• Published 17th Jan 2016
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The Empress Returns - iowaforever

Sequel to God Empress of Ponykind: Celestia returns to the Imperium of Man, taking the title of Empress one last time.

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2.15- The Gate Opens

The Gate Opens

Celestia took a breath, her eyelids flickering as she meditated. Her soul drifted along the side of her ship, guiding the rest of the Crusade fleet northward towards Terra. Corax, Jonson, and their forces were but a distant memory, taking some of the smoother channels as they raced towards the Eye of Terror to reinforce Cadia before the tide of Chaos broke.

And Twilight... the Sanguinium Martyres was but a flickering light in her mind. Celestia could not worry, lest she stunt Twilight’s growth, but turning her eyes away was something she could never do.

Celestia breathed out, her soul reaching for the energies of the Astronomicon. The psychic beacon flickered within the Warp, a candle by which the darkness of Chaos was illuminated for Mankind to see. Being stuck within the Golden Throne for so long, and living in Equestria for much longer, it was odd to witness the Astronomicon from this angle, to see how frail and fickle it really was. Not unlike real life, I suppose, she mused, her soul brushing against the beacon before returning to her ship.

Celestia breathed in, and awaited her tormentor once more.

How sentimental, the Dark God whispered. You still cling to the follies of your old life, when you were hailed as a god among mortals.

I remember only those I aided in their plight, nothing more, Celestia replied. I would think you would realise trying to play to my vanity will get you nowhere.

Vanity, is it? The Dark God drifted around to her front. It is in the very nature of all beings to desire greatness for themselves, deification if they can manage it. Why do you think so many of the Astartes swore themselves to the powers of Chaos? As the exemplar of humanity, you of all people are not blind to the truth.

Embracing of such desires is cowardice, not strength, Celestia countered. But I would not expect anything less from the likes of you. You stalk me from the shadows and send minions to hunt my forces, but you dare not strike me.

You mistake delay for cowardice, the Dark God chuckled. You speak on such matters as a means of convincing yourself you are strong, but you are not. You are weak.

If you only seek to taunt me, you are succeeding only in annoying me. This is nothing that I haven’t dealt with before, and when I am finished with you it will no doubt happen again.

Ah, the arrogant Empress, always believing she is in complete control of her fate, and that all she has seen has any bearing on what she has yet to face. Do you really know nothing of the Warp, of the powers that stand against you every day of your life?

Leave me, daemon. Your taunts do nothing more than annoy me. There was a pause before the Dark God chuckled again.

Ah, perhaps you are right. Perhaps I am being a fool who thinks that mere words will get me further in to your mind. You are a woman who demands results, no matter how pitiful they may be... Celestia waited, feeling the presence shift about her for a moment. Perhaps this might change your mind? The Dark God said nothing more before the entire vessel shook, Celestia’s soul snapping back to her body as she braced herself. Warning klaxons blared as the battleship bucked violently, dozens of loose items within Celestia’s quarters tumbling to the floor as she stood and hurried to a nearby communicator.

“Bridge, what’s going on?” she demanded.

“Warpstorm, your majesty!” the officer on duty called back. “Our Navigator is unresponsive! We need control quickly or we’ll be lost to the Warp!”

“Calm, soldier,” Celestia said as the ship bucked again. “I will take control and guide the fleet out. Return to your post and make sure all are in ready positions.” she did not wait for a response as she sent her soul out again, raising a few mental shields as she surveyed the situation.

The Warp was in turmoil, more so than any time she had observed it before. Furious waves of psychic energy battered against the battleship, accompanied by the harsh wailing of hundreds of voices. Celestia braced herself, her energy mixing with that of the ship’s machine spirit once more as she did her best to retake control. Around her she could feel the rest of the Crusade’s psykers and Navigators crying out for assistance, some quickly latching on to her psychic presence while others flailed helplessly into the dark.

Beyond was death. Beyond, she could hear ten billion souls crying out in pain as their world was cleaved in two. Cadia dies... My sons and I have failed.

