• Published 17th Jun 2017
  • 3,878 Views, 232 Comments

Digimon Saga: CTRL-ALT-DELETE - Azure Sandora

A computer hacker and five other girls are the only ones who can protect the real world and the Digital World as Digimon Tamers.

  • ...

01: What's a Digimon?

Author's Note:

Premiering because A) I need to post something for this Month, and this was one of the only things that was ready, and B) Digimon. I love it. Hope you enjoy it!

Please support my Patreon!

Theme Song: With the Wind

01: What's a Digimon?

So, do you have it?_

Well… funny thing_

Goddamn it Cipher! I can't proceed without that address!_

Whoa whoa! Hold on Zero! I have something that might be even better._

😒 Alright. I'm listening._

While snooping around for dirt on Umbra corp. I found information about something called “Yggdrasil”._

Yggdrasil? What, like the world tree?_


But all information on it was encrypted. I couldn't get in._


I bet I could get in easily._

Figured you'd say that._

Want the IP address? I know it's not what you were hoping for, but…_

It's a waste in your hands anyway. Let me take a crack at it._

I'll send it to you in an email._

Good luck, Zero._

Not like I'll need it, LOL._

It only took a few seconds, but eventually she heard a notification on her phone. She checked it, pleased to see an IP address for the dark net. She smirked and typed the IP into the computer she used for her hacking. She made it so this computer couldn't be tracked by anyone, so it was perfect for snooping around areas she didn't need to be.

After pushing enter, she waited for a few minutes until the page loaded. Just like Cipher said, it was encrypted. She first tried breaking through it the easy way, which naturally didn't work.

“Okay, so I'm just going to have to try breaking through the window,” she said, immediately getting to work. A few more attempts and she was able to break through, which lead to a very strange looking site. It looked mostly blank, but there was an odd pixel like monster as the logo.

“What the hell?” Zero asked, grabbing a stick of strawberry pocky. She chewed on it as she explored the site. There wasn't much around, which was odd. Why was this site so protected if there wasn't anything really there?

All she saw was the word “Digimon” over and over.

Looking at clock, she noticed it was already close to 1. She decided to give it a rest today, and get back to work on the virus she spent the last few days working on. Cipher would eventually give her the information on Umbra corp, so she needed to make sure that the virus was ready.

She already proved that she could break through. That was a nice distraction, but it was time to get back to work.





“A new user…?” a girl with a southern accent and hat asked. Behind her, another girl with long purple hair embraced her lovingly.

“Looks like she's desperate to find new knights,” the purple haired girl said, “This is the second one this week.”

“Should she really be gatherin' this many new users though?” the southern girl asked, “We're in the middle of a network crisis here, and with Ophanimon still missin'-”

“She knows what she's doing, Applejack,” the girl behind her said, tightening her embrace, “We do need more help. Right now, we're the only ones left, and Examon is still out of commission. Let's try and trust her.”

The southern girl, Applejack, sighed taking her partner's hand, “I guess. I'm jus' stressed is all. What with the network constantly crashin’, that Tamer runnin’ rampant in the Digital World, an' now the Mother Computer's actin’ weird.”

“We can worry about all of that later, love,” Applejack's partner said, “Look, they've got the right idea. Let's just take a break and enjoy this moment of peace.”

Applejack looked over to the side, seeing two odd creatures sleeping in a nice basket. One creature was a small yellow dinosaur, and the other one was similar but wearing wolf skin and a horn. Based on how close they were lying together, it was obvious that the two creatures were close. Applejack smiled looking at them.

“We sure lucked out, our Digimon bein brothers an' all,” Applejack said, before kissing her partner's hand, “You're right, Rarity. We should get some rest.”

“Mmm, that's my girl.” Rarity said, closing the laptop before them and setting it aside. She then pulled Applejack down onto the bed and lied down next to her, “Whatever happens, we face it together like we always do.”

“Right, together,” Applejack said, “I love ya, Rarity.”

