• Published 31st Jul 2012
  • 3,770 Views, 134 Comments

30 Minute Sparity - Path_of_cloud

Sparity stories written for the 30 minute pony stories tumblr

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Magic Claws

The giant ice dragon admired the white Unicorn’s work as she used her hooves to chisel the block of ice into a sculpture. “Well done, Rarity. How do you like using your hooves instead of your magic?”

“It’s a lot harder, but I can see why you were so adamant about it. Like this, I have to really focus on the details to get them just right. The first time I tried to make one of these I shattered the ice completely.”

“You’ve improved faster than I ever imagined in three weeks. This increase in your concentration ability will cross over into your magic. It should improve your accuracy and overall efficiency, allowing you to use you magic longer, on more or larger objects, and with minimal strain.” The dragon looked over to a young drake meditating in the corner of the cave. “Spike, your meditation is finished. Come join us, I have something I wish to tell you both.”

Spike’s eye shot open. “Coming, Niveus.” A quick stretch of his limbs and wings later, he stood next to the much larger dragon and the Unicorn. “Wow, Rarity. That looks beautiful.” Staring back at him, was an impressive, life-sized, Alicorn statue. The detail was so great that every feather on the wings could be clearly seen and admired.

Rarity gave Spike a quick kiss on the cheek for the compliment. “Thank you, but I still feel like something’s missing. I just don’t know what.”

Niveus smiled and began talking, “Well then, maybe you need to reflect on it while relaxing. The timing couldn’t be better, you two have been practicing and training hard these last 3 weeks straight. So, as your teacher and master in your arts, I am ordering you both to take the day off tomorrow.”

Spike pumped his fist into the air. “Free day!”

Rarity however, looked less pleased. “But I need to finish this your majesty.”

“First off, you can just call me Niveus, and second, it’s an order not a suggestion. You will take the day off, and you will enjoy yourselves. Am I clear?

Two quick replies came back at once, one excited, one not so much, “Yes, sir!”

“Good. Now, go get some dinner and think about how you plan to spend your day.”

The young couple left the king to his own devices and headed towards the Green House. The Green House was a large building in the lower caves where the ice dragons grew plants for food and medicinal purposes. Enchanted diamonds were used to harvest sunlight to create the artificial environment. And, even though dragons mostly ate gem stones, they still needed the vitamins provided by plants they harvested. Thankfully, this provided Rarity with a food supply during her stay.

The walk to the Green House was uneventful. Few dragons lived in the city; Niveus had informed them that usually his kin stayed in their own caves, only coming to Glacialis for supplies or emergences.

Upon reaching their destination, Spike ordered them both a meal, hay fries and diamonds for him, and a daisy and tulip sandwich for her.

“I just can’t figure it out. I know it’s wrong, but I don’t know why. How can I be expected to relax with this on my shoulders?”

“You used to relax once a week in Ponyville.”

“Yes, but Fluttershy and I went to the spa on those days. There’s no spa around here to take my troubles away, and no Fluttershy to talk with. I miss her, all of them really, especially Sweetie.” Rarity used her fork to play with her food, not very ladylike, but she was a tad stressed at the moment and willing to overlook her behavior.

“I do too. We’ve never been away this long. I wonder how Twi is doing.” A sudden snap brought Rarity’s head up, she swore she saw Spike’s face lite up for a moment, but it passed quickly and seemed her imagination. “Why don’t we head to bed after this and call it an early night? I’m sure some sleep will pick us right up.”

Rarity gave a small smile. “If you think so, Spike.”

Done with their food, they headed into their shared living quarters and snuggled into bed together. Spike’s natural heat kept them both warm, as he wrapped his wings around her.

Morning found Rarity groggy and disheveled. With her eyes closed, she reached for something, someone, that should have been next to her, but found emptiness instead.

“Morning, beautiful.”

“Spike,” she stifled a yawn, “you’re already up?”

“Had to gather some supplies.”

Rarity’s eyes fluttered open, adjusting to the light. “Supplies for what?”

“What else, a spa. Just for you.”

Rarity snapped to attention at the word spa. A quick look around the room showed a long table with a white soft towel laid across it, her combs and brushes laid out on the side, and a bucket of coal next to a barrel of water.

“I’d suggest the sauna first.” Spike helped Rarity out of bed and led her to the large enclosed shower in their bathroom. He helped her sit on the side and walked off, returning moments later with the coal and water in his claws. He shut the door behind him, placed the components in the middle, and sat down next to his love.

“Spike, this is so sweet, but you don’t have to do this.”

“I know, but I want to.” This earned him a small kiss on the lips.

A quick concentrated blast of fire warmed the coals. A ladle full of water brought forth a wave of steam that relaxed the couple with its soothing heat. Rarity hummed happily, while Spike would refresh the steam every once in a while.

They left the makeshift sauna, Rarity feeling her irritation drain out of her. Her hair know cascaded down her neck sticking up here and there.

Spike patted the blanketed table, prompting Rarity to sit down upon it. He reached over and grabbed her comb. He gently glided the comb through her mane, straightening it as he went. He spoke up as the last strand fell into place, “Perfect.”

“But I usually keep it styled.”

“I know, but you look really pretty with your mane down as well. It’s nice to see it like this every once in a while.”

Rarity blushed, “If you say so.”

“Now for your coat.”

Spike decided against the brushes, and instead, starting running his fingers and claws through her coat.

“Spike, that feels delightful,” Rarity purred out as he pampered her.

“My pleasure, milady.”

With her coat and mane now taken care of, Spike motioned for her to lie down. Rarity did as she was instructed, wondering how Spike managed to top himself next. Her answer came as he began rubbing his hands roughly against her upper back. She gasped as he hit a particularly sweet spot. “SPIKE, when did you learn to give massages?”

“Celestia had me taught as a kid. She said I’d find a use for it one day. Never believed her, but I guess she knew best after all.”

Rarity sighed contently as Spike moved lower down her back, his claws digging into her, working their own magic. “How come you’ve never done this for me before?”

“Figured, I wouldn’t compare to Aloe, Vera, or Lotus.”

“More like, they can’t compare to you, darling.”

Spike felt his face redden; she still made him feel like that young hatchling from all those years ago. “I’m glad you like your gift.”

Rarity started crying a little.

“Shit! Did I hit a bad spot, too much pressure, I didn’t cut you did I?” Spike asked frantically.

Rarity sat up and gave him a long kiss. She broke off, nuzzling her head into Spike’s chest. “No, this was just so thoughtful. I love you so much, Spike.”

Spike laughed, the panic leaving his body. “Never expected you to get this emotional. I’m really happy, you needed this.”

Emotional, emotional, emotion! That was it that was what the sculpture needed, emotion!

Rarity jumped off the table, knocking Spike on to the bed. “I know what my masterpiece needs! Spike, you’re a genius.”

“I try.”

Rarity prepared to gallop off and finish her project right then and there. That is, until she looked over at Spike smiling, genuinely happy to have helped her over her block. Today was her day off. “But first, I think you’ve earned a reward.” She said in her favorite sultry tone. And with no other warning, Rarity pounced onto an unsuspecting Spike.