• Published 17th Mar 2019
  • 3,402 Views, 461 Comments

Daring Do: the Legend of the Algae Photis (A Ranger side-story) - Wanderer D

To save Sunset Shimmer from herself, Twilight, her team, and Daring Do must find an ancient magical artifact. A Ranger sidestory.

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Chapter 10: Negotiation Position

Daring Do: the Legend of the Algae Photis

by Wanderer D

Chapter 10: Negotiation Position

After Twilight, Alejandra, and Daring Do had gone into the city, it hadn't taken long for the others to return to the bowels of The Arpia, although that did not mean all of them were patiently awaiting news.

"I don't like this," Rainbow Dash said, pacing back and forth in Celaeno's cabin. "That idiot army guy didn't even think about things! How come we get arrested when we weren't even here?"

"Well, technically not arrested, but certainly detained," Celaeno said, pulling out a map and looking over it. "There's a difference since one goes into your permanent record. Nothing to do about it but wait for now," she added. "The Princess will let us know how things go."

"How?" Rainbow Dash asked, "I mean, she won't be able to come all the way here if she gets in trouble!"

"I know you are more used to action, Rainbow Dash, but you need to think about this calmly," Galahad said from the corner where he had sat down at. "Assuming Twilight is forcibly arrested, which seems equally unwise as it is unlikely, we should hear about it soon enough."

"It's just… I hate feeling useless."

Celaeno smiled and stood up, putting a comforting claw on Rainbow Dash's shoulder. "I understand. If any of my crew were being held by the authorities, I'd be completely crazy about this… but remember who we're talking about here. This is the Princess of Battle and Daring Do."

"Friendship," Rainbow Dash corrected gently. "Yeah. I know they'll be fine, but staying here doing nothing just makes me want to do more."

Galahad chuckled. "Relax, duckie. Why don't you take a break? You need to clear your head to be ready to act as soon as we hear back."

Rainbow Dash opened her mouth to argue, but shook her head. "Fine. I'll try, but if I can't fall asleep, I might just head out on my own."

She walked out of the cabin and down to the room they'd been given, closing the door behind her. She took a deep breath and stretched her wings, holding them tight before releasing them so that the muscles would relax.

Just as she lay down on her mattress, a small vibration and glow from her saddlebags drew her attention. With a groan, she pushed herself up and walked over to slide out the diary with her cutie mark on it. Taking a deep breath, she opened it and started reading.

Dear Rainbow Dash,

The girls and I have discussed how to use the diaries Celestia gave us and decided to each respect our privacy. As such, you will notice that none of us will be answering questions not asked directly… and we won't be sharing our diaries with one another, unless we want to do so for a specific reason. Celestia knows that Pinkie is more than ready to shove her own diary entries down our necks at the slightest provocation, but I have the sense that we all have little secrets to share; small pieces of advice and personal history that we don't want the others to be privy to quite yet.

I don't know if the others have written you, but I took it upon myself to reach out now.

How are you doing so far, darling?

My grandfather recently came to Canterlot with news that he had met Galahad and Alejandra in Klugetown. It seems the dear is taking her role as bodyguard over there as seriously as she did here in Canterlot, and trust me, after the training she did, and the training she'll do in the future with other friends of theirs, she will be a force to be reckoned with.

Why, my heart swoons just at the thought of that daring griffon finally confessing her true feelings to Twilight! Tell me, has she done so yet?

I'm sorry, as you well know I am very… intrigued... by these types of situations between love-struck ponies. Or griffons. Or humans-turned-griffons with alicorns-turned-humans-turned-alicorns, as the case may be.

Back on topic, I shared the gist of the news I heard from Grandfather with the others, omitting some of the dark parts so far.

We are all glad you arrived safely, and that you are continuing to distant lands with a trusty crew. As you can imagine, we all would love to be there. Oh, how I wish I could witness the adventures you're embarking on! The distant vistas, flying above the untamed wilderness, visiting Fleece and Mount Aris! Even if the situation is not great with the Storm King, what an adventure it must be!

