• Published 2nd Sep 2016
  • 3,036 Views, 150 Comments

What I Got - Gpizano

In the aftermath of the Friendship games, it's time for Sunset and company to deal with the aftermath. And hit the beach for spring break!

  • ...

Never Start No Static

The rest of the afternoon and the evening went well, as they watched the setting sun over the ocean and took in the glorious view offered, the large group of friends made small talk and caught up. Sunset was happy to hear that Luna had been adjusting well in her new role as principal of CHS, having been a bit shaky at first but developing a style of firm discipline mixed with some of the kindness that Celestia had. Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo had been doing better. Granted they were still in trouble at both school and at home, but after the whole incident with Chrysalis, the school as a whole had decided that finding someone to lay the blame on was no way to go and had strove to move on. Which meant the three girls only had a few enemies instead of the whole school against them.

The human Twilight had even been doing much better at Crystal Prep Academy, taking what she had learned after her talk with Sunset and bringing friendships back to life. There were five girls in particular that she had reconnected with, Sour Sweet, Sunny Flare, Sugarcoat, Lemon Zest and Indigo Zap. It was intriguing to hear about each of the girls and how they shared some similarities with their CHS friends but also contrasted wildly in other aspects.

Of course, the topic she absolutely did not want to talk about eventually came up as the group decided to pack it in for the day, brought up, of course, by Bobby.

"Sooooo where's Jackie? She's been gone for a long time."

With a beleaguered sigh, Sunset folded up one of the lawn chairs and braced herself.

"She's down the way. Having a wonderful time with Adagio Dazzle, I'm sure."

"Adagio Dazzle?!"

Came the expected chorus from all except for her Los Pegasus friends and Sparky. Instead the human Twilight Sparkle adjusted her glasses before asking the obvious.

"Who is Adagio Dazzle?"

"Wait, that sounds familiar... from CHS?"

"Yeah Tino, she was one of the three sirens at the battle of the bands I told you about."

"She ain't n' trouble, is she?"

"No, Applejack. I talked with Adagio at length, they have no intentions of revenge and they're still without their magic. They just moved here to get away from the heat in Canterlot, it's fine."

While most seemed uneasy, Rainbow Dash was unusually silent, staring at Sunset before crossing her arms and nodding.


This, understandably, earned a surprised look from everyone, especially Sunset Shimmer who managed to find her voice first.

"Really? You're not suspicious or anything?"

"Oh I'm super suspicious of them! But if you say it's cool Sunset, then I trust you."

This slowly earned a nod from each of the girls of CHS and even Twilight Sparkle, a gesture that made Sunset feel a bit touched. She could only guess that after the Anon-A-Miss incident they were all trying harder and well... she could say it was appreciated. They continued packing up until Bobby brought up a good point.

"Well, if we're ditching Jackie and she's taking her own car home, how're we getting back to the apartment?"

"Hey, no problems hombre, I got the van today so I can fit you all in."

With yet another matter settled, they group headed off in different directions to their cars, Sunset, Twilight and Bobby all lugging along the equipment they brought with, including Jackie's guitar case.

"It'll be great to get home and relax. I'm sure even with the TV Spike is bored."

"By the by, I'm surprised he didn't want to come with Twilight. Beach fun, Rarity in a bikini..."

Giggling softly at Sunset's words, the princess shook her head.

"I did mention it, but he complained that it was too hot outside and to just set some food out for him. Besides, I think he might be finally growing out of his crush on Rarity."


"Well, not completely but he's not as obsessed as he used to be. Which I'm glad for, I couldn't take it if he took to not washing his cheek for weeks just because she kissed it again."

With another giggle shared between them, they loaded everything into the back of Tino's van and got in. As they drove off, Sunset felt a bit of guilt niggling at the back of her mind before picking up her cell phone and dialing Jackie's number. When it went straight to voice mail, the red head scowled as her mind went to images of Adagio and Jackie making out on the beach. She chucked her cell phone back into her bag, crossing her arms and staring out the window as Twilight looked on, a light frown on her face but not saying anything...

Sand was great. Many people didn't appreciate sand enough. It was so soft, so warm, and yes while it could get into crevices and be very annoying, it was also good at absorbing puke! But no, no she didn't feel like puking... no, she just felt so good after drinking that whole bottle of tequila. It wasn't a big bottle but it was the good shit!