No more.

Celestia shifted her energy, pouring her will against the storms around her. The Warp calmed, ever so slightly, and more of the Crusade’s vessels began to slip within the boundaries of her psychic presence. She reached further, battering back wave after wave of daemonic energy as it tried to punch through her defenses to get at the hapless humans within her sight.

Some, she was not quick enough to save

Ah, to see how one suffers when they realize the foundation of their faith is naught but ash... the Dark God mused as Celestia watched a medium transport flicker and die from daemonic assault. Can you really save them all?

I have done so before, daemon! Celestia snapped, reaching to draw three more Navigators back to her. Your stunt is nothing that I have not triumphed over before. You will not take more of my subjects this day!

It is perhaps too late for that, but then if you claim not to be a god as you have then you would have realized that a long time ago... Celestia growled, reaching out again to beat back more of the encroaching Warp storm. ... How is your favored student, by the way? Is she as confident as you are in this regard? Celestia froze, even that those that remained of her fleet finished binding themselves to her aura. The presence of the Dark God lingered, even if it did not make any further action against her.

Celestia shifted her vision, breaking through the tide in search of the Inquisitor’s cruiser. All she could find was the swirling tide of the Immaterium, and the mocking presence of the Dark God. Twilight... no.

Oh, I can assure you she will be well taken care of, the Dark God hissed. Ten thousand years of drifting among the tides of the Immaterium will pass like a day to her... perhaps. The Warp is such a fickle thing, is it not?

You will not harm her! Celestia slashed at the Warp, the flickering light of the Sanguinium Martyres appearing before her. Even with your power you cannot hide her from me!

No... but what of your fleet? Celestia’s gaze shifted back, and she could see that a number of scout vessels had disappeared, only screams lingering in the Immaterium. Oh dear, did I strike a nerve again?

You seek to divide my power...

I am a fair god, at the end of all things. I will let you have your student back, all I ask is for more of the desperate souls under your command. Celestia’s soul flared, a bolt of power blasting through the Immaterium towards the presence of the Dark God. The creature retreated, but did not depart from her. You say you have power and yet you cannot even save those you care for.

Is that a challenge?

Prove that you are who you say you are. Prove that you truly are a match for the powers of Chaos. Save them all, your soldiers and your student! Save them and prove once and for all that you really are the God Empress of Mankind! Celestia focused her power, working once more to keep the Navigators bound as the Warp storms lashed against her. Gently, she reached out through the Warp, brushing aside the tides as she reached out towards the cruiser. She strained, doing her best to hold her power steady as she reached, yet the light seemed to slip further from her. She applied more power, cementing her base and eschewing gentleness as he reached for the Sanguinium Martyres.

You kept the Astronomicon open for millennia. You held off the powers of Chaos for longer still. This Dark God has no power over you, or the Imperium, or Twilight! I am Celestia, and I will not be broken! She strained again, wincing as she felt some of her ships begin to slip away once more. She could save them, she just needed more time... more focus...

The ship shuddered, and Celestia’s power surged.

She finds herself standing on a violet disk, surrounded by small motes of light. Ahead, she can see Twilight, the young woman standing with one arm at her side, clutching it nervously with her other. There is a pause before Twilight turns to her, her nervousness falling away as her eyes brighten. “Princess, is that you?”

“Yes, Twilight,” Celestia says. She takes a step forward, but Twilight is still so far away. “Are you alright? The Dark God attempted to destroy the fleet and you, but... I think I have broken through.” Twilight says nothing. Instead, her face falls and her worry returns.

“Princess... can you hear me?” she asks. Celestia blinks before speaking.

“Twilight, I can hear you,” Celestia says, her voice quivering. “You... you can hear me too, can’t you?”

“Princess...” Twilight drops her head, her hands tightening. “I-I had thought you’d be here... that everything you said about the Warp and time was true...” she sighs. “Maybe it is... and maybe the universe is just trying to break me again.”

