• Published 6th Apr 2016
  • 8,550 Views, 880 Comments

Young Amazons - Wanderer D

Sunset Shimmer is flung into another universe

  • ...

Chapter 03: Green

Young Amazons

By Wanderer D

Chapter 03: Green

The drive from the hotel hadn't been long, although Sunset had taken the time to try and familiarize herself with the area. Although the city was fairly large, it reminded her a lot of Chicacolt, and just how once you were downtown everything was relatively close.

From what she could see, the museum, opera house, Gotham Theatre, and the library were all within walking distance.

"Gotham City was founded in 1635," Zatanna spoke as they drove through the streets. "It was the site of several rituals and magical forces meeting... old world against new world magic among other things. It has kept growing and being modernized, but it will always have that certain feel to it... of a long magical history to it and the struggle between light and darkness that eventually created the hero that lives here, as well as the villains that are drawn here."

Their car eventually turned around the last block before stopping in front of a large, gated building. Sunset blinked and followed Zatanna out of the car before glancing at the granite sign on the side of the gate.

"So this is Gotham High," Sunset stated, looking at the building past the gates. "It looks like a prison. I bet Principal Cinch would have been the perfect warden for this place."

Zatanna shrugged. "I'm not surprised it looks this way, Gotham needs as much security as they can afford and it's natural that they would protect the younger generations. I don't know who this Cinch person is yet, but you might want to keep an open mind."

Sunset gave the gates a cautious tap. "I think I'll call it 'Shawshank' for now." She tapped her chin. "Or 'Gothshank'?"

Zatanna looked at the building somewhat critically. "That is oddly appropriate, but remember that this is where you're going to study, so a healthy outlook is best. Now, come on, we need to talk to the principal about your test."

"You know, I could just try and get a job..."

"You already have a job," Zatanna interrupted. "You're my assistant while I'm in Gotham, and this is not only about education, it's about cementing your identity here. And you told me that you'd represented your school in their all-program Olympics, right? Math, English, History and such. You should have no problem dealing with homework here."

Sunset grimaced. "I guess."

"I'm sure it'll be fun," Zatanna said with a smile. "I do know that they have the best gymnastics team in the state, so joining them should be a priority. Remember that I want you to be limber and more agile than you already are. We also need to find a good place for you to learn martial arts."

"Oh ponyfeathers," Sunset muttered, making Zatanna raise an eyebrow at the strange expression. "How am I going to juggle showbiz, school, gym, martial arts, friendship and magical studies?"

"Oh, don't worry about that," Zatanna said. "We'll find a good balance for you and Dr. Fate has granted us access to his study, which exists out of time and space for some study sessions," she explained. "For now, you and I will be working on mixing your magic while show-training and put it into practice at show times.

"Acting will be important, so start thinking of the type of character you want to be in my show. Usually I'd tell you all about the prestige, but I want you to live your own life and as long as your public persona is stable, I'll be happy with that.

"And as I promised, I will send letters to my acquaintances so they can visit and give you additional training. You'll be meeting the best of the best!" She patted Sunset on the head and motioned towards the school so they could start walking.

Sunset tilted her head and gave Zatanna a sidelong glance as they crossed the gates into the empty front yard of 'Shawshank'. It was as square as the buildings and went well with the spartan decor it had... a few large square planters with trees in them and the occasional bush.

"Would it kill them to plant more things around?" Sunset asked, grimacing at the spartan state of it. "I hate to be critical but... well, I mean, there's scientific study about the mental and psychological benefits of having more green, living things around. Not to mention the environmental impact, the aesthetics and—"

"That's right!" a voice called out, making both Sunset and Zatanna turn to look at a girl with straight red hair, thick-rimmed glasses and green eyes emerging from the side of the building. "You have no idea how hard it is to get everyone's head wrapped around the idea that plants do not only deserve rights, but the fact that we are sorely lacking in ways to preserve them and help them grow! I've been conducting a series of tests on the chemical composition of the grounds around the school, and there's no reason that we couldn't grow an amazing garden here and even a urban garden on parts of the roof of the building!"