"--- hell--- this?"

"----- Vibrato----- Sunset----- toy."

Wait, who was speaking? One voice sounded familiar... and Sunset. Ugh, why did this situation have to be so screwed up? There wasn't no Sunshine when her Sunshine was angry with her. Only darkness every day... ain't no Sunshine when she's gone! She gone awa-

"Wake the fuck up!"


A sharp kick to her side made the guitarist squirm away, arms flailing as the inebriated woman's eyes cracked open, seeing a pink and purple blur above her. And it was angry!

"Din't do nuthin'!"

"The hell you didn't! You drank all the tequila asshole!"

With a dry mouth and feeling a bit like a bobble head, Jackie hacked up some phlegm before sitting up and spitting it out on the sand next to her. After rubbing her eyes, she squinted at her assailant and found a young woman dressed in a tankini, hands placed angrily on her hips as purple eyes glared down at her. A slightly random thing to notice, compared to Adagio this one had her purple hair with teal streaks in a short pixie cut.

"Be nice now, Aria. I did invite her to have a drink."

"But not the whole damn thing! That shit was expensive!"

Taking the opportunity while this Aria was distracted, Jackie turned around to crawl away... and came face to face with a girl with blue tinted skin, blue hair and in a... ugh, what was that word? Sling bikini? Ugh, she was just drunk enough that she didn't want to search around for words to things.

"Hi there! 'Bout time you woke up sleepyhead!"

Or deal with Pinkie Pie level's of cheeriness and energy.

"Uh, yeahhhh. Anyways, it's been fun but I'm gonna get going-"

"The hell you are!"

With a small yelp, Jackie felt the back of her Hawaiian shirt grabbed before she was hoisted to her feet and brought face to face with Aria. Adagio smirked as she stood as well, approaching while the blue haired young woman threw her arms around Jackie's shoulders and seemed to latch onto her back... where the blushing guitarist could feel a set of pillows pressing against her back.

"Now, now, be nice Aria! And Sonata, don't overwhelm the poor dear. After all, she will be our guest tonight."

"I... will?"

"Mm-hmmm... I find you quite amusing at the moment, so this should be a fun night."

The naughty smirk on Adagio's face sent a shiver down her spine and things really weren't looking up as she heard a giggle from Sonata and saw the angry scowl still firmly on Aria's face. Between the three she was trapped and she was pretty sure she wouldn't be able to reach her phone in time.

".... be gentle?"

The slight whimper to the plea made Adagio's smirk grow as she placed her finger under Jackie's chin.

"I make no promises."

The next morning at the apartment was greeted with an extremely vexed Sunset Shimmer, opening the fridge to get the eggs and butter while on her cell phone, her call, once again going to Jackie's voice mail.

"Yeah, hi. This is Sunset, calling for the sixth time now to check on you, make sure you're okay and, I don't know, not passed out in a gutter or dead in a ditch somewhere? We're going to the beach again to hang out and, you know, take part in that music contest you were so pumped for? Yeah, you do remember it starts later in the afternoon right? Just... call me, okay? Or meet us there. Whatever."

Slamming the fridge door after hanging up her phone, Sunset went about making her breakfast up until a certain princess of harmony snuck up on her.

"Bad morning?"

"No, I just show my happiness by being pissed off."

A little snark reared it's head, summoned by both Jackie not picking up her phone and being a bit startled from Twilight suddenly speaking up, but Sunset took a deep breath to calm herself down.


"It's fine, I know you didn't mean it."

A lull in conversation came into the kitchen, Twilight moving over to lean against the counter so that she could look expectantly at Sunset, the red head doing her best to ignore the look and failing.

"... what?"

"Being angry at Jackie isn't healthy. I don't know what happened after she said what she did on the beach, but is it really worth being upset over it?"

The rational side of Sunset's mind of course said no. But then there was that irrational side that kept drawing up pictures of Jackie and Adagio doing more than just making out as the guitarist purposefully ignored picking up her phone when Sunset called. Gritting her teeth, Sunset quickly turned her sunny side up eggs into scrambled one as she took out her frustrations on what was in the pan.