“No, Twilight,” Celestia replies, even if her student cannot hear her. "Well... maybe... But I haven’t abandoned you. I would never abandon you. Even if you are cast beyond my sight, I will find you...”

“They need you, Princess,” Twilight continues, looking up at Celestia, through Celestia. “They need you now more than ever. I... I don’t really know what all is going on, but the Imperium needs their Empress. They need you... I need you.” Twilight sighs. “I know this message will reach you... You’ve never let me down before.”

“Twilight, wait,” Celestia steps forward, but Twilight is already fading from her mind. “Twilight! Twilight!

“She will not hear you,” A voice says from behind her. Celestia turns to see a creature dressed in a purple and orange checkered frock, its face hidden behind a pointed clown mask and hat. “Though your efforts were not in vain, the Twilight Maiden is beyond your grasp.”

“... Cegorach,” Celestia growls, turning to face the Eldar god. “What do you know of my student’s whereabouts?”

“Seven years pass before she realizes what has happened, and her vision seeks out greater prizes than you realize.” The Laughing God replies, his mask unchanging. “Your journey must diverge from hers, if she is to be all that she is meant to be.”

“I do not need more of your riddles,” Celestia says. “What do you want?”

“Believe what you like, but I am here to help you.” Cegorach holds out his hand, a violet gem materializing before Celestia. “When you awake you will find yourself above the world of your first victory. The Enemy has opened a portal to the Warp there; toss this in, and it will be repurposed for our use. Then, you may step through the portal and speak to me where the Enemy will not hear us.” Celestia regards the gem for a moment before looking to the Eldar god, even as he keeps his unblinking gaze upon her.

“You know I cannot trust you,” she says finally.

“I would be surprised if you did.” Cegorach chuckles, fading from view and leaving the stone hovering before Celestia. “But in these dark times, who do you really have to turn to?” And with that the Laughing God disappears, leaving Celestia alone with the stone and her thoughts. Leaving the stone and forging ahead would be prudent, perhaps rational given the circumstances and the company she is dealing with...

But in these dark times, who do you really have to turn to?

Celestia says nothing. Instead, she reaches forward and grabs the stone.

“Empress?” a voice called through the vox. “Empress? Are you there?!” Celestia blinked, her eyes adjusting to reality as she hefted the (surprisingly heavy) stone in her hand.

“I am fine.” she said after a lengthy pause. “What is our status?”

“We’ve exited Warp Space and are in orbit around...” there was a pause. “Caesaria IV? That wasn’t anywhere near our scheduled route.”

“The Warp storms must have pushed the fleet off course,” Celestia mused, quietly so the officer did not hear her. “The Fleet?”

“... We are reporting five percent casualties in ships, with a number of incursions and other damage.” the officer replied. “Most of our warships were unaffected, though.” Celestia remained silent. Five percent... thousands of souls she had lost...

Damn that creature...

“We will have to make due.” she said finally. “What is the situation on the planet? We will need supplies for repairs if we are to make it back to Terra.”

“That will be difficult, Empress.” the officer started. “There appears to be a number of Warp anomalies on the world, and the Ordo Malleus has placed the space around it in lockdown. I am certain that with your presence we can get through, but it will be some time before we can repair and move on again.”

“No doubt...” there was a pause before she spoke again. “Does the Ordo have any ships in orbit? I would have words with the Inquisitor that initiated the lockdown.”

“Um...” another pause. “Leading Strike Cruiser Sword of Redemption, with escorts. Shall we hail them?”

“I will take matters into my own hands.” Celestia said, focusing her mind and reaching out to the cruiser. “Alert my Companions for battle. I think thirty of them shall be more than sufficient to turn back this tide.”

“Yes, your majesty.” and with that the vox winked out. Celestia closed her eyes, reaching out to the Sword of Redemption in search of an astropath to speak to. The Warp tingled as she pressed on, daemonic energies probing for weaknesses before they realized just who they were dealing with.