“I love you too, Applejack,” Rarity said. The two girls let their hands meet close, and their pinkie fingers locked together as a symbol of their undying love for one another. Separate, they were only half of what they needed to be. Together though, they were truly whole.

“Fluttershy? Hey, wake up.”

The girl in question gave a heavy yawn as she woke up. She had a super long mane of light pink hair that fell down to her waist and over her shoulders, and was wearing a black tube top, yellow jacket, yellow mini skirt, black stockings, and yellow ankle boots. She was a bit top heavy for her age, and on her head was a pair of goggles.

“Is the teacher calling me…?” Fluttershy asked rubbing her eyes. The girl standing over her sighed.

“Class is over, Fluttershy. You slept through it, again,” she said. This girl had long straight rainbow colored hair, and wore a blue and white t-shirt with a light bolt on it, blue and white sweat jacket, blue jeans, and blue and white sneakers. She was thinner than her half asleep companion, with a more athletic build.

“Good,” Fluttershy said rising up and walking off. The rainbow colored girl ran after her.

“I don't get it,” she said, “You're always sleeping through class. Don't get enough sleep at night?”

“I stay up late,” Fluttershy said curtly, opening her locker and putting her books in her cute pink backpack that was shaped like a butterfly with pink wings.

“Playing video games?” the rainbow colored girl asked, “You know, you do strike me as a gamer,” she turned to open her locker, which was right next to Fluttershy's, “Well, I guess it doesn't matter. I mean, you're still passing, right?”

“I have to go,” Fluttershy said closing her locker and turning to walk off, “See you later, Rainbow Dash.”

“Hey, wait!” Rainbow Dash called out stopping Fluttershy, “So… I know you usually go right home after school, but I was thinking that maybe today we could hang. You don't have any other friends in the school besides me, so you must be bored.”

“I… um…” Fluttershy wanted to say something, but as usual felt lost for words. This wasn't a chat room, so she couldn't delete words that she didn't like before sending them. Once they were out, they were out there.

“No need to thank me,” Rainbow Dash said, closing her locker and putting an arm around Fluttershy, “I always look out for my own.”

“Mmm…” Fluttershy moaned pained. She did have something else to do, but maybe it could wait for a little while.

“Why don't you go out with her for a bit?” a prissy voice said from behind them. They all turned to see a lovely looking young lady with long curly purple hair, wearing a fancy white dress that accentuated her voluptuous figure perfectly and came up high in the front but longer in the back, white fishnet stockings, and white high heels. Unlike Fluttershy, who only wore a touch of lip gloss, this girl wore blue eye shadow and rose red lipstick.

“What do you want, Rarity?” Rainbow Dash asked. Rarity turned her nose to the air.

“That's Miss Rarity to you, Crash,” Rarity taunted, “But I must thank you for befriending Fluttershy here. As the Princess of this school, I won't have any of my subjects making themselves social outcasts.”

“You're the Student Body President, not a Princess,” Rainbow Dash groaned, “And my name is Dash!”

“President, Princess, Dash, Crash, it's all the same to me,” Rarity said, ignoring how red Rainbow Dash's face was getting, “But seriously Fluttershy, you really should open up to your fellow students some more. You can't get by alone in this world forever.”

“What do you care anyway?” Rainbow Dash asked walking up to Rarity with her hands on her hips, “You're only here making rounds so you can fuel your over inflated ego.”

“You're one to talk, Crash,” Rarity said narrowing her eyes with a smirk that was both sensual and sinister, “At least I have a reason to be arrogant. What about you, hm? Any huge achievements you can speak of?”

“I've had plenty of achievements!” Rainbow Dash retaliated, “I mean, there was the soccer game!”

“Which you won by merely a hair,” Rarity pointed out, “And if I recall, you got benched that day.”

“Y-yeah… well there was that video game tournament I entered! I won that!”

