouble awaiting for us. You two stay here, finish your food." She spread her wings and launched into the air, enjoying the freedom of the sky.

If she wasn't shackled to the fillies, she could make the capital in just a few days going straight towards it. She threw aside the bitter thought and cast her eyes around for predators, both animal and thinking alike. Success! She saw a band of white-skinned goblins trudging along through the snow. Raiders, likely.

Dark came in almost on top of the fire, kicking it out and scattering the ashes. "Time to go, finished eating?"

Silver perked an ear curiously. "What did you see? You look upset."

Dark pointed ahead. "Raiders, coming up the trail. We need to get off of it and let them pass, unless you're suddenly feeling ready to handle over a dozen goblins."

Diamond stuck out her tongue. "I don't know what those are, but no, I don't want to. Lead the way."

They moved quickly away from the destroyed camp and slid down the opposite end of the trail down into a ravine. Dark led them further along the trail, giving them withering looks whenever they made the slightest noise. In just a few minutes, the goblins arrived.

The motley group of humanoids were easy to hear, loudly shouting with excitement, though their language was strange. Most sounded a bit nasally and a touch gravely, and they gestured wildly with their wicked weapons as they ascended towards the town. They paused at the campsite, poking around, and peeking over the side, but there was no one there for them to find, and they moved past it.

Silver pointed up the trail. "Shouldn't we, like, warn the town or something?"

Diamond waved a hoof. "What have they done for us lately?"

Dark frowned. "Let's get moving..."

Author's Note:

The journey begins! Oh look, goblins, they're fun and full of typos.