• Published 6th Apr 2016
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Young Amazons - Wanderer D

Sunset Shimmer is flung into another universe

  • ...

Chapter 22: Discovery

Young Amazons
By Ackbarfan5556
Executive Produced By Wanderer D
Chapter 22: Discovery

For Sunset, much of January had been a time for her to rest since she was letting her ribs heal after her encounter with Firefly. The downtime allowed her to focus almost entirely on practicing magic.

One thing that Sunset, with the tutelage of Dr. Fate, was finally able to do was use her magic to reach out into the multiverse and try to find either Canterlot High or Equestria. She had been putting it off for some time due to her schoolwork and crime fighting, but that wasn’t the case now, thanks to the injury and the holidays.

Sunset knew that trying to find her original home in the multiverse was going to be like finding a needle in a haystack, but it was even harder than that. The only way that Sunset was able to tell what comprised of the universe she was sensing was short glimpses of images that flashed in her mind.

She seemed to have been witnessing multiverses that were much more similar to the one that she was in, which ranged from the shocking to the strange. Several examples were one where Bruce was gunned down the same night as his parents, Joker being a gangster who was responsible for orphaning Bruce, or one where Cobblepot was abandoned by his parents and raised by sewer penguins.

After many hours of attempts throughout the month, Sunset decided to put the search on hold for the time being. Maybe she still wasn’t strong with this universe’s magic, which was why she was still only finding worlds similar to this one, rather than one closer to home.

Life went back to normal for Sunset towards the end of the month with school back in full swing and her body mostly healed. Of course, Sunset wanted to get some training in just to get her back in shape to fight again since she hadn’t been doing much strenuous activities.

That’s why she was back in Star City doing some practicing with Dinah and Zatanna. Sunset thought it would be best to get back into the crime-fighting with a friendly spar with her teachers. It would also give her a chance to use the magic with her rapier; using it like a normal one wasn’t needed since she had fencing club to teach her how to use it.

Sunset took a deep breath and charged towards Dinah with her rapier once more as the older crimefighter got ready to defend once more with a long, lead pipe she was holding as a sort of makeshift sword. The sword clashed against the pipe and echoed through the studio apartment.

Both combatants backed away as they panted, trying to get some air back in the lungs. They had been fighting for almost ten minutes. Sunset finally relented and sheathed her rapier. Dinah did the same.

“You’ve certainly come a long way, Sunset. I’m very much impressed.” Dinah complimented.

Sunset gave a small smile. “Well, I’ve had some great teachers.”

“I think this past hour has showed that you’re certainly ready to get back to crime fighting,” Zatanna observed.

“You’re probably right, but I think I’ll be better off with a few more days of training at least before I’m ready to go again.” Sunset pulled out the rapier again. “Besides, I haven’t gotten much training using magic with this.”

“That’s something you’re going to have to do with her, Zatanna. Magic isn’t my thing.” Dinah said as she went to take a seat.

“No problem. Now then,” Zatanna stood up and walked to where Dinah was standing before, turning to face her apprentice. “Are you ready, Sunset?”

Sunset shook her head. “Just a moment. Let me at least finish catching my breath.”

Zatanna nodded as she waited. “Well, I better at least tell you what you’re capable with that rapier. The magic embedded in it, it acts more like a focusing rod for certain abilities. Plus, it’s good to use for sword or staff wielding foes.”

Sunset twisted the blade around in her hand to inspect it. “It would certainly come in handy against Cobblepot if he uses his umbrella sword again. Also, what do you mean by ‘focusing rod’?”

“Well, for instance, you can channel your powers through the rapier, like a stream of fire, if you wanted.”

“I see, so it’s another surprise I can use on someone.”

Zatanna nodded her head. “Right. Though, for the most part, it’s for stunning and channeling your powers. Like, if you stabbed someone in the shoulder with it, their whole arm would go numb for a bit.”

“Would a simple jab work well there? Say I just jabbed someone with it in the arm, barely making any penetration with the tip, that would still do the stunning job?”

“Precisely, a little magic can go a long way,” Zatanna said.

Sunset smiled before she stood in fencing position. “I understand, and if it’s all the same for you, Zatanna, I’m ready now.”

