• Published 17th Jan 2016
  • 14,006 Views, 2,518 Comments

The Empress Returns - iowaforever

Sequel to God Empress of Ponykind: Celestia returns to the Imperium of Man, taking the title of Empress one last time.

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2.14- Stories and Confessions

Stories and Confessions

Judith hummed as she brought a crate filled with ammunition towards the lander, Frederik clanking against her armor as she continued onward. The rest of her Sisters were assisting Magos Aryll and the Valhallans with similar duties, Ruth and Veronica helping to inspect damage the techpriest had deemed important while Naomi and Rebecca moved supplies onboard.

The mood was surprisingly somber. Judith couldn’t figure out why.

“Solemnace,” Alexis breathed as Judith drew closer. “Why are we going to Solemnace? Did we do something to offend the Empress?”

“Not unless Tara did something to offend her,” Judith replied, passing the ammunition crate to the Valhallan. Alexis gasped as he tried and failed to handle the weight, the crate clattering to the ground as he sagged forward. “She is coming with us, after all, and I doubt the Empress would be so eager to send her into danger after our experiences here.”

“But Solemnace!” Alexis protested, finally getting a good grip on the ammunition. “Of all the Death Worlds she could have sent us to, why there? Why not back home to Valhalla?”

“I guess there isn’t anything of pressing interest to the Empress on Valhalla.” Both the stormtroopers scoffed at this, but said nothing more. Judith straightened up, looking for a new task to attend to while the others continued their work. “Where are Tara and Lord Mattias? Did the Empress call them away again?”

“It is not our place to question the actions of the Inquisitor, Judith,” Naomi said, taking the ammunition crate Alexis was still struggling with. “If they need time in private, so be it.”

“Well, we still need to watch over Tara, and you know what happens when you let her off on her own.”

“She badmouths a Primarch and apparently commands xenos?” Alexis offered, drawing a few glances from the Sisters. “... What? I was there too, and Lord Mattias didn’t tell me to remain silent about matters.”

“About what matters?” Judith turned, almost smacking her face against Lord Mir’shen’s chestplate. “Apologies, I did not mean to interrupt. But I had heard rumors that you were on a mission to Solemnace.”

“Orders from the Empress Herself,” Judith said, beaming up at the Forgefather. “She wants us to haggle for some artefact that’s on the planet. Tara was a bit lax on the details.”

“Because it is not our place to ask such questions of the Empress’s Student, no matter how friendly she is.” Ruth called.

“I see.” Mir’shen nodded. “I am sure we will have much to discuss on the matter during our trip.”

“You are coming with us, Lord Mir’shen?” Naomi asked, coming back down the ramp.

“Of my own accord, if that is an issue.” Mir’shen stepped past Judith, taking up one of the remaining crates easily in one hand. “The Lord of Solemnace is an old enemy of the Salamanders, and if the artefact you are pursuing is what I think it is, it is imperative that I am there for it.” Judith felt a shiver run down her spine. Tara and Mattias had not said much about the artefact the Empress had asked them to get, but the presence of Lord Mir’shen added another layer of intrigue... excitement was not a vice the Empress condoned, according to the priests, but Judith could not help herself.

“We welcome your presence, Lord Mir’shen.” Naomi said, giving the Forgefather a bow. Mir’shen gave the Sister Superior a smile as he headed up into the ship, the gangplank creating slightly under the bulk of his armor.

“See, the Empress has blessed this mission further with the presence of one of her Angels of Death.” Judith chirped.

“I’m pretty sure that’s not how that works, Judith.” Ruth said, taking up the last of the supplies into the ship. “Well, that should be the last of it. Now we just need Lord Mattias and Tara.”

“Probably just stopping for a quickie, for all we know.” Alexis muttered, causing Nikolai to slug him in the shoulder. “What?!”

“Try to get yourself shot by the enemy and not by our allies, Alexis.” Nikolai countered, pushing his brother towards the gangplank. Judith smiled, not really sure by what the Valhallans were on about, but from the way Sister Naomi shook her head it must not have been too important.

It was about then that Judith heard something moving behind her. She turned, seeing Lord Mattias and Tara coming up to the ship. Tara looked nervous, eyes darting around from building to building as she followed behind the Inquisitor, while Mattias kept his head down and eyes focused forward. “Lord Mattias,” Naomi called, stepping down to greet the two. “We have just finished loading and are awaiting...” Naomi trailed off as Mattias kept walking, not even bothering to acknowledge the others as he stepped aboard the transport.