Had I taken my grandfather's invitation so long ago, I suppose I'd be used to—

I should mention that I'm well aware of what's happening south of the border, although everypony else seems… okay with not knowing the details. As much as I want to pretend everything is fine, it's ultimately unavoidable, I suppose, when I am related to who I am, and I do what I do… merchants are well informed, afterall. The others… you'll have to forgive: they are a product of Ponyville's educational system.

In a way, I think I understand now why Twilight never went into details of her own when writing to us. It puts things into perspective when you know certain ugly truths that you wish to hide from your friends for nothing else than their own piece of mind.

I had to confer with that brute, Gilda, and the ever lovely Gabby about this as well to convince them to not share these distasteful news about threats from the south with the others. Do be careful, Rainbow Dash, what I hear from Klugetown alone is not encouraging, and as you go further into distant territories, you are bound to face many more enemies than the Storm King alone.

I'm sorry. I shouldn't be so pessimistic. Tell me, how is dear Twilight doing? Has she… recovered a little? I wish I could offer advice, but right now she needs to find herself, I understand. I'm just glad she's got you and Daring Do to bring back the Twilight of old.

The others are lovely charming nice interesting creatures to be sure, but their culture is very different than our own, and their values are also very different.

My, this letter took a downturn very quickly, I suppose… darling, I'm just worried for you both, but I place all my trust in all of you. Please be careful. Please come back. We'll be waiting for all of you.


Rainbow Dash blinked at the information. She didn't recall seeing any ponies besides Daring and Twilight in Klugetown, but she had lost track of Alejandra and Galahad at some point, so she figured it was entirely possible to miss some old pony that might've been Rarity's grandfather.

She shrugged and sat down to think of what to write back.

It had been years since Daring Do had stepped into Hippogriffia. The city had always been beautiful, and, despite the war, still kept that solid sense of strength that she had felt the first time she had laid eyes on it.

Few homes had been added, with the population never really exploding to the extent of having to expand beyond the caldera of the dormant volcano. The city was about a thousand years old, and yet it felt older in a good way—the culture and love of the hippogriffs permeated every inch of the city and spoke of generations having lived there, each hippogriff contributing to making the city more their own.

Here and there, young hippogriffs played or walked with their parents, chatting amiably, only stopping to stare at her, Twilight, and Alejandra as they were escorted past the market area (which was the outermost part of the caldera for ease of access for airships or merchants bringing up their wares from the bay) and into the living quarters, where the hippogriffs had lovingly carved their homes out of the sheer volcanic rock.

"What is that?" Twilight asked, pointing a hoof at colorful little squares of cloth, decorated with twirls and other drawings, and all of them, inevitably with a feather. They were all over the place, decorating windows and doors.

"Those are Birdkalis," the captain of the guards responded. "Little hippogriffs make them to protect our homes from the evil stare of the Storm King, but they have been part of our culture for centuries. The common belief is that those that wish you ill can do so with witchcraft, but only if they can see you in their magical dwemers. Birdkalis are meant to cover the witch's view with cloth and feathers."

"That is beautiful," Alejandra said, next to Twilight, "reminds me a little of my home country's traditions against the evil eyes."

The captain laughed. "Then you know what I'm talking about, young griffon."

The captain—while initially wary of Twilight's enthusiasm—had slowly succumbed to her adorkableness and slowly warmed up his responses to include more details, his newfound empathy even extending to Alejandra as well, as the latter seemed somewhat nostalgic whenever she saw one thing or another that reminded her of her home.

Daring Do considered this as they slowly came into view of the palace. Looking at her companions she realized that the city had awakened Twilight's inner nerd. This was the filly that Velvet had told her about so many years ago. Wide eyed, excitement all but exploding from here as she took in the sights, studied the decorations, listened to the sounds and music, looked at the architecture.

It was slowly starting to dawn on her that this trip was not only going to save this mysterious and loyalty-inspiring blood witch named Sunset Shimmer and her otherworldly friends. This adventure—these moments and future discoveries… they were going to save Twilight from herself.

While the soldier persona was certainly… intense, it shouldn't cost Twilight her friends, or her future happiness. It shouldn't take away her ability to be surprised or engaged with her passions. Whatever that other world was going through was certainly horrible, and Equestria had its own share of problems, but now that she was home, they needed the Princess of Friendship.