It seems the Dark God has lost interest in me... she mused. Good.

Finally, she found a connection to the Inquisitorial Cruiser. Who is this? The thoughts of the astropath replied.

Do you not recognize me, my child? Celestia asked. There was a pause before the astropath replied.


Yes, it is me. What is the situation below?

We are not quite sure. Lady Olivier and Brother Captain Elias departed for Caesaria’s surface three hours ago, but the daemonic energies have blocked them from our sight. Vox communication is sparse and we cannot break through psychically. Celestia nodded, even if the astropath could not see her.

Do you have their last known location? She asked.

Yes, yes we do. There was a pause as the image formed in Celestia’s mind. This Inquisitor Olivier appeared to be on a plain several kilometers away from the main city, near the center of the Warp Storm. Will that be sufficient?

More than sufficient. Celestia rose, setting the Eldar stone down and summoning her armor as she did so. Now, let us be rid of these daemons once and for all.


The Poxbringer moved far faster than it had any right to, Inquisitor Sarai Olivier sweeping her greatsword around to block the daemon’s pus-covered blade from stabbing her. She stepped to the right and jabbed outward, the hilt of the blade crashing against the daemon’s skull and flecking her with a cascade of broken teeth. The daemon merely grumbled in response, striking again as Sarai stepped away, her rebreather working overtime to deflect the pungent odor coming from the monster.

The daemon had no chance to follow through on a second strike, though, for a massive hammer lashed out and crushed its spine in a single blow. Its owner was a Space Marine in silver Terminator armor, his face hidden behind a pointed helmet wreathed in psychic energy. Sarai stepped back and allowed the Grey Knight to finish his work, the Astartes stomping on what remained of the daemon’s back before pulping its head with another strike from his daemonhammer.

“That one slipped by my attention,” Sarai said as Brother Captain Elias stepped forward to shield her from the rest of the daemonic horde. “Apologies.”

“There is no need to apologize, my friend,” the Grey Knight replied, the air before him shimmering before four Plaguebearers exploded in white flames. “You have provided more than enough guidance for me and my brothers in our mission so far.” Sarai was certain Elias was overstating the fact, but did not press the matter. Instead she brought the Cassandrite Greatsword around, the blade humming with holy energy as she took in the situation before her.

Elias and twelve of his fellow Grey Knight Terminators held the line, hacking and slashing at the unholy mix of daemons. Beyond, a glowing column of dark energy rose from the ground, a beacon for the foul creatures of the Immaterium to flock to. The unending horde continued to rush onwards, contained only by the Grey Knights and whatever PDF forces still remained after the ork invasion the previous year.

Tall odds, but the Ordo Malleus had faced far worse.

Sarai scanned the seething ranks of the enemy, searching for the leaders among the daemons. She spotted one, a snake-bodied she-daemon armed with four swords, eagerly whipping its fellows on in anticipation of slaughter. Sarai raised her hand to her head, pushing back the brass headband resting on her brow as she reached out with her powers, her soul brushing up against the daemon’s mind just enough to catch its attention.

Sarai shifted her thoughts, delving deep into her memories as she held off the daemon’s presence. Images of her time aboard the Black Ships, the crushing emptiness when surrounded by the Sisters of Silence, all of it filled her mind and sent a numbness down her body. Just as it seemed that she would fall into a standing stupor, she lowered her mental shields, just enough to make a connection to the daemon.

Only now, Sarai had altered her memories such the daemon stood in her place.

The effect was immediate. The daemon shrieked, dropping its swords as it clawed at its body in an effort to feel anything beyond crushing numbness. Sarai kept the headband up, grimacing as she waited for Elias to storm through the horde towards the beast. With a wild swing he took the she-daemon across the face, its head exploding in a shower of Warp energy as the daemonhammer struck.