“... Well, he seems in a hurry.” Judith said, frowning as she looked to Tara. “Is something the matter with the Inquisitor?”

“Wha-?” Tara said, shaking her head as if she had just woken up. “I-I’m sorry. There’s just a lot I’m trying to deal with right now...” a pause. “What were we talking about?”

“Lord Mattias,” Naomi said, her face softening. “Tara, you look ill. Are you sure you’re feeling alright?”

“Feeling?” Tara’s face flushed red. “I feel great! And normal! Definitely normal! Yup, I’m just a normal psyker human just like everyone else... well, except for the psyker part, but that’s fine, isn’t it?” she gave a sheepish grin, Judith and Naomi exchanging an odd glance before looking back to the frazzled young psyker.

“Perhaps you should go speak with Lord Mir’shen,” Judith offered, her smile returning. “He will be joining us on this mission, and we know how you consider him a friend.”

“Maybe that’s what I need.” Tara nodded. “Yes, just someone I can talk to and not worry about being judged... or shot... or condemned... or yelled at...” Tara continued to rattle off various harsh reactions to... whatever it was she was dealing with, slowly working her way up to the ship as Judith, Naomi, and the other Sisters looked on.

“Is something the matter with Tara?” Veronica asked.

“That does seem to be the case,” Naomi said, stepping forward so the Sisters formed up around her. “I do believe something occurred between her and the Inquisitor, but it is not our position to pry. Nevertheless, I want you all to keep a closer eye on Tara than normal as we make our journey to Solemnace, in the event that whatever she is facing boils over and she needs us more than ever.”

“We... don’t have to spy on Tara...” Rebecca started, gently massaging the Element of Kindness. “... do we?”

“Not in the same sense the Inquisitor and his henchmen would,” Naomi said. “Just... be there for her, if that makes any sense. Be her counselors, her mentors... friends... and I am sure she will see this time through.”

“We will be the Light of the Empress for her,” Ruth replied, firming up her stance. “No matter what happens, we shall not fail Tara a second time!”

“Indeed.” Naomi said, reaching down to unclamp the new helmet the Empress had procured for her. “Do not repeat anything we have discussed to anyone else, especially not the Inquisitor or Tara. Now, we must not keep the others waiting.” With that she slid her helmet on, the other sisters forming up behind her with Judith taking up the rear, the tune she had been humming earlier floating back into her mind.

Perhaps the Inquisitor and Tara were having issues, but with her help and the presence of Lord Mir’shen, such issues would be no more challenging than turning on Frederik’s pilot light. And Tara would thank her for it.


So the humans see you as their saviour, their champion... they do not know how appropriate that title is.

You are young, inexperienced... Fate will be unkind to you, but then you are never one to back down from a challenge... aren’t you?

Your friends will fail you, but you are no stranger to failure...

Aren’t you?

What are you willing to sacrifice for the true safety of your friends?


The mess hall was smaller than the main ones, mainly reserved for Mattias and his entourage. He and the Valhallans had arrived first, taking seats near the edge of the room as they picked at processed meals and recaf that had not yet settled. Bianca and Angelique had come on soon, the Hospitaller setting the psyker down for a moment as she went to get food for both of them.

With some semblance of privacy, the group had a moment to talk.

“Magos Aryll has been busy examining the relic the Empress transferred over to the ship,” Mattias said, pushing his recaf off to the side. “From what he’s told me, it’s a wooden box.”

“Really?” Alexis asked. “No Mechanicus tech-speech or anything?”

“His words, not mine.” Mattias countered. “It’s a well crafted wooden box about the size of a Dreadnought sarcophagus with a few movable parts. The Magos has determined its hollow, but has not yet found an opening in case there is anything inside.”

“That’s for the Necrons to figure out, then.” Alexis frowned. “With all due respect to Her Majesty, but is giving a relic of that nature to them really prudent?”

“For all we know there’s a stasis grenade waiting inside for when they open it up.” Mattias straightened it up. “All we have to do is get it to Solemnace and trade it for the Unbound Flame. If all goes well, and I doubt it will, we’ll get out of there before the xenos decide disintegrating us is more prudent.”

“If it goes bad? No Inquisitor has shot their way out of Solemnace and lived to tell about it.” Alexis shifted in his seat. “As heretical as it may seem, I do enjoy being alive.”

