• Published 3rd Oct 2015
  • 8,641 Views, 43 Comments

Sunset's Overdue Paper - milesprower06

After the completion of the Friendship Games, Sunset hopes to complete a long overdue assignment before Twilight departs for Equestria. Better late than never.

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The Assignment

Sunset's Overdue Paper
by milesprower06

The Assignment

Twilight had turned in countless assignments throughout her years of studying under Princess Celestia, but this was a first. Being the personal protege, she never had to turn in someone else's homework.

"Can you make sure Celestia gets this? Call it a long overdue assignment." Sunset Shimmer had asked her before handing her a wax-sealed envelope. Twilight happily obliged. Time loop or not, she wanted to make up for missing her call for help.

So Princess Twilight the Mailmare flew to the gates of Canterlot Castle and was quickly allowed in. She made her way through the long-memorized halls, and stood at the throne room doors while she was announced. Moments later, she was ushered in, and trotted up the red velvet carpet to Celestia's throne.

"Princess Twilight, to what do I owe the pleasure?" Celestia asked.

Twilight still wasn't used to that title coming from her mentor.

"Just delivering a letter, Princess," she said, levitating the envelope out of her saddlebags over to the throne, where Celestia magically took hold of it.

"A letter? Why you didn't have to come all the way here just for that. Spike would have done just fine."

"I know, it just seemed a bit more important than that, I wanted to hoof-deliver it. She said it was a long-overdue assignment."

Celestia took a closer look, and saw the ying-yang sun that had been pressed into the wax seal, confirming who 'she' was.

"I see. Well, thank you very much Twilight. I hope you enjoy the rest of your day."

Twilight gave a curt bow, and made her way out of the throne room. Celestia was on a rather tight schedule today, and was barely able to fit Twilight in, so she handed the envelope to the guard next to her.

"Can you please put that in my study?"

"Certainly, Your Highness." The guard replied, immediately taking the envelope and taking it to his ordered destination. It would sit there on the center table for another six hours, before Princess' day finally came to a close, and she retired for the evening.

She sat down at the table with a steaming cup of tea, and broke the seal of the envelope. Inside, was a neatly folded parchment. She unfolded it, and began to read.

Dear Princess Celestia,

Wow, it seems like it's been forever since I've last written those words. The last letter I wrote to you was for help, but Princess Twilight got it instead. But this isn't a call for help. Instead it's something that's long overdue. I know Twilight probably filled you in, but another point of view never hurts, right?

So, where to begin? Might as well start at the beginning. When I emerged on the other side of the portal, I enrolled in Canterlot High. Being the ambitious little unicorn that I was, I immediately started manipulating the student body for my own goals. For the longest time, I was focused on one thing; getting revenge on you for turning me away, for denying me what I felt I rightfully deserved. Power was all I desired. I kept a close eye on the portal, knowing you had it moved to the Crystal Empire once that region had been restored. When you gathered the Princesses for a royal summit, I made my move to steal the Element of Magic. By then, I had the student body segregated to my liking.

Looking back, the plan was laughable. I mean, even if I got through the portal, would my army of teenagers automatically know how to use their wings and horns against trained royal guards? No doubt you've brushed up on the training of your escorts after that stunt I pulled that landed me here.

You were right. I was selfish and overly ambitious, and all that grew inside of me was the darkness I acquired. Even when that darkness overcame me, I still wanted to use its power. But then I saw how much more powerful true friendship is. All they did was stand around her, and before their unity, my power was nothing. Through Twilight, you've shown me the magic of friendship. She could've brought me back with her, but instead, she left me with her friends here, and they've shown me just how erroneous my way of thinking was.

Of course after that, they were the only five friends I had. The rest of the student body understandably wanted nothing to do with me. I certainly got a workout rebuilding the front entrance wall, and during that time, I spent a lot of time looking inward. I spent more than a few nights crying myself to sleep, and sometimes they were the only reason I came to school in the morning.

