• Published 1st Sep 2016
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Pound and Pumpkin Cake's Adventures (And Misadventures) In Potty Training - SuperPinkBrony12

Pound and Pumpkin Cake's parents decide the twins are finally old enough to begin potty training. This is a collection of the various comedic escapades that the twins got up to as a result. Rated Teen as a precaution, but should be mostly G/PG.

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You Only Flush Once

Mrs. Cake got Pound to his potty just in time, his makeshift diaper fell apart not even ten seconds after he was seated on it. This close call prompted a sigh of relief from Mrs. Cake, who was glad to not have another mess to clean up.

"I guess my plan didn't work as well as I'd hoped it would." Mr. Cake reluctantly concluded, as he brought the diapers and changing supplies up to the bathroom for his wife to use.

"Don't blame yourself, honey bun," Mrs. Cake replied, as she carefully cleaned up Pound and put a fresh diaper on his rump. "You couldn't have known Pound would try to make a diaper out of his stuffed animals," she then sighed. "Which I'll have to wash now, oh that's going to be a pain. And I still have to clean Pound's potty and get him to take his nap."

"Tell you what, sugar plum," Mr. Cake spoke up, as he entered the bathroom. "I'll empty out Pound's potty and put him down for a nap, you just worry about cleaning up the uh 'diaper' that Pound made out of his stuffed animals."

Mrs. Cake's response, was to give her husband a kiss on the cheek. "Oh thank you, honey bun! You're a life saver!"

Mr. Cake blushed. "Oh, it's nothing. After all, what are husbands for?"

"Just make sure to check on Pumpkin after you've set Pound down for his nap," Mrs. Cake called, as she picked up the stuffed animal diaper and carefully carried it down to the laundry room. "And keep an eye out for Pinkie, she should be coming back soon."

"Maybe we should have Pinkie try to help us get Pound potty trained?" Mr. Cake suggested. "She did get him to use his potty the last time she foalsat him."

"Perhaps, we'll have to wait and see," Mrs. Cake replied. "After all, she may be tired out from her trip and need sometime to rest."

"When was the last time you ever saw Pinkie be worn out from a trip?" Mr. Cake said with a laugh. "Sometimes, it seems like Pinkie goes an entire day without ever sleeping."

"But of course, we know better." Mrs. Cake chuckled in response, and that was the last thing Mr. Cake heard from her before she was too far away for her voice to be heard.

Mr. Cake quickly picked up Pound's blue potty, which had managed to catch the load he'd done in his make-shift diaper, and emptied it into the toilet. Then he flushed the toilet, and set the potty back down again. After washing his hooves, he picked up Pound and carried him out of the bathroom. "Come on, Pound," he told his son. "After all that excitement, you could probably use a nap." "And I probably could use one as well, I was up really late getting rid of all those diapers." he thought to himself. As he left the bathroom, Mr. Cake failed to notice that he'd forgotten to put the lid of the toilet back down after flushing it. That was a mistake that he was going to be reminded of, in the most unexpected of ways.

Pumpkin had gotten rather impatient, as she waited for her parents to come back down from the bathroom. Yes, her brother's new diaper hadn't worked, and had demanded attention, but surely there was no need for the clean-up process to take as long as it was taking. Plus, there was something Pumpkin wanted to try and do, in the hopes of finally getting her brother to stop using his diapers (though she was starting to consider maybe doing such a thing herself at night, just to see what it was like).

Finally growing fed up, Pumpkin impatiently lifted herself out of her playpen. "I don't know what's taking Daddy and Mommy so long to tend to Pound Cake," she thought to herself. "He better not have flushed himself down the toilet, just because he doesn't want to give up his diapers!"

Spotting Gummy nearby, Pumpkin approached the baby alligator and asked him. "Can you give me a wide upstaiws, pwease? I need to use the bathwoom, but I dun wanna weaw mysewf out fwoating up to thewe with my magic."

Gummy didn't say anything, he just looked at Pumpkin with a blank stare.

"Wook, I sowwy fow fwushing you down the toiwet aww those weeks ago! I wun do it again, I pwomise!" Pumpkin apologized. "Thewe, awe you happy?!"

Gummy still didn't say anything, and his emotional state didn't change. He continued to give Pumpkin a blank stare, though he did turn around and expose his backside.

"I'ww take that as a yes I guess," Pumpkin shrugged, and climbed onto Gummy's back as best she could. Once she was comfortable, she shouted. "Hi ho Gummy, away!"

Gummy took off a pace that was only slightly faster than his usual pace, so it was easy to think he wasn't going fast at all. But Pumpkin knew that wasn't true, this was hardly the first time she'd hitched a ride on the baby alligator (though it was the first time she'd done so since flushing him down the toilet).

It took a while for Gummy to ascend the steps with a passenger, but the baby alligator didn't give up, and eventually he had cleared the only obstacle on his journey. From that point onward, it was smooth sailing all the way to the bathroom door. Upon reaching said door, the gator decided it was time for his passenger to get off. Sure, she had made a promise about not flushing him, but it hadn't been a 'Pinkie Promise' so he was understandably a bit skeptical.

"Tanks fow the wide, Gummy!" Pumpkin cheered, as she slid off the gator's backside and pushed open the door to the bathroom. Now it was time to find out if her little hunch was correct.

Pumpkin quickly spotted her plastic pink potty, but she wasn't going to use it today. She was going to try her luck with the real deal, the thing her brother kept saying he would use when he was big enough, the toilet. Pumpkin had to admit, it was a rather impressive beast of white porcelain, and quite big! But that wasn't going to stop her, she had to try! More for her brother's sake than her own!