“That will be for Tara to handle.” Mattias said. He had not spoken with Twilight since they had left Rynn’s World, and beyond a few awkward glances at meal times or in the training halls they had barely seen each other in the week that had passed. He wanted to speak with her, just to see if she was doing alright and was ready to face Solemnace.

You still haven’t fully gotten over the fact that in another universe she’s a small horse...

“My lord, is something the matter?” Alexis asked.

“The mare basks in the field as the eye fades under the gaze of the dragon.” Angelique said from her seat further down the table. The Valhallans and Mattias turned to look at the psyker, Angelique tracing a pattern into the table as she hummed to herself.

“... Maybe we could stick Angelique in the box and leave the Necrons to deal with her prophecies?” Alexis offered, drawing a glare from both Nikolai and Mattias. “Bad taste, I know.”

“What is bad taste?” Mattias turned and almost choked as he saw Forgefather Mir’shen taking a seat next to him, the Sisters following close behind. The Salamander had shed his armor for a loose fitting tunic, prominently displaying a multitude of scars that crisscrossed his arms and chest. Alexis paled and looked away while the other two tried to keep face.

“Just a bad joke from by brother, my Lord,” Nikolai said quickly, looking back at his food to avoid making eye contact with the Astartes. “Nothing you would be interested in, I am sure.”

“I would not say that,” Mir’shen grinned. “My elder brothers knew quite a few humorous tales involving an old blind man and his adulterous wife.” This seemed to draw Alexis’ attention before Mir’shen looked to the Sisters finishing their prayer. “Though given present company, I do not wish to sound rude.”

“I don’t mind,” Judith chirped. “It’d be like that one time I kissed Ruth.” the Sister in question choked on her drink while the Valhallans and Mattias blinked in surprise.

“Must we hear this story again?” Veronica asked as she and Rebecca helped Ruth start breathing again.

“They haven’t heard it,” Judith pointed to the Inquisitional party and the bemused Forgefather. “Come on, nothing bad happened.”

“Judith, if you tell that story I swear by the Empress’ Holy Name I will kill you,” Ruth growled, her voice still hoarse from her coughing fit.

“You’ve said that before, and I haven’t died, so I guess the Empress doesn’t want you to kill me, yet.” Judith shifted so she was facing the rest of the table. “When I was first brought in to the Order, I was placed in a training barracks with thirty other Sisters.” Judith took a breath. “Me, Ruth, Rachel, Sarah, Christina, Brianna, B’elanna, Susan-”

“I think they understand, Judith,” Veronica interrupted.

“Anyway, Rachel came in with me that day, and we were best friends.” Judith beamed as she continued. “We studied scripture together, we trained together, we even took naps together when Sister Superior Hannah wasn’t looking. Ruth was always there too, trying to get us to ‘be moral and upstanding symbols of the Emperor’s purity’, but we knew she was just looking after us and had fun with us too.”

“No, I did not.” Ruth fumed. “You hid my hymnals so many times I had to lock them to my wrists when I slept.”

“And I remember Sister Superior Hannah commending you on that.” Judith said. “But anyway, one night after Sister Hannah had lectured us on the Gracia convent’s standards of purity, how they were not allow to take husband or lover lest they tarnish their devotion to the Emperor, I had an idea...”


Judith rolled over in her bed, staring out through the dark at the sleeping forms of her other Sisters. All of them appeared perfectly at peace, even Sister Sophia’s snoring was calm, and yet Judith found she could not sleep. The claws of curiosity had sunk deep into her mind, and she needed to have them satiated before she was left drowsy and confused.

Grabbing onto the side of her bunk, she swung the upper half of her body down so she was at eye level with the lower bunk’s occupant. “Rachel?” she whispered. “Rachel?” there was a pause before the girl rolled over, her grey eyes unmistakable even in the low light.

“Hello Judith,” she said, her voice as soft as ever. “What’s wrong?”

“What do you think it’s like to kiss someone?” Judith asked.

“Sister Hannah told us we weren’t supposed to do anything like that.”

“I know, but I just want to know,” Judith firmed up her grip and pushed off with her legs, flipping down to Rachel’s bunk as the other Sister made room for her. “Is it nice? Disgusting? I’ve seen Church members and Guardsmen doing it all the time, and I just want to know.”

“Maybe you should ask Sister Hannah.” Rachel offered.

“No, she’ll beat me for questioning her.” Judith shrugged. “... Rachel, kiss me.”