Sarai gasped as she dropped the headband back down across her head, normality returning to her thoughts once more. Pausing only to push a lock of red hair out of her eyes, she took up the Cassandrite Greatsword once more and snorted before charging back into the fray, cleaving a Daemonette from head to hoof on her first strike. Elias shifted to allow her some room, his storm bolter blazing as he raked it across the advancing daemons

“Have you made contact with the ship yet?” she asked, backing up against Elias as the Daemontide rushed back in.

“Our voxes have not broken through yet,” the Brother Captain replied. “And my psychic abilities have made little headway as well.”

“Don’t worry,” Sarai said, blocking a strike from a group of daemons. “Once we close the portal we should have a clear line through to the ship.”

“That does not really help our situation here...”

“I do my best to stay optimistic about some things, Elias.” the Grey Knight grunted, flicking his free hand forward and launching a stream of lightning into the horde, more daemons exploding from the force before screaming back to the void. Well, he’s in a better mood today, Sarai mused, bringing her sword around in preparation for another strike from the horde.

The attack never came, for a brilliant bolt of golden light slammed into the ground several meters from her position, vaporizing the unlucky daemons that strayed too close. Even as it dissipated the Custodes within leapt into action, twirling their Guardian Spears about in a deadly dance that tore through the daemons as if they were little more than air.

Of course, that paled to she who stood within their midst. The one person in all the Imperium Sarai did not want to face.

She stood well over ten feet tall, though how much of that was her own stature or the bulk of her armor Sarai could not guess. Her multicolored hair whipped about her, sparkling in the light of the psychic energies radiating from her body. In her right hand she clutched a flaming sword as long as a man was tall, while her left was clad in a massive lightning claw tipped with wicked talons. A scarlet cape clung to her shoulders, the clasps hidden behind the bulk of her armor, and like her hair fluttered in the wind like a war banner as she sized up the enemy before her.

The Empress of Mankind... Princess Celestia, was standing before her, and all the human formerly known as Sunset Shimmer could do was gawk.

The Custodes and the Grey Knights were similar in their approach to combat, quick actions that boggled the minds of mortals but were still consistent of “human combatant”. Watching the Empress, though, was like watching an erupting volcano or a hurricane striking a town. She plunged into the daemonic ranks, her sword flashing forward so quickly a curtain of fire surrounded her as the enemy was burned to ash. The Daemontide quickly turned to a rout, the hordes melting away as the Anathema fell upon them, leaving only a broken mess of bodies in her path.

“Inquisitor?” Sarai blinked as Elias called to her. “We’re moving up. The Empress has turned the battle in our favor.”

“Yes... yes of course.” Sarai brought her sword up, taking a few deep breaths to calm the trembling in her hands. “Let’s move.” The Grey Knight said nothing more, reloading his storm bolter as he and his brothers hurried to catch up to the Empress and her Companions, Sarai hustling to keep pace with the superhuman Astartes. By now the Custodes had formed a semicircle with the Empress in the center, bracing against the horde as the daemons tried to look for a means to overcome their foes.

Not that Celestia would give them a chance...

A Bloodthirster rushed towards the line, sweeping its greataxe down towards Celestia’s head. Her expression remained neutral as she brought her sword up to easily block the weapon, sparks flying as the greater daemon collided with her. Before the creature could follow up with a second strike Celestia flicked her taloned hand forward, golden fire exploding around the Bloodthirster and burning into its skin. The monster roared, staggering back as it tried to fight off the psychic flames, giving the Empress more than enough room to lunge forward and cleave off one of its legs. As the Bloodthirster toppled forward Celestia stepped to the side and brought her sword downward, the daemon bursting into a cloud of Warp energy as her sword dealt the killing blow.

By now Sarai had rejoined the group, staying behind the Grey Knights and Custodes in an effort to remain out of sight of the Empress. Elias led the charge, smashing aside a quartet of Bloodletters as he cleared a path to the Empress. The Empress herself gave no clear acknowledgement, continuing to hack her way through the daemons as the Astartes and Custodes formed up around her. Sarai focused again, turning her psychic powers to blind a group of Horrors closing on the Empress, stalling the creatures long enough for the ruler of Mankind to shatter them with a gaze.

