• Published 2nd Sep 2016
  • 3,037 Views, 150 Comments

What I Got - Gpizano

In the aftermath of the Friendship games, it's time for Sunset and company to deal with the aftermath. And hit the beach for spring break!

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So Love The One You Got (AKA The Adagio Chapter)

Now Bobby was just a simple man with simple dreams. He looked forward to meeting up with Principal Cinch again and taking her out for a nice night together. He wanted to graduate from college so that he could balance people's finances to make sure they could live well within their means if they so chose to follow his advice. Maybe he would go to a nude beach one day just to see what the experience was like.

However, as the college student slumbered in the reclining chair, having continued to selflessly give up his couch for the two Twilights to share, he was unaware that three dastardly beings to enter the apartment.

The sound of people awake around him was slowly rousing Bobby out of his sleep, the man yawning as he turned over and nuzzled his face against the soft, warm, slightly strange fabric of the recliner. But something was off...

Sure the recliner was warm, but it wasn't really soft... neither was his pillow... and as a matter of fact, this didn't feel like the fabric of the recliner or his pillow at all! So what was he snuggling his face against?

After cracking his eyes open, he saw... orange? Wait, there was some fabric in front of his face, black and lacy... covering some sort of-


Slowly he tilted his face up and gazed into the face of pure, mischievous evil. Also known as Adagio Dazzle's cocky, alluring, sexy smirking face.

"Well, and good morning to you too, Mr. Bookkeeper."


Bobby jumped out of the chair so fast that he toppled over the other side and fell flat on his back, one leg draped over the arm and his blanket strewn about his shirtless form. The fluffy siren let out a pleased cackle before pulling her shirt back on, Sonata giggling like mad and Aria simply rolling her eyes. Of course the commotion also awoke the two Twilights and Spikes from their slumber on the couch, Princess Twilight startled by the unexpected guests while Sparky's reaction was a bit delayed since she had to momentarily grope for her glasses on the coffee table.

Before long Sunset and Jackie emerged from their bedroom, the former clad in only a bra and a pair of red cotton shorts and the latter in a t-shirt and ladies boxer briefs. Yet any weariness that might still be clinging to Jackie was instantly chased off as her eyes widened and she pointed to the three.

"EVIL! How the fuck did evil get into our apartment?!? HOW DID YOU FIND OUT WHERE WE LIVE?!"

"Aw, you're not happy to see us?"

A chill went down Jackie's spine as Adagio eyed her predatorily while sliding into the recliner, claiming it as her temporary new throne.

"It was easy enough to sneak a peek into your wallet the night you stayed at our place. I must say that your driver's license photo is adorable how you were wearing those knock off aviator ray bans like that."

"Hey, I looked cool! And that still doesn't explain how you got in!"

This question would be answered by Aria, raising a hand to get the guitarist's attention.

"Duh, easy enough to pick the lock. Not to mention that chain you got is flimsy as fuck, even the Princess over there could probably kick down the door."

"Dammit, you owe us for a new security chain! Now get the fuck out!"

As valiant an effort as her girlfriend was putting forth to seem intimidating, Sunset could plainly see bravado wouldn't even work on human Twilight, much less the three sirens. Sonata had already bounced off to the kitchen to get breakfast, Aria had muscled out a space for herself in between the two Twilights and flipped the TV on, and Adagio was content to survey it all from the recliner. Being totally ignored squashed Jackie's bluster, her shoulders sagging as a frustrated sigh escaped her, with only her girlfriend to sympathetically pat her on the back.

"Okay, so run it by me again why you are actively trying to piss off the people we're trying to make peace with?"

After breakfast at Vibrato and Shimmer's, the three sirens all piled in to the pre-owned, older year audi model car (Aria was still bitter that when they first moved to Los Pegasus, they'd had to exchange the nice Ferrari they had, using half to pay the rent and the other half to buy this thing), and were off to the beach for another day of fun. Well, fun in the sense Sonata would goof around more with Pinkie Pie and that Discord guy, Aria would want to mainly soak up the sun and maybe challenge some of the jocks lifting weights in that one area of the beach, and Adagio would just do what she always did. Which mainly entailed sunbathing in between bouts of flirting, usually with Jackie.