“What?” Rachel asked, her voice still dull besides the surprise.

“Please? Just once, and I’ll never ask again. I’ll be a good Sister and never question anyone about the matter.” Judith puckered her lip. “Please?” there was a long pause, Rachel regarding Judith for signs of doubt. Finally, Rachel leaned forward, closing her eyes and placing a small kiss upon Judith’s puckered lip.

She took it fairly well, all things considered.

“GAK!!!” Judith screamed, tumbling off the bunk and striking the floor with a loud thump. “Oh Throne Oh Throne Oh Throne BLEUGH!!!” As other Sisters awoke from Judith’s cries, she charged towards the barracks’ door and flung it open, turning to her right and sprinting down the hall in search of a latrine. Yes, she was breaking curfew, and yes Sister Hannah would be along soon, but getting the feeling off her lips would be like stroking the Emperor’s cape in reverence.

Finally Judith found relief, nearly knocking over a Dialogus as she hurried into the latrine. Once inside she thrust her head under the sink, sputtering as she tried to get as much water on her face as possible. She stayed there for close to a minute, water continuing to wash over her face as the feeling and taste of Rachel’s lips departed.

Finally, and as her hair started to become soggy from exposure, Judith pulled her head free and spat away any remaining water. She sighed and turned, almost tripping over Rachel as the girl stood in the doorway to the latrine. “That was a rather unpleasant experience.” Rachel said.

“Yeah...” Judith replied, spitting out a few more drops of water. “I’m sorry I had to put you through that.”

“You are my Sister, and I would do anything for you.” Rachel said, the hint of a smile gracing her lips which Judith was quick to return.

“What’s going on here?!” Rachel turned, revealing a third Initiate standing in the hallway. Judith blinked as Sister Ruth stepped out of the shadows, her face set in a prominent scowl. “What are you two doing here? You’re breaking curfew!”

“I asked Rachel to kiss me just so I could see what it was like,” Judith said, stepping up to face Ruth fully. “It wasn’t nice.”

“B-but that’s sinful!” Ruth cried, her scowl replaced with shock. “Sisters of the Gracia Convent are forbidden from taking husband or lover! Why would you commit such an act against the Emperor?”

“I just wanted to see what it was like.” Judith protested. “I love Rachel, but she’s just my friend. Nothing sinful about having a friend, is there?” Ruth hesitated, fidgeting in her spot as the two other Sisters looked to her. Whether it was from being up so late or the water on her face numbing her brain, Judith had an idea. “Hey Ruth, do you want to know what kissing is like?”

“... Don’t you dare.” Ruth growled, nervously taking a step away from Judith.

“Come on, it’s just as awful as you think it is. Then we can all get this out of the way and move on.”

“N-no, I’m not sinning with you.” Ruth stammered, taking a few more steps back.

“Please, Ruth?” Judith asked, pouting again.



“... Sister Superior Hannah found us soon after that. Ruth got five paddles for breaking curfew and making too much noise, Rachel and I got twelve for breaking curfew, making too much noise, and kissing.” Judith shrugged. “I know some of our rituals do seem draconian, but I learned my lesson and we all grew from the experience.”

“That was the only time I was ever disciplined...” Ruth moaned, having buried her face in her hands. “A perfect Sister, ruined...”

“It wasn’t too bad, Ruth,” Rebecca said, placing a hand on Ruth’s back. “You are still perfect in our eyes, and I’m sure the Empress’ too.” Ruth just gave another moan of embarrassment and said nothing more. Mattias and Mir’shen seemed willing to spare the Sister the embarrassment, while Alexis gave a small chuckle.

“Well, that was something,” he said. “Almost like when I found Corporal Sasha and Lieutenant Nikita in the command Chimera on our deployment on Braxas IV.”

“Please,” Nikolai mumbled. “The last thing I want to remember is more about Braxas IV.”

“What happened there?” Naomi asked. “We were on deployment against heretics in the Gothic Sector, so we have had few encounters with Tyranids beyond Rynn’s World.”

“These two were sent to save me.” Mattias said, taking a sip from his recaf. “I was aiding an Adeptus Biologus mission to pick out some DNA strains to create more biotoxins for use against Cetus. Unfortunately for us, the Tyranids caught wise to our mission...”


Mattias pulled away from the dying Broodlord. Unfortunately for him, the thing still had a deathgrip on his left arm, with with a shriek of tearing metal he watched as the mechanical limb was ripped away from the rest of his body. He grimaced, shifting his power sword in his remaining hand so he could fetch his bolt pistol from where he dropped it, just in time before another wave of genestealers came surging forward.

