• Published 17th Jun 2017
  • 3,879 Views, 232 Comments

Digimon Saga: CTRL-ALT-DELETE - Azure Sandora

A computer hacker and five other girls are the only ones who can protect the real world and the Digital World as Digimon Tamers.

  • ...

09: Are we a team now?

Theme Song: With The Wind

09: Are we a team now?

Fluttershy needed some air after that, so she, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and the Digimon all went outside to the backyard, where they tried to process what they learned. No one said anything, and even the Digimon were quiet.

“Son of a bitch!” Rainbow Dash shouted suddenly, slamming her fist on the wall she was leaning on, “I, I can't believe I trusted him!”

“Dash…” Pinkie Pie said sadly, both she and Fluttershy looking at her somberly.

“He told me, that keeping secrets was bad!” Rainbow Dash sobbed, tears of anger falling from her eyes, “He taught me to always be honest… and all this time… he was the one responsible for the wild Digimon?!”

“I… I don't know what to say…” Pinkie Pie said rubbing her arm, “I mean, the evidence is damning, but…”

“But nothing!” Rainbow Dash screamed in rage, “Fluttershy was right about everything! My father… he's… he's…” she broke down completely, falling to her knees and sobbing loudly.

Veemon walked over to Rainbow Dash and put his hand on her back to comfort her.

Guilmon walked over to Fluttershy, who now had her eyes closed in deep thought, “Fluttershy, are you okay?” he asked, “You've been really quiet about all of this.”

Fluttershy took a deep breath, “We need more information.”

“The hell we do!” Rainbow Dash shouted, shooting up and walking over to Fluttershy, “Everything we need is right there! I say we storm in there with our Digimon and-”

“No Dashie, we're not doing that yet,” Fluttershy said, standing up and facing Rainbow Dash, “Not until we know exactly what's going on.”

“I thought you wanted to take Umbra Corp out?!” Rainbow Dash seethed.

“I do,” Fluttershy said, to her credit perfectly calm, “Trust me, I hate your father for what he might have done to my Mom and what he might be doing to the Digimon. But that's the key word here, might,” she closed her eyes seriously, “Besides, right now you're too emotional to think rationally.”

Rainbow Dash stepped back a bit hurt by that, “Damn right I'm emotional! He's my Dad!”

Exactly, he's your Dad,” Fluttershy retaliated, “You love him, and that's why you feel so betrayed right now. I get that Dashie, but I'm NOT going to condemn your father until I know for sure that he's responsible for everything.”

Rainbow Dash closed her eyes and took a deep breath to control her emotions, “How are you so calm right now?” she asked.

“It's the benefit of hating him,” Fluttershy stated, “I don't feel any betrayal at all.”

“While I think hate is a strong word,” Pinkie Pie interjected, walking up to them and placing her hands on their arms, “I think Fluttershy has a point. Yes, we know that Umbra Corp is connected to the Digimon going wild, but we don't know anything else. We can't risk jumping to conclusions.”

“Besides, there are still things I still haven't figured out,” Fluttershy looked down and tightened her fists, “Like what happened to my Mom. I need to know what happened to her, Dashie. That's the main thing on my mind.”

Rainbow Dash took a deep breath, “Sorry, okay? I was out of line. I'm just… that Digimon wasn't a virus type, was it?”

“No, it wasn't,” Guilmon chimed in, “Palmon are either Data or Vaccine types, and normally both of them are benevolent.”

“And the same goes for the Kabuterimon we saw first in the school, right?” Fluttershy asked.

“Vaccine Type,” Guilmon explained, “They're more often than not Digimon with a strong sense of justice. Both Agumon and Gabumon are Vaccine types, and they're in the Virus Buster family.”

“You saw how that Palmon reacted,” Rainbow Dash said, “It got violent, just like the other Digimon.”

“It, looked like it was in pain,” Pinkie Pie said somberly, “Maybe that's why they're attacking. Could we have, done something to save them?”

“No, by the time they're infected, their data has been completely corrupted,” Hackmon said, catching everyone's attention.

“So, there's nothing we can to do help them?” Rainbow Dash asked. Hackmon shook his head sadly.

“I'm sorry, but no. The kindest thing we could do is delete them to end their suffering,” Hackmon stated pragmatically.

“The worst thing for a Digimon is to lose control and be forced to go against their programming.” Veemon added, “In our world, that's a capital offense, because once it happens, it can't be undone.”

“That's terrible,” Pinkie Pie said, holding her hand to her heart, “What can we do?”

“For now, we keep fighting,” Hackmon stated simply, surprising Pinkie Pie.

“But Hackmon, those Digimon are innocent!” she cried.