"It's all in good fun."

"Yeahhhh, until Shimmer finally gets sick of your shit and punches you in the throat."

"Which is why I've decided to... switch up tactics, shall we say."


"If I focus too much of my attention on Jackie, then it won't be special anymore. I dare say she may even get bored. So I've decided to give Shimmer's cute pet guitarist a break while I have my fun with more fruitful targets."

"... you're going to start fucking with the ones from CHS aren't you?"

"Oh Aria, you can read me like a book, can't you?"

Despite being the driver, Aria still face palmed pretty hard and could already tell this day was just going to be chock full of Adagio's special brand of fun.

And sure enough, fate had decided to deliver Adagio a prime target in the form of Pinkie Pie.

Who brought cupcakes.

That she was messily frosting right this second because she claimed frosting was best enjoyed fresh out of the tube.

Yeahhhhh, Aria was going to go see what the muscle heads down the beach were doing while Adagio slunk over like a big cat ready to pounce upon unsuspecting prey.

"Mm, those look very tasty Pinkie Pie."

"Thanks! It wasn't easy making 'em! First I had to get the ingredients, then I had to convince the hotel kitchen staff to let me bake, and-"

However, during her ramble, some frosting that had been on Pinkie Pie's fingers transferred to her cheek as she rubbed an itchy spot that had been there. Adagio almost felt bad at how too easy this was.

Almost. But not quite.

She grasped Pinkie Pie's chin and leaned in, the pink haired baker confused up until Adagio slowly and sexily licked up the frosting that was on her cheek. Despite being a bit air headed at times, even Pinkie Pie's heart rate spiked, her skin turning a deeper shade of pink as the Pinkie Pie's in her head all ground to a halt at their tasks of desk jobs and paperwork and party testing research.


"Mm, very tasty indeed..."

The second punch came when Adagio took some frosting onto her finger and licked it off, her eyes never breaking their gaze from Pinkie as things became... suggestive.

Steam literally came out of Pinkie Pie's ears as Adagio smirked and walked away, deciding to take in a bit of sunbathing and plot out who would be her next target.

Things would settle down for a bit and everyone was enjoying themselves, Celestia had joined Discord in making sand castles, Pinkie Pie, Sonata, Applejack and Rainbow Dash were playing beach volley ball, and others were either playing in the water or lying on the beach and enjoying the day. Human Twilight, for example, was sitting under an umbrella that someone had brought and was reading a book. When suddenly she felt two big, soft things pressing against her back and soon saw a pair of orange toned arms slide over her shoulder.

"Hm, what are you reading?"


"An interesting title for a book."

Poor Sparky, having had little to no interaction with Adagio before, could feel her heart rate already sky rocketing.

"U-Um, no! It's um! M-Michio Kiso's book, Th-The Mind of the Future!"

"Really? The book where he explores transhumanism as it pertains to telepathy, telekinesis, consciousness and artificial intelligence?"

"Y-Yes-wait, you know who he is and you've read his work?"

"Mm, I may have perused some of his books, the man has interesting views on the future of humanity."

The slight shock and small amount of respect Sparky was starting to feel for the siren was instantly swept aside as she felt Adagio's breath against her ear, causing her heart rate to spike up to crazy levels once more as her whole face became red.

"I'm hurt. Didn't you think I was more than just a pretty face?"

"I-I-I-I-! U-UM!"

And then Adagio nibbled on her ear, causing a sort of strangled, gibberish to leave the human before she fell over onto her side like a fainting goat.

"... I feel as though we should be doing something."

Commented Sunset, watching from the water as Adagio left the poor human Twilight alone and went back to sun bathing. Jackie, who had just resurfaced and was pushing her wet bangs out of her eyes, shook her head vehemently.

"Hell no! With the way she was concentrating on me all the days before, everyone else can deal with her! They'll be fine."

"Yeah but-"

"It's fine!"

"You say that but-"

"It's fine! Sunshine, it's going to be totally fine! Besides, aren't you happy she's not hitting on me and getting on your nerves?"

"... I suppose."

"See? It's all good!"

