• Published 17th Mar 2019
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Daring Do: the Legend of the Algae Photis (A Ranger side-story) - Wanderer D

To save Sunset Shimmer from herself, Twilight, her team, and Daring Do must find an ancient magical artifact. A Ranger sidestory.

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Chapter 4: Ambush

Daring Do: the Legend of the Algae Photis

by Wanderer D

Chapter 4: Ambush

All was quiet in the Bone Dry Desert this late at night. No insects or animals made a noise, and other than the occasional arachnid or snake, the area around the river bend where the Mareia waited was empty of living creatures. From nearby, Tempest stood on a hill, holding a telescope to her eye as she watched closely, studying the situation. She watched as one gruff pony made its way up to the bridge an sat down, head drooping slightly. "Only one guard. But then again what can be expected of an Equestrian Princess?"

The Mareia was anchored for the night, its unsuspecting crew completely unaware of what was going to happen to them soon, a single pony dozing away next to the steering wheel their only warning. Too easy.

From the darkness of the desert dunes nearby, about twenty furred and armored bipedal creatures with wicked-looking claws emerged slowly to stand in a loose half-circle around the ship, the "watch" completely unaware of them.

"Can we get on with it?" Ahuitzotl hissed next to her. "Why didn't we just drop on them earlier?"

"Because, despite the fact that the princess is not a fighter, she was still an extremely powerful unicorn before she became an alicorn. We should take whatever advantage we have to dominate the battle entirely. Right now she's snug in her bed, probably dreaming about befriending some random creature." Tempest said, then smirked as the pony guard finally curled up and closed his eyes. "And now that all of them are asleep, is the perfect time."

Silently, the creatures charged, joined by Ahuitzotl and Tempest, who galloped downhill, readying her magic, her thoughts dark. 'Typical, unprepared Equestrian id—'

That's when the footsoldier at the front suddenly was hit by something invisible, stopping it in its tracks. It stood still for a second before its arms went wide and its body began shaking just as visible electricity crawled over his body so powerfully his skeleton could be seen for the briefest of moments. Before its unconscious body even hit the sand, two more footsoldiers were in the same condition.

Eyes widening, Tempest slid to a halt and gasped as a griffon emerged from the shadows behind another of her soldiers, knocking it out (or killing it), before bouncing like a cat to tackle the next. A rainbow contrail shot past her, just over her shoulder, taking with it three more soldiers before they could even react to what was happening.

From the boat, a black-armored alicorn pounced out, horn flaring. An incredibly bright flash of light had her blinking away spots in her eyes, just as two more soldiers were violently blasted across the desert floor.

Tempest would have followed their fate if she hadn't dove to the side instinctually as soon as she had lost sight of her enemy. She braced herself, noticing the alicorn's magic flare again…

...but she wasn't the target. She watched as Ahuitzotl was yanked from the ground, arms and tail bound tightly, eyes wild, and wailing a high-pitched scream of terror as the princess used him to mercilessly bat four more of her soldiers, two on either side, before throwing him over her shoulder to smack wetly on the shore at the hooves of Daring Do.

It was an ambush! Tempest rolled to her hooves, eyes wide and confused. They were waiting for them to attack! "How?!"

The whistling, familiar, sound of arrows slicing through the air took with it two more soldiers just as her brain started working a plan.

"Flash incoming!" Tempest shouted as she acted, blasting a ball of white-red plasma into the middle of the field, right in front of the princess, and lighting up the whole area with light, similar to the Princesses' own surprise flash spell from earlier.

The two soldiers standing had covered their eyes with their arms as soon as they had heard her, but the playing field had been severely changed, so she immediately relayed orders. "Get Ahuitzotl!" Tempest shouted. "Retreat!"

She gritted her teeth as she trotted away, shame burning inside of her. This was NOT what she had anticipated. Twilight Sparkle was not supposed to know how to fight. All her research and information on her pointed to a very smart, if naive, alicorn that had no experience in battle. This should have been a simple ambush, taking out a civilian shipful of creatures with little training... and now she was running away.

Tempest and Ahuitzotl had a lot to talk about.

"Well, you have to give it to her," Twilight Sparkle said, her hoof poking at an unconscious simian creature. "She was smart enough to recognize this was a lost cause."