“Yes, and so are the humans that they hurt in their rampage!” Hackmon defended, “Pinkie Pie, I know you don't like it when I fight other Digimon, but if I don't, more people in your world are going to get hurt!”

Fluttershy turned to Guilmon and Veemon, “What about you two? How do you feel about this?”

“I'll admit that I mainly just wanna become stronger,” Veemon said, “But this world is Rainbow Dash's home, and I wanna protect it.”

“I'm the same way,” Guilmon said seriously, “I want to protect you, Fluttershy, and help you find what happened to your Mom.”

“You guys…” Rainbow Dash said, looking somewhat saddened, yet touched.

“Then it's settled,” Fluttershy nodded, “For now, we continue fighting. At the very least, if we don't keep fighting the bad Digimon, people will get hurt.”

Pinkie Pie closed her eyes somberly, but nodded, “Y-you're right. I just hope we can put an end to this soon before more innocent Digimon have to get hurt.”

Fluttershy nodded in agreement and looked at her Digivice. This was so much bigger than just learning the truth of what happened to her mother now. The fate of the Real World and possible the Digital World was in the balance. This was slightly beyond her, but she did know two people who's job was to deal with these issues.

Maybe she should share this information with Rarity and Applejack.

The following morning, Rarity started making her way right to Fluttershy's place. Thankfully Gabumon had gone here before to talk to Guilmon, and as such he was able to guide her there.

“Huh, is this the place?” Rarity asked looking up at the nice sized house, “Cozy.”

“Yep, this is where Guilmon's Tamer lives, Your Highness,” Gabumon said. Rarity knelt down and petted Gabumon's head, making the Digimon blush a bit.

“Thank you so much, dear,” she said with a kind smile. She rose up to ring the doorbell, and a second later Zephyr answered, doing a double take at the sight of the sexy senior.

“Whoa! Um, Miss President,” Zephyr said straightening his shirt, “I apologize if I'm not-”

“You're fine, Zephyr,” Rarity said with a soft smile, “Actually, I'm here to see your sister. There is something very important I need to talk to her about.”

Zephyr looked down a bit, seeing Gabumon holding onto her leg. He then shook his head sighing, “Just how many Digimon are there in America?”

Rarity raised an eyebrow, “You don't seem too phased by the sight of my Digimon. Are you a Tamer as well?”

“Ha! Not even,” Zephyr laughed, “I'm too much of a slacker to ever be a Tamer. I take everything in stride, so I look at this as something the Universe is putting in motion for a just cause. I guess it's like a scientific way of how Christians say “let thy will be done”.”

Rarity nodded taking that in. Her entire family was devout Christian, and they had said something to that effect to her once. “You're not religious, then?” she asked, not accusingly, but in observation.

“I follow what's called Spirit Science,” Zephyr explained, “So essentially, it's like I'm spiritual, but it's centered around understanding spirit on a scientific level.”

“How fascinating,” Rarity said, “Perhaps I'll have you tell me more about this Spirit Science in the future.”

Zephyr blinked, “Um… you're interested?”

“I don't know if I'm going to convert or anything, as I'm happily an Anglican Christian myself, but I do find it interesting. Perhaps your beliefs will meld a bit with what I've come to learn being a Tamer.”

“Um… s-sure,” Zephyr said smiling, “I would be honored to share my knowledge with you, Miss President.”

“Thank you,” Rarity said with a bow, “But for now, I need to talk to your sister about something very important.”

“Of course,” Zephyr said ushering Rarity inside, “She's upstairs in her room. I'd knock first though, as she gets really testy about people entering her room.”

“I shall be perfectly respectful,” Rarity said, she and Gabumon entering the nice house and going right upstairs. It was easy enough to figure out where Fluttershy's room was, as she assumed the door that was closed and had an abundance of “Danger”, “Warning”, and “Keep Out” signs was hers.

“Your Highness, I'm kinda scared,” Gabumon said wilting. Apparently the sight of the door frightened him, as it would anyone else who didn't know the young girl.

“It's fine, honey,” Rarity said sweetly, “She just wants to push people away as a defense. She's not going to hurt us as long as we respect her space.” she knocked on the door lightly.

“Who is it?” a high and breathy voice called out from inside, sounding slightly irritated.

“Fluttershy darling, it's me,” Rarity said, “Gabumon and I came to talk to you about something.”

Immediately the door swung open, “Gabumon!” Guilmon cheered.

“Guilmon!” the two Digimon immediately hugged.

“Come in! Come in!” Guilmon said ushering the two inside, “Fluttershy needed to talk to you anyway, so this is perfect!”

