• Published 27th Jul 2017
  • 2,897 Views, 38 Comments

Fine Fangs - AmethystAce

Life in a herbivore's world is difficult when you're a carnivore. Especially if your trying to hide it.

  • ...

Chapter 10

POV: Twilight Sparkle

It's been about two months since Applejack ran into the Everfree forest. There was no warning, and no one knows when exactly she left. She just packed up and left a note saying: An Apple's gotta right their wrongs. I tried casting a tracking spell, but it just fizzled out when it gets to the edge of the forest. I have casted it everyday, as if it would yield me different results, but it's always the same. It does tell me ONE thing though.

That she is still alive.

Pinkie's been putting on a face. She looks happy, but I can tell she is heartbroken by Applejack's decision to not tell us. Rarity has been a bit out of it as well. She is still completely scared of Jacob, but realized that she betrayed his trust as a friend. Fluttershy has been seen in town even less, but she actually showed anger toward Rarity and Applejack for what they did. I don't know what kind of magic is in that stare, and I'm not sure I want to know.

Me and my friends have tried to go in and find her, but we always either end up back where we started, or get pushed out by the local fauna. Rainbow even got hurt pretty bad by a manticore, but she will be fine with a few more days of bed rest, as long as she listens to the doctor.

I've even written to Princess Celestia about Applejack's disappearance. She sent a squad of Guard-ponies to comb through the Everfree biweekly (twice a week) to see if they can find a sign of her or Jacob. Though, I don't think they have anything good planned for Jacob. It's as if the Everfree itself is trying to hinder the search though, not even the platoon's tracker could find any sign.

I don't think ill of my friends, but how could Applejack be so... so... STUPID!

She ran headfirst into one of the most dangerous places in the known world, alone, likely unarmed, trying to find an apex predator in his nature habitat who probably VERY MUCH still wants to inflict bodily harm to her. If he doesn't want to be found, she likely won't find any trace of him; and if he finds her in his territory, he likely maul her!

I don't think what Applejack did was okay. She should have given Jacob a chance to explain himself. Even if he's a carnivore (which is still a bit scary), he's been nothing but kind to us and has been a functional member of our community. I won't forgive Jacob if he hurts her though. A peaceful resolution is needed, or it will only create a vicious cycle.

I worry for her, and as much as it pains me, as well as the rest of Ponyville to say it, the only thing we can do is wait until we find a sign of our friend.

I hate doing POV switches.

POV: Jacob

My guess at Tobias' age wasn't TOO far off, as he turned twenty one a week ago. Well, about the day they found me, actually. A runt he may be, but a smart runt he is. While his father, Heinrich, is a little upset that Tobias isn't going to continue the family trade as a blacksmith, he's still proud of his son for all the studying he does to be an alchemist. Heinrich swears that the oils he makes improves the quality of the metal ten-fold!

Speaking of Tobias' family, they welcomed me with open claws. They might have been apprehensive, if they didn't see the absolute feast we had brought with us. We brought in both multiple days worth of meat, but also Tobias' birthday dinner! Which I must say, Heinrich's wife, Gretta, is a fine cook. Not to speak badly of my own grandmother, but she doesn't have anything on Gretta's skill in the kitchen. Not to say my granny was a bad chef, but Gretta is a master of her art who'd make Gordon Ramsay blush with both her skill... and her language.

Instead of Tobias inheriting the family forge, Ines is the one who is learning to work metal instead. Strong lass like her is a perfect inheritor of the forge, once her dad passes of course. Lydia wishes (as she actually can't say) to make hunting her profession, as she already sees it as a way of life. She has learned how to leave hunt signs in trees and use hand signals. Tobias, as I already stated, is learning, and has already learned quite a bit of, alchemy. To him, if you aren't the fastest or the strongest, you gotta be the smartest. And he knows a potion or two to make you the fastest and the strongest.

I honestly find alchemy to be quite interesting, as it allows anyone, magic or not, to perform magical... stuff. Ya, I don't know a lot, but Tobias is starting to teach me; as he has noted my interest in the art. Says it's a bit odd, having the student be older than the teacher, but it works out fine. Being an alchemist is like being a doctor, an herbalist, a magician, a chemical engineer, and a nuclear engineer all at the same time!

Though, I'm not just laying about doing nothing with my time either. Despite the town already having a carpenter, Heinrich does appreciate having a carpenter on hand to help with whatever wood based things he needs. He allows me to use the guest room until I make enough money to get a home of my own. Might have it be in this town. Nice little community with a great proximity to the forest.

Today was looking like it would be a slow day for the forge, mostly Heinrich and Ines making nails, so Tobias thought it would be a good idea to get me familiar with the flora in our neck of the woods; pun completely intended. I agreed to it, mostly to refresh my knowledge and eventually compare notes with what's in my book. It's the only thing that I've kept secret from the family. They are kind people, but they will be able to see the book when it's been published like everyone else. This book will make me famous! But anyway, I decided to go out with Tobias on a bit of an herb gathering trip.

"And this is Dragonthorn. It can be easily distinguished by the fiery pattern of it's thorns and flowers. The ashen smell it gives off wards off most animals." Tobias said while harvest some of the plants... everything. At least, it looks like he's taking a bit of everything to my untrained eye.

