• Published 5th May 2018
  • 1,583 Views, 506 Comments

Duet in the Dust - David Silver

Vinyl and Octavia fall face first into the grips of a post-apocalyptic Everglow. Can their friendship see them through the challenges ahead? (Ponyfinder Crossover)

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2 - Hospitality in Ash

Octavia advanced in the group that had formed. The hunters with the weapons still held them at the ready, clearly ready for an ambush. Vinyl was trotting with a smile and her one slice of meat, looking like she was happy to be there.

Octavia shook her head, looking away from her irresponsible friend towards the horizon. Grey, that was the primary color, but not the only one. She could see a few twisted and gnarled trees. Despite being too light to be night, there was no sun in sight. It was all cloud cover, likely the same ash as they trudged through.

They marched through eternal twilight, it felt. Octavia shuddered softly, her shoulders chaffing slightly under the new weight of her larger load of meat. Meat... They were in the 'care' of predators. Would they become a meal if a hunt was not successful?

She shook her head slowly, dismissing the thought for the moment. She had nowhere else to run, and Vinyl was... unfortunately pleased with the situation.

As they crested a hill, Octavia could spy a glint. Water. There was a river, cutting through the tortured landscape. Octavia had to smile just a little. On either side of its flow, the plants seemed to be taking advantage of the situation. Grass covered the area, a stripe of life. It was, perhaps, proof that the world had not given up. "What... happened here? Was this world always like this?"

Sandy slowed to be closer to Octavia. "I've heard stories that it used to be very different. I saw a picture, once, in a book." She smiled awkwardly. "But that's about it. It's been this w--"

"Stay focused," commanded their leader, Randal. "We are not home yet."

Sandy lowered the volume of her words, but did not stop entirely. "This is the world we know. There are some who work to return it to its health."

Octavia stepped to the side, veering off to be closer to Sandy as her volume lowered to a gentle whisper, "What made it not healthy? I fancy it must have been... something dramatic."

Sandy was quiet a moment, hiking along the ash-caked ground. Unlike the mound they had landed in, it was only an inch or so in depth, crunching beneath clad feet or naked hoof. "It was a war. Fey and humans. Everyone lost."

Octavia's ears pinned against her head. "Wars rarely have winners, I do suppose... When you say 'fey', do you mean other creatures like us? You did refer to us as fey before."

Sandy glanced aside at her pack mule of a companion. "Where did you two come from that you have no idea of any of this?" She gestured ahead, "We're arriving. You'll be able to put those down soon."

Octavia looked up and ahead to see a small town. It was a collection of houses constructed of rusted metal and plastic, much of it looking recycled from some past, more prosperous, era. She could see other bipeds roaming between those buildings. It was their home, where they lived. "What do you call yourselves?"

"Didn't I just say?" Sandy reached over and almost patted Octavia, but the motion aborted at the last moment, hand hovering before retreating. "Humans, 'Cept Randal."

Octavia looked to Randal. He looked as human as the rest, but she did note he seemed taller. It wasn't just a male thing. She was no expert on such things for bipeds, but their voices were hint enough. There were other males, and he was taller than them too. An alpha human? "What is he, if not human?"

"Oh, he is human, but more of it," explained Sandy with a quirked smile. "He's an 'enhanced human'."

Octavia squinted at the male, trying to examine him better, but he was striding away faster than she was going, ruining the chance. "I... see. Am I slowing you down?"

"A little." Sandy shrugged her own heavy backpack. "It's alright. You two came from the same place, right?"

Up ahead, Vinyl kept up with Randal, trotting into the town, her eyes wandering behind her goggles. "Rad. This place looks just how I imagined it."

Randal gestured wide. "<Drop off the meat at the smoking hut, then get some rest. Tom, see the doctor. We don't want that becoming infected.>"

"<Right, Boss.>" The one likely named Tom, who had gotten a good bite from the worm, went to get medical attention.

Vinyl looked around curiously. There were other people there. Some of them worked on their weapons, others were talking quietly. One had a little guitar across his front and was strumming the chords. Her attention settled easily a moment before yanking away to where the other hunters were headed. She hurried after them, half-tossing the meat she held onto the pile they were creating.