Fluttershy, who was sitting on her computer, closed her eyes and grimaced, “I said I was considering it…” she muttered in irritation. Rarity walked in and closed the door behind her, looking around the nice room. Somewhat messy, but not too. She looked at the human occupant of the room and did a double take herself. She wasn't wearing her jacket with her ensemble, so the tube top combined with the yellow skirt, black leggings, and yellow heels, she was surprisingly sexy and confident looking.

Clearly she was in her element here. She'd definitely have to be respectful.

“You have a lovely space,” Rarity said.

“Thank you,” Fluttershy said swiveling her chair to face Rarity, crossing her legs and folding her arms under her bosom, “So, what brings you here. You and I aren't friends, so you have no reason to visit me on a whim.”

“For now, that's true,” Rarity said with a gentle smile, “I wouldn't mind changing that one day. However, I believe you had something you wished to talk to me about first? I'm in your domain, so your needs come first.”

Fluttershy frowned a bit, but nodded eventually, looking Rarity up and down, “Good. Someone who gets it,” she turned around and began typing on her computer, “Does Yggdrasil know anything about that virus that makes Digimon go insane?”

“Afraid not,” Rarity shook her head, walking closer to the computer, a bit amazed by the different air that she gave off here. Now she felt more like what she'd expect from “Zero”.

“Well, last night I discovered this,” she pulled up the video of Palmon, “Warning you now, this is going to disturb you.”

Rarity watched the video, and her eyes widened in horror, “Gabumon! Take a look at this!”

Gabumon ran over to the computer, and looked at it. A look of pure sadness and horror came over his features.

“No, that's the same thing as the virus…” he whispered in shock, Guilmon walking over to him and rubbing his back.

“Fluttershy, or should I say Zero, where did you find this information?” Rarity asked, her voice even. Fluttershy raised an eyebrow, but then shook her head, chuckling a bit.

“I stole it from Umbra Corp's network,” Fluttershy said, looking up at Rarity intrigued, “My question is, how did you know I was Zero? Dashie and Pinkie Pie found out because of an oversight on my part, but otherwise I'm far too careful to be found out.”

“By putting on your shy and timid act?” Rarity asked folding her arms looking at the teen with a raised eyebrow.

“That's not an act,” Fluttershy admitted, “I know how to talk to people on the internet, and can be my genuine self there. Outside is different though.”

Rarity nodded accepting that explanation. It did confirm her suspicions that this was the real Fluttershy though, “Well if you must know, Yggdrasil told us. Since we work so closely with her, and you were registered in her mainframe as Zero, she knew immediately. Worry not, Zero. Your secret is safe with us.”

Fluttershy looked away in deep thought. She then rose up, and pushed Rarity onto her bed.

Gabumon reacted immediately. “Your Highness!” he cried.

“Fluttershy, what are you-”

“It's fine, you two,” Rarity said immediately, “I think I understand. You want leverage, don't you?”

“You have sensitive information on me, something that could get me in a lot of trouble, and you don't have my trust yet,” Fluttershy said grabbing her cellphone, “So I need a means of insuring that you'll keep your mouth shut about who I am.”

Good God, it was like she was a completely different person here. It let Rarity know that she was dealing with a truly dangerous individual here, but honestly, that just made her even more excited.

“Then I have just the thing,” Rarity said, never breaking eye contact as she unbuttoned the front of her dress, revealing her lacy purple bra. She then messed up her hair a bit and laid down on Fluttershy's bed helplessly, “I should warn you though, Applejack knows as well, and if this picture goes public, jail will be the least of your worries.”

“I'm not afraid of her,” Fluttershy said, cuing up her phone, “I know her past, and can easily dig up enough information that will land her right in juvie. You two may be dangerous Tamers, but I'm the one in control of this scene.” she took the compromising picture, and put her phone up, “There, you can dress now.”

As she did so, Guilmon walked over to Fluttershy unsure, “Um, I'm not sure how I feel about this, Fluttershy.”

“I'm not going to do anything with the picture except hold onto it,” Fluttershy said, “As long as she doesn't say anything about me being Zero, I won't have to run her reputation into the ground.”

“You truly are vicious, Zero,” Rarity said, letting Gabumon comb her hair with his claws, “You look sweet, but you're actually quite ruthless, aren't you?”

“I have to be for my protection,” Fluttershy sat back down in her chair, “But back to that video, Umbra Corp is directly connected with the Digimon.”

“Yes, that is disturbing,” Rarity muttered, “Tell me, Zero, do you have any theories of what this is?”

“Umbra Corp is researching the Digimon,” Fluttershy said crossing her legs again, “I have a few other videos of various scientists talking to a mysterious woman in white with really long, multicolored hair. This woman has a Digimon, Patamon, I think.”

Rarity pulled out her Digivice and pulled up the information of the Digimon she mentioned, which revealed itself to be a super cute mammal Digimon with wings on its head and the sweetest smile, “This one right?”