"Yeah, I'm done talking about this Twilight. Can we please drop it?"

Her mouth stopped at being halfway open after Sunset shot her a look, Twilight snapping it shut and giving an awkward smile before quickly exiting the kitchen. Why did Twilight have a feeling today was going to be worse than yesterday?

It wouldn't be until later in the afternoon, about an hour before the first rounds of the Beach Band Battles would start that the princess's hunch would be right. Up until that point things had gone well, all of Jackie's friends managing to make it down to the beach and having a good time with Sunset's friends from CHS.

And then Jackie showed up.

With the Dazzlings.

Why was Twilight burdened with the gift of being right most of the time?

Things immediately got a bit awkward, mainly on the CHS side as the girls shuffled a bit, Fluttershy shrinking back some and Applejack putting up her guard a bit. Each of the sirens responded in their own way to the tension, Adagio simply smirked, Aria gave a huff and crossed her arms, and Sonata responded by... not really responding at all as she just waved to them all before bouncing up to Tino and starting a conversation.

The most tension came from Jackie and Sunset though, the guitarist putting on her best smile but her shaking right knee gave away just how nervous she really felt. Sunset put up a cold front, trying not to seem bothered when she so obviously was.

"So good to see all of you again. A bit sooner than I expected, but I suppose in such a small world one can't not see another for the rest of their lives."

Not many responded to Adagio's words until Rainbow Dash seemed to man up and take a stab at conversation.

"Yeah, guess that sort of thing just happens..."

"Mm. Jackie here has told me a bit about how you all are doing. Sorry to hear about that dreadful business during the Friendship Games."

"Yeah. Really sucked."

Okay not a great conversation but it seemed to get the ball rolling. More of the girls started to open up, as did Jackie's friends and they made more attempts at conversation with the rest of the sirens. All the while Sunset kept an eye on Jackie, feeling her blood start to heat up as she saw Adagio hanging off of the guitarist. The final straw was when the siren shot a smirk in her direction.

"Adagio! Can I please speak to you? Over there?"

Removing herself from Jackie, the siren followed Sunset Shimmer far enough away so that they would not be overheard by their friends, said friends casting worried glances at each other.

"Okay, what is your deal?!"

Unaffected by the snap from Sunset, Adagio simply examined her well manicured nails nonchalantly.

"You'll have to be more specific."

"You know damn well what I mean! The kiss yesterday and now you hanging all over Jackie, you said you weren't here to cause trouble for me!"

"Oh, did you mistake my intentions? Silly me."

God that smirk was infuriating!

"I am trying to help you Shimmer, really I am. You see, if you won't simply take what you want, like say a certain blue haired guitarist, then how can you really be angry if someone else snatches her up? You really should just man up and make your intentions clear, otherwise she'll get tired of being strung along sooner or later."

Sunset's teeth were clenched as she hissed out her next words.

"And if I asked you to stop because you're pissing me off?"

"You know I won't. Because I doubt you've told many, if any, of your friends what's going on between you and Jackie?"

The silence brought a triumphant grin to Adagio's face.

"I thought not. And because you can't be honest and go after what you want, your friends have no idea and I can keep going with this little game. You being angry is just icing on the cake, as they say."

At this point Sunset was ready to pull her hair out. Or strangle Adagio, whichever way the wind blew at this rate. Her hands were clenched so hard into fists that her nails were digging into her skin.

"You have no right to play around with us like this!"

"Oh? This coming from the girl who likes to play with her own personal puppet?"

"I do NOT treat Jackie like a puppet!"

"But you were content to stick your hand in her and make her dance a few days before."

That comment had successfully stunned Sunset, the red head blushing and at momentarily at a loss for words as Adagio continued to smirk. With a fabulous flip of her hair, the bikini clad siren turned and headed back to the group.

"I'm serious though, Shimmer. You should give Jackie more credit than what you do. Otherwise someone is going to snatch her away and you'll be left crying in the corner."

Unable to think of anything else to say and officially in a foul mood, Sunset scowled and followed Adagio back to her friends.

Today was just going to be fan-fucking-tabulous.

Author's Note:

But really, a night with the three sirens, could that be a bad thing? :trollestia:

I seem to have found my knack for writing Adagio, it's so much fun. XD