“Ooooh, very good!” Rarity said clapping her hands, “You won a tournament playing a computer game! Such a big achievement!” Rainbow Dash growled in frustration as Rarity sauntered past her walking over to Fluttershy, “I do hope you make more friends, dear. You can do so much better than that one over there. Tootles.”

As Rarity walked off, Rainbow Dash tightened her fists.

“That bitch is gonna get slapped so hard in the future!” Rainbow Dash seethed, “Now I really need a milkshake. Let's go, Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy wordlessly nodded and followed Rainbow Dash out of the school building. She had no idea why they couldn't get along, but Fluttershy didn't really care that much. Rarity was pretty and all, but she wasn't exactly someone Fluttershy could see as her friend. Honestly, she wasn't even sure that Rainbow Dash was her friend.

Rainbow Dash took them to a place called Sugarcube Corner. This place started small, but became super popular when the owners hired a new waitress named Pinkie Pie. She was always super bubbly and positive, most people claiming that she was a saint or an angel of some sort. Even Fluttershy found it hard not to smile when in her presence.

As they sat down at the table, Fluttershy immediately pulled out her phone checking her bank account. It was looking pretty low, only having 20 dollars left. It was definitely enough today, but she didn't like having less than 50 dollars in at any given point.

“Man, that Rarity really grinds my gears,” Rainbow Dash groaned, “It's like she gets off on throwing me off my game.”

“Mm hm…” Fluttershy said distantly, frowning at the number she saw. She then pulled out a list of names on her phone and began checking it.

“Honestly, I don't see what Applejack sees in that uppity bitch,” Rainbow Dash continued, “I bet she's never worked a day in her life.”

“Mm hm…” Fluttershy said again, settling on Filthy Rich. It had been a while since she used his account.

“Are you even listening to me?” Rainbow Dash asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Only a bit,” Fluttershy said, now pulling out another phone, which she then used to log into Filthy Rich's account. He wouldn't miss a few thousand dollars.

“Why do you have two phones?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Security,” Fluttershy replied. Once she was done, she smiled to herself and opened another app with a check list, checking off the final box, “Hm… I need to toss this one and replace it.”

“What? That one stopped working?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Nope, it still works,” Fluttershy said turning it off and taking the battery out, “That's the problem.”

Rainbow Dash shook her head, “You're weird, you know that? A good weird though. It makes you interesting.”

Fluttershy shrugged and leaned forward resting her arms on the table. At that moment, a pretty and bubbly girl walked over to their table. She had long and curly hot pink hair, and was wearing the standard blue waitress uniform and orange apron of the shop.

“Hey there you guys,” she said, her voice high and chirpy, emphasizing the happy air she gave off, “Sorry I took so long. A bit of a mishap in the kitchen.”

Rainbow Dash laughed, “That's okay, Pinkie Pie. I already know what I'm ordering. I'll have the cheeseburger and fries, and a vanilla milkshake.”

Pinkie Pie quickly jotted all of that down, “Okay… and what about you, love?” Pinkie Pie said, giving Fluttershy a truly genuine smile.

“I… uh… want the chicken fingers… and a strawberry milkshake… I… guess…” Fluttershy said, trailing off and turning away a bit. Pinkie Pie tilted her head a bit, but then smiled and jotted that down.

“Coming right up,” Pinkie Pie said walking off. As they waited, Rainbow Dash's attention turned to what looked like a new report on the TV there. She couldn't hear it, but the headline mentioned “Electronic Device Issues Continue”.

“Guess they still don't know what's going on there, huh?” Rainbow Dash asked, “Geez, makes me worried about my game systems at home,” almost immediately, a breaking news bulletin came up, showing Filthy Rich talking to the police with the headline “Zero strikes again”, “Looks like Filthy Rich's accounts got hacked by Zero.”

“Really?” Fluttershy asked.

“Serves that asshole right,” Rainbow Dash said, “Ever since he became the mayor of Ponyville, the whole town's gone to shits. Besides, not like he's going to miss a few thousand bucks.”

“That how I felt too,” Fluttershy said softly.