“Alright then, let’s see how far your training has come then,” Zatanna said to begin the spar between the two magic users.

“I swear, is there any need for some of this stuff once we leave school?” Barbara grumbled as she finished figuring out another difficult math question for her homework. The winter break was much too short for her liking as school went right back to normal once classes started again. The subjects felt like they suddenly got harder when she got back.

Despite the supposed difficulty, Barbara knew that she had to persevere. For one, it wouldn’t look good on an Olympic hopeful to not have good grades. The other reason was that she would certainly catch some heat from her parents as well.

Barbara began work on the next problem before she heard the lock on the door beginning to jiggle as someone was trying to open it. Most of the time, Barbara would just ignore it, but ever since her father had been made acting Commissioner at the start of the month, a nagging feeling was at the back of her mind.

Her slight nerves calmed down as the lock clicked and the door opened to reveal her father walking inside.

“Hey, Dad,” she said as she looked back down to her homework.

“Hey, sweetheart, how was school?” he asked as he put his suitcase down and hung up his trench coat before glancing around. “Mom working late?”

“About the usual. Nothing too exciting to note, at least with school. As for Mom, she called and said she was having a long shift again.”

“Hang out with the girls after school?”

Barbara shook her head. “No, not really, we all just headed home to get some homework out of the way. It was one of those days.”

James chuckled. “Working you hard I see. Well, at least it’s nice to know that school hasn’t been lax on teaching.”

“More like worked to the bone,” she scoffed. “Speaking of worked to the bone, has the city been doing the same to you since you’ve been acting Commissioner?”

He smirked. “The council tries, and the city certainly gives me nothing short of work, but I’m handling it well enough. It’s nothing too much different from my previous role as Deputy Commissioner.”

“Just more paperwork as usual?”

James nodded. “That’s always something that drives anyone that has been an officer crazy when watching a police film or show. It’s the severe lack of anyone doing paperwork.”

Barbara rolled her eyes. She had heard that complaint all before. She glanced as she saw her father walk into the kitchen, humming to himself as he started to get dinner ready for the two of them, with some leftovers for her absent mother.

“You’re in a bit of a joyful mood today,” Barbara observed. “Something happen at work?”

James stopped what he was doing to look at her. “You haven’t been watching the news?”

Barbara shook her head. “No, sorry. I was busy with my homework that I thought having the TV on would be a distraction.”

“I see,” James walked into the living room and picked up the remote to turn on the TV. A second later, he flipped the channel over to the news.

“-snow in the coming days is almost certain with the way this large storm pattern is being predicted by the weather service. As you can see from the model-”

“Might have been at the top of the hour with the story,” James admitted as Barbara raised an eyebrow. “Still, nice to see we’ll be getting snow again. You could have a day off from school if it comes down hard enough.”

“Come on, Dad. It’s Gotham. They’d only cancel school due to the weather if the city was suffering an ice age… and even then, they would wait to the last minute to say anything.”

“Oh, wait, wait, wait! Here it is!” James waved his hand to get her to quiet down.

“And now for our top story of the night, Gotham’s Police Commissioner search is now over. Gotham City Council voted in favor earlier this morning in appointing acting Commissioner James Gordon as the permanent Commissioner of the Gotham City Police Department.”

Barbara’s eyes widened upon hearing that before looking over to see her father smirking. “You mean?”

“That’s right. Council thought it was best to just move forward as soon as possible in terms of a search and just give me the job,” James said. “Maybe, but I think I might have won them over early on. Besides, I think it was probably popular to the voters. Considering the elections are next month, it was better to appoint someone from Gotham into the position, rather than someone who’s practically never been here.”

“Well, congratulations on getting the job, Dad,” Barbara then had her own smirk. “So, can I be with you on the day you deputize Alicorn and the Batman?”

Her father raised his eyebrow, knowing full well that she knew one of his recruiting ideas for what he could do as Commissioner.

“Well, despite what I’ve said, that’s easier said then done, sweetie,” James took a seat on the couch. “Right now, things have been somewhat calm, and the police have had things under control. If I wanted to even bring up the idea to the public, I would need a crisis to happen.”

“With some of these villains like Joker running around, you might get your crisis soon enough.”