With her load taken care of, Vinyl broke into an eager trot towards the human musician. She only made it two steps before a hand came down on her shoulder, holding her firmly. "<You have shown value, but you are a pony,"> spoke Randal.

Vinyl looked over her shoulder at the towering human speaking to her in his funny language. "Yeah, glad to help," she replied, assuming he was thanking her. She raised a hoof and pumped it. "Let's do that again sometime. Now, lemme say hi." She pointed the hoof at the guitar player.

Randal glanced over towards where the hoof was pointed at. "<George, the pony wants to hear you play.>" He looked back to Vinyl. "<Don't wander away.>"

Vinyl only heard 'Go ahead', and smiled, trotting up towards the guitar player. "Hey! Nice guitar you have there."

The human she approached had chocolate brown skin and midnight-black hair. He smiled back at her. "I speak only little." He held up two fingers close together. "Not talk ponies very."

"S'cool," assured Vinyl as she sat beside him, eyes on the guitar. "So, you play? Let's hear it."

George ran his long fingers across the strings, producing a melodic twang from the motion. "Yes. Play little." He launched into a song, cheerful and warm. Despite the hardship that surrounded them, his song was uplifting, hinting of happiness and celebration.

Vinyl bobbed her head along to the beat of the song. Whatever their language, the music spoke clearly enough.

Elsewhere, Octavia was just reaching the smoking hut. "Please get these off of me." She was certain she could feel some of the... juices... leaking onto her. The sooner she could take a shower, the better.

Sandy got to work pulling each heavy slab free of Octavia and storing them inside. "Welcome to our home," she said as she worked. "Home camp, our little oasis from the wastes."

Octavia glanced around, mostly standing still for unloading. "It appears peaceful, but I see only humans. You mentioned there are ponies here, right?"

"Not here here." Sandy grunted as she lifted the largest slice free of Octavia. "They don't live here... We chased them off before I was born." Her face soured, clearly not approving of the idea. "They live in other towns."

Octavia perked an ear at a sound that she could not ignore. Turning her eyes and soon the rest of her body, she saw Vinyl bobbing her head beside a human playing a guitar. "How delightful." She smiled gently. "It's good to see music is present in some measure. I don't suppose you have a cello I could borrow?"

Sandy slapped the door shut on the food storage before rubbing one palm against the other. "Phew, hm? What's a 'cello'?"

Octavia's smile faltered. That did not speak well for her chances. "It's like that." She pointed to the guitar being played across the street. "Significantly larger, requiring it be played while standing. It is played with another string dragged across its own rather than plucking them, though that can be done in addition."

Sandy's eyes lifted to the approach of Randal. Rather than answer Octavia, she addressed him, "<Meat's stored, waiting for smoking.>"

"<Good.>" He looked down at Octavia. "<This one hasn't shown any value, other than a beast of burden. Put her in Rex's house.>" He hiked a thumb in the desired direction.

Sandy's jaw tensed. "<When she's tired, I'll lead her there.>"

"<Now.>" He clapped his hands for emphasis. "<If she wants more, she'll have to help. Human or pony, everyone earns their keep.>"

Sandy gently brushed the tips of her fingers against Octavia's shoulder, getting her attention quickly. "Randal wants me to show you to your house."

Octavia's mind swam with visions of a little house, with a shower, and couches, and a bed. "That sounds positively delightful. Tell him I said thank you."

Sandy smiled awkwardly. "<She says thank you.> Let's go." She gestured forward and headed down the street, trusting Octavia to follow.

Randal nodded approvingly. At least the useless pony was polite, he couldn't fault that.

Octavia fell in behind Sandy, following her. "Vinyl," she called out without turning her head. "I'm going with Sandy to a place to rest."

Vinyl may have nodded, or she might have just been bopping along to the lively music. At times, it was hard to tell the difference.

Sandy nodded to other humans they went past, though one of them seemed... different. Tall, with lighter skin tone than the others. Their ears were pointed, unlike the round ones that most of the others had.