“Yeah, that's the one,” Fluttershy said looking the information closely, “Guilmon said that it’s a rare Digimon.”

“Absolutely,” Rarity put her Digivice away and got comfortable on the bed, “It may not look it, but Patamon is actually housing a lot of ancient power. It's said to secretly be an angel.”

“I bet that's referring to its Champion form,” Fluttershy said thoughtfully, “I didn't get a good look at it, but it definitely looked angelic.”

“You saw this yourself?” Rarity asked.

“The Lady in White and her Patamon saved me from Twilight. I think she called her “Seraphimon”.”

“Seraphimon?!” Gabumon asked, “Your Highness, we've been looking for her!”

“That we have, both her and Ophanimon,” Rarity said to herself, “Zero, I came here because I wanted to ask for your help, and this confirms that you could be immensely helpful to us.”

“Oh?” Fluttershy said turning away from Rarity, but still looking her in the eyes.

“You see, the situation has changed,” Rarity stated, moving to sit closer to Fluttershy on the edge of the bed, “Last night, Yggdrasil confirmed that a new Digital World account was opened within her network.”

“But I'm guessing this wasn't one she opened?” Fluttershy inquired. Rarity shook her head.

“This is unusual, because there are only two other beings capable of creating new accounts,” Rarity continued, “Those beings are Seraphimon, and Ophanimon. Both of them are highly powerful Digimon, directly connected to Yggdrasil as her Avatars.”

“Avatars?” Fluttershy raised an eyebrow, “What does that mean?”

“Hm… how to explain it,” Rarity closed her eyes in thought, “Alright, think of it like this. They're actual pieces of Yggdrasil, being directly connected to her network, to the point where their thoughts match hers.”

“So… in a sense, they are Yggdrasil,” Fluttershy stated to herself, “But they sound like they're acting of their own accord now.”

“They are,” Rarity confirmed, “It's the reason we have to talk to the main terminal directly. She can't send her Avatars to us, because they're disconnected from her network. Even without that connection though, they would be able to still open accounts.”

“You want our help in verifying this new account then?” Fluttershy asked.

“Yggdrasil is worried that this Tamer could be dangerous,” Rarity explained, “Yggdrasil chooses Tamers carefully, making sure that those she gives accounts to aren't too dangerous. Any Tamer that she doesn't authorize could easily use their Digimon for nefarious purposes.”

“Technically, I'm using my account for less than noble causes, you know.” Fluttershy pointed out.

“That is true, but in your case your goals still seem somewhat just. This new Tamer could be anyone. They could be a student in our school, someone extremely selfish, or even a criminal for all we know. Zero, Applejack and I won't be enough to deal with this issue ourselves. We need to start gathering Tamers. You mentioned that you've been working with Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie, right?”

“I have,” Fluttershy nodded, “We've been hunting the Wild Digimon by ourselves.”

“Did they help you get that information?” Rarity asked with a smirk.

“Nice try, but I work alone,” Fluttershy said with a smirk of her own. Rarity had a feeling she was just protecting them, which was fine. She still didn't have this girl's trust yet.

“Well, either way I'd like their help with this issue as well. Zero, I implore you, consider joining the Royal Knights. We could temper your skills, and help you become a truly powerful Tamer, even on the level of Applejack and myself.”

The way she raised an eyebrow and looked away, that seemed to get her attention. Should she use the angle of power to get her to join.

“That's… tempting, not going to lie,” Fluttershy admitted, “If anything, it'll help me get closer to beating Twilight.”

“You want to fight Twilight?!” Rarity asked incredulously.

“She humiliated Guilmon and I,” Fluttershy said seriously, “And I know that she's going to attack us again. Next time I face her, I want to make sure that we're ready.”

“You could always retreat,” Rarity suggested.

“No, I can't. My honor as a Tamer is on the line. I want to fight her on equal footing, and show her why Guilmon and I are not to be trifled with.”

Rarity closed her eyes thoughtfully, “Guilmon, how do you feel about this?”

“I just want to protect Fluttershy,” Guilmon said honestly, “That Twilight girl attacked her, and I don't like that.”

“No, I don't quite like it either,” Rarity sighed, “Well, if you're going to fight her again, I'd ask you to consider letting Applejack and I train you, and join our organization. We won't stop you from pursuing your personal goals, I promise. We just wish to add you to our ranks.”

“I'll consider it,” Fluttershy said immediately, “As long as the offer extends to both Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash.”

Rarity took a deep breath at that, “Very well. The offer will extend to both Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash as well.”

“Also, it has to be a unanimous decision,” Fluttershy added, “Either all three of us enter, or none of us.”

“You're truly loyal to them, Zero,” Rarity pointed out.