Daring shook her head, looking over at the princess. "These are the Storm King's goons, so that was an officer of some sort with Ahuitzotl. I'm not sure what's worse: that they're here, all the way up North, or that that villain is with them."

Twilight frowned. "So we're dealing with a traitor."

Daring blinked, detecting the tinge of venom in Twilight's voice.

"You need to focus. The real problem is that now that we showed that we're not complete amateurs, whoever the Storm King's officer was, she's going to be a lot more careful," a voice said.

Daring looked around, finally noticing the breezie sitting on top of Twilight's head. "I'm sorry?"

"I said," Tala repeated calmly, "that it's a problem they now know we can defend ourselves." The breezie's tiny arm encompassing the unconscious simians with a gesture. "This was a simple ambush, indicating they were not anticipating our resistance to be so orderly. Most likely they thought we were the usual civilian targets."

"So what are you saying?" Rainbow Dash asked, a hint of annoyance creeping into her voice as she joined them. "Are you saying that we were just lucky?"

Tala shrugged. "What I'm saying is that the only reason our counterattack worked so effectively is because they were severely underestimating us. Now that they know we're not harmless or unprepared, whatever they do next will not be so easily countered. Things will escalate, and with the enemy officer getting away, we can expect a much stronger attack in the future."

"I'll just channel my inner Commander," Twilight said, a hint of worry betraying her bravado.

"Being a rookie survivor and continuing training is not the same as being as tactically sound as the Commander of XCOM," Tala pointed out. "At least Sunset had lessons under Galahad and others on Equestrian military history and tactics before she even got to training under me and Mox… and that was before she was taken in by Central and personally trained as his second in command, and then she was trained by XCOM veterans."

"Yeah, yeah, I get it, Sunset is better at this than I am," Twilight groaned.

Tala shook her head, patting Twilight's head. "That's not the point and it's not what I said. The point is that you can't let your relative success here so far get to you and give you a false sense of security, and you can't let your previous experience with a traitor stop you from thinking logically. You need to take a step back and remember that the surprise element is gone and that these are not all amateur villains or minions you'll be facing. This Storm King has an army, and that means you'll be facing an enemy that cannot just be blasted with rainbows once and declare it a victory."

"Long war, got it."

Tala shook her head, amusement clear in her voice. "You'll do fine, just remember those deep breaths."

"So what do you want to do with these guys?" Alejandra asked, walking up to them behind Galahad.

"Mooks are notoriously oblivious to what's going on," Galahad said. "Trying to get information out of this lot is mostly pointless, no doubt why their superior left them behind with no qualms. They follow orders without question."

"Mooks?" Alejandra asked. "Is that really the name of their species?"

"Oblivious, barely developed simians," Daring confirmed, lifting the head of one of the unconscious bodies long enough to give a disgusted grunt and letting it fall back into the sand. "The usual grunt troops available in large quantity for your local megalomaniac. Uneducated, never interested in improving the status quo for anycreature other than themselves personally, uniquely likely to join any cause that makes others miserable. I've fought my share of them."

"Like that time in Daring Do and the Monument to Pride, right?" Rainbow Dash asked, eyes glinting.

Daring smiled. "Good catch."

Twilight frowned. "So you're saying that we won't get any information out of them?"

"We could always torture them," Tala said, shrugging.

Twilight grimaced, and Daring had to wonder if she was thinking back on her brief encounter with Caballeron.

"No. We won't do that. How far away are we from Klugetown?" Twilight finally asked.

Daring looked at the stars. "Half a day or so before we have to make land at a river port and then fly there."

"We'll tie them up and leave them at the river harbor for Klugetown's guard to pick them up." Twilight stated.

"I can fly ahead and alert the authorities to send somecreatures over there," Galahad said, ruffling his wings a little. "Should take me just a couple of hours to get there."

"But..." Alejandra blinked, turning to look at her mentor. "What about my training?"

Galahad grinned. "I thought you didn't want to be an assassin."

"I don't, but it's really useful for getting used to this body and my role as a bodyguard," she said.

He shrugged. "You should rest a little, you did well during this fight, but it was too flashy for my tastes. When we're all in Klugetown I'll take you to a place for some proper training while Daring sorts out our trip to Mount Aris."