Octavia watched the odd person, but they were going in opposite directions and they were soon past one another. Was that a female? She felt certain it was. "Was that also an enhanced human?"

"Shiela? Elf." Sandy turned down into an alley that cut in the narrow space between two buildings. "Here we are."

Octavia made the turn, expecting to see a door leading into either of the buildings the alley was adjacent to, but there was no door. There was a small dog house instead. Actually, as dog houses went, it was reasonably large, but... "Is it on the next block?" she asked hopefully.

Sandy gestured ahead towards the little structure of crudely shaped plastic. "This is it... Go on, check it out."

Octavia hiked a brow at Sandy, but approached despite that. "Is this some manner of jest? I am not a dog." Just in case magic was involved, she lowered her head to peek inside, but, no, there was no magical house hidden inside. It was just the dark interior of a doghouse. The back of her neck was touched, the front of her throat was pulled against, and a loud click had her jumping in place.

Sandy had leashed her. A metal cord ran from her bowtie's ribbon to the side of the house, securing her to it. Octavia's eyes went wide. "What are you doing?! Release me this very moment."

Sandy dropped to a crouch. "Look, I'm really sorry... Randal's word is law, and he says this is what you get until you prove your worth."

Octavia thrust a hoof beyond the house to the wastes past the buildings. "And if I decide to take danger and freedom over this degradation?"

Sandy crossed her arms and her brows fell as one. "You don't want to die, Octavia. Please don't... ask that. I don't want you hurt."

"You're already causing me injury, Sandy," grumbled Octavia, reaching up a hoof to pull at her bowtie. "Seriously, have I been anything but accommodating?"

Elsewhere, the music came to a stop. Some of the people who had paused in their walking gave polite applause. Vinyl joined them, clopping her hooves together with approval. "Very cool. I never learned how to play acoustic."

George seemed disarmed. "Play what?"

Vinyl pointed at the instrument. "It has no power, no amp. You know? It's all natural."

George ran his fingers along the neck of his prized tool. "Given by father. He get from father. He get from father. Priceless. Not make."

Vinyl leaned forward, examining the instrument that apparently had history. She could see centuries of little nicks and bites along its otherwise smooth wood. This was an instrument that survived the end of the world. Vinyl smiled, an expression that only expanded slowly the more she looked at it. "That is so awesome I don't have words. May I...?" She sat down and held out her hooves. "I'll be careful."

George held up a hand, the other cradling his precious guitar. "No mad, but not know that well."

"S'cool," assured Vinyl, letting the denial roll right off her back. "We just met. I suppose I'd be nervous if you wanted to get your fingers all over my DJ equipment." She tilted her head a bit. "Then again, I wonder what you could do with it... Nevermind, if we get the chance, I'm totally letting you take a crack at that bad boy, see what kinda crazy music you make."

It took a moment for George to sift through the rapid-fire sylvan. He masked the awkward moment by tuning his precious guitar. "You make music. The others talking about it before. Where music maker?"

"Music maker?" Vinyl perked up. "Oh!" Her magic flipped her headphones around and started the built-in player. Electronic notes began spilling out from her head. It wasn't as loud as it normally was, with the speakers facing away from her ears instead of towards them, but it was enough to get Vinyl nodding her head to the beat.

George peered, not at Vinyl as a whole, but at those headphones. "Where find? Battery or magic?"

Vinyl used her magic to turn off the music, and take off the headphones. With a quick flick, she popped open a compartment and out spilled two batteries. "Ta da! I can power it with magic, but that's a pain when I'm busy putting on a show, so I keep batteries stocked."

George nodded appreciatively. "Is good. Music maker history." He offered a hand towards her.

Vinyl wasn't 100% on his meaning, but that didn't stop her from thrusting a hoof out to match his hand. Her hoof slapped against his palm in a moment of camaraderie. "Yeah! So, hey..." She looked around the dusty town curiously. "Where's the nearest dance club? Where's Octie go trotting off to?" She snorted softly. "As if that mare trots. A stately walk, or something's wrong, get me?"