“What?” Rainbow Dash asked turning to Fluttershy, who immediately shook her head.

“Nothing,” she said quickly, looking to the side and smiling pridefully to herself. She actually wanted that one to be public, but she didn't expect him to react so quickly. It felt nice that her work was appreciated.

“Here you go,” Pinkie Pie said, coming back with their individual plates, “Hope ya don't mind, but I gave you an order of fries too Fluttershy. On the house, of course.”

“Y-you didn't have too…” Fluttershy said, looking up at Pinkie Pie and blushing a bit. Pinkie Pie giggled.

“There's no need to thank me, Fluttershy,” Pinkie Pie said, “You needed a smile, so I gave you one free of charge.”

That actually did make Fluttershy smile. As Pinkie Pie walked off, Rainbow Dash's eyes followed her.

“She's so nice, isn't she?” Rainbow Dash asked, “She just has this air that makes you want to protect her.”

“Pretty sure that's just you,” Fluttershy said as she began eating. Rainbow Dash's face turned bright red.

“It's not like that, I swear!” Rainbow Dash defended, “I'm pretty sure I'm straight! I just see her as… a little sister, you know?”

“So you have a sister complex,” Fluttershy taunting, taking a sip from her milkshake.

“I do not have a sister complex!” Rainbow Dash retaliated, getting a laugh from Fluttershy, “Geez, why are you so playful all of a sudden?”

“Just in a really good mood,” Fluttershy said. Seeing her work publicly like that always put a smile on her face.

battle theme

Elsewhere in the city, two teenagers were chasing after an unusual signal around the harbor. One was a girl around her age with long straight blond hair, wearing a cowboy hat, blue shirt, brown western styled jacket, black workout gloves, brown pants, and black boots. Next to her was small yellow dinosaur.

“Damn it!” she swore, stopping to look around, “Where is it?!” she pulled out an odd looking red and black electronic device which showed what looked like a holographic compass pointing to her right. She pulled out a cellphone and called her partner, “Rarity, Agumon an' I can't seem to keep up with it. Any luck on your end?”

“I think so,” Rarity said, “Gabumon seems to have an idea of where it-” she cut herself off with a gasp.

“Rarity?! Talk to me! What's goin on over there?!” Applejack asked.

“It's rendering into the Real World!” Rarity cried, “We're close to warehouse 3! We'll try to keep it here!”

“Agumon an' I are on our way!” Applejack said hanging up ad turning to her partner, “Ya ready to go dinosaur crazy, Agumon?”

“Always!” Agumon said with a confident grin. He and Applejack ran off toward warehouse 3, both of them anxious to fight another strong opponent.

Don't hog all the fun, Rarity.

Around warehouse 3, a large red bug monster flew down toward Rarity and her partner digimon to tackle them. Rarity screamed and jumped to the side, shielding her small wolf skin wearing partner.

“Gabumon, attack!” Rarity commanded.

“Yes, Your Highness!” Gabumon shouted. He kicked adorably to his feet and ran forward toward the red bug monster, “PETIT FIRE!” he shouted, shooting a blue fire stream out of his mouth at the bug monster. He used his blast to chase it as it flew around, and then flew back down in an attempt to grab Gabumon with its pincers. Gabumon jumped and rolled out of the way as Rarity rose to her feet, pulling out a small blue and white electronic device.

“Gabumon, hang on!” Rarity cried opening up a holographic keyboard and typing on it, “Altering Program! Speed UP!”

Instantly after she pushed the enter key, Gabumon started moving faster out of the way, creating an after image of himself. He then jumped to the side and fired his Petit Fire attack again, this time hitting the bug right in the face, earning a monstrous scream from the monster.

The red bug monster quickly retaliated shaking his head and then knelt down grabbing Gabumon in its pincers before he could run away.

“GABUMON!” Rarity screamed as the red bug began squeezing her partner. She looked on her small electronic device and pulled up a status screen, seeing a hit point meter for both her friend and the target, identified as “Kuwagamon”. Gabumon's hit point meter was dropping quickly, now in the fifties.

