• Published 5th May 2018
  • 1,583 Views, 506 Comments

Duet in the Dust - David Silver

Vinyl and Octavia fall face first into the grips of a post-apocalyptic Everglow. Can their friendship see them through the challenges ahead? (Ponyfinder Crossover)

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29 - Long May She Reign

Little Rose, the large male bear guard, raised a furry hand at the lot of them as they hiked towards town. "Good to see you all back, and looking better than when you left."

Vinyl lifted a hoof high. "I'm back and ready to rock!"

He nodded as his gaze shifted to Duck's rider. "You're new..."

Duck quacked with a big smile. "I'm her mount!"

"That's the first time I heard someone that happy to be ridden..." He shook his head softly. "Suppose it ain't against a rule if he likes it."

Quarter waved a small hand. "Greetings. Where is the resident queen? I need to petition her."

"Hm?" His brows raised together. "Mighty fast aren't you? She's in her office. Your friends know where that is. Go find her there if you want." He nodded to the rest. "Have a good day. Stay safe."

They moved past him into the relative peace of Turves. It hadn't changed much while they had been gone. The people went about their daily lives, getting things done. They noticed the new person as surely as Little Rose had. Unlike in the human settlement, this was met with cautious curiosity. Some greeted Quarter, and when she smiled and waved eagerly, the warmth only raised.

Friendly visitors were a thing to be enjoyed in Turves.

Octavia led the way towards Longshot. "We should deliver the trade manifest, and express our desire to help pay it."

No Name glanced down at the slip of paper held in one of his snake's mouth. "Yeah, she'll want that, maybe both of those. Or maybe she'll tell you to calm down and play some more fancy music. I ain't sure which."

Bullet Belle wobbled a hoof. "Twenty-three percent chance of dismissal, with a fifty percent margin of error." She tilted her head a little. "I am not good at reading her. Sorry." The last word had a downturn of octaves to express her guilt properly.

"Quack." That was all that Duck had to add, and all that he felt was needed. "She'll love you." Nevermind.

No Name inclined his head lightly. "We'll be around. Find us after you're done." He surrendered the slip towards Octavia.

She cocked a brow at him. "Aren't you coming with us? She'll want to know you're better as well."

"Ain't no need for it." He dropped the paper in easy reach. "Jus' come find us after."

Vinyl's horn glowed as she tried giving No Name a pull, but he was so large she could barely nudge him in place without actually forcing a single hoof to move. "Come on, big guy! You're not kicked out of there, are you?"


Bullette sat up on No Name's back. "If he does not wish to proceed, then he does not have to."

Octavia reached for the slip with her mouth. "Well, no... If you're sure... You are a part of this team, however strange we may be at times."

No Name's nose wrinkled and he heaved a deep sigh. "Calm and mature, that's how they get ya... Fine." He took a step forward and rejoined the group as they entered the office.

The doors were double, making his squeezing in much less of a display than it normally was entering a building. Miss Demeanor looked up at their communal arrival and tilted her head. "Welcome back, plus one." Her eyes settled on Quarter Inch. "Are you joining our community or just passing through?"

Quarter waved eagerly at the lawkeeping, and bookkeeping mare. "I'm here to talk to the queen, if she's here and available for a little chat."

Demeanor cocked a little ear. "Huh, well, guess I don't need to tell you then. She likes being called a queen, so do that, kindly. A happy sheriff is a happy town." She suddenly hopped up onto the desk she had been working at, the vantage point allowing her to look down at most of them, except No Name, who was still taller than her little body on the desk. "Feeling better?"

Octavia quickly pointed to herself, then Vinyl and back at No Name. "We are fully restored, and had hoped to speak to Longshot about that. Speaking of that." She reared up and released the paper onto the desk. "That is the trade slip they wanted us to deliver, presumably with a manifest of what, exactly, they wanted in return."

Miss Demeanor grabbed it in her own mouth as she turned around and hopped back into her chair, causing it to swivel in place wildly a moment. When it came to a rest, she pulled herself back up against the desk and let go of the paper. "Huh, hmm... This is pretty reasonable. They're only asking for a replacement of the stuff they materially used. No service charge? That's generous." She reached for a stamp and grabbed it in her teeth, bringing it down on the slip with a firm thwap.

"Bring this to Longshot." She nudged the slip forward once more. "I have no reason to deny it."

No Name reached over the desk as he was equipped to do, taking the slip back. "We did a favor for them already to make up that part of the price. Still ain't a hundred percent on what we did, but we did it."

Duck bobbed his head eagerly. "Let's not be sad for good things. They were nice in the end, and now we're friends!"