George shook his head slowly. "Dance club?" He echoed the words without meaning. "Only talk pony little," he reminded, holding up those two fingers, pointer and thumb, close together. "You are nice pony. Glad to meet. Make music?" He stood up, letting the strap of his guitar hang over his front, the instrument dangling in easy reach and sight.

"Yeah, totally," easily agreed Vinyl. "We'll put on a slamming show for everycreature." She waved a hoof widely at the sparse traffic that was mostly ignoring them. "Now, really, where's Octavia?"

"Octavia?" He changed his stance, looking ready to begin moving. The words had come awkwardly, doing his best to reproduce the word Vinyl had said.

"Yeah, grey, mare, got music on her back end?" She pointed back at her own musical destiny. "You'd like her. She's good at strings."

Elsewhere, Octavia glared at her 'friend'. "I am not a pet."

Sandy huffed softly. "I know you're not. This isn't my idea, I swear. Please, put up with it just a little while." She clasped her hands together, smiling in a pleading way at Octavia. "Eventually, Randal will want me to make a trading run to Turves. It's a great place! You're safer here until then, and I'll be sure to bring you when I go."

Octavia cleared her throat softly. "Very well... since you... seem to not be the one in charge of this affair, I will not hold it against you in particular." She lowered to her haunches. The alleyway was clear of ash, swept down to the dirt. "Can I request a glass of water, at least? That hike has left me parched."

Sandy made a quick assurance as she sprang to her feet and dashed off, leaving Octavia to her new accomodations.

Octavia tapped the thing lightly, listening to the faint echo it made on striking the empty container of a house. "How far have I fallen?" Her eyes stung, but it wasn't ash. She raised a hoof and wiped away the tears. "Now is not the time, Octavia Melody. Keep your wits about you. We will persevere and find our way home."

She tapped at the metal clasp that held her collar. "Ridiculous." As if she couldn't get out of her own bowtie. The very idea was absurd... But breaking free held limited options. She could flee out into the blighted wasteland, hoping for the best, and likely to be eaten by something like the worm, or worse.

She could just trot around town as if nothing was wrong, until Randal noticed and became incensed, possibly punishing Octavia and Sandy, one for breaking out, and the other for failing to secure her.

Sandy was guilty, though of a lesser crime. She... seemed nice enough, in the peculiar way of these humans.

Octavia took a slow breath, trying to calm her racing insides. She was in some kind of small town of aliens struggling against a hostile world. They saw her as useless baggage, little more useful than an unspeaking beast of burden. To most of them, that was precisely what she was. She didn't speak their language, and they didn't care to learn hers.

"<Pony!>" came the excited cry of a young human. Octavia looked up in time to see a little boy racing towards her, his hands spread wide. "<Pony pony! Are you magic?>"

Octavia could not understand a word that spilled from his excited lips, but he seemed happy with that big grin on his face. "Greetings," she offered, uncertain about the small one.

"<You talk magic!>" exclaimed the boy with building joy, giggling as he got within reach of Octavia, which was also time for him to begin reaching for her. He grabbed at her with all the delicacy of an excitable child, pinching her cheeks and petting her neck and babbling a thousand questions she had no hope of understanding.

Octavia went tense all over. She wanted the child gone, but hurting it only promised to worsen her situation by far. "Please, stop it... There is no need to be so rough." There was no need to touch her at all, but children were... children. She raised a hoof and pushed the child ever so gently. It was a slow motion, but she did not accept refusal. She was an earth pony, she was not weak. Years of practice as a musician had taught her restraint and control. She nudged the child back with all the care such a mare could show.

A sharp whistle echoed down the alley. Both Octavia and the child looked to the mouth, where Sandy stood. Sandy had a bowl of water in one hand, the other at her hip. "<You get out of there and leave Octavia alone!>"

"<That's her name? Bye bye, Octavia.>" He waved eagerly at the pony he had been ordered away from, retreating in the direction he had come. "<I'll visit later.>"

Sandy swatted the boy away with her free hand before moving in towards Octavia. "I'm sorry about that. He wasn't too much of a pain, I hope?"