Well, Aryll can always repair it later.

He stepped back to the makeshift defense line Aryll and his tech-thralls had assembled, the cyborgs pouring fire into the writhing horde of Tyranids while shrugging off strikes from bioweapons that would kill men with more flesh on them. Aryll himself was near the center, gathering up a few samples one of the dying Biologus adepts had dropped. “Any contact on an extraction?” Mattias asked.

“Our communications to the Sanguinium Martyres appear nullified,” the techpriest droned. “However, my scans have indicated the Valhallan 79th is within acceptable range for a pickup. I have requested their presence per your authority.”

“And what can be considered acceptable?” Mattias asked. He did not have to wait long before a volley of rockets slammed into the Tyranid horde, two Valkyrie gunships swooping past as sponson mounted bolters peppered some of the larger beasts. A few more Valkyries descended, pulling to a stop as soldiers clad in blue greatcoats came streaming out, lasguns blazing as they moved to relieve Aryll’s tech-thralls.

“Inquisitor!” Mattias looked up as a man in a greatcoat and power fist approached, flanked by five more heavily armed and armored troopers. “Captain Zhukov, Valhallan 79th. We received your missive and are here to extract your team.”

“Get the Biologus out of here first. I’ll do what I can to assist you holding the Tyranids at bay.”

“Uh, my lord...” one of the stormtroopers said, his voice muffled behind his facemask. “You seem to be a bit short handed for that.” this received a jab in the side from one of his fellows.

“That’s an Inquisitor you’re insulting, Alexis!” the other hissed.

“No, it’s nothing I haven’t heard before.” Mattias said, suppressing a chuckle. “Come, there are Tyranids to be fought.” Captain Zhukov nodded, drawing his plasma pistol and he and the stormtroopers hustled towards the front, Mattias falling in step alongside them.

The Valhallans had taken up a defensive perimeter, using some of the rocky outcroppings of Braxas IV as cover against the horde. A bellowing Commissar anchored the center with a number of special-weapons troopers, burning-hot plasma punching through the flimsy carapace of those Tyranids that had managed to close.

Of course, the Tyranids were swift, and for every one the Guard killed, five more were eager to take their place.

“Keep your fire overlapping,” Mattias called. “This particular tendril loves to make its minions more than capable of dodging lasbolts and bolter fire.” the message made its way down the line, and quickly the volley of lasbolts shifted so that there was next to no room for clever Tyranids to dodge through. Dozens fell dead with steaming holes punched through their carapaces, the tide shrinking back as they probed for a new avenue to attack.

Mattias stepped up behind Captain Zhukov and his entourage, noting that one of their number was lying on the ground with a poison spike through the eye. “We’ll need to get moving before the Tyranids send large beasts.”

“We’ve dealt with these creatures before, my lord.” Zhukov replied, firing off another overcharged plasma shot into the ranks of the enemy. “I’ve received a signal from the Valkyries; looks like the Biologus are secured and out of danger.”

“Good.” Mattias nodded. “Now to get the rest of your men out of here before the Tyranids resume their-” Mattias and the two Valhallans had only scant seconds to leap back as the Mawloc burst from the ground, Captain Zhukov and the other two soldiers vanishing into the monster’s gullet with a single bite. The special weapons team turned and fire, plasma burning through the Mawloc’s carapace as it dug back underground. Soon after a second Broodlord and a horde of genestealers came charging out of the hole, heedless of gunfire as they made straight for the Commissar and his team.

“You two, secure the landing zone!” Mattias barked. “I’ll handle this beast!”

“Our mission was to get you out alive, my lord,” the second one said, laying into the genestealers with a flurry of lasbolts. “I fail to see how leaving you to battle a Broodlord on your own fulfils that mission.” Mattias said nothing, but he could not help but grin. Valhallans, seeing everything through to the end.

“With me, then!” he called. “Fix bayonets! For the Emperor!” with that the trio charged, the Valhallans firing into the crowd while Mattias aimed his sword at the Broodlord currently helping itself to the Commissar’s brain. The beast turned towards him, hissing through blood soaked fangs as it dropped its former victim in preparation to receive this new challenger.

Mattias would not be daunted. The Emperor was on his side.

