• Published 15th Jul 2019
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The Centurion Project - TheEighthDayofNight

Elias "Rubrum Aquilae" Bright, the former leader of the Legio I Americana, on the run from his past, finds himself thrown into the conflicts of Equestria.

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Chapter 12: Short Days

Journal Entry

Day 2130

Training is going awesomely! Two hundred volunteers, who would have thought I could get that many? I have to be honest though, I’m nervous that so many of them are friends. All of my officers (ha! I have officers!) are close friends, and not just because they’re my friends, but because in all honesty, they are the strongest ones. Nobody outshines them in fighting, running, marching, or in following orders. Now, maybe that’s because I’ve been talking about this idea for a month or two (or more, I can’t remember) but man are they good! David even got a bunch of the recruits to march in time! I already have a really good feeling about this. If he did that in a day, we’re going to be marching against raiders by the end of the month. Look out world, the new Romans are coming!

Elias stretched his arms toward the ceiling, pressing as hard as he could to release the tension built up in his arms. It had been a full week of bed rest, and he was back in his room, preparing for the “light” duties that Nightshade had laid out to work him back into the schedule. He had a guard outside his door to ensure he didn’t go anywhere near the training field. Steel Scalpel had made sure that Elias had no opportunities to revisit the infirmary on business. Elias had half a mind to show the unicorn that he could get hurt doing anything, but decided against it. It wouldn’t be, he curled his nose in disgust, friendly, of him.

With the return of his health came the return of many other things, such as the night terrors, and his normal aggressive, bitter personality. While isolated, Elias felt the same as he ever did, focusing on improving either his physical prowess, or his store of knowledge to remain distracted. In this department, he was met with only mild success. Most aspects of pony culture were still completely lost on him, as was anything involving magic. He tried again and again to read up on both, but always found his mind wandering elsewhere, usually a history book that sat under the initiate magic tome. While the Equestrian’s lacked many notable wars, other species were not so gentle. Dragons, gryphons, diamond dogs, zebras, minotaurs, and some sort of nasty creature called changelings were at a near constant of warfare with each other. Part of Elias wished to go travel to some of the faraway lands, going so far as to ask Luna if they ever did ventures to foreign capitals. While she admitted they did, she also told him they were a rarity and were only ever diplomatic missions in times of crises. The answer wasn’t what Elias had hoped for, but he made note of places he’d like to visit once his guard contract expired.

That line of thinking had brought him to where he was now; a bestiary in hand as he made his way toward the cafeteria. Breakfast awaited, as did his two friends. Elias was mostly happy with the idea of having close friends again, though that ever-present voice in the center of his mind whispered to watch the shadows, to keep them so close that nothing could ever hurt them. Elias kept the voice low, but made sure it didn’t disappear completely. A bit of paranoia on Night Flash and Book Binder’s behalf wouldn’t hurt anyone.

Speaking of the pair, Elias smiled as he saw them waiting outside the cafeteria entrance. He found it a bit strange that the massive double doors were closed though, usually they were thrown wide during mealtimes to accommodate the influx of guards. As he got closer, his suspicions grew when he noticed the two trying very hard to remain still, shaking their heads slowly at him as they kept their mouths clamped shut. Elias let his hand fall to his gladius as he scanned the hallway around them, searching for any threats. Everything seemed normal save for the cafeteria doors, which remained closed. Elias raised an eyebrow as he looked between the shut doors and the two ponies, who were shaking their heads even more vigorously. Elias pressed his ear to the door, and faintly heard… singing?

Elias side-eyed the two ponies.

“Is everything alright in there? Did something happen?”

Night Flash whimpered and shook his head as he tried to hide his eyes behind his hooves. Book Binder made the mistake of opening her mouth, and instead of the normal, spoken answer he expected, Elias was met with singing.

We won’t lose again!” she sang loudly, her eyes holding nothing but hatred for Elias.

She tried to block her mouth with her hooves, but Elias was in for a second shock when Night Flash sang next, evidently giving in to the unseen pressure that was acting on the both of them.