Octavia sighed out in relief. "I'm glad you arrived when you did, miss Sandy." Her eyes fell to the bowl. "Is that a local custom? Do you not employ glasses?"

"Glasses, to drink from? Maybe a mug." She set the bowl down in easy reach of Octavia. "Ponies don't have fingers though, and you're not a unicorn."

Octavia perked an ear at Sandy, a brow rising with it. "I can drink from a glass just fine. It does require some practice, but that is a skill I certainly have."

Sandy dropped to a crouch, coming closer to Octavia's level. "They'd yell at me if I brought you a mug. Please, just enjoy the water. It's fresh and clean."

Fresh and clean water, and its mention, made Octavia's tongue feel all the more dry. She wanted that water, in a bowl or not... "Tell me, do you know any way of leaving this world?"

"Magic?" Sandy proposed without conviction. "Most of us only leave the world once, and that's usually not a happy time."

Octavia winced at the idea. "I shall refrain from taking that exit... Thank you." She put a hoof on the far end of the bowl and drew it closer. "Thank you," she repeated. She really did want a sip.

Vinyl had gotten no real answer out of George, so she settled into getting it herself. She trotted along the dusty roads of the town, looking left and right as she went. "She doesn't go that fast, how far can she be?" She quirked a smile as she picked up the pace. "She probably found some amazingly refined place. If anypony was gonna find one out here, it's Octie."

In her ears, music played quietly, her horn glowing in the act of providing it power. George had made it clear he thought batteries were valuable enough to not throw away, and Vinyl wasn't even sure if the local batteries would fit her headphones.

"<Pony!>" A boy rushed for her, dashing across the street to reach her. Other humans glanced up at the exclamation and watched the interaction.

Vinyl perked an ear at the child curiously. "Hey, little dude. Have you seen another pony around?"

"<Pony pony!>" He looked around cautiously for Sandy, but with no sight of her, he grabbed for Vinyl, pulling at one of her ears in a rough petting.

Vinyl burst into laughter, her magic wrapping around the young one and lifting him away from her ear. "You are adorable, but those aren't handlebars or control knobs, I promise."

"<Magic pony!>" shrieked the boy in amazement and wonder, his limbs flailing around from his levitated position. "<Put me down, magic pony.>"

Vinyl could not understand the word, but she heard a request, and the shrill squeak had tempered a little. "Promise not to pull?"


"Alright then." She gently set him back on his feet, still grinning. "Nice to meet you, whatever your name is. Have you seen another pony around? I think we're the only ones, so--" Her words were cut off as the boy came right back in and started feeling and rubbing over her cheeks. "Uh, hey..." He was too busy exploring her to pay much attention. "Hey!"

The boy bounced back, startled by the loud sound perhaps. "<Sorry.>" He didn't look that sorry.

"I." Vinyl pointed at herself. "Look." She directed at her eyes. "For." She pointed ahead of herself. "Another pony." She pointed back at herself. "Are ya getting me?"

The child stepped forward, hands behind his back. "<What magic pony want?>" Vinyl started going through the pantomime again, but he advanced on her, grabbing her goggles.

"No! Uncool!" blurted Vinyl, yanking her head away. For better or worse, the child had a stronger grip than she expected, holding onto the goggles just long enough for the band that held them to go taut. They snapped back against her face when his fingers slipped. "Aw hell!" she cried, collapsing to her haunches and rubbing at her suddenly sore face with an arm, trying to ease the stinging pain.

She heard the boy make a squeak, but couldn't see the source. "Are you alright?" asked a familiar female voice. Sandy.

Vinyl cracked open an eye to see Sandy had shooed the boy away and was crouched before her. "Hey, Sands, nice to see you. Where's Octavia at?"

Sandy reached forward and gently set the goggles straight once more. "Octavia has been seen to her home."

"Oh, that's cool." Vinyl nodded firmly. "She looked a bit tired. Where is it? I'll crash with her."

Author's Note:

What foul witchcraft is this?! That's right! Two patrons want more of this, meaning this story is slated for 4k updates every week! A blessing, or a typo? You decide.

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