• Member Since 14th Oct, 2015
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Unwhole Hole

Digging it deeper. Always deeper.

Comments ( 56 )

The first two were a treat to read. I'll be excited to see how this one turns out :D

Huh... That's not a side of this Twilight I was expecting to see.

Apart from the dancers, the only individual that seemed largely uninjured was an extremely happy and blood-slathered krogan drinking a bottle of ryncol at the bar.

This part made me laugh far more than it should XD

agggghhh there seems to be another sequel needed, dang cliffhanger, and unanswered question....

“Fatalities confirmed! Yay!” She produced a plume of holographic confetti. “Captain Scootaloo will be so pleased by my ability to brutally murder her enemies!”

I..... can't. I about died exactly 7 times during this chapter. This... this right here? That was it. Inte for best quant.

You either die a hero or live long enough to be eaten by a space-cannibal and cloned into an army of biological batteries powering an entire fleet of spaceships driven by blonde robots.

I lost it right at the end :rainbowlaugh:

Bob is very fun to write.

Sorry, but I must say that Inte is better. She's so happy and she cares little about organic life. I love her she's adorable.

I favorite after teasing the whole story. You really did a great job with the overall world building. And how some of it came full circle from the second story.

you need more readers

What is child of order?

You did an excellent job of managing the mystery of the Paradigm and the dramatic irony between Starlight and One. I don't think I was consciously worried about how the latter's sudden replacement of Twilight Sparkle would affect this story, but I think it was handled very well making One a sympathetic character (tempered by her cannibalistic tendencies, of course, but hey--no one's perfect). I think Starlight could have spent more time feeling conflicted about One's lies - it sort of felt like she was completely against her until the climax where she finally wasn't, like there wasn't much of an in-between stage. Maybe more emphasis on her sense of betrayal and all the good things they accomplished together would have helped?

The characters were generally really awesome. Inte was absolutely adorable, as well as Six and Seven. Eight and Nine were enjoyable in their own way, though they obviously didn't get as much attention. Character arc wise, I feel as though only Starlight, and to a lesser extent Berry were able to completely finish their arcs. Scootaloo's is mostly there in her quasi-Xyuka state, but it doesn't really have a conclusion within the trilogy. Similarly, it'd be nice to see in greater depth the change in One after the weight of her deceptions had been lifted. The rest of the characters were mostly static, which I think is fine, but it doesn't really compare to e.g. Lyra's arc in MC2.

Highlight moments for me were definitely:

  • Seven speaking for what I think was the first time since her introduction - just a lovely, endearing moment.
  • The arrival of the Questlords in the final battle on Equestria Prime. You nailed that sense of terror and awe at their appearance.

This story and series has been highly enjoyable to read and once again I'm awed by your creative universes and narratives.

Edit: also one thing I forgot to applaud was that every character's point of view was constantly exciting, so that there was never a dip in enjoyment when we switched characters. It really helped to dull the...disappointment? (not quite so strongly worded) when you occasionally switched views on a cliffhanger.

Is Eloths partner Robette?
edit: nevermind, I found out.

Also, is/was there a twilight clone number 5?

apotheosis of Cadence

What is this?

“I- -I just found out that someone stole a part of me and made a child!” cried Twilight, loudly. “I don’t know what I’m supposed to think about that! I’m…scared, Starlight. What if…” she paused, her eyes growing wide. “What if they are intending to replace me?”

Ah, the dramatic irony.

Apotheosis in this context is the act of a mortal being becoming a god.

Seven is so adorable!!!

By far my fav series
If there is a physical copies of these i would right away buy oy!!
Honestly a great read !!thx man!!!

Based on the last story, I feel like Scootaloo is the only one who figure it out who Twilight really was. Everyone else just felt for it. Also so much bloodlust from Star, geez

Oh dear Ember, they're not going to invite him to dinner, he is dinner. Which is still uncouth because someone doesn't have standards.

Based on what her companions have said, Starlight is flying very expensive piece of junk.

Do you think those people are aware that they leave a massive mass drive trail wherever they go?

“Open fire,” he ordered. “They are an obstacle to Her will. Destroy them.”

Woo, destroy them!

I can't stand the Social Justice idiocy Starlight seemingly inherited.
Really? Chrysalis what are you even doing there?

I wonder if Scootaloo actually dies and Starlight would get her wish.

So far this story progresses with an idiot ball logic. Where did they escaped to? To the planet of galactic hippies?

“Insult? Oh! No, I’m afraid you’ve misunderstood. My intention was never to kill you. I’m just the distraction.”

Oh well, the cliche trope of signaling your opponent they are about to get shot when they are about to get shot.

Twilight would you be so kind to kick Starlight of the curb, I know you are both practically bucking together but the diplomacy between two nations is more important.

“But that doesn’t make sense! If she suspected anything, she could have told me! Or one of the others! She never did! She never even tried to justify herself, she…”

Um, you never listened?

Benefactor is a girl by the way.

I knew it, the original Twilight is returned. (Several clues were already in this story)

These stories were largely written before Andromeda was released, so the homology in character names is purely a coincidence. The character here was from the original trilogy, and is only female half the time.

Let's destroy the peace treaty so that Alliance could go berserk on a milk- path galaxy? I don't think this Twilight understands the political shit show she is about to create.

It's nice that One actually values Starlight's friendship. Hopefully they can remain friends after the truth comes out.

It's nice to see One recognize that cannibalism is messed up, and sad that she has to act that way to appear strong.

I hope all the clones make it out of this okay. I really like them.

I feel bad for the wendigos.

Starlight and her crew are absolutely in the wrong here.

Sad to see that One has no loyalty to her sister, but I guess it's understandable from her point of view of willing to do anything to protect her true identity.

It's much more significant that One is considering letting the Alliance peace treaty fall apart now.

Hopefully Scootaloo is actually okay, and doesn't hate Six after this.

It doesn't really make sense for Twilight to say that One is a danger to Equestria if she remains on the throne if she's been looking at the events that have been happening objectively. Under One's rule, Equestria has become prosperous and peaceful, with a ruler actively trying to prevent oppression and maintain friendly relationships with other powers. The fact that Twilight said that the parliament should return shows that she's ignorant.

Wow, Twilight's casual disregard for life and her willingness to betray Starlight's trust like that is sus. One definitely seems like a better ruler now.

It's great to see Starlight realize who her true friend was, but kind of a disappointing end for Twilight.

Great ending. I can only hope that the clone sisters and Scootaloo make up with One someday, and Scoots remembers enough of how to be a good pony to have a happy life with Six.

“He’s still infected. He can’t get off the planet.”

"That’s terrible!”

That's karma. For the salarians, anyway.

I'm rooting for the real Twilight's spirit to be helping Scootaloo. I base this off of nothing but someone with absolute authority being able to issue orders and redact themselves, as well as the violet glow on the ventilation duct's grating.

Also, I don't like quarians.

It was hard not to pick up on that with Geth Prime's monologues in the previous story.

A question, though. With the Benefactor's comment about the galaxy running itself, wouldn't mass-jump technology be a direct threat to his control?

Nice throwback to the game. "Do you wish to save? Once you start this mission, you will be unable to return to previous areas."

Well, One is the reason Two and Three were dead, and why Four was injured in the first place. I think "loyalty" went out the window when they were born to a sadistic cannibal. Although, it does raise a bit of a question; did Cerberus really stop cloning pony gods after just the first two tries? Fifty million ships with biotic Cores cloned from Orianna, but only six Twilights?

Mm. Despite how she started, no one can avoid "going native" to some degree after that long under cover.

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