“No!” Rarity fussed, “Applejack, Agumon, hurry!”

Almost on cue, Applejack and Agumon ran to the scene. Upon seeing it, they looked at each other and nodded. Agumon held his clawed hands down, and Applejack stood on them, allowing Agumon to throw her into the air. While airborne, Applejack flipped once, and then reared her arm back, coming down on top of Kuwagamon with a hard punch in the face, actually knocking the red bug monster back and forcing him to release Gabumon.

Rarity ran forward to catch her tiny partner in her arms, “Are you alright, sweetheart?”

“Yes Your Highness, I'm okay,” Gabumon said, tired but still smiling. They both looked forward as Applejack got in a fighting stance and Agumon ran to her side.

“What do ya think Agumon? Is he worth goin’ to the next level?” Applejack asked.

“Please, we can take him out like this,” Agumon said arrogantly, “Gabumon, can you still fight?”

Gabumon jumped down and landed next to Agumon, almost mirroring his fighting stance, “I'm okay! Let's do this brother!”

Kuwagamon charged at them, but Applejack ran ahead and surprisingly grabbed Kuwagamon by the pincers holding it back.

“Don't know how long I can hold it still!” Applejack shouted. Agumon ran past Kuwagamon charging up fire in his mouth.

“BABY FLAME!” he shouted, shooting a small fireball from his mouth at Kuwagamon, apparently seriously hurting the giant bug. Applejack then wrestled it to the ground just as Gabumon ran up to Kuwagamon.

“PETIT FIRE!” he fired his attack right at Kuwagamon's face, causing the red monster to phase in and out as if breaking apart. Applejack stepped back to where Rarity was, and the two of them pulled out the small devices.

“Altering Program! Power UP!!!” both girls shouted at the same time. Both of their tiny partners charged up their attacks at the same time and fired them at the large bug monster, who roared in pain as its entire body broke apart into bits of data, which then flowed into the two digimon.



end song

“Whoo!” Applejack shouted throwing her arms into the air, “Another virus busted!”

“Honestly, must you be so enthusiastic about combat?” Rarity asked folding her arms, “Data or not, we still just killed someone.”

“I mean, yeah we did,” Applejack said with a shrug, “But they don't feel upset about it, do ya guys?”

“I'm perfectly fine,” Agumon said honestly.

“As long as Her Highness is safe, that's all that matters to me.” Gabumon said with a nod.

“Besides,” Applejack walked over to Rarity, getting in front of Rarity and smirking sensually, “You know ya love that about me.”

Rarity tried so hard to remain frustrated, but seeing Applejack give her that sexy smirk made her immediately melt. So after a few seconds, she smiled.

“Damn you Applejack,” Rarity said. She and Applejack kissed tenderly holding onto one another.

“Yeah! Whoo!” Agumon cheered, “Rock on!”

“Go go go!” Gabumon cheered. The two teens shot their partners bemused expressions, making the two small creatures laugh.

“Why don't we take this to a more private location?” Rarity asked.

“Is that an invitation to your place?” Applejack asked. Rarity leaned forward rubbing her nose against Applejack's.

“If you want it to be,” Rarity said. Applejack and Rarity walked out of the harbor area together, Applejack with her arm wrapped around Rarity, and Rarity leaning into Applejack. Their partners walked behind them, laughing and playing as they walked.

Times like this made all of them feel like a true family.

“Daddy, I'm home,” Fluttershy called out as she entered her two story house.

“I'm in here, Fluttershy,” a gentle voice called out. Fluttershy went into the kitchen, where her father, Cyrus, was washing dishes. Fluttershy smiled and walked over to her father and hugged him tightly from behind.

“How's my little girl doing?” Cyrus asked.

“Fine,” Fluttershy said softly, “I hung out with Rainbow Dash after school.”

“That's wonderful,” Cyrus said, genuinely elated, “Did you have fun?”