“They're my friends,” Fluttershy said simply.

Rarity nodded, “Alright, I accept your terms. Will you at least help us with this issue though. Whether or not you become a Royal Knight, we do need help with this issue.”

“Fluttershy, let's help them,” Guilmon requested, “This other Tamer has me really worried.”

“You too?” Fluttershy asked her Digimon.

“I'm a good Digimon, but if this Tamer doesn't have a verified account, they could get a bad Digimon as their partner.”

“Hm…” Fluttershy moaned in deep thought, “Alright, I'll see what I can do. I'll talk it over with Dashie and Pinkie Pie.”

“Thank you so much, Zero,” Rarity said.

“No problem,” Fluttershy said turning to her computer, “I believe you can see yourself out.”

Rarity rose up and bowed elegantly to Fluttershy, “Should we trade account information then? That way we can stay in touch?”

Fluttershy reached for her Digivice, pushed a few buttons, and then held it out, “Go for it.”

Rarity smiled and connected her Digivice to Fluttershy's, immediately appearing on the girl's friend list. They weren't quite there yet in real life, but at least in the Digital World, they were registered as friends. It was a start.

“Have a good rest of the day, Zero. Guilmon, it was great seeing you again.”

“Nice seeing you again as well, Miss Rarity!” Guilmon said happily, “Take care, Gabumon!”

“See ya Guilmon!” Gabumon said, shaking clawed hands with his fellow Digimon. The two of them left out of the house, and stopped on the porch thinking.

“That girl, she's something else,” Rarity said thoughtfully.

“Your Highness, are you sure about having someone like her in our organization?” Gabumon asked, “I like Guilmon a lot, but his Tamer is…”

“She certainly has an edge to her,” Rarity agreed, “But I can't blame her for being cautious. We know something about her that could get her in a lot of trouble. If she needs that to feel safe, then I'm happy to give it to her.”

Gabumon sighed, “With all due respect, Your Highness, Applejack is right. Sometimes you're too generous.”

“Perhaps, but I'd rather be known for being too generous than not being generous enough,” Rarity walked back to her house, “Come. We need to meet up with Applejack and Agumon.”

“Yes Your Highness,” Gabumon said obediently. Although he served her proudly, he still spoke freely, which was something Rarity appreciated. If she was his Princess, she wanted to make sure she lived up to his expectation.

Fluttershy sent messages to both Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie, and had them meet her and Guilmon at the park. It didn't take long for them to meet up with her, and she immediately told them about what Rarity requested of them.

“First crazy Digimon, and now evil Tamers?” Rainbow Dash asked, all three of the girls sitting on a bench with the Digimon close to them.

“We don't know for certain if their evil,” Fluttershy pointed out, “But this does raise a few red flags.”

“Do you think Umbra Corp is behind this too?” Veemon asked.

“It can't be,” Guilmon said, “According to Her Highness, only Ophanimon or Seraphimon can open new Digital World accounts.”

Fluttershy raised an eyebrow, “Now you're calling her a Princess?”

“That's what Gabumon calls her, so if she's a Princess, I should be respectful,” Guilmon said, folding his arms and nodding, the logic sound in his own mind.

“Ugh, he only does that to fuel her ego,” Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes, “Trust us, she's not a Princess. She's just a girl with way too much money and unlike me, has no issue flaunting it.”

“Aw, let them have their fun,” Pinkie Pie said with a fond smile, “Besides, Rarity's not that bad. She can be really sweet at times. So Fluttershy, how are we going to find this Tamer?”

Fluttershy pulled out her Digivice, “I fiddled around with this thing again, and found an option that searches for other accounts. Even if this Tamer isn't registered with Yggdrasil, the fact is they're a part of her network.”

“Alright Fluttershy,” Rainbow Dash said putting her arms around the teen, “So, where do we start?”

“The city,” Fluttershy pocketed her Digivice and rose up, “It's crowded enough, and at this time of the day there's a high chance they'll be there.”

“Got it,” Pinkie Pie said also getting up, “Hackmon and I will take the mall.”

“I guess Veemon and I handle the area around my Dad's company,” Rainbow Dash said.

“Then that leaves the business district for Fluttershy and I,” Guilmon said, “Let's go!”

Fluttershy rolled her eyes and sighed, “Since when were you the leader?” she asked. running after her Digimon. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie laughed and ran in separate directions to their designated spots. Between the three of them, Applejack, and Rarity, they should find something.

“Silver Spoon! Are you listening?”

“Huh?” Silver Spoon snapped out of her daze. Sitting across from her at their table was another girl around her age with long purple/pinkish and white hair, wearing a short pink dress, light pink leggings, and white boots. On her head was tiara, and despite only being 13, she carried herself almost like an adult.