About an hour later, Rainbow Dash and Rarity had to escort poor Fluttershy over to one of the lawn chairs, her face totally red and the poor animal caretaker a stuttering mess.

"What? All I asked was if she wanted to go for a swim together."

"Without swimsuits?!"

"What? I barely had the clasp of my top undone."

At this Princess Twilight Sparkle face palmed so hard that people nearby could hear it. With an exasperated sigh, she looked around before spotting Jackie and Sunset, lying together on a pair of beach towels and quickly approached them.

"You two have to help me reign Adagio in, this... this is getting out of hand!"

"Uh, what exactly do you expect us to do about it Twilight?"

"Well, Jackie... would it be unreasonable to um, let her go back to teasing you?"



"I am NOT going to be the tribute, Princess. For the first time I'm actually able to enjoy a day with my girlfriend without Adagio teasing me and pissing Sunset off. Why can't you guys just suck it up and deal with it for a day?"

"Because Adagio's already through all of the easy targets and who knows what she'll do next?!"

At that, Sunset gave the Princess of Harmony a look that said 'wow, really Twilight?' to which Twilight smiled sheepishly and rubbed the back of her head. She glanced off to the side and saw that Adagio had decided to go for a swim anyway and, thankfully, appeared to have her swimsuit on.

"Look Twilight, I'm sure this is a bit stressful but I agree with Jackie. It's just one day of dealing with Adagio, everyone will be fine."

With that said, Sunset returned to lying down with Jackie and soaking up the sun, leaving a worried Princess Twilight to reluctantly leave them in peace and go over to help with Fluttershy's recovery.

Celestia meanwhile, had been keeping watch and saw Twilight heading over to Fluttershy, appearing disheartened. Apparently the talk she had with Jackie and Sunset did not go well.

"Celly? Celly! You need to put on the finishing touches and take a picture quickly! Before the tide comes in!"

Her gaze turned back to Discord, who had been buried up to his neck, random seaweed placed over his scalp like a wig, and she had shaped the sand around him to make it look like he had the body of a mermaid, posed with one hand on her hip and one behind her head. They'd even managed to find two starfish to cover his sandy bosom and some seashells for earrings.

"Right, sorry..."

"Oh Celly, no longer a principal but still looking out for your young wards, hm?"

"I suppose you could say that."

Smiling softly, she used a plastic knife to finish carving out details like the scales on the mermaid tail and such before picking Discord's phone up from the sand to take a picture.

"Certainly nothing wrong with that my dear! Ah! Why not help them out? It'll be just like old times I'm sure!"

"Because that is no longer my job, Discord. And not to mention it hardly seems appropriate for someone of my age to meddle when the teasing is of such a... deviant nature."

"My dear, listen to your dear friend Disco, I-"


"Trying out nicknames. But yes, listen to your dear friend Cord, I think that you playing a small prank would do no harm! And you certainly wouldn't have to be as lascivious as fluffy over there! Cut loose, have fun! We're on vacation!"

Giving the man's words some consideration, she supposed that despite the fact that a seagull had landed on his head while he spoke, Discord's advice tended to have at least some supporting evidence that he may have been right. She'd have to think further about this. Right after she shooed away the seagull and dug him up.

"Ugh, today had ta' be the longest day a mah life."

Applejack was fully dressed, having washed off the sand and salt water at one of the on beach showering stations, wanting to get clean before it was time to watch the next part of the Beach Bands Battle contest. Rainbow Dash was with her as well, both having finished first out of their group.

"Tell me about it. Now I know how Jackie feels after having to deal with Adagio all day."

"Yeah. How ya' feelin'?"

"Fine. Wish you guys would stop asking me that."


"Yeah. Look, I'll get over it AJ, it just takes time."

The silence had not even unpacked it's bags before there came a surprised shriek from one of the shower tents. Recognizing Rarity's girlish scream anywhere, both Applejack and Rainbow Dash charged over, the blonde farmer pushing aside one of the tent flaps... to find a furiously blushing Rarity, trying to cover herself as best as she could with her towel while Adagio, wearing a towel that just barely covered everything, greeted them with a smirk.