“It wasn't anything special,” Fluttershy said, still holding onto her father, but now leaning against him and looking to the side somberly, “I don't enjoy being around people.”

Cyrus sighed patting Fluttershy's hand, “Your Mother wouldn't want you to close yourself off like this.”

Fluttershy tightened her embrace as a response. From where she was, a picture of Fluttershy with a woman with cute glasses and short red hair was visible. Seeing that picture always made Fluttershy want to cry.


Cyrus turned around and hugged Fluttershy, “I know you're still having a rough time, but this was a good first step. That Rainbow Dash seems like a nice girl. You should spend more time with her.”

“Maybe,” Fluttershy said lightly pulling out of her father's embrace, “I'm heading to my room. Call me when dinner is ready.”

“Sure,” Cyrus said, watching Fluttershy leave with a depressed expression. When she was little, she was much happier. Still introverted, but in a more cheerful way. She always liked computers, and wanted to be a programmer just like her mother.

But then “the accident” happened, and Fluttershy's whole world turned dark.

In response, she took to the dark side of the network as well. She taught herself how to access the “dark net”, and learned how to become a hacker. In only a few short years, she became a master hacker, able to get into even the most dangerous accounts. No one knew why, but she had a personal reason for wanting to become a hacker.

After all, she knew her mother's death wasn't an accident.

She walked toward the steps, she noticed her younger brother, Zephyr Breeze, lying on the couch playing his Nintendo 3DS. He looked up from his game system as she walked past the couch.

“Were you on a date or something?” Zephyr asked.

“None of your business,” Fluttershy said curtly, “You didn't go into my room at all, did you?”

“Nope, your sanctuary is perfectly safe,” Zephyr said jovially, “Not that it couldn't stand to have a little more of my “zen” in there?”

Fluttershy gave Zephyr a bemused expression, “My room is “zen” enough. It doesn't need any of your freaky pseudoscience practices mucking it up.”

“It's called Spirit Science, Flutter Butter,” Zephyr said, “It's about combining modern sciences with the magical teachings of old. Maybe you could look into it yourself. It might help you feel more at peace.”

“Thanks, but no thanks,” Fluttershy said, “I only believe in things I can understand with my own two eyes, and my computer. Keep your magic to yourself.”

“It's not “magic”! It's Spirit Science!” Zephyr called out as Fluttershy walked up the stairs to her room. She had to walk past Zephyr's room on the way, which as usual smelled of incense. Thankfully this one wouldn't irritate her nose, so she could still focus on her work.

On the other hand, her room was what you'd expect from a computer hacker's bedroom. It was dark from the blinds being down, had a nice bed off to the right side, and on the left was a desk with a complicated looking computer and a few bags of pocky sticks still unopened. She also had a dresser and mirror, with a bit of makeup and girly things so she could get dolled up if she wanted to.

Fluttershy closed and locked her door, and then walked over to the computer, dropping her backpack and throwing off her yellow jacket on the way.

“Alright, let's see if Cipher managed to get the actual IP address,” she said sitting down at her desk. She logged into the chat room she and Cipher always met on, immediately getting a post from Cipher.

Hey Zero!_

So… Filthy Rich huh?_

Fluttershy couldn't help herself. She laughed seeing that before typing her response.

He's an asshole with too much money anyway._

He can afford to buy me some new shoes._

She saw the notification letting her know that Cipher was typing, and his response came a few seconds later.

LOL you'll never change Zero._

But that's my favorite thing about you honestly._

It was no secret that Cipher really liked her. At least, he liked “Zero”. He had no idea who she was, and the only thing she had bothered sharing was that she was a girl. What resulted was an odd relationship between the two of them. One where neither one knew the other's true name or what they looked like, yet it was oddly romantic. She did sometimes imagine what Cipher looked like. He had been by her side ever since she became a hacker, and helped her temper her skills.

In her own odd way, she did love Cipher. She knew she could tell him anything.