“Thank you, Inquisitor,” the Empress said, her bell-like voice a perfect match to the one Sarai had heard so many years before. “I am sorry that my presence was not more timely.”

“Being in your presence at all is more than enough,” Sarai said, hardly believing the words coming out of her mouth. This was the woman she had betrayed forty odd years ago, and she was happy to stand before her. The Empress nodded, bringing her sword down as she sized up Sarai. In her gold armor, her red hair hanging in a tangled mess, how could Celestia not recognize her?

“I do not mean to sound rude, Inquisitor,” the Empress started. “But... have we met before? I mean, beyond sanctification?” Sarai swallowed, words and scenarios dying over and over again in her mind and mouth as she tried to think of something that did not implicate her as a traitor and a coward.

But then, she probably already knows.

“I-It was when you first announced your return,” she started. “I was alone... you helped me kill Drach’nyen.” there was a pause as the Empress regarded her for a moment. That moment passed and she gave Sarai a nod and a smile.

“Ah yes, now I remember. You asked for my strength rather than my voice,” Sarai blushed as her former mentor continued. “I would love to stay and chat more of the past, but I must gain access to the portal.” Sarai nodded, watching as the Empress advanced towards the line of Grey Knights and Custodes. She was tempted to wander away and wait for a shuttle back to the Sword of Redemption, but... how would that look in Celestia’s eyes?

Probably wouldn’t be all that different from when I first ran off... she sighed, turning back to the battle just as the Empress blasted a hole through the daemonic ranks. Elias was in the rear, being tended to by the Apothecary assigned to his squad for a cut across his chest.

“You fell behind,” he said, keeping his focus forward as the Apothecary finished his work. “Are you injured?”

“N-no, Captain,” Sarai stammered. “Just... overcome by the presence of the Empress, that’s all.”

“I know there is more to this, but it is not my place to press.” The Brother Captain took up his hammer once more. “Come, we mustn’t keep the Empress waiting.”

“Yes... we mustn’t.” Sarai gave the Grey Knights a weak smile behind her rebreather, the Astartes turning quickly back to the fighting. Ahead, Celestia had just finished defeating a Keeper of Secrets, staking the daemon to the ground with one of its swords before exploding its head with a ball of Warpflame. As the Custodes poured fire into the ranks of the daemons the Grey Knights rushed through the gaps, their force weapons sundering the warp fields that held the creatures to the material plane with ease. They of course could not match the Empress, keeping their distance as she hacked through the enemy with great sweeping blows from her sword.

“Inquisitor!” she called over the din of battle, catching a Bloodmaster mid strike and slamming the daemon into the ground with her free hand. “I will need you and the Grey Knights to hold back whatever forces may come as I deal with the portal! Whatever you do, you must not allow any daemon near me while I complete my work!”

“By your command, Empress!” Elias said as he and the Grey Knights formed up. The Custodes were content to go their own ways, each one breaking off to handle their own crowd of daemons with grim efficiency. Sarai lopped the head off a straggling Bloodletter as she hurried to the safety of the Grey Knights’ wall, ducking under Elias as the Brother Captain brought his storm bolter to bear against the horde.

“Hold the line,” she said, bringing her sword to her back to store it away. “I will assist the Empress in dealing with the portal.”

“I assumed your mastery was in telepathy,” the Grey Knight replied. “Can you handle the energies of dismissing a portal?”

“I can make daemons cower with a thought; I think a portal shall be no different.” Boastful words said merely to keep her cool, but perhaps in the presence of Celestia, they might come true. Sarai made her way up towards the portal, the sound of gunfire and clashing blades drowned out by the drone of the portal.

Celestia stood before the portal, her back to the battle. Her sword had been stowed away, and Sarai could see a large gem sitting in her palm. Even with the headband dampening her powers, she could feel the energy of countless souls radiating from the thing, but the Empress would not be so careless to pick up a tool of the Great Enemy... perhaps it was alien in origin.