The girl sighed rolling her eyes, “If you're that bored you could just tell me.”

“N-no. I'd never be bored listening to you, Diamond Tiara,” Silver Spoon said defensively, “I just… had a lot of my mind.”

“Oh yeah? Like what?” Diamond Tiara asked, giving her friend an almost alluring smile. She was giving Silver Spoon her undivided attention.

Oh… Diamond Tiara…

“It's nothing too serious,” Silver Spoon said, looking down and biting her lip, “Um, what were you talking about?”

Diamond Tiara's expression lit up again, “Oh, I was getting to the best part. So, after the movie, Rumble and I-”

‘Of course she was talking about Rumble,’ Silver Spoon thought as her beloved friend prattled on and on. She never quite listened to her when she was talking about him, but she did give Diamond Tiara her full attention. Mainly because she loved everything about her. The way her eyes lit up, how her mouth moved as she spoke, the way she moved her hands and how animated she was.

You're perfect Diamond Tiara…

Perfect, and you SHOULD be mine…

“It sounds… like you and Rumble had a great time,” Silver Spoon said, as Diamond Tiara's story it its end.

“We did,” Diamond Tiara hugged herself smiling in a lovesick manner, “Silver Spoon, do you know that feeling when you've found that one person you don't think you can do without?”

“Y-yes,” Silver Spoon said, her heart racing for some reason, “I know that feeling.”

“That's how I feel right now,” Diamond Tiara was blushing, “I think I might be falling in love.”


“Um… you haven't been dating that long though, right?” Silver Spoon asked, trying to hide how much she was trembling.

“It's been about a month now,” Diamond Tiara said, “But I don't think I'll ever find anyone who appreciates me for just me, you know? Anyone else would just want my money.”

Me! I appreciate you for you!

Please look at me Diamond Tiara!

“But not Rumble,” Diamond Tiara continued, “He actually insists on paying for everything himself, and since he works with his big brother, he always has his own money. Silver Spoon, I know we're still young, but I…”


Diamond Tiara's eyes lit up. She turned to see a young boy about their age with short black hair waving to her.

“Rumble!” Diamond Tiara beamed, running up to him and hugging him, “I was just talking about you!”

“I hope nothing bad,” Rumble joked, making Diamond Tiara laugh.

“No, just bragging to my best friend about you.”

Rumble saw Silver Spoon and waved to her, “Hi Silver Spoon.”

Silver Spoon just nodded to him as a greeting, “I should probably go,” she said rising up.

“It's okay Silver Spoon. I don't mind playing the third wheel,” Rumble joked, “I know where her heart truly lies.”

Diamond Tiara hit his arm playfully, “Stop that Rumble. You'll embarrass her.”

Silver Spoon however, tightened her fists slightly and took a deep breath to control herself.

“No, it's fine. You two should spend some time together,” Silver Spoon said, “I… I need to head home anyway.”

“Silver Spoon, wait,” Diamond Tiara called out as she walked off. She ran over to the other girl and hugged her from behind, “You're my best friend, Silver Spoon. Thank you so much for this.”

“N-no problem…” Silver Spoon said, looking down trying to stop from shedding tears in front of her. She then pulled out of her beloved's embrace and walked off, unaware of the pink haired teen listening behind a building, holding her pink and white Digivice.

She stopped in an alleyway, where she leaned against the wall, sliding down into a sitting position and started freely shedding tears. Why was she in love with him?! Why when she had someone right in front of her who'd give her the world?! She'd known Diamond Tiara so much longer, and she understood everything about her!

“I've… lost her…!” Silver Spoon sobbed.

“Mmm, have you? I'm not so sure.”

Silver Spoon looked up a bit as BlackGatomon jumped onto a nearby dumpster and sat down on the edge, perfectly human despite her stature.

“You heard her, right? She loves him, she doesn't love me…”

“That's not how I read that,” BlackGatomon said tilting her head to the side, “She's just confused. Remember how she ran up and hugged you?”

“I remember…” Silver Spoon said slowly rising up.

“She probably did that as a means of holding onto you,” BlackGatomon continued, kicking her legs out adorably, “See, my Mistress is a master of all things love and lust. She doesn't love Rumble. She lusts for him. Your feelings are true though, correct?”

“Yes! I love her with my whole heart and soul!” Silver Spoon cried desperately.

“Then you must protect her, Silver Spoon,” BlackGatomon continued, “Show her who truly loves her, even if you have to take drastic measures.”

“What, like, kidnapping her?” Silver Spoon's eyes widened and she looked away, “I don't know, BlackGatomon. I want her to love me, but, I'd never want to hurt her…”

“We won't be hurting her, though,” BlackGatomon said getting on all fours and walking closer to Silver Spoon still on the dumpster, “We'll be protecting her, keeping her safe from that bad, bad boy. And best of all, she'll be in a place where only you can reach her.”