She walked to a stop in front of Sunset and Zatanna, offering her hand to the younger of the pair. "Pamela Isley, I'm starting a green-advocacy club this year for that specific purpose among other more global issues. In fact, I just registered it! I hope to get a good amount of environmentally-conscious people involved!"

"Sunset S—Luciola," Sunset stammered out. "Nice to meet you."

"I don't think I've seen you before, are you a new student?" Pamela asked.

"Yeah, I'm taking an exam for placement here, I'm a bit nervous but it shouldn't be much of a problem."

"If so, once you're part of the student body, maybe you'd be interested in joining my club?" She offered Sunset a little brochure. "Take a look and think about it, would you?"

Sunset took the brochure and smiled. "Thank you Pamela, I'll definitely think about it."

"Great!" Pamela grinned, turning to go. "I hope you do! Good luck in there! I'll see you around when classes start!"

Sunset waved and turned, stopping cold when she noticed Zatanna's grin. "Aww, you already made a friend!" The magician teased, ruffling Sunset's hair. "That's my assistant! I'm so proud of you!"

Sunset shook her head, batting away Zatanna's hand and started to walk towards the school entrance. "Well, you know what they say, 'Friendship is Magic'."

Sunset had to admit—once she was inside the building—that Gothshank wasn't as dreary as a prison within. The halls were kept clean and were spacious enough to allow for a large amount of student movement.

She could also appreciate the architecture. While it was amusing to make fun of the outside design, the interior gave it a very traditional air. Unlike Canterlot High, which was very modern in design, the columns, the arched roofs and tall windows made Gotham High seem more like what she envisioned Harvard or Oxford would look like.

Maybe the nickname was a bit too cruel for the school.

That this was a place of learning was very clear and Sunset could only hope that as stern as the building was, the staff wouldn't be quite so... traditional. Strange things did happen around her—as her even being in that world was proof of—and she didn't want to be kicked out because of some random occurance got it into her teacher's head that she needed to be expelled.

The secretary wasn't the standard, bored-looking lady Sunset had come to expect on television shows, she was probably in her mid twenties, short blond hair down to her shoulders and dressed in a modern professional attire that contrasted with what she had expected her to look like. A picture of the principal, a dark-skinned woman with a soft smile and warm brown eyes, hung behind the young receptionist, also breaking her previous misconceptions of a vulture-like Cinch-type, overlooking her evil empire.

"Welcome to Gotham High, I'm Miss Kean, how can I help you?"

"Hi, I'm Zatanna Zatara, and this is my young charge Sunset Luciola, we spoke yesterday?"

"Ah, yes, if you brought all her paperwork, we can get started," Miss Kean said. She looked at Sunset with an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry you don't have much more time to prepare for the test, but classes will be starting very soon and we need all of this sorted out very quickly."

Sunset shrugged and smiled back. "I just hope I do well enough."

"I'm sure you will, Miss Luciola," the secretary said, standing up and guiding Sunset into another room with a couple of desks inside. She set down a stack of papers, writing utensils and a printed test on top of one. "You can take your test here, but I will need you to leave your cell phone and purse behind."

Sunset nodded, giving her both items before sitting down.

Miss Kean gave her an encouraging pat on the shoulder. "You have two hours, good luck!"

Sunset nodded, filling in her new information on the cover sheet before turning the page to the first question.

“The octagon P_1P_2P_3P_4P_5P_6P_7P_8 is inscribed in a circle, with the vertices around the circumference in the given order. Given that the polygon P_1P_3P_5P_7 is a square of area 5 and the polygon P_2P_4P_6P_8 is a rectangle of area 4, find the maximum possible area of the octagon.” Sunset blinked. "Huh. Well, that's not so bad..."

She shrugged and started working. After a few minutes and some diagrams, she turned to the next question. "A bit involved, but nothing too serious. This might be somewhat easy."

“If one train on the Gotham Express leaves Gotham at 5:30 at sixty kilometers per hour and another one from Metropolis at 6:00 at fifty kilometers per hour, and they cross at 6:30, what was the color of the caboose used in both trains?"