The Broodlord lunged forward, its two lower arms swiping towards Mattias’ stomach while its upper arms reached down to strike from above. Mattias beat aside one arm and stabbed, the blade sinking into the Tyranid’s chest as he ducked away from its other arms. The beast shrieked, swiping at Mattias and ripping a large gash through in the back of his armor, but Mattias flicked his blade forward to open a large gap in the Broodlord’s gut.

Mattias continued through, ending up behind the Broodlord as it searched for him. He twisted his sword around in his grip and leapt, crying out as he planted the blade between the Broodlord’s shoulder. The beast shrieked again, flailing as it tried to break free of the Inquisitor, leaving it open to a few high powered shots from the two stormtroopers. A few volleys, and the Broodlord was now headless.

“Lord Mattias,” Aryll’s voice crackled over his vox. “My tech-thralls and I are on our way back to the ship. Extract yourself before the Tyranid concentration becomes too great.”

“Good.” Mattias looked to the two stormtroopers. “I’ll need a transport as well.”

“This way, my lord,” the leading Valhallan ushered Mattias forward, waving down a circling Valkyrie. A number of the larger Tyranid organisms took potshots at the flyer, but at this range the various spikes and beetles fell far short of the Valkyrie. The two Valhallans cleared the way, waving for Mattias to hurry as he shook off a stubborn Devourer from his boot.

“Forward Base Twelve!” Mattias called ahead. “And vox the rest of your company to pull out. Go, now!” there was a call of affirmation as the Valkyrie took off. The transport shook from several strikes, but soon the sound of battle faded away, drowned out by the roar of the Valkyrie’s engines.

Out alive... Mattias sighed, leaning back as he looked at the ruined stump of his cybernetic arm. Mostly... He looked over to the two Valhallans who had accompanied him, one of them pulling off his face mask and giving a chuckle.

“Well, Zhukov always did hate looking down.” the stormtrooper mused. He paused before he looked up at Mattias. “... Apologies, my lord. I meant no disrespect.”

“I’ve been in may battle zones, trooper,” Mattias replied. “No need to apologize for whatever you need to keep your nerve.”

“Thank you, my lord.”

“Please, none of that right now.” Mattias waved his remaining hand. “Mattias Velas. Thank you for the rescue.”


“... being that most of my original retinue save Aryll and Angelique were dead, I took the two on for some added muscle.” Mattias finished, pushing aside his now empty recaf mug. “For the most part, it’s worked out well.”

“I like to think we’ve saved each other enough times to make up for that first battle, my lord,” Alexis said. This drew a groan from Nikolai and a few bemused giggles from the Sisters.

“Well, I am glad to see that you all have strong bonds with one another,” Mir’shen said. “I can see why Miss Tara is so drawn to all of you.” Mattias said nothing, his face dropping as he stared down at his empty platter. Present company was not unwanted, but to be reminded of Twilight... of everything that he’d done to her...

“Oh, so everyone is here.” As if on cue the woman herself stepped up to the table, smiling over her food. “Hello Mir’shen. It’s good to see you too.”

“I am ever at your service, Miss Tara,” the Forgefather said, smiling up at Twilight as she took a seat across from him. “Lord Mattias was just telling us of how he and his two troopers met.”

“Oh, I don’t think I’ve heard that story,” Twilight looked to Mattias. “I’m sure it was something, wasn’t it?”

“... Yes.” Mattias pushed his platter forward and stood. “I have some matter to deal with. Please excuse me.” One of the Sisters protested, but Mattias was already on his way out. He kept his head down, lest he betray any uncertainty, and did not allow himself to relax until he was well out of sight.

He would need to speak with her... but when the time was right.


Twilight lay on her back, staring up at the ceiling. The humming of the Sanguinium Martyres would have been calming, but now it was just as foreboding as the day she first set foot onboard.

“Looks like sleep won’t be happening any time soon.” she grumbled, rolling up into a seated position as she massaged her head. They had only been in transit less than a week, and she had found little time to speak with anyone. Even Angelique was quiet after she had reattached herself to Bianca, raving about pillars of some sort not being broken.

And Mattias...

Twilight groaned again, standing up and grabbing a robe from a nearby table. Once she was dressed, she stepped out into the hall. Keeping her head low as she wandered... somewhere. She knew the cruiser well enough now not to get lost, but with all that was happening around her she was not so certain anymore. Heading to one of the libraries and hunkering down seemed like a good idea... if she had been heading in the right direction.