After slipping her diaper down to her hooves, Pumpkin carefully tried to levitate herself onto the toilet seat. A task that was easier said than done, considering there didn't seem to be a lot of room, and that her rump was probably supposed to be seated in a place that would have it sticking out above the bowl. It took a great deal of magical power for Pumpkin to constantly move herself, so that she could hopefully sit down on the toilet correctly. At last, the unicorn was convinced she'd positioned herself as best she could, the rest was up to chance. With the last bit of magic she had left, Pumpkin lowered herself onto the seat.

"Okay, so far so good." she thought to herself, as she seemed to able to sit on the seat without any problems. But that soon proved to be misleading, Pumpkin suddenly found herself sliding back. "Oh no! Oh no!" she exclaimed, frantically trying to find something to grab onto to avoid falling! But she couldn't find anything, and when she attempted to light up her horn to save herself, it just produced a few sparks! With her last escape option rendered useless, it was only a matter of seconds before Pumpkin splashed down into the bowl. The water was cold, as the unicorn toddler struggled to keep her head above the water in the bowl. Now there was only one way she was going to leave, she would have to be flushed! After all, whatever fell into the toilet bowl was to be flushed away, that's how the toilet worked! The only exception to the rule were diapers, for some reason those didn't flush.

Pumpkin waited and waited for somepony to come in, find her floating in the bowl, and flush her down the drain. Hopefully, she'd able to find her way back this time, because she was certain her big sister Pinkie Pie wasn't going to come to her rescue.

Suddenly, who should come bouncing into the bathroom but Pinkie Pie herself?! "Pound Cake's down for a nap, and Gummy says Pumpkin Cake came in here for some reason," she said to herself. "Now, where could Pumpkin Cake be?"

"About time somepony came to flush me." Pumpkin thought to herself, as she had grown quite impatient. Hopefully, once flushed, it would not be long before Pinkie would come to retrieve her. "Ovew hewe!" she called out to Pinkie, hoping she could be heard.

"That's funny, I could've sworn I heard voices coming from the toilet," Pinkie said to herself. "That trip must've been more stressful than I thought, I'm hearing things."

"Ovew hewe, Pinkie!" Pumpkin called again, a little louder.

"Huh, there it is again," Pinkie pondered. "Maybe I should check the toilet, just to be sure there's nothing there. Oh who I am kidding, of course there's going to be nothing there." But she looked anyway, and saw Pumpkin floating in the toilet bowl, bobbing up and down like a cork. This caused Pinkie to gasp!

"Pinkie!" Pumpkin exclaimed, happy to have been heard but also dreading the inevitable flush.

"Pumpkin Cake?! How did you end up in the toilet?! You know it's not a swimming pool or a bathtub!" Pinkie scolded. "Stay there for a second, I'm gonna get something to fish you out!" And zipped away in a pink blur.

Pumpkin found it most odd that Pinkie hadn't flushed her like she was supposed to, but maybe Pinkie was just playing with her? Yes, that had to be it. This was all a game to Pinkie, and she wanted to make the inevitable flush as fun as possible. "I just hope she flushes me soon." Pumpkin thought, she was getting tired of floating in the toilet bowl. And yet her brother thought the toilet was more fun than a potty?

In another pink blur, Pinkie returned holding a plunger in her hooves. After quickly rotating it, so that the rubbery end of it was facing her, she extended the stick part of it down towards Pumpkin's location. "Grab on!" she instructed.

What was Pinkie doing?! Did she NOT know you had to flush whatever fell into the toilet bowl as long as it wasn't a diaper? Why she was trying to fish Pumpkin out with a plunger, instead of flushing her like she was supposed to have done by now?

"What are you waiting for, grab on!" Pinkie instructed once again, a little more urgently.

"Pinkie must be crazy! She has to know I'm to be flushed!" Pumpkin thought, but still reluctantly did as she was told.

With a great heave, Pinkie lifted the plunger up and Pumpkin with it! She then quickly set a towel down on the floor, and placed Pumpkin on it, before setting the plunger aside! "That was a close one!" Pinkie remarked, wiping the sweat from her brows. "Now hold still, and let your big sister Pinkie dry you off." Quick as a flash, Pinkie firmly wrapped the towel around Pumpkin's dripping wet mane, coat, and tail, and rubbed quite thoroughly until Pumpkin was completely dry! Pinkie then took off Pumpkin's soggy diaper, effortlessly tossing it into the trash. "Come on, let's get you into a new diaper," she sweetly said to Pumpkin (who was still curious about why Pinkie hadn't flushed her). But just before leaving the bathroom, Pinkie remembered something! "Oopsie, almost forgot to put the lid down! Wait right there!" In the blink of an eye, Pinkie rushed over to the toilet and put the lid down. Then she guided Pumpkin out of the bathroom.

All the while, Pumpkin was wondering to herself. "Why didn't Pinkie flush me?"

Author's Note:

The idea for this chapter comes from Smitty1038 on DeviantArt, who is serving as proofreader for this fic (and many of my other fanfics as of lately). When he looked over chapters 7 and 8, he mentioned how it gave him ideas for his fanfic "A Mother's Touch". He specifically mentioned how Sweetie Belle could've gotten her tail stuck in the toilet due to falling in, because her dad forgot to put the lid down. And when he mentioned that idea, I decided to use it for a chapter, albeit with some changes.

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