“But… how would we do this?” Silver Spoon asked, still unsure. The way BlackGatomon smirked was somewhat unsettling, yet reassuring at the same time.

“All I need is a little something from you, and I'll be able to handle the rest,” BlackGatomon purred, her eyes twinkling in a sinister manner.

Pinkie Pie and Hackmon walked toward the alleyway, following the signal on Pinkie Pie's Digivice.

“The signal went in this direction,” Pinkie Pie said.

“That girl had an odd air about her,” Hackmon said, walking next to Pinkie Pie, “I don't know why, but she didn't feel right to me.”

“I bet she's our Tamer,” Pinkie Pie stated. Just as they approached the alleyway, Silver Spoon rushed out, pushing past Pinkie Pie and Hackmon, “Ah! H-hey, wait!”

“Pinkie Pie, look!” Hackmon exclaimed. Pinkie Pie looked into the alleyway, and saw an odd looking black cat staring at her. The cat smirked and then jumped up to staircase leading to the roof and ran off.

“That's a Digimon!” Pinkie Pie cried, using her Digivice to scan it before it ran away.





“We need to find that girl!” Pinkie Pie said rushing out of the alleyway, using her Digivice to call the others, “Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, I think I found the Tamer!”

“Seriously?! Shit, we'll be right there!” Rainbow Dash said.

“Try not to lose them!” Fluttershy requested before she and Rainbow Dash hung up. Pinkie Pie put her Digivice away and then looked around for the girl, who turned a corner to her right.

Pinkie Pie frowned and rushed after her, but sadly the girl walked into a more crowded section of the street, causing Pinkie Pie to lose her.

“Shoot!” Pinkie Pie stomped her foot in frustration. That girl was definitely the Tamer they were looking for.

“Pinkie Pie!” Rainbow Dash called out, she and Fluttershy running to her side.

“Sorry, but I lost her in the crowd,” Pinkie Pie sighed, “But I'm pretty sure she's the Tamer we're looking for.”

“She had a Digimon with her,” Hackmon added, “It was a BlackGatomon.”

Pinkie Pie pulled up its info to show Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy.

“It's a Champion level already?” Fluttershy asked, “That's unusual.”

“That's also really bad,” Guilmon said, “That means the Tamer's already synchronized with the Digimon most likely.”

“We need to talk to Applejack and Rarity,” Fluttershy said pulling out her Digivice, “Let them know about this.”

A few minutes later, both Applejack and Rarity joined up with them in the mall. The five girls and their Digimon sat in a booth in a restaurant in order to not call attention to themselves, and also so they could discuss this with Yggdrasil. Needless to say, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie were astounded and terrified when they first laid eyes on her.

“THIS IS CONCERNING,” Yggdrasil said, the volume low on the computer so only they could hear her, “A USER STARTING OUT WITH A CHAMPION LEVEL DIGIMON PARTNER IS HIGHLY UNSTABLE.”

“I mean, does it really make a difference?” Rainbow Dash asked resting her hands on the back of her head, “All of our Digimon can go Champion.”

“Yes, but that's because they grow into the Champion level with us,” Rarity pointed out, “Our Digimon were made specifically for us, so their growth is meant to match ours more or less.”


“With that Digimon already at the Champion level, it's jus' one step away from goin Ultimate,” Applejack inquired.

“We can't let that happen,” Pinkie Pie said somberly, “I've seen what it looks like when a Tamer and Digimon go into the Ultimate level. It's okay if the Digimon is good, but if that Digimon is a bad Digimon, its Tamer could be in a lot of trouble.”

“What do we do if we find them?” Rainbow Dash asked, “Do we delete their Digimon?”

“That might not be wise,” Fluttershy said thoughtfully, “If it's already linked to the Tamer, then wouldn't deleting it hurt the Tamer?”


“That's what happened to Maud,” Pinkie Pie chimed in, “My older sister. She used to be really bright eyed and cheerful, but now she's sometimes more like a drone.”

“But if we don't delete the Digimon, an' it turns out ta be a dangerous one, then we're puttin' lives in danger,” Applejack added, “I don't wanna hurt the Tamer, 'specially with 'em bein' a kid probably, but I ain't seein' another solution here.”

“This is not an ideal situation,” Rarity sighed, “We have a duty as Royal Knights, but I don't want to hurt anyone.”

“Screw being a Royal Knight,” Rainbow Dash said, “We got a duty as human beings here. If we end up hurting her trying to save her, then what's the point?”

“Yggdrasil, what should we do?” Pinkie Pie asked the Mother Computer, “How should we proceed?”