Celestia cast a glance to her. “Inquisitor? What are you doing here?”

“I...” Sarai stammered. Why was she up here instead of assisting with the battle? Was she going to try and help her mentor with the portal as she said? Or was it just another excuse she had made in preparation of betrayal?

... No. Never again. Sunset Shimmer died a traitor’s death in Equestria. I am not a traitor anymore.

“I wanted to see if there was anything I could do to help,” she said finally. “As you helped me before, so I wish to help you now.” the Empress regarded her again, the stone in her hand glittering in the light.

“This will be dangerous, Inquisitor,” she said. “The powers I am dealing with may be more than you can handle.”

“Perhaps, but I am willing to give up my life for your cause.” Sarai firmed up her stance. “Let me assist you. I am more than ready.” there was a flicker behind Celestia’s eyes, her gaze softening ever so slightly. Sarai hesitated, pondering if perhaps she had stepped a bit too far in the Empress’ eyes.

“... Very well.” Celestia turned back to the portal. “Brace yourself, then! The energies of this portal may react in ways I have not anticipated!” Sarai nodded, digging her heels in as she firmed up her power. Celestia raised her free hand, golden energy flowing down her arm as she hefted the stone in her hand and tossed it into the portal.

Pain stabbed into Sarai’s head as soon as the gem dissolved into the portal. She grimaced, raising her hands as if it would do anything to slow the pain. Celestia braced herself, though if she felt any pain from the fluctuating portal she was doing well to hide it. A wall of force slammed into the two, blowing Sarai’s hair back and nearly knocking the headband off her head.

As she struggled to get her powers under control, she remembered.

“Momma... I’m scared momma... I’m s-s-scared....”

“You are a tool of the Inquisition, nothing more... break him, now.”

“You are a coward, Sarai! You will never understand the power we face! And you will die for your ignorance!”

... No! Never again!

Finally, the pain subsided. Sarai jammed the headband back down, stumbling forward several steps as she regained her balance. The sound of the portal had... changed. The hum was higher, more consistent in its vibrations, and smelled faintly of... pine? She looked up, blinking a few times as her eyes adjusted to the light.

The Empress stood alone, her hand resting on her sword. The portal was now a brilliant purple color, with two lithe figures standing before the portal. “Empress,” the first one said. “The Hall of the Great Fool awaits you.” Harlequins?!

“Empress,” Sarai said, stepped forward towards Celestia. “Can you trust these xenos?”

“No...” she said after a lengthy pause. “But for the sake of the Imperium, I must do this.” she stepped towards the portal, the Eldar slipping in before her before she turned back. “Inquisitor. I have a task for you.”

“Whatever you ask, Empress.” Sarai said quickly.

“My Student, Tara, is lost in the Warp near Solemnace,” Celestia said. “Find her, even if it takes you the rest of your life.” Sarai said nothing. A task for the Empress was not to be taken lightly, but to find one woman among the tides of the Warp... even one as powerful as Twilight Sparkle...

“I will not fail you, Empress.” Sarai said finally.

“I know.” and with that the Empress stepped forward, the portal rippling as she vanished from sight. Sarai stood in silence, watching as the light from the portal flickered and died. Silence reigned around her, broken by the thumping of Elias’ footsteps as he made his way up to the portal.

“Inquisitor...?” he asked. Sarai did not say anything at first. “Inquisitor, what are your orders?”

“... Search the area, make sure no more daemons are hiding out.” she said, turning to face her friend. “Then we head back to the ship. The Empress has a new mission for us.”

Author's Note:

When I said I moved the other chapter up first, I meant I had literally a few paragraphs from finishing and I decided "Eh, this doesn't fit" and moved it back.

For those of you asking where Sunset Shimmer is, here she is. She got to the Imperium the hard way, but we'll talk about that later.

Special thanks once more to Deatheater55 for his editing work. Likes and comments are appreciated, and if I screwed something up please let me know.

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