So… you know what I'm here for, right?_

Fluttershy leaned back in her chair and crossed her legs, waiting for Cipher to finish his response. After a few seconds, he replied.

Got the IP address here, along with the information you wanted._

Zero, I have to tell you, this system is dangerous._

We're talking top notch security designed to locate a hacker the second they enter._

“Shit…” Fluttershy said biting her thumb, “I guess I just have to rely on the virus then.”

Then we have to first take down their security._

I have a virus that I've been cooking just for this._

She was about to say something else, but saw Cipher was going to reply, so she waited. She didn't want to be rude after all.

Hmm… that's good, but it would need to be powerful to shut down their entire security system._

“That's true,” Fluttershy said to herself thoughtfully, “As it is now, it might not be strong enough. Damn it.”

*sighs* You're right._

I need a way of upgrading the virus._

As is, it might not be effective enough._

Just as she was starting to get discouraged, she saw a reply from Cipher.

We'll get in there, Zero._

I know we'll figure out what happened to your mother._

This is just a minor setback. Happens all the time in our bizz._

Yeah, that was true. This wasn't the first time they had to scrap a project or put it on hold because it was too dangerous. That was the reason neither one of them were in jail yet.

That being said…_

What was in that IP address I gave you last night?_

Oh right! She had almost forgotten about that. There wasn't too much there though, which was still really odd.

All I saw was a blank page that might have been a chat room, and a logo that said “Digimon”._

Immediately Cipher replied, surprising Fluttershy a bit.


Are you sure it said Digimon?_

Fluttershy raised an eyebrow and began typing her reply slowly.

Yeah… pretty sure._


Fluttershy's heart was racing as she saw Cipher's reply.

Well… I heard stories about an incident in Japan a few years back._

It was centered around a massive network crash that originated there._

You remember that, right?_

Actually, she did remember that. Since she and Cipher were both in America, they were safe. But from what she heard, Japan was all but completely shut down during that period.

I remember that._

We went on a virtual date that day laughing at all the people freaking out._

This time, when Cipher replied, Fluttershy's heart leaped out of her chest.

I looked into that some more after our date._

The word “Digimon” kept being mentioned._

Along with what happened to be monster sightings._

Hold on… MONSTERS?! Surly Cipher was pulling her leg, right? But wait, she did hear something about monster attacks in Tokyo, but those were just rumors. At least, she thought those were just rumors.

I'm not too sure I believe in monsters._


That is an odd coincidence._

But the sight was empty._

As she waited for Cipher's reply, she thought about her luck. She might have just stumbled onto something even bigger than uncovering Umbra corp.'s secrets.

Yeah, why would an empty sight be encrypted like that?_

Zero, something about this doesn't add up._

You should be careful._

She was going to be careful, but now she wanted to know what “Digimon” meant.

I'm curious about this “Digimon”._

Until I finish my virus and we figure out what to do about Umbra corp., let's tackle this handle._

It looked like Cipher was thinking about that, as he didn't reply right away. But after a second, he started writing his reply.

Alright Zero._

I'll share anything I find out with you._

Talk to you later then?_

Yes, talk to you later, Cipher._

Both of them logged out at that moment, and Fluttershy folded her arms thinking about this. She was ready to disregard that, but it was starting to look like there was more going on with that sight than she thought. She was about to go back to making her virus when something odd came up on her screen.

The Digimon site came up on it's own.

Fluttershy looked at that for a few seconds, but eventually decided to just close it. Scarily though, it opened up on its own right after that. Had she somehow been compromised? But no! She had been careful all this time! She did everything that she always did!

Don't worry._

I'm not here to hurt you._

“What in the world…?” Fluttershy asked, “Who is this?”

Just call me, Yggdrasil._

Whoa whoa whoa! It responded to her? She didn't even type anything yet.

“Um… can you hear me…?” Fluttershy asked.


I can see you too._

Fluttershy was really beginning to worry now, and started looking around nervously.