I write this information down in my notes. I normally called this plant Fire Flower, but Dragonthorn sounds much better. I also won't have to worry if Nintendo will try to make me pay royalties cross-dimension! I'm sure they would love some genuine gold coins. "Is it safe to consume?" I ask, pausing in my note taking.

"Consume?" He laughs, as if he heard a good joke. Honestly, it sounded pretty cute. "That's the way old alchemists try new ingredients. While it works, some of those ingredients will also kill you! Modern alchemists like us enjoys much more sophisticated methods of testing, which I will teach you soon." His laugh winds down. "But to answer your question, no, it is not safe to consume. Dragonthorn is extremely hot when eaten, and not as in spicy. It will literally scorch your insides as it goes down. Leaves burns if you eat a small bit. Eat enough, and it'll cook you from the inside out. Quickly."

I wince and give a short laugh, as I resume recording notes. "I would hate to have been the poor bastard who tried that."

Tobias snorts in amusement. "I can imagine how that went." He then takes on an air of sophistication. "I, Sir Tobias of the Alchemist Guild, have found this beautiful flower and have chosen to consume it. With this experiment, I will further our craft! NOM!" He starts waving his hand in front of his mouth. "Oooo, it's got a bit of spice to it." Then he begins to flail around, as if on fire. "OH GREAT SHY ABOVE! I'M ON FIRE! FIRE!"

I can't continue my notes due to my laughter. "Tobias! Have you ever considered being a comedian as your calling? You might-" I pause, an odd scent in the air. I tilt my nose to the air. "Do you smell that?"

Tobias smells the air. "Blood... Either we are near some Bloodroot, or something is wounded. Doesn't smell like any blood I know though."

Closing my eyes, I inhale deeply. It takes a second for it to click, but I do recognize the smell in the air. "Pony." I say as I open my eyes. I've smelled pony blood when Rainbow Dash inevitably hurts herself and from my visits to Ponyville's Hospital. Often to take Rainbow to said hospital.

"What was that?"

"Pony, and from what I can tell, there's only one." Definitely pony blood I smell, but the owner's scent, while muted, is somewhat familiar. Always did smell someone before I saw them. Rainbow couldn't sneak up on me no matter how much she tried. Pinkie... we don't talk about the eldrich powers she wields. Those do override my impressive sense of smell.

After a second of contemplation, I pick out the underlying smell. "Apples...?" My eyes widen as I shove my notes in my pack and dart off in the direction of the scent, Tobias barely able to keep up.

"Woah, what's the hurry?" He calls out as we move.

"I smell a lot of blood in the air, and I think it's someone I know. Get a healing poultice ready."

"If it's how you describe it, we may need a miracle!"

A few seconds later, I confirm my suspicions. Laying in an opening in some tree roots, curled in fetal position and covered in enough blood to fill a tub, is Applejack.

Oh shit.

I hurry to her and check her vitals. She's breathing, but barely. Her fur matted, as if she hadn't bathed in a long time. How long was she out here? I can't tell what her wounds through all the blood.

Tobias is startled by my outburst. "Damn it! I'm supposed to hate you!" I yell out as I slam the side of my first against the tree. "I'm supposed to hate you and Rarity for what you did to me! So why can I only feel pity and..." I stop as a few tears roll down my cheeks as I stare at her broken form. After a few seconds, I turn my head to Tobias. "Tobias, I think I might be able to carry her without opening her wounds too much if you can fly ahead and ready your lab for a patient."

Tobias is taken aback by my request. "Jacob, there's no guarantee she'll survive the trip, let alone the operation."

"We have to try, damn it! If I let her die out here, I wouldn't be able to sleep at night. And letting her die out here without even trying to aid her would be dishonorable." If there is one thing most Griffons in Benfurt have a soft spot for, it's honor. It pains me to manipulate Tobias using it, but time is of the essence.

Tobias' eyes widen at the word 'dishonorable', "Of course. I will let the family know and begin preparations immediately." He spreads his wings to take off. "Good luck. She'll need it." And with that, he's off the ground; flying as fast towards Benfurt as his wings will take him.

I sigh as I kneel down by Applejack. "Yes she will. Yes she will." I carefully scoop her up, and begin my trek back to town. I'm guessing it'll be twilight by the time I get back. Should miss most of the bad stuff.

Author's Note:

No, the end is not ominous foreshadowing. Even our protagonist gets a break or two. Here's another chapter for you lads and lasses. All written while tired, sick, and running on fumes. The fumes of MOTIVATION! ...and Vicks Vaporub.

And before you ask, NO, I'm not going to start sniffing Vicks when I need motivation. I know authors do weird things for motivation, (One old guy let apples rot in his desk drawer and the fumes motivated him), but I probably don't need to go such lengths for something as casual as fanfiction.


Scream at me if an error makes your eyes smolder in their sockets, as always.

Comments ( 9 )

Should miss most of the bad stuff.

Murphy has been invoked.

I enjoyed reading this and hope you continue to progress the story with more chapters.

I do hope you will continue this story as I wanna see if Applejack will make it out alive or not. I've really enjoyed reading your story.

Is this still alive?

Aaaah, read this all in one sitting and I'd love to read more!! Hope this continues, this is definitely going on my favorites! ^^

Is this story dead?

It’s been nearly two years.

{Pokes story with stick.}
C'mon do something.

It’s been over four years now.

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