• Published 31st Jul 2012
  • 3,777 Views, 134 Comments

30 Minute Sparity - Path_of_cloud

Sparity stories written for the 30 minute pony stories tumblr

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Heroic Hearts

The screams of ponies filled the air. It was ironic, usually they were cheers of ewws and ahhs at these events, not fear and panic induced madness. And standing at the epicenter of it all, one lone white unicorn with a purple mane.

Rarity was not having a good day to say the least. She stood, her horn glowing, holding the roof of the collapsing building. Its weight was wearing on her magic, making it impossible to move. Still, she couldn’t help but think of how proud Twilight would be at such a feat of magic, one unicorn holding an entire fashion expo’s roof by herself. She looked down to find Spike staring at her. She recognized the look; he was afraid, not for himself, but for her.

“Spike, you need to get the rest of the ponies out of here,” a simple command. Most of the Canterlot Elite had run out the moment the building started to collapse, the few remaining would be of no help. It was more important that they were safe, that he was safe.

Spike did as he was instructed, understanding the weight of the order. “Everypony, hurry to the exits! You don’t have long to escape! GO!” he shouted.

She chuckled inwardly at his bravery. It was funny really. Here she had invited him to serve as her assistant for this, “once in a life time event,” just so she could spend some time alone with him. This had clearly not been on her schedule. She grunted a little as the building inched closer still. Her generosity had come to bite her in the flank it seemed. Here she was giving one of the three most important things she could give, and all she had wanted was to give and receive one of the others, her love… and his.

The rest of the ponies had cleared out, fallen back to safety no doubt. But one lone purple and green dragon remained by her side. Brave fool, she huffed in her head. No wonder she loved him. Some shopping, a fashion show, a nice dinner, how had such a perfect night come to this?

“Spike, you need to go.”

“I won’t leave you,” he said, calm and collected.

She felt tears attempting to escape, but she had no time. She considered for a minute what would be harder, knowing the truth to have her taken away, or always wondering to never know? She decided if this was it for her, that they both needed this peace.

“Spike, I need you to go. I… I love you, and I can’t let you die here. Please Spike, if you love me as much as I know you do, leave for my sake,” Rarity begged, the tears ignoring her protest and freeing themselves. The ceiling moved closer, and her magic was almost spent. “Please.”

Spike moved towards the door, how could he not? It was her wish, and he always worked to make her wishes come true. She loved him, and now he’d never have a chance to show just how much he loved her. But she was showing him right now, sacrificing herself while he made his escape.

He stopped. What about what he wanted? This wasn’t fair! He was hers and she was his! HIS! And how dare anything think it was going to take away HIS Rarity! HIS love! HIS whole life! HE’D HAVE NONE OF IT! NOONE WAS TAKING AWAY WHAT MATTERED TO HIM!

Rarity’s eyes started closing. Time was short, her magic drained. She could only hope he had made it to safety. A fierce protective roar glided over her ears, and a flash of purple and green was the last thing she saw as her eyes lidded. Her last thought, I’m sorry Spike, I really did love you.

Rays of light fell into a Canterlot hospital room. Her eyes fluttered open. It took a moment for her sight to return, but she saw many colorful blurs in front of her.

“Welcome back Rarity,” the lilac blob spoke softly.

Her eyes adjusted showing her Twilight Sparkle and her other four friends. How was she alive? In fact, beside a massive headache, she felt completely unharmed.

“Where’s Spike?” she managed to cough out.

Twilight’s face contorted into a sad smile, as she wiped a tear away and pointed to the bed next to her. In it lay the purple and green drake covered in bandages.

Rarity’s heart shattered at the sight, the blinking beeping machines attached to her Spike. It was all too much.

“He’s been out for the last few days along with you. Somehow he managed to grow into a nearly full sized dragon. The impact of his head bursting through the roof apparently knocked him out after a few moments. It was long enough for the building to fall around you two. He protected you with his own bodies. You’re both heroes.”

Rarity laughed, hero. She couldn’t even protect the one she loved. But maybe, he was the one who decided to protect the one he loved as well. A pair of fools, how fitting they should love each other.

“Spike wake up, please. I need you!” Rarity begged the motionless dragon.

“Don’t you ponies ever let a sleeping dragon lie?” came a smart remark.

“Spike!” Rarity screamed in happiness. He opened his eyes, as her lips pressed against his.

Their lips parted, and she spoke one word with tears in her eyes, “Idiot.”