"Oh? I hadn't realized this tent was occupied, silly me."

"Adagio, Ah swear ta' god Ah'll-!"

"Actually, yours and Dash's timing is perfect. I seem to need a little help with my towel."

Raising her hands and placing them behind her head, striking a pose, the towel slid off to the ground. Seeing the siren in nothing but her glorious birthday suit and the provocative pose struck instantly lit up Rainbow Dash's and Applejack's face, with Rarity's just becoming even redder. Instantly the farmer shut the tent flap, her and the athlete retreating as Rarity dressed in record time before hurrying after them. Adagio could not help but laugh out loud before washing herself off and dressing.

Yet as she stepped out of the tent, she found herself face to face with the still bikini clad Celestia. Of course the siren had noticed the woman, it was hard not to with how she looked in that bikini. But she still kept her cool, smiling pleasantly to the other.

"Ah, pardon me Celestia, I've just finished up."

"Good to hear, I really do need to wash up."

The woman's arms had crossed just under her generous breasts, the two mounds seeming to be pushed out just a bit more, enough that it made it all the more harder for Adagio to keep her eyes from darting down to look.

"Well, don't let me stop you."

"Thank you. Although I wish I had someone to help me out. It's always hard getting my back."

As she spoke, Celestia had moved past the siren, giving Adagio a nice view as Celestia leaned over just enough while removing her sandals.

"Mm, I bet. Perhaps I could lend you a hand?"

Immediately Celestia stood straight up, looking over to Adagio with some surprise and a bit of exasperation.

"Really now, that hardly seems appropriate!"

With her trademark, confident and sultry smirk in place, Adagio took a step closer to the older woman and was more than eager to play with her a bit.

"Oh? I hardly see a problem. I'm just trying to take a page from the others and trying to be friendly and helpful. Of course, I could do so much more."

The hesitation was clear on Celestia's face, but there was something there, that hint of temptation that let Adagio know she had her claws in.

"I still don't feel it's appropriate. Not to mention it feels like you're simply toying with me. A beautiful young woman such as yourself wouldn't be interested in a woman of my age."

The compliment from such a pretty woman did please Adagio, the siren actually feeling a bit flustered but continuing her game.

"The opposite could not be more true. You're quite an attractive woman Celestia."

"... oh?"


Stepping forward, close enough that she could push herself up onto tip toes, so close that her lips could brush against Celestia's ear.

"Very beautiful. Like a goddess."

After a moment, a playful smirk came to Celestia's face as she took her turn to whisper into Adagio's ear.

"A goddess, hm? Well, I am truly flattered that such an attractive young woman would pay me tribute."

Okay, a little bit of a change up, nothing she couldn't handle...

"With such flattery you have been giving me, I suppose I could say you are worthy of, shall we say, properly worshipping me."


The change up was baffling Adagio enough that she was actually too flustered to feel properly outraged that Celestia was being so prideful about this. Although, from the way she smiled like that, so confident and seductive, yet playful at the same time, from those big breasts, to those curves, maybe even Adagio could concede that Celestia had a right to an ego trip.

Yet as Celestia pulled back and looked into her eyes, Adagio found herself entranced, a strong blush coming to her face as the woman's head leaned in, their lips so close it would take just the slightest movement on either of their accounts to connect. Just as Adagio was ready to make contact, a devious smile came to Celestia's face as she stepped back.

"I could say you are worthy. If you were my type."

With that the tent flaps closed, leaving a stunned Adagio to try and recover from being shut down. The process was sped up when she heard loud laughter coming from behind one of the sand dunes and soon, Discord, Jackie's and Sunset's heads popped up. Discord and Jackie were laughing so hard they were actually choking and even Sunset couldn't bite back her laughter. Shock immediately turned to outrage as Adagio turned and quickly stalked off, trying to preserve some of her dignity.

Jackie was hanging off of Sunset's shoulders, wiping the tears from her eyes as her laughter finally died down long enough for her to speak.

"Best. Day. EVER Sunshine!"

Author's Note:

I got bored alright? And apparently I'm Mozart when it comes to writing Adagio. So like Matilda with the kid who was forced to eat an entire chocolate cake...