She paused, listening as she heard footsteps coming towards her. She looked around, trying to find the source of the noise until she saw a familiar shape coming towards her from the shadows. “... Mattias.”

“... Twilight,” the Inquisitor said, coming to a stop beneath a nearby light. His black and silver robes, normally well-kept outside of combat, appeared to be in disarray, and his eyes were darker from the bags beneath them. “I guess you couldn’t sleep either?”

“No,” Twilight shook her head. “Not since... not since Rynn’s World, really.” Mattias gave a weak nod of agreement. “Well, I best be leaving you to whatever it is you’re doing.”

“Actually... I was looking for you.” there was a lengthy pause before Mattias spoke again. “Come with me. We need to talk, in private.” Twilight stopped, words dying in her mouth... again. The two stood silently, staring at one another as if waiting for the other to speak, but finally Twilight nodded.

“Lead the way.” Mattias nodded and started off down the hall, Twilight following a fair distance behind. He said nothing, keeping his eyes forward as they walked, and Twilight was content to leave things quiet for now.

All the better to think of what she was going to say.

Mattias finally led her to a room just below the command deck, opening the door and letting Twilight in. Inside she found a modest room, a messy bed pushed off to one side, a few chairs and a desk covered in melted-down candles and numerous tomes of xenobiology and religious theory. To the right, Mattias’ armor was set upon a metal frame, his pistol and sword hanging on a small rack beneath.

“This is your room?” Twilight asked, stepping further in as Mattias closed the door behind himself.

“For what it’s worth,” he replied. “I spend so much time in the field I don’t really have time or expenses to make it more... homey.”

“It’s certainly better than that little closet I was in when we first got on this ship.” Twilight walked to the desk, picking up one of the texts Mattias had left out. It was an older writing on some kind of creatures called “Hrud”, a fascinating read were it not for the matter at hand. She set the book back down and turned to Mattias.

“Well...” he started, his hands flexing. The two remained silent until Mattias gestured to one of the chairs. “Please, take a seat.” Twilight nodded, stepping away from the desk and taking one of the chairs while Mattias sat down across from her.

She waited, but neither one was willing to break the ice. Every conversation opener Twilight could think of faltered, and from Mattias’ silence she guessed he was dealing with much the same. Seconds ticked on into minutes, the two doing their best to keep silent and avoid talking lest they lose an unspoken advantage over the other.

Finally, Mattias spoke.

“Tell me everything,” he said, looking up to Twilight. “I... I know it’s a bit blunt, but I want to know everything about your world.”

“Mattias, I...” Twilight trailed off. “... Are you sure? I don’t think this is something you will enjoy learning about.”

“No, it completely upends everything I’ve learned and believed in since I was a child,” Mattias countered. “But for my peace of mind... for yours... I need to know.” Twilight swallowed again, shifting in her seat before she sighed and spoke.

“My full name is Twilight Sparkle,” she said, hanging her head. “I’m a unicorn, born in the city of Canterlot to my parents Night Light and Twilight Velvet. I am... was... I don’t know, but before I came here I was the town librarian for a small village called Ponyville and personal student to Princess Celestia.” she paused and looked up at Mattias. “That’s what we call the Empress.”

“I gathered,” Mattias said. “How did the Empress come to your world?”

“She told me that she was tossed there after battling the Chaos Gods millennia ago. It was a lifeless world, but she used her power to create a new world filled with life, hundreds of different creatures and beings.” she paused, chewing on her lip as she thought of how to break the next bit of news. “Her and her... sister.”

“... Her what?”

“Sister. One of the first things she did when she arrived was create a companion from her own flesh and blood to rule by her side. Her name is Luna.” Mattias blinked in surprise, working his jaw as Twilight continued. “Ponies were one of her last creations, and she initially did not rule over them until a creature called Discord arrived and threw the world into chaos.”

“So she battled the Ruinous Powers in two universes?” Mattias asked.

“Well, having seen Chaos here I don’t think Discord is one of them...” Twilight mused. “He seemed... weird. But yes, soon after Luna was tempted by the Dark Gods and turned on Celestia, calling herself Nightmare Moon and waging war against Ponykind. Celestia only defeated her with these relics called the Elements of Harmony, one of which is currently strapped to Sister Rebecca’s wrist.” a pause before Twilight spoke again. “Luna’s back, though, and she’s fully repented now.”

“I...” Mattias shifted before continuing. “I see...” another pause before he spoke again. “What do your people... ponies... what do you know of Mankind?”