Quarter pet Duck's neck gently. "I'm not sure it works quite like that, loyal steed, but I choose to accept your idea."


As one, they mosied down the hall. Miss' voice drifted after them, "I'll expect a play session tomorrow."

Vinyl hiked a brow. "You give her personal performances? What's a mare have to do to get that?"

Octavia cleared her throat softly. "(Teaching a language is a start.)"

Vinyl tilted her head. "I don't know what you said, but I'm going to go on a limb and assume it's her fault." She stuck out her tongue. "No fair."

Duck reached the door to Longshot's office first, with the big golden sheriff's star prominently displayed on it. He reached up a hoof and clop-clopped on it. "Hello! Your favorite baker is back!"

"One of the only bakers," came a muffled reply through the wood. "You sound well. Come in. Are they with you?"

Vinyl grabbed the handle in her magic and had the door open, revealing them all.

Longshot smiled gently. "Oh, yes they are. You are back, and I trust my commands were followed?"

No Name quietly nodded.

Octavia raised a hoof and lowed her head in a standing bow of sorts. "We are all restored, and we have a trade slip in return, already verified by Miss Demeanor."

"I thought I heard her speaking loudly." With a glowing horn, Longshot took the slip away from No Name and floated it over. "This is less than I expected, no wonder she approved it without hesitation. What manner of smooth tongue did you employ to melt the hearts of the humans? We should know this trick, for the future."

No Name tossed his head towards Octavia. "It's her fault."

"I am not surprised." Longshot rose from her seat to her hooves, clopping towards them on the hard floor. "My sweet angel, did you play them a song and give them a taste of the divine?"

Octavia's cheeks warmed as she shook her head quickly. "He's lying. It was No Name that made the difference. When he forgave their shaman, she was truly affected. I'm not entirely sure of the how or why, but the effect was vast and deep. We left her a little happier than we had originally found her."

Vinyl nodded softly to the tune of the music playing for herself. "Respecting elders and getting discounts, what's wrong with that gameplan?"

"Not a thing." Longshot's attention had shifted to No Name. "You are a mysterious pony at times, are you not?" She set a hoof on one of his shoulders, standing tall enough to manage it without it looking too awkward. "Thank you. We can consider that incident paid for."

Octavia looked between the two, the question burning in her mind, but she dared not ask it.

"Yay! What incident?" asked Duck without nearly as much reservation in his body.

Longshot set her hoof back down, leaving the quiet No Name to turn her attention on Duck and his rider. "And who is this that has mounted you so casually?"

Duck twisted his head to look back at his rider. "This is--"

"Quarter Inch, Your Highness." She dipped her head and bowed formally as best she could while still mounted.

Longshot smiled brightly. "How polite! Tell me, my little knight, what brings you to our court?"

"I am a knight without a liege." She balled a fist and slapped it against her own chest. "I am told that you are a mighty ruler, fair and kind. Would you... have need for a servant, ready to ride at your behest? Me and my mighty steed will carry messages of friendship and go where you might have need of us."

"Messages of friendship?" She arched a fine brow, considering Quarter Inch and Duck carefully. "Those can be very important, and not always received well. Are you willing to sacrifice and risk much for these tasks, for the betterment of your liege and her people?"

Dolan fluffed up dramatically, but was quiet.

Duck and Quarter were too busy nodding to take notice of it.

She lowered her head, tapping her horn on Quarter's left, then right shoulder, only to repeat it on Duck. "Then I recognize you as a knight of this realm, Turves. You will carry my will where I wish it. Duck, we trust you will see to her lodging and feeding?"

"Yes, Ma'am!" He saluted sharply before he emitted a happy quack, prancing in place.

Quarter hugged Duck fiercely about the neck from behind. "Did you hear that?! We're official knights now!"

"Yay!" They both danced in place, equally happy with their promotion.

Octavia slid closer to the queen when there was some small distance to the two. "I trust they will not be told to do anything truly dangerous?"

"No more than living during this time," she assured with a soft smile. "I can see them for what they are, and would not want either coming to harm. They can help the town without undue risk."

Vinyl suddenly coughed into a hoof. "You're all forgetting something." Eyes turned to her. "We're not leaving Turves on the hook for that bill. What can we do to raise a few bits towards the cause?"

"Bits?" She frowned a little. "They have requested diamond dust, enough to replenish what was spent. That is a fair request and one we will honor. We will have to trade for it. Turves is a trade hub, so this should not be too trying, but we will have to trade away things of equal value. Most traders are aware of diamond dust's unique uses and demand much for any amount of it."