Sunset stared at the problem for a solid minute, reading it twice, then checking below it to see if it continued onto the next page.

It didn't.

"Oh, joy."

Zatanna frowned at the wall full of extracurricular activities. While the gym classes seemed solid, there was no martial arts training other than a club, but that wouldn't be enough. She needed something more intensive. "Hm, might have to ask Richard... and maybe Dinah for some help there..." she muttered, before she noticed someone coming out of the office.

"...and that is why, young lady I don't want you hanging out with—" the man stopped berating the young redheaded girl with him, blinking when he noticed they were not alone.

"I believe I know who you are," Zatanna smiled. "Commissioner Gordon, if I'm not mistaken?"

"Oh, wow!" the girl next to him spoke up, eyes widening. "It's Zatanna Zatara!" She skipped over and shook Zatanna's hand. "I'm Barbara Gordon, and I'm a big fan! I've watched the Tokyo special at least five times!"

"That, I can attest to," Commissioner Gordon said with a good-natured grumble before he also shook Zatanna's hand. "It's very nice to meet you, Miss Zatara, but I admit a surprise. Are you doing a show here at the school?"

Zatanna chuckled, shaking her head and smiling at Barbara's downcast expression. "I'm afraid not, my new assistant is going to attend Gotham High, and I was thinking she could do some gymnastics for possibly more demanding routines."

"Oh! I'm in the gymnastics team!" Barbara said excitedly. "It's amazing, but really demanding!"

"I've heard it is the best in the state," Zatanna stated. "So I'm hoping she's up to the challenge."

"The teachers here are very good," Commissioner Gordon said, glancing at his daughter. "Provided the students don't skip class."

Barbara crossed her arms and looked away, pouting, which made Zatanna grin. "Well, I'm sure Sunset will like it then. Maybe Barbara can give her a tour of the school and the gym before classes start?"

The Commissioner and his daughter exchanged glances, before Barbara shrugged. "Sure, why not?"

"Excellent!" Zatanna said, raising her hand and, with a flick of the wrist, producing three tickets for her show. "On me," she said giving them to the Commissioner. "They're good seats, I promise."

"Thank you!" Barbara giggled. "I was wondering what the plans were for tonight!"

Commissioner Gordon shook his head. "You're still grounded, Barbara."

"But daad!"

"We'll talk it over with your mom, and maybe tonight we can go, but it doesn't mean that you're off the hook, young lady."

"A small victory," Barbara stage-whispered to Zatanna. "Worth it."

"Thank you, Miss Kean! I hope to see you again soon!" Sunset emerged from the side office and closed the door with a groan. Leaning against it for a moment and taking a deep breath.

Zatanna, who had been juggling cards and had more than twenty flowing smoothly through the air, summoned them all back to their box and looked at her young charge. "How was it?"

"Confusing." Sunset admitted. "But once I got the hang of it, not too bad. Even the history section wasn't a big deal... oddly enough, same dates, slightly different names for the most part, although there's no Gotham or Metropolis where I come from. I fear that will be my lowest score."

"How about biology, chemistry, etc?"

Sunset grinned and gave her a thumbs up.

Zatanna laughed. "Excellent. Now come, we need to practice... tonight's your first show and we need to get you familiarized with some basic aspects of showmanship as well as the tricks you'll participate in."

Sunset raised an eyebrow. "Did you already have magic tricks planned with an assistant in mind?"

Zatanna shook her head, leading Sunset down the hall. "It's easy enough to adapt some of the tricks that require audience assistance, and I've been doing this for so long that if I didn't have ideas and tricks up my sleeve for an assistant to work with, I should find another job."

"If you say so," Sunset said, following Zatanna. "You think I'll be ready?"

"Well, considering Bruce Wayne, Commissioner Gordon, the Mayor, and several prominent Gothamites will be attending?" Zatanna grinned. "You'd better be."

Author's Note:

I apologize for the short chapter, next one will be definitely more involved! But! Sunset has met Pamela! And Barbara is hovering close by. How will things progress from here? Check the next chapter out, same Bat-Channel, and who knows what Bat-hour or Bat-day. But soon. Ish.