"Do I want to know where you're going to be taking her?" Twilight asked, narrowing her eyes suspiciously. "Is this the sort of training that could benefit me and Rainbow Dash as well?"

"You really don't," Galahad said, looking at Twilight in the eye, "and no offense, Princess, but I can take Alejandra there only because she's my apprentice. Taking the lot of you there would only end in bloodshed."

Twilight rolled her eyes. "Just make sure you bring her back in one piece."

"Don't I get a say in this?" Alejandra asked, feathers puffing out. "I'd rather stay by Twilight's side."

"Don't worry, you'll get to cuddle her later," Galahad teased, making the younger griffon sputter and Twilight's wings to flutter. "Now, unless we have any urgent business right now, I shall get going." With a final nod to the others, he shot up to the air and was out of sight soon enough.

"We'll meet you at the dock," Twilight called out, trying her best not to glance at the flustered Alejandra.

Daring sighed, reminding herself that these were young ponies (and griffons) and had yet some growing up to do. "In any case, I believe it's time to get some rest. Clucker!"

"Yes ma'am?" one of the parrots in the ship asked.

"Think you can navigate us to the Klugetown river dock on your own?"

"Aye, I could do it in me sleep, lassy!"

"Try to do it while you're awake," Daring chuckled. "I'm getting everycreature else back to sleep in the meantime."

"Aye, aye, ma'am!"

"Hey, Tempest, the boss wants a word with you."

Tempest grimaced, taking a deep, calming breath before she turned to face Grubber. "Put him on."

Grubber nodded, tossing a glowing blue vial into the brazier in the middle of the bridge. Immediately, it burst into blue flames and the furred, horned, apelike face of the Storm King emerged like an apparition floating among them.

"Ah, Tempest."

"Your majesty."

"Hey, I heard the funniest thing today. I heard that you had found one of your Equestrian Princesses in the desert. How funny is that?"

Tempest glared at Grubber for a second before turning to face the king. "Yes. She has left the security of Equestria and now travels towards Klugetown."

"So," the Storm King studied one of his claws. "If she's there, why haven't you captured her? You promised me power, shouldn't you be working on that?"

Tempest growled. "To defeat all the princesses we still need the Malachite pieces."

"So you're saying you can't capture her?"

"No… I'm saying we need to be more car—"

"Listen, Tempest," the Storm King interrupted, a gentle smile decorating his face. "You know I like you, right? You're vicious, effective and reliable. All things I admire. Plus! You know I'm the only one that can help you with your little issue, right?" His smile disappeared, his face turning into a threatening grimace. "So let me make myself clear. I want the princess. I want this so-called unlimited power that you promised me. And if you don't get started in obtaining that for me, you can kiss your little horn goodbye for good, because I won't be in any mood to make you whole."

Tempest cringed. "Yes, your majesty. Right now they're headed to Klugetown. We'll have to be careful ab—"

"I don't think I heard right," the King interrupted again. "Careful?"

"The territory is currently under Mount Aris' protection and—"

"Mount Aris," the King repeated in a mocking tone. "I'm almost done with those clowns. But I guess you are right." He looked pensive. "If the princess is heading to Klugetown that means that she's on her way to to Nova as well. There is literally nothing of value in that town other than as a stepping stone." He nodded, smiling. "Then let's proceed with the original plan, you and Grubber infiltrate Mount Aris and obtain their legendary magical pearl. If you manage to do that, I might even fix your horn right then and there. If the princess is there, you can capture her."

Tempest grimaced. "About that, this princess is different, she doesn't seem to be as clueless about war as—"

"Are you saying you can't do it?"

Tempest shut her mouth and took a deep breath. "No. I can do it."

The king smiled again. "Good! We have a deal then! Call me when you have the pearl and the princess!" He waved. "Ta!"

And with that, he was gone, the blue flame dying away into nothing.

"Wow. That was like, totally tense!" Grubber said excitedly.

Tempest gritted her teeth. "Bring that idiot Ahuitzotl here, and set course for Mount Aris. We need to figure out a way to sneak in there."


Tempest glared angrily at the small boat far down below as it made its way down the river, before she turned around and trotted out of the bridge.

End Chapter 4