There is no need to be alarmed._

I promise you, I am not a police officer._

“Okay then, who are you?” Fluttershy asked, still feeling brazen as she wasn't seeing this person's face. Still, knowing that they could see hers made her really unnerved.

Someone with an offer._

“An offer? What offer?” Fluttershy asked, “If you're asking me to join some government organization, then you might as well arrest me now. I belong to no one.”

That's not QUITE right._

I'm here to offer you power._

“Offer me… power…?” Fluttershy asked, leaning forward a bit intrigued.


The power to change the world._

This was starting to sound like something straight out of a comic book or anime. The power to “change the world”?

“Is this some sort of trick?” Fluttershy asked.

No trick, I assure you._

I normally am more selective of who I give this power to._

But you, Zero, were able to find me on your own._

Find them? She found an empty web page. Did that page belong to someone special? Was this a personal chat room?

So what do you say?_

Would you want the power to change the world?_

She still wasn't even sure if she believed it. Just what was this person talking about? Were they serious about their claim to give her the power to change the world? And if so, would she be able to use it to find what happened to her mother?

If this was related to “Digimon”, then perhaps so.

“You know what? Yes,” Fluttershy said after a few seconds of thought, “Give me this power.”

Very good._

But first, tell me your name._

Your true name._

“It's… Fluttershy,” Fluttershy said reluctantly, “Fluttershy… Brymwood.”


You've now been registered into my CPU as a new user._

Your Digivice has been prepared, and is being sent now._

Before she could ask what Yggdrasil meant, the screen of her computer glowed brightly. Fluttershy covered her eyes to shield them from the light, which died down a few seconds after she heard a thump on her desk. She looked to see an odd little device. It was white and golden, only about as big as a smartphone, if not smaller, but was much thicker almost like an old handheld game system. It had a square shaped screen that was blank, and three buttons on the bottom of the screen.

“What in the world…?” Fluttershy asked picking up the odd device. The screen came alive, showing a single message.

Render Digimon partner?

Below the message were the options “yes” and “no”, both of them over buttons. Assuming she was supposed to push one to give an answer, she pushed the button under “yes”.

Your Digimon partner will render shortly._

I hope to see you soon, Fluttershy._

With that, the web page turned off on its own, showing what looked like a cluster of data forming on her computer. Said data cluster started absorbing information from her computer, including the virus she was creating.

“Wait wait wait!” Fluttershy panicked, “What are you doing?!” she typed on her computer to try and retrieve it, but it was too late. The virus joined the data cluster, seeming to alter its makeup, as the cluster changed from blue to red. It then converged into what looked like an egg.

Fluttershy looked at the egg confused, but was surprised to see the egg hatch, forming into a small red creature with small red wings on its head. Said creature hopped around on the screen, and then turned to look at Fluttershy. It then jumped for joy and glowed again, causing her screen to glow brightly yet again. This time however, the device in her hand started glowing as well.


Fluttershy looked through her fingers just a bit to see something prepared to fly out of her screen. She shot up from her seat and backed away, just in time as something did fly out of her screen.

It was a creature.

Said creature was pretty big, around four feet tall, and was shaped like a dinosaur or wingless dragon. It was red with black stripes, and had a white underbelly with the symbol of her “digital hazard” virus on it, large clawed hands, and a super long tail that looked like it could knock things over with ease. On its head were the same wing like appendages that were on the creature on her computer before.

And it was breathing too.

As the light died down, Fluttershy looked at the creature with wide eyes, breathing heavier and heavier by the second. Her heart threatened to jump out of her chest though as she saw the creature stir and slowly rise to a sitting position. It yawned, and then opened its yellow eyes, looking right at Fluttershy.

Both she and the creature were deathly silent for the longest few seconds, but eventually the creature raised its “hand”.

“Hi!” it said cheerfully, in a voice that made it sound almost like a child. At that moment, something within Fluttershy snapped, and she did the first thing that came to mind.

She screamed at the top of her lungs.