“I thought you all were just fairytale creatures until Celestia told me of her past.” Twilight shook her head. “I imagine you’d probably think unicorns and Pegasi are fictional too.”

“Old Terran myths from what little I’ve read.” Mattias replied. “So you mean to tell me that all this time the Emperor was a female pony creating an entire race of beings to follow her?” Twilight hesitated again, looking away from Mattias for a moment as if looking for someone else in the room to speak to. Finding none, she looked back to Mattias.

“Yes.” she said. “I know you think I’m crazy, or a heretic, or a crazy heretic, but that’s what happened.” Mattias was silent, looking down at the floor for a minute as he processed what Twilight said. Finally he stood up, stepping over to his desk as he looked down on the texts.

“Everything you just said,” he started. “Everything would be considered heresy of the highest degree. The Emperor, transformed into a xenos, and building a new empire in the image of this new form.” he stopped looking back towards Twilight. “If I didn’t know you better, or if I hadn’t spoken directly with Her Holiness, I would have shot you on sight for speaking such theories.”

“Mattias,” Twilight stood and stepped towards him. “I came here to help Mankind, because the Empress needed my help. I know how you think of aliens and deception, but... I never meant to hurt you or the others.”

“I know.” Mattias looked away. “I will admit when I first learned, I... I almost shot you. But I didn’t, because I wanted to hear from the Empress first. Because I didn’t want it to be true.” He moved towards his armor. “But Mankind... for fifteen thousand years we have been attacked and exploited by threats within and without. I don’t know what it’s like back in your world, but I doubt you have had to face the same trials we have.”

“Equestria’s a land of peace in no small part to Celestia, Luna, and the actions of many soldiers and mages over the years.” Twilight stepped forward, resting a hand on Mattias’ shoulder. “So no, we haven’t had to face the constant war and bloodshed the Imperium has, but that shouldn’t make my willingness to help any less important or valid.”

“But it is more to take in than I am sure I can,” Mattias moved away from Twilight. “You are an alien, at the end of all things. Everything I have been taught tells me that I should hate and despise you... but I can’t.” Mattias looked back to Twilight. “Do you know what it’s like to have all that you’ve believed is true to be turned on its head? To learn that your god created an entire race of beings separate from you, and you’ve been trained to think that these beings would be an abomination to all that you know?”

“I learned that the mentor I thought I knew was once a bloody-handed warlord in a universe that’s tantamount to Hell, and I saw that Hell for myself,” Twilight countered, her voice going soft. “We’re... we’re not too different in that regard, I suppose.” Mattias did not say anything, turning away from Twilight for a moment. Twilight waited for several moments before continuing.

“I’m sorry I snapped at you on Rynn’s World,” she said. Mattias shifted and turned towards her.

You’re sorry?” he asked. “I’m the one that almost called you a traitor.”

“But what else were you supposed to do?” Twilight said, stepping back up and placing her hand back on Mattias’ shoulder. “It’s been eating at me since we left the planet, and I wanted to get it settled before we end up just avoiding each other for however long we’re together. I was really hurt by what you accused me of, but you said you were willing to make amends and move on.” she gave Mattias a smile. “I think I need to make amends and move on myself. Do you forgive me?”

Mattias said nothing, continuing to stare past Twilight. Twilight remained silent lest she break the Inquisitor’s focus, though some of her composure broke down a little. Finally Mattias gave her a weak smile.

“Apology accepted, Twilight.” he said. Twilight beamed, reaching forward and pulling Mattias into a hug, much to the Inquisitor’s surprise. “Uh, is this...?”

“Sorry, Mattias,” Twilight said. “I just... I’m happy. You were the first friend I made here, and I really didn’t want to think about what would happen if I’d lost you.” They stood there, Twilight hugging Mattias as the Inquisitor just stood there. Slowly, though, he reached up to return the hug, Twilight allowing a small smile to grace her lips again.

For now, once more, Twilight was at peace.

Author's Note:

This is actually the second version of this chapter; Originally it was going to be Celestia having a conversation with Jerk Gods # 1 and #2, followed by some more fighting and character introductions, but I decided to move this chapter up and have that one be the next one.

If you read Sister Rachel's lines in Maud's voice, you win a cookie.

Special thanks to Deatheater55 for editing help (and catching one of the worst/best errors I've made since mixing up Prometheus and Prospero). Likes and comments are always appreciated, and if I screwed something up please let me know.

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