Her thoughts drifted away as they reached the palace, however. She could tell that the war was really taking its toll here. It wasn't just the added security, that was to be expected, it was the tired, almost haggard look of some of the guards. It was the intense look of distrust when they turned their way, and the way that they shifted, as if ready to pounce.

Even though she was coming back to visit an old friend… Daring Do felt like she was an enemy. Even the captain had quieted down and both Twilight and Alejandra had been quick to notice the change in atmosphere. Whoever the noble was that had accused them of foalnapping, they were influential enough to have the whole guard on edge.

She just hoped for their sake they could keep their heads cool. As bad as the Storm King was, his troops, just like the hippogriffs and many of the races that populated this world, it was unlikely they would intentionally attempt to kill their opponents. Twilight might hold back, but Alejandra certainly wouldn't, and a lot hinged upon maintaining a working relationship with the queen.

They were lead up a set of stone stairs to the entrance to the court, and the captain stopped them there, stepping before them so he was facing straight at where the two large, wooden doors met. "Announcing Princess Twilight Sparkle of Equestria and her entourage!"

The walls rumbled as the doors slowly swung open. Unlike the last time she was here, the looks from the hippogriffs in the room were not curious. They were downright hostile, and worst of all, Queen Novo was scowling at them.

"When I invited you back, Daring Do," the Queen spoke, "I never thought you would be part of a conspiracy to bring us under Equestrian dominion."

Daring opened her mouth to speak, but Twilight took a step forward. "That is a bold accusation, your majesty," she said, seemingly not intimidated by the group of guards that stepped forth the moment she did. "I came here, in peace, seeking advice and assistance so I could continue my journey. And what do I find? Accusations of kidnapping despite the fact that we were in Klugetown this morning. Threats of being arrested. Is this how you welcome all of your visitors?"

Queen Novo rolled her eyes. "We have a witness that saw a winged, horned pony stealing Silverstream in the night. Given the limited number of alicorns in the world, it doesn't take much brainpower to figure out who was involved."

Twilight snorted. "I highly doubt brainpower was used at all. I would have my accuser stand forth and face me here."

"You will be arrested and tried, your accuser will make his appearance then." Queen Novo leaned forth. "Don't argue with me on this, Princess, or you will force my claw."

Daring Do looked at Alejandra with wild eyes. Things were not going well.

"Do you really think you have the means to hold not only a Princess, but the chosen Element of Magic against her will in your castle?" Twilight asked demurely.

Novo growled. "We have stopped the likes of the Storm King from reaching us. We can keep you contained."

"The Storm King is out there," Twilight retorted, flapping a wing in the general direction of the West. "I'm right here."

The nobles in the room didn't look so sure anymore.

"Y-your majesty!" Daring Do spoke up, taking advantage of the thick silence. "Please, I assure you this is a misunderstanding. Princess Twilight speaks the truth, we were in Klugetown this morning. A flier could check the records for the Arpia at the docks there to confirm this. I'm your friend… a friend of your people, I would never betray that trust like this!"

Novo glanced at Daring and took a deep breath. "Daring Do, you are indeed a friend of my people, which is the only reason we've come this far… we owe you a debt of gratitude, after all. But a member of the royal family was foalnapped by a pony. This cannot stand."

"It wasn't me." Twilight rolled back her shoulders.

Novo tapped her claws on the throne's armrest. "Leave us."

The nobles muttered, but left the Queen with her visitors and the guard, either flying out of the windows or marching past their visitors with distrustful looks. When they were gone and only a few chosen guards remained, Novo sank into her throne.

"You like complicating things, don't you, Princess Sparkle?"

Twilight smiled a bit, surprising Daring Do. "I supposed I could have just ran along with it, but I'm not Celestia."

"Indeed you're not." Novo huffed. "At least you got rid of the nobles. You understand that despite your bravado, we do need to reach an accord."

Twilight nodded.

"Well then," Novo said, raising her head and looking down at her guests. "Let's talk."

End Chapter 10

Author's Note:

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