• Published 13th Apr 2016
  • 4,438 Views, 59 Comments

A New World, Several New Ideas - cyberlord4444

When Grey woke up as a Metagross in another world, he started doing what he did best, creating.

  • ...

Chapter 6

Ferria was having a rather lovely dream, one that involved a swimming pool that was filled with chocolate, when she was roused by a light shining in her eyes. As she cracked open her eyes to tell whoever it was to go away, she jumped back.

"Man, looks like someone still doesn't like Ghost types," Shine chuckled.

"Well, don't wake me up by shining your light in my face," Ferria replied as she dusted herself off.

"Knock it off you two," Grey said, "we're here."

Ferria looked up to see that they had arrived at a massive temple-like structure, who's door was guarded by a trio of golems.

"Party of th... 4 to see Arceus," Grey said to the Regis. In response, their eyes flashed in sequence, before they stepped aside as the doors opened.

As they walked inside, Ferria couldn't help but notice something, "Hey, how did I get here?"

"Comfy up here isn't it?" Flux said from his perch atop Grey.

After a brief round of chuckles, they arrived at a rather impressive looking door which was slightly ajar. Grey peeked in to see that Arceus was there, as well as a Luxray who was going on a bit of a rant. Sighing, Grey pushed the door closed, "Looks like we'll have to wait a while."

Before anyone could comment, they were interrupted. "Hello." Ferria jumped back as a red and blue lanky Pokemon appeared in front of her.

"Ah, you're Deoxys I presume," Grey said as the others were still reeling from his sudden arrival.

"You've heard of me? That's good, most of the guys who come here to visit me haven't heard of me. They've heard of Mewtwo and Genesect, but they're younger than me, kinda wierd huh?"

"I guess," Grey chuckled.

"I wonder why that is?" Deoxys said to himself before he turned himself upside down.

"Um, why are you doing that," Flux asked.

"Hoopa said that if I've got more blood in my brain you think better. I need all the help I can get if I'm gonna figure out why nobody seems to have heard of me."

"Um, that doesn't really work."

"But Hoopa said it did, and she said she heard it from Uxie."

"You do know Hoopa is the Mischief Pokemon right?"

"It has only given me headaches now that I think about it, I need to go punch her later," Deoxys said as he flipped right side up.

As Grey and the others chuckled, they were interrupted by a loud boom. "What was that!" Ferria asked rather loudly.

"Oh, that's probably Groudon and Kyogre going at it again, I bet a basket of macaroons on Kyogre. What, Victini's macaroons are awesome."

This prompted another round of chuckles as the Luxray walked out of the audience chamber, accompanied by a Sylveon, Absol and a Pony. He was looking pretty beat, so Grey merely nodded to him in greeting as he entered the audience chamber himself. Sitting at a massive table was Arceus himself, although he currently wasn't the exact picture of a divine being.

Meloetta, I told you I'm fine," Arceus said as the Melody Pokemon was applying a salve to him.

"No buts, Divine Pokemon or not, you don't get hit by a Thunder and not get at least a little hurt, especially if you didn't use your Earth Plate."

"For the love me, could you please stop? We have guests."

Meloetta turned to see Grey and the others standing there. Grey was chuckling slightly, Ferria was in awe of the Origin Pokemon, Shine was sipping from her berry shell, and Flux was holding a rose he grabbed from, somewhere.

"Well hello," Flux said, rather suavely one had to admit, "I'm Flux, and it's a pleasure to meet such a lovely lady such as yourself."

Meloetta giggled, "Thank you, but sorry, you're not my type."

Flux sighed as he and the rose deflated.

Arcues chuckled, "My, it's been rather a long time since anyone has had the nerve to attempt to court a Legendary."

"That's just Flux being Flux," Grey chuckled, "anyway, it's an honor to meet you Lord Arceus."

Arceus raised one of his eyebrows, "And it has been even longer since a human has addressed me as such."

"My mother was a member of a sub-sect of your church, and taught me to respect all Legendaries."

Arceus grinned, "Sounds like a fine woman, I do hope to meet her, she sounds like she would have made the journey."

"Speaking of which," Shine said as she drained her shell, "I was wondering why you brought us, and by extension most of Earth here?"

"Because for thousands of years I was forced to watch as countless Pokemon were treated as nothing more than tools by most of Humanity," Arceus said as his face contorted into a frown, "so, upon my release, I transferred my Pokemon, as well as all Humans who proved worthy, here. Now, I suppose this is the part where you ask to turned back?"

"Actually, I'm kinda liking this," Grey admitted, "even without the ability to use Psychic to move stuff around, the intelligence boost from being made a Metagross? I've got so many ideas running through my head that I had to dedicate one of my brains to keep track of them all, once I figured out how of course.

"Glad to hear it, so why did you come to seek an audience with me?"

"To be honest, I kinda wanted our stuff," Grey grinned sheepishly.

"Yeah," Flux interjected, "kinda shortsighted to send us to another planet and not let us pack first."

"Yeah, Arceus might be pretty powerful, but he's also quite scatterbrained," Meloetta grinned.

"Let's just get these nice Pokemon their stuff," Arceus said as he rummaged through the store of everything he had brought from Earth. After a few minutes, he pulled out several crates, "Is this what you were looking for?"

Grey poked through the crates for a few minutes before he pulled out a sightly worn tool belt, which he then wrapped around one of his forearms, "Yeah, this is it."

"You know, there are probably a lot more former humans that have stuff they'd like back," Shine said as she rummaged through another of the crates, before shrieking in delight as she pulled out a bottle of wine.

Arceus simply face palmed as Meloetta chuckled, "Why don't I just get Hoopa to send your stuff home ahead of you?"

Grey nodded as Arceus sent a telepathic request for Hoopa, who arrived a minute later holding an ice pack to her face.

"What happened?" Arceus asked with concern.

"Deoxys got wise to a prank I pulled on him a while back and slugged me, pretty hard. Can't complain too much though, gotta lot of mileage out of that one."

"That's what happens when you pull pranks," Meloetta grinned, "sometimes your target gets you back."

"Yeah yeah, let's just get this done quick maybe? Groudon's kicking Kyogre's tail, and I've got a ton of Poffins on him."

Everyone just chuckled before Grey mentally sent the destination to Hoopa. After Hoopa sent the crates off and hurried back to the fight, Arceus turned towards Grey, "Is there anything else you need?"

"Just let any of my team know where I am if they turn up," Grey said before leaving. As they exited the temple, they noticed a Sudowoodo dancing around. Apparantly there was a party happening that night, and he was telling everyone he met about it.

At the mention of a party, Shine latched herself to Grey's face, "Can we go? Please please please please pleeeeaaase?"

Grey sighed before nodding, causing Shine to start cheering. Who knows maybe they's find another member of his team there, or at least some half decent coffee.