• Published 13th Apr 2016
  • 4,438 Views, 59 Comments

A New World, Several New Ideas - cyberlord4444

When Grey woke up as a Metagross in another world, he started doing what he did best, creating.

  • ...

Chapter 4

"Man that took way longer than it should have," Grey sighed.

"Only because you took so many coffee breaks," Flux quipped back.

"Shut up, oil and coffee are what flow through the veins of an Anville Engineer," Grey retorted, "wasn't even particularly good coffee, strong as a Machamp, but about as subtle in it's flavor."

"So, what now?" Flux asked.

"Now we wait for our hosts to deliberate on their position on Pokemon, and more importantly us."

"Yeah, I'm boned."

"What makes you say that?"

"Your first impression was good, you solved a dispute between some miners and some Excadrill. As for me, I try to do a little bit of house keeping and get manhandled by the local prince who's got it in for me. So yeah, I'm boned."

"You know, I think I liked you better when I couldn't understand you."

"You're just jealous that unlike you, I could get a date. Speaking of which, I noticed you finally managed to get some tail, literally."

"Okay 1: Ferria is 12, I'm 21, major age difference. 2: keep that up and I'll start trying out some moves that actually do damage, Metagross can learn Bullet Punch right?"

"Okay okay, I'll shut up." After a few minutes, Flux spoke up again, "Think she has a sister?"

The doors opened as Ferria walked through them. "Grey, my father has reached a deci... what are you doing?"

Grey was currently giving Flux a noogie of epic proportions, "Teaching this little playboy some respect."


Ferria sighed, "Well anyway, my father has come to a decision, if you could follow me."

Ferria, Grey and Flux reentered the throne room. "I have come to a decision regarding the Pokemon. They shall be permitted to remain, as long as they follow our laws."

"Sounds reasonable to me," Grey said.

"As for you and your companion," Gimli continued, "Ferria mentioned that you built trains in your old world?"

"With my team yes," Grey replied.

"Well then, there is an old cavern that's no longer in use, I grant it to you so that you may continue your craft."

"Thank you," Grey replied as Flux pumped his fist.

"Ferria can show you the way," Gimli finished before they left.

"This doesn't look half bad," Grey said as they arrived.

"It has plenty of space I'll give ya that," Flux replied, "a nice open cave like this will make a nice roundhouse."

"I'm glad you like it," Ferria replied, "I think you can use those openings on the upper levels to live in."

"Yep, looks good to me," Grey replied, "and based on that map, it's close to a rail line, so connecting it up shouldn't be a problem."

"Yeah, although that's the least of our problems," Flux said.

"Oh yeah, that might be a problem," Grey replied.

"What is it?" Ferria asked.

"Nothing big," Flux replied, "we just don't have anything to actually do the work with."

"Yeah, I kinda need my tool belt if I want to fix a train," Grey continued.

"Tool belt nothing, we need to find the rest of the crew," Flux replied, "although I must admit my filler rods would come in handy.

"Oh yeah, my bad," Grey chuckled, "I hope Shine's doing okay, you know how she can get."

"Well, it's too late to start searching now," Flux said, "we'll start looking in the morning."

"I'll just leave you two to settle in," Ferria said as she turned to leave.

"Come back any time," Grey replied.

The next morning, Grey awoke to a voice in his head.

“Greetings citizens of Equus, both old and new.”

”I am Lord Arceus, creator of the creatures that you have seen over the past few days. You have no reason to fear me for I come in peace.”

“I am the one who brought the creatures you see to this world, they are known as Pokémon.”

“I have my reasons for bringing them here, I will be holding a summit with the world's leaders so that they can help inform their citizens the best. For now I issue a warning; Even if some do not appear as such, the Pokémon are just as intelligent as any other creature that calls this world home. Since they are MY subjects I will not tolerate their mistreatment or abuse. Treat them as you would your own neighbor.”

“Pokemon who have awoken in this new world, do not seek to harm the natives of this world. To the pokemon that experienced certain... Changes... when you arrived; You are the ones who proved that not all of your kind deserved vengeful retribution, consider this your reward. To live new lives, free of the burdens of the old world, a chance to start anew. As sentient beings of varying intelligence, the laws of the respective countries you now reside in apply to you, and only those laws.”

“That is all for now, the Pokémon are not to be harmed simply out of spite. If you have any qualms with what I have done, I reside in a temple located within the Everfree forest and welcome all who would like to speak, or a pocket dimension outside of the space time continuum, so if any of you wish to face the sheer power of a god, feel free to come by.”

“Goodbye for now, though I doubt this will be the last you hear of me, and peace to you all.”

As Grey was processing the information, Flux burst into the room. "Tell me you heard that."

"Looks like the mystery of how we got here's solved," Grey replied.

"Yeah, well I was thinking, maybe we should go visit him. If he brought us here, chances are he could bring us our equipment, assuming he hasn't already."

"I hear ya, we'll head out as soon as we let Ferria know."

"Um, nothing personal, but why?"

"I happen to consider her a friend, and it's bad form to get up and leave without letting your friends know."

"I guess you're right, I'll see if I can wrangle up some supplies."

As Flux left, Grey thought to himself, 'Well, I guess we'll be seeing god about some tools, and I'm not coming back without my coffee maker.'