“Yeah, I know,” James mood darkened. “I promise you, I will do whatever it takes to keep you and your mother safe from those monsters, okay?”

Barbara felt those nerves coming again as soon as he said that. Her father’s new position suddenly made him a target to the psychos that terrorized the city occasionally. She wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tight.

“Dad, try not to get yourself killed, alright?” she said as she buried her face in his shoulder.

“I’ll be careful, I swear.”

Barbara pulled back and gave him a smile. “You always do. Now, can we get some dinner?”

“Right away.” James smiled back as he headed back to the kitchen.

Sunset was glancing out the window as her mind was replaying her recent training spar with Zatanna and Dinah, going over what mistakes she made and how she could correct when out on her next patrol.

“Hey, Sunset? Are you listening?” Sunset came back to reality after being off in her own little world before Pamela’s voice broke through. The trio was sitting around a table in a restaurant as the sun started to go down.

“Huh? Oh, sorry. My mind was somewhere else at the moment,” she apologized.

“No problem. Now as I was saying,” Pamela continued, “you two don’t have to help with me on this, but I would appreciate it if you would join me on this protest I’ve got planned.”

“What exactly are we protesting and how?” Barbara asked.

“Our old ‘friends’,” Pamela quoted with her fingers. “Chlorogene.”

“I see. So, how exactly are you planning on protesting them then?”

“Well, there’s a few things I should mention. For one, I thought of this because just recently, the FDA and the EPA approved a new fertilizer that one of their subservient companies, Chloromulch, has just begun to sell.” Pamela dug into her backpack and placed papers and pictures on the table.

“What exactly are we looking at here, Pam?” Sunset asked.

“The papers are several EPA studies in terms of the making of Chloromulch. The stuff actually causes harm to the environment, and look at these plants,” Pamela pointed to several of the photos. “Plants are horribly mutated by this fertilizer.”

“And this was approved?” Sunset asked once more, curious to know why something this damaging would even be allowed to be sold.

Pamela rolled her eyes. “Companies like Chlorogene will almost always find a way to get their products through, despite the damaging impact they could make. Still, this did cause some trouble for them; several employees resigned over this and released this information to the press. I managed to find all this online.”

“For a moment there, I thought you may have gotten it another way,” Barbara said, which Sunset noticed as a subtle reminder to Pamela’s short vandalistic streak.

Pamela shook her head. “No, that will never happen again. I promised you both.”

“We know that for a fact,” Sunset gave a small smile as she took a sip of her drink. “So, we know why we’re protesting, but you do you have a plan for that?”

Pamela nodded. “Yes. More or less, we just stand outside Chlorogene’s offices, holding signs and yelling through a bullhorn.”

“Oh,” Barbara nodded. “I’m actually going to run that through my dad, just to make sure if there’s any laws we might break doing that.”

“Disturbing the peace would be on the only thing they could have on us, and the odds are we wouldn’t be charged with anything since it would just be the three of us.” Pamela explained.

“If that,” Sunset muttered. “If it’s just the three of us, they might not even bother calling the police. They’ll just ignore us.”

“Even if they do that, at least we’ll show them that not everyone turns a blind eye to their actions. That’s what I want to do.”

Barbara patted her on the shoulder. “Well, we’ll be right beside you. Right, Sunset?”

Sunset nodded. “Oh, yeah. Speaking of the environment, I thought you might want to see this.” Sunset went into her backpack and handed Pamela a flyer. The girl’s eyes widened upon seeing it.

“No way, Dr. Woodrue… he’s coming to Gotham next month!?”

Sunset chuckled. “Yeah, I found that out the other day. I’m actually surprised you didn’t know that.”

“I was so busy being focused on Chlorogene that I didn’t notice,” Pamela chuckled as she kept looking at the flyer.

“Well, here’s hoping you enjoy his speech when he has it.”

“Oh, this is perfect, we could do the protest while he’s in town!” Pamela quickly stood up. “Sorry to cut things short, but I’m going to head home and start thinking of what signs we can use!” The two girls watched their friend head out the door before running towards her house a few blocks away.

“When did you say that presentation was again?” Barbara asked.