I'll admit, ever since Twilight stopped my attempted attack on Equestria, I've been homesick. Mom and dad have probably been worried sick about me. I hope they didn't blame you for what happened. I want them to know that I accept all of the blame for what happened, because everything that transpired was my fault. Please send them my best wishes. I miss them, and I miss you as well, but as badly as I want to go home sometimes, I can't. Equestrian magic is here because of me, and because of the circumstances that caused me to be here, I was here to protect this school and its students from those who would have used that magic for their own purposes, after myself. No doubt Twilight filled you in on the three sirens that Starswirl banished. Since their defeat here, they haven't been heard from, so I can only hope that they can be redeemed, just as I was. But that was when things started to turn around for me regarding the rest of the school. I've become the resident authority on all things magical, and unfortunately, magic works differently here, and it's like learning about it all over again. As long as the magic is still here, I feel it's my responsibility to protect this place, and the people I've endangered.

You were right. Friendship is the greatest magic there is, and it has changed me through and through. Princess Twilight is the student you deserved, but I wanted you to know that I've changed, and even though I failed you, I hope you don't think your time was wasted on me. I still remember that night that I left. I suppose what's taken so long for me to say this is, that since Princess Twilight turned me around, I haven't felt worthy enough to apologize. You were overly patient with me, and all I did was demand more. I'm so sorry for the way I treated you. My opportunity with you has undoubtedly passed, but I hope that with Princess Twilight, I can become the person you wanted me to be.

Sincerely, your former pupil,
Sunset Shimmer

A teardrop fell on the photo as Celestia set it gently on the table, smiling. It had been so long.

One of her enchanted correspondence books must have gotten mixed up in the deliveries to Twilight's castle in Ponyville. If it wasn't for that, not to mention Twilight's ingenuity in crafting a device that could open the portal at anytime, who knows what could have happened to her.

Celestia wiped the tears from her eyes, and got up from the table. She went over to the bookshelf, and took out one of her other enchanted correspondence books, and used her magic to properly attune it to Sunset's book. A letter like that could not go unanswered. She sat down at the table once again, and prepared her quill and ink.

My dear Sunset,

You don't know what it means to finally hear from you.

I'm not sure if you think I went and got Twilight the morning after you went through that portal, but I did a lot of reflecting. I spent many weeks wondering how I had failed you. I had hoped to augment your ambition with compassion, but with the way events have played out, I've accepted that perhaps it wasn't my place to do so. When you crossed over again to steal Twilight's crown, I was disappointed that you were still lost, and hoped that she would manage to bring you back with her, to answer for what you had done. I will admit that I initially had doubts that her decision to leave you there would bear fruit, but there's a reason she is now the Princess of Friendship.

There is one more crucial element of friendship than the six you have become familiar with, Sunset. One encompassing quality that stands just as strongly as the other pillars of long-lasting friendships. Forgiveness. Whether it can or cannot be earned, asked for, or given freely has been debated since well before my time. I would offer that it depends greatly on the offense, and the parties involved.

With Twilight's reports; with the way you've embraced friendship, as well as accepting the ongoing responsibility for your actions, including sacrificing coming home for the time being, it shows me that you have truly changed, and you have undoubtedly earned my forgiveness.

You have a friend in me, Sunset Shimmer. I am very proud of you, and I hope I can see you again soon.

Princess Celestia

Comments ( 43 )

It's a cute fic, but I would've enjoyed it more if you weren't trying to shoehorn the lyrics from 'My past is not today' in it.

6487143 I wouldn't consider it shoehorned in, but each to their own.

Fuckin' beautiful man.

Very nice. There were a couple of barely noticeable errors, but one thing stood out to me:

Of course after that, they were the only four friends I had.

Don't you mean five?

The dialogue is sometimes a little dry but apart from that I enjoyed this one.

Gotta agree with the lyrics thing, it was actually a little bit cringy (ey? idk), to me. Otherwise it was a cute little story that I'm glad to have read.

Bravo my friend, bravo! I will consider this an unoffical bonus scene of Friendship Games, and I can only hope that if we get more Equestria Girls in the future, they don't forget about Sunset Shimmer's past life.