“It's alright, darling,” Rarity said, “We'll figure this out. Who knows, maybe we won't have to fight them at all.”

“That's being real optimistic,” Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes.

“Well it's certainly better than just rushing in without anything,” Rarity retaliated, “Or were you hoping we could just kick the problem and make it work?”

“I'm trying to be realistic here,” Rainbow Dash stated, leaning forward and glaring right at Rarity, “That Tamer isn't registered, and the Digimon she has was already in the Champion level. We gotta be ready to fight the second we see that Tamer.”

“Maybe so, but that doesn't mean we have to be brutes about it,” Rarity said, leaning forward and glaring at Rainbow Dash in return, “If she is a victim, maybe we can reason with her and possibly get her on our side.”

“Just like how you're still trying to get Fluttershy on your side?” Rainbow Dash retaliated, “I bet that's the only thing you care about, increasing the number of fans you have.”

“Better than just caring about fighting,” Rarity shot, “I'm sure that's all YOU'RE after!”

The two girls rose up, leaning forward and pressing their foreheads together glaring at each other. One could almost see actual lightning between them.

“Alright, break it up,” Applejack said pulling Rarity back.

“Seriously, or you'll get us kicked out,” Fluttershy added, pulling Rainbow Dash back.

The two teens sat down in their respective seats, folding their arms and pouting identically. It was sadly adorable.

“I say for now, we at least track the Tamer down and see if she's an immediate threat,” Applejack suggested.

“That's the best idea I can think of,” Fluttershy agreed, “With the description Pinkie Pie gave us, I can easily track her down.”

“Then the rest of us are on stand-by then,” Pinkie Pie said, “I know we're not all friends, but it would make me feel better if we could all share contact information at least.”

“Good idea,” Applejack said, “We also need ta be on each other's friend lists, jus' in case we need ta enter a party fer this,” when both Rarity and Rainbow Dash looked like they were about to say something, Applejack held her hand up, “Yes, that goes for y'all too.”

“Fine,” both girls sighed. All five girls pulled out their Digivices, connecting to whoever they weren't already friends with. By the end of the session, they each had four total accounts on their Digivices (Pinkie Pie had three more, probably her sisters).

“Let's meet here from now on, in this booth,” Fluttershy stated, putting her Digivice away, “This place looks secure enough.”

“I know the owner,” Rarity said, “He'll be fine as long as one of us orders something.”

“Sounds good to me,” Pinkie Pie said, “Also, the tables are big enough where the Digimon can hide underneath with ease.” she looked under the table, where everyone's Digimon waved to them happily.

Unknown to everyone, Twilight sat down in the booth closest to them. She nodded to herself, and rose from her seat leaving the restaurant a few minutes before the others rose to leave.

Right as they were walking out of the restaurant, which turned out to be a fancy ramen shop named “Canterlot Ramen”, Applejack turned to Fluttershy.

“Hey,” Applejack said putting her hand on Fluttershy's shoulder, “Look, 'bout the whole joinin' the Royal Knights thing, I know Rarity is pushin' hard, but I want you ta know it's still yer choice.”

“I don't feel pressured,” Fluttershy turned to Applejack, “Besides, right now we are a team, whether or not I'm a Royal Knight.”

Applejack smirked and held out her hand, “Shake on it?” Fluttershy hesitated, but she took Applejack's hand to shake it. Immediately, she was pulled in close, Applejack speaking directly into her ear, “I know who ya are, Zero.”

“I know,” Fluttershy whispered, “Had a nice conversation with your girlfriend about that.”

“I'm workin' with ya, but I don't trust ya,” Applejack whispered, “So I'm keepin’ a close eye on ya. If you do anythin' I don't like…”

“Rarity already warned me,” Fluttershy said, raising her phone, “I should then warn you that I can easily ruin both Rarity and your lives if I have to, and I will to keep myself safe. You can beat me in a physical fight, yes, and you are a stronger Tamer than me, for now, but when it comes to the virtual world, I am a God.”

Applejack considered her words. Bold as they seemed, she had no idea what sort of dirt she had on them. This girl was dark, and dangerous, but Rarity seemed to vouch for her.

“Fine,” Applejack said releasing her hand, “I'll let it go then. But I am keepin' an eye on you.”

“Do what you wish,” Fluttershy said folding her arms, “I don't have to answer to you, Rarity, Yggdrasil, or anyone.”

Applejack narrowed her eyes glaring at Fluttershy, but then walked off. Fluttershy turned around and walked off in the opposite direction. They'd keep their animosity toward each other to themselves, as to not hurt the team, but it was clear. Even if they were a team, Applejack and Fluttershy would never truly be friends.

Author's Note:

So... about that Teen rating... Yeah, we're earning that today.


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