Longshot waved the thought away. "But put that aside. You are all well, as I ordered, and we have no further requests from you."

Octavia sat and raised her head tall and straight. "Be that as it may, we have a request that we are not willing to change. We wish to provide some of the bartering material to pay for this expense. We've done nothing grand enough to deserve such a sacrifice from the town. Besides, you have a lovely community, and we will not leave it worse than we found it."

"What she said," agreed Vinyl with a smirk. "Just point us at the good stuff and we'll go get it before you even know what happened."

Longshot looked from one eager face to the next. The only one in the room not looking excited was No Name. Belle was almost bouncing on him, ready to go off with Vinyl and Octavia. "We see... Duck, Quarter Inch, we want you two to focus on settling in. Quarter Inch is new in town and will need to be shown about and more permanent lodging prepared. That is your duty."

Both saluted and Duck began walking off with Quarter Inch, already rambling about the better parts of the town, which seemed to be all of the town. Dolan landed lightly on Quarter's head, using her as a mount as she had used Duck.

Vinyl smirked at that. "Now that the immature people are gone, where do you want us to go for the prize?"

"I would prefer you didn't go anywhere..." Her glowing horn pulled a map free of her desk and unfurled it in view of everyone. "But we know better. If we do not give you a direction, you will make one of your own, and your risk will only grow. None of you are craftsponies, so I cannot suggest you create things of value, and I do not imagine being told to help farm would satisfy."

Vinyl saluted sharply. "No, Ma'am! Try harder, Ma'am!"

Longshot rolled her eyes at that. "You are an impudent one. Good to see you better again." She tossed her head at the map. "There are ruins within a day's travel of here. They have been picked clean by many generations of looters, but they were not you. New faces, free of preconceptions, may see what others failed to."

Octavia thought back. "It worked once before. Which do you recommend?" Her eyes darted from dot to dot near the one labeled 'Turves'.

A thin line of light fired from Bullet Belle's horn, like a laser pointer. "I suggest this one. Probability of successful trade acquisition: high!"

Longshot looked at Bullet Belle curiously. "What draws you to that conclusion?"

"Just a hunch," she sang. "I am 80% certain!"

No Name lifted his shoulders. "If she's that sure, there should be something there worth finding. We'll head out that way."

Longshot put out a hoof. "Tomorrow. There is no need to travel in the dark if it can be avoided. Rest, eat, and go with the rising of the sun."

With plans set, they began to depart. Octavia was blocked from going by a hoof coming down on her right shoulder. Longshot smiled gently and silently until the others had departed. "I wished to speak with you, my angel, if I may?"

Octavia dipped her head. "We are in your debt, Your Highness. Of course we can talk. How can I help?"

She pointed to the case attached to Octavia. "When you leave, I would have you return that. But before that occurs... Can you show me how to play it? I would like that very much, and I think Turves would enjoy it in kind. A little music to take the edge off of our harsh lives would do well, and the sweet sounds this can make do just that for me."

Octavia's ears perked right up. "I... would be honored... I confess to not having instructed another in this venerable art, but I will do my utmost to see it done." She turned away. "If that is all?"

"Can we begin?"

Octavia blinked softly, not having expected that. "I suppose there is no reason... we can't start. Miss Demeanor demanded my presence later."

"She can wait." Longshot nodded with certainty. "Besides, this is only the first lesson, which means you have to return, to continue, so be safe, My Angel. Be safe."

Octavia felt her ears rolling back against her head. "I'll do my best... Now..." She coiled to undo the clasps that held the case shut and soon had the cello out into view. "The first thing you need to keep in mind..."

Vinyl noticed Octavia was not with them and softly snorted. "Octavia has a way with princesses. Not that she's the only one." She put a hoof on her chest. "Princess Celestia absolutely loves the sick beats I make! She won't admit it where ponies are watching her, but she can really cut loose when she can get away with it."

Belle tilted her head at Vinyl. "She sounds like a fun princess. Is her mother as nice?"

Vinyl blinked. "I never met her mother."

Belle tilted her head the other way. "If she is a princess, she must have a mother, a queen. You never met your queen but you've performed for her daughter? Oh! Is it a king? I am silly for assuming."

Vinyl shook her head slowly. "Never met a pony king either... Don't think we have either of those. No kings, no queens. Just princesses, like four of them. They're all cool in different ways."

"Huh," offered No Name insightfully. "Your world is funny." They went to gather supplies and rest for the evening. There would be adventure to be had the coming day.

Author's Note:

Cutting this short with permission from a patron. I have to scoot to work! Truly the worst kind of typo really.

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