Lovely fic; very cute and sweet natured. I enjoyed both Sunset's letter excepting responsibility and Celestia's response, offering forgiveness. I do think it could have benefited from one more draft to smooth over some of the rougher sections in Sunset's letter. You should also remove and rewrite the song lyrics; those were very jarring. They felt out of place and wrong. That said, I enjoyed it thoroughly and have upvoted.

6487819 After reading it through several more times, I went ahead and removed some of them.

6488101 Maybe she was secretly not so fond of one of them. :)

Okay, something like this has GOTTA happen in Equestria Girls 4!

...Yes, guys, it's confirmed. :twilightsmile:

Wow this was actually a heartwarming great story Miles. A look into the povs of sunset and celestia.

6488402 I agree. Or maybe, if the DHX staff is talented enough, make it into a full length episode for Season 6.

6487157 It's really easy to use those words by accident.

You should try a Celestia is Sunset Shimmer's adopted mom fiction.

You look like you would do well with that particular blade.


I was here to protect this school and its students

That was a nice story:twilightsmile:

Oh no Sunset!!! You're... TARDY!

I'm not sure if the "My Past is Not Today" lyrics make the letter better or worse. On the one hoof, they're very familiar and each one is jarring. On the other, it's putting Sunset's words in her own mouth, and that's exactly the way it should be.

6504668 I took some of them out, because they were a bit jarring. On the first draft, half the song was in there.

6504733 Yeah, that would have been too much. I love the concept you're working with here and it's well written.

6623126 This is a oneshot. There is no moar.


"Looking back, the plan was laughable. I mean, even if I got through the portal, would my army of teenagers automatically know how to use their wings and horns against trained royal guards? "

And she can keep brainwashing and sending in more expendable grunts en mass, and she can just brainwash and transform more ponies on the other side, I imagine the teenage were just a distraction for her to then brainwash and transform more ponies on the pony side of the mirror.

That was really nice. The picture at the end sums it up perfectly. :pinkiehappy:

FWIW, at the end of Rainbow Rocks, I would have squealed in joy if Sunset had finished her very first Friendship Report with: "Your faithful student, Sunset Shimmer"

Comment posted by milesprower06 deleted Dec 2nd, 2019

Your image after Sunset's letter is broken. (Not the one with her and Tia, the other one.)

That as so good! Really enjoyed it.

Thanks for reading! There's more in this storyline if you're so inclined.

Just now. No idea when it'll get broken again.

Twilight still wasn't used to that title coming from her mentor.

You'll get used to it in no time.

One of her enchanted correspondence books must have gotten mixed up in the deliveries to Twilight's castle in Ponyville. If it wasn't for that, not to mention Twilight's ingenuity in crafting a device that could open the portal at anytime, who knows what could have happened to her.

And sunset and the mane 5 wouldn't have been able to defeat the sirens.

You have a friend in me, Sunset Shimmer. I am very proud of you, and I hope I can see you again soon.

Despite what happened between them in the past I know that celestia is proud of her former student. :pinkiehappy:

Welp I have 4 stories to catch up.

I sincerely hope you enjoy!

great job on story

There is one more crucial element of friendship than the six you have become familiar with, Sunset. One encompassing quality that stands just as strongly as the other pillars of long-lasting friendships. Forgiveness. Whether it can or cannot be earned, asked for, or given freely has been debated since well before my time. I would offer that it depends greatly on the offense, and the parties involved.

the element of forgiveness glows
It is the real 7th element
(The 8th I'll say later)
Forgiveness doesn't come off as like the other elements
But it exists
Forgiveness is reserved for when friendships are on the brink of collapse
And forgiveness lights itself up to bring the other elements together
Without forgiveness there is no laughing at monsters
Without forgiveness there is no loyalty to friends
Without forgiveness we cannot be kind
Without forgiveness there is no generosity to those in need
Without forgiveness we will lie and not be honest to ourselves
And without forgiveness
there can be no friendship is magic saying

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