“Next month,” Sunset smirked. A moment later, she felt her communicator buzzing in her back pocket. “Well, I think I need to get going too. I’ll see you around, okay?”

Barbara nodded to her. “Yeah, see you around.”

Sunset got up and headed out before walking down towards an alley. She glanced around to make sure no one was around before she pulled out her communicator.

“Hey, I’m here. What’s going on?” Sunset said.

“We’ve got some trouble this time. Joker, Penguin and Riddler are all in a fight for dominance over the city,” Batman told her over the communicator.

“What else is new?”

“The three of them appearing to have a competition on who can defeat me, and while they’re sabotaging each other, there’s another problem as well.”

“Rojas is on the warpath now,” Sunset now heard Detective Yin’s voice.

“Detective Yin?” Sunset asked.

“Just Ellen now, my career in law enforcement is now over. Rojas found out I was in contact with you two,” the former officer explained.

Sunset was surprised to hear this turn of events. Yin was their best chance of knowing what the police were doing and keeping ahead of them. Now with her on the run, the two crime fighters would be in the dark once more.

“I’ve got Yin with me and we’re currently in a high speed chase with Joker and Penguin tailing behind. Meanwhile, most of the inner city’s power is down. Riddler is in the grid, so I’m heading his way,” Batman said.

“Alright. I’ll meet you there,” Sunset said.

“No, I need you to stay put,” Batman interrupted her before she could ask where exactly to meet.

Sunset was shocked to hear that. “Listen, I’m okay now. I’ve healed up.”

“It’s not that. Things might end up going bad this time, so it’s best for Gotham that you stay put for the time being. If I fail, you’re the only one I trust to be able to get help and stop those three madmen,” Batman told her. “And with Rojas closing in as well, your identity will stay safe.”

Sunset was surprised to hear what was being said. To her, it almost sounded like Bruce was very much expecting to lose somehow. Maybe stop the trio of villains, but while saving the city, he would be unable to save himself from Rojas.

“I know that you know what you’re doing most of the time, but this time I’m having doubts.” Sunset admitted.

“Yeah, I’m still trying to figure this one out too, but no matter what, I want you to stay put. Okay?”

Sunset sighed. “I understand. Be careful, both of you.”

“You too, Alicorn,” Yin said before the communicator turned off. Sunset sighed before she headed back to her apartment.

However, she stopped for a moment to glance back around as she could’ve sworn she heard something nearby. She then dismissed it and went back on her way.

Barbara’s eyes were wider than they had ever been in a long time. She was pressing herself hard against the corner of the alleyway that Sunset had gone down before she heard everything.

She had wanted to catch up with Sunset beforehand because she had accidently left the restaurant without her backpack. A simple slip of the mind had just led to the discovery of something she might have suspected, but never could have imagined.

Sunset Lucciola, her best friend, was the crime fighter, Alicorn.

However, with the discovery, suddenly things began to make a lot of sense to her. Like why Sunset seemed to be so preoccupied, or missing out on meet ups with her and Pamela. It was because she was out keeping Gotham safe.

It also explained why Sunset missed helping her in setting Pamela straight. It was because she was there the whole time, just under her superhero guise to really make an impact.

Barbara was filled with a swell of confusing emotions. Should she be upset that her friend was living this double life and keeping it hidden from her two best friends? Should she be excited that her friend was her hero?

One thing was certain for Barbara, she had some things that she needed to do at home. She readjusted both backpacks on her shoulders, and walked home.

As soon as she got there, Barbara went straight for her room. She placed the bags down, before she left her room and headed out into the garage. She glanced around the cluttered room, the only thing that wasn’t a mess was the large open gap where her mom’s car was usually parked. After scanning the mess, she finally found what she was looking for, a small sheet of steel.

Once she had what she wanted, she took it as well as a few hand tools and went right back to her room. For the next hour, she quietly worked on the sheet of metal before she finally stopped as soon as she heard the front door open.

“Barbara, I’m home!” her mother called out before sounding like she was going to the kitchen.

“Okay, I’m in my room!” Barbara cried back before looking at her finished work. “Well, Sunset, if you think you’re the only girl who can play hero, then you’ve got another thing coming.”

Barbara walked to the closet before hiding away her project: A metal hook shaped like a bat.