• Published 1st Sep 2016
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Pound and Pumpkin Cake's Adventures (And Misadventures) In Potty Training - SuperPinkBrony12

Pound and Pumpkin Cake's parents decide the twins are finally old enough to begin potty training. This is a collection of the various comedic escapades that the twins got up to as a result. Rated Teen as a precaution, but should be mostly G/PG.

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When Tickle Monster Attacks!

Mrs. Cake led Pinkie to her bedroom, where the two could be assured of privacy. Pinkie, for her part, blushed as she was changed by Mrs. Cake as if she were a big foal.

"You know, I think Pound and Pumpkin really enjoyed seeing you as one of them," Mrs. Cake said to Pinkie, as she completed the changing process. "I'll bet if you did it again, they'd be delighted. But you don't have to if you don't want to, not that I think you wouldn't look adorable."

Pinkie pondered, putting a hoof to her chin. "Well, I'll think about it, and maybe someday I'll do it again. But for right now, I just want to get out of this diaper and go back to being the twins' big sister." And with that, she undid the tapes on her new diaper and let it fall from her waist. Once free of the poofy undergarment, Pinkie happily bounced away.

Mrs. Cake just smiled. "I never really thought about it, but the way Pinkie acts and sees the world often has a child like innocence to it. In some ways, like she's a little filly who never truly grew up all the way." she thought to herself.

Pound and Pumpkin, for their part, laughed and laughed amongst themselves about the prank they had pulled on their big sister. "You dun tink we went too faw, do you?" Pound asked his twin sister.

"Nah, Pinkie acts so siwwy aww the time anyway, is onwy natural she wook the part of a big foal," Pumpkin replied. "Pwus, is not evewyday you get to see a gwown-up wear a diapee.

"You wight, it was pwetty funny!" Pound chuckled. "She said so hersewf."

"Yeah, and hewe she comes now!" Pumpkin pointed out, as they spotted the familiar pink coat of their big sister.

"So you two thought you could pull a fast one on old Pinkie Pie, did ya?" Pinkie seriously asked the twins, as they sat in their playpen in the kitchen.

The twins happy moods faded, now they were worried about what Pinkie might do to them. Something told them she was looking for a little payback for their prank, and if the slanted eyebrows and stink eye were any indication, Pinkie held a bit of a grudge against them for tricking her into getting diapered.

"Wha you think she gonna do to us, Pound?" Pumpkin anxiously asked.

"I dun know, Pumpkin," Pound said in reply. "Bu whatever it is, I suppose we have to take it as punishment fow twicking hew. Even if it was funny, is obvious she didn't wike being seen in a diapee and dwinking fwom a baba in fwont of Mommy and Daddy."

"Well, your big sister had some time to think about it, and she decided there's only one way to deal with two cheeky little foals like you," Pinkie spoke up, attracting the twins attention. "And do you wanna know what it is?"

The twins gulped, and shook their heads. "N-no." they nervously stuttered.

Pinkie's serious expression and look held for a moment, before they faded away and were replaced by rather silly ones as she said to the twins. "This!" And before they had a chance to react, Pinkie had scooped them up into her hooves, and started to tickle their little tummies. "Meet my secret weapon of revenge, the tickle monster!"

"Oh no!" the twins cried, they'd heard stories about the tickle monster, but they'd never thought it was real. Until now, anyway.

"Oh yeah!" Pinkie replied, continuing to tickle them relentlessly. "You two are gonna laugh yourselves silly, whether you like it or not. The tickle monster always gets her prey in the end."

The twins tried their hardest, but they couldn't resist the giggles from having their tummies tickled so much. The tickle monster was the only thing they could never outsmart or run away from.

Mr. and Mrs. Cake smiled, as they observed Pinkie tickling the twins from a distance. It warmed their hearts to see Pinkie wasn't taking the twins latest prank too hard.

"Do you think we should do something, honey bun?" Mrs. Cake asked her husband.

Mr. Cake looked at Pinkie and the twins, then replied to his wife. "Nah, they look like they're having fun. Besides, you know the rules about tickle monster, sugar plum. If you try to intervene, you get tickled too."

Mrs. Cake nodded with a smile. "That's true, and I've already met my daily tickling quota, thanks to you."

"Hey, you never seem to mind it!" Mr. Cake chuckled. "And don't act like you've never tickled the twins before, I've seen you do it lots of times."

Mrs. Cake nodded. "Guilty as charged, but all the same I think we should put a stop to Pinkie's tickle torture before she makes the twins wet themselves."

"You're right, we probably should," Mr. Cake agreed. "The tickling has gone on for long enough."

Pinkie continued her tickle torture of the twins, occasionally blowing a raspberry on their exposed bellies.

"Pinkie, pwease, dun, stop!" the twins pleaded into between fits of laughter.

"'Please don't stop?', good idea!" Pinkie replied, intentionally ignoring what the twins were trying to say. In fact, she began to ramp up the tickle assault even more!

But just when the twins felt like there was no escape for them, and they were doomed to laugh themselves silly, their parents came to their rescue. "Okay, Pinkie, that's enough tickling for one day." Mrs. Cake spoke up.

"You've had your fun," Mr. Cake added. "And I think the twins have learned their lesson about tricking you into getting diapered. Isn't that right Pound and Pumpkin?"

Pound and Pumpkin nodded. "Yeah, we sowwy fow twicking you big sistew." they apologized in the most sincere tone of voice they could muster up.

"Ah, it's alright," Pinkie replied. "Just don't do it again and we're fine. Besides, if you really wanted to see me in diapers so bad, you just had to ask." But in her mind she was thinking. "I hope they don't, at least not for the near future. I'd rather not risk anypony else seeing me in one, getting a diaper stuck on my head and another on my rump when Twilight came by was bad enough."

Author's Note:

I know some of you may have wanted to see Pinkie stay diapered, but this isn't that kind of fic. There are plenty of diaper fics featuring her, and the foucs of this fic is on The Cake Twins potty training and the various comedic escapades they get up to as a result.

Next chapter will be a return to that sort of stuff.

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