Together we can win!” Flash sang back, looking not at Elias, but at Book Binder.

Whatever force acted on them, Book Binder, upon seeing her oblivious lover singing, gave in completely. She alighted on Elias’ shoulders long enough to smack him upside the head, then the two raced into the cafeteria. The doors swung open widely, and Elias was treated to not one, but two of the guard branches singing wildly at each other. He watched Flash and Binder join the Lunar Guard, their voices added to a chorus of ponies trying to motivate themselves for some “big game”. The Solar Guards, on the other hand, were enthusiastically patting themselves on the back at their unbeaten win streak. Lacking any context whatsoever left Elias confused, especially given that he could hear instruments, despite seeing none. Of all the things he had seen in Equestria, the sight before him was by far the strangest.

“Ah, I see the guard is conducting their annual competitive musical number,” Luna said.

Elias jumped slightly, the alicorn having appeared from nowhere. She smiled at him widely, which unnerved Elias even more. He scratched the back of his head as he remained fixated on the hundreds of ponies performing coordinated dance moves at each other.

“The what?” Elias asked.

“Every year the Solar and Lunar guards fight head to head in a number of competitions based on veterancy.” Luna sighed. “Unfortunately, my sister’s guard usually comes out on top due to their raw strength.” She smiled and perked up, looking at the blue clad ponies that danced and flapped around each other. “But it looks like my ponies are in top form this year. Perhaps we can win one of these exercises!”

And then she turned to him, her smile still wide. Elias stared blankly back. Luna nodded with her head toward the musical number, still staring at him. Elias raised an eyebrow, looking to the musical number, then back to the blue princess before him.

“What?” he asked.

Luna’s smile wavered slightly.

“Do you not wish to join with your compatriots?”

Elias smirked and shook his head.

“In what, singing? Absolutely not. If there is one thing I have never done in my adult life, it is sing. I imagine my voice sounds something like a drowning dog mixed with a bucket of hot gravel. Completely unpleasant for any and all involved.”

Luna scoffed.

“Musical harmony magic will make any damage to your vocal cords void. While in song, everyone is always exactly where they need to be. In tone, coordination, and lyric.”

Elias looked back to the musical number as he watched a trio of thestrals do coordinated barrel rolls through the air.

“I guess that explains how this was thrown together without practice,” Elias noted. “I’ve got nothing for you though. I already told you I’m not magical. No “musical harmony magic” for this guy,” he said, jabbing a thumb at his chest.

Luna huffed.

“I have already told you Guardsman Bright; all creatures have ambient magic. I merely mis-calibrated a spell. Go on, sing! Let the harmony flow through you!”

She smiled again as she finished her proclamation. Elias snorted and remained silent, crossing his arms. As the two guard branches went at each other in song, Elias waited, completely still. His inaction evidently agitated Luna, because she began to prod him in the side.

“Why aren’t you singing yet?” she mumbled to herself. She prodded his plated ribs. “Is it because you never had a first song? Can age be a factor?”

Elias shook his head.

“Princess, I already told you, humans don’t have magic. People who sang on Earth had years of careful practice. This kind of thing,” he said, gesturing to the musical number in front of him, “only happened with months to years of practice. And that was before everything went bad. Any old human can't just sing.”

Luna frowned as she prodded his ribs again.

“I don’t believe that Guardsman. Perhaps a mild education on the use of ambient song magic will help you find your voice.” She cleared her throat, and Elias at least did her the courtesy of looking at her while she spoke. “To start, whenever a being feels an immense deal of personal harmony or strife with those around them, they break into a song that flows from the heart, relieving magical tension in the body. It is quite a wonderful experience, very relaxing.”

Elias snorted.

“I doubt that. Book Binder and Night Flash were out here trying to wait out the song when I found them. They were doing their damndest to not move at all. When I talked to them, they looked like they were forced to participate. I think Book Binder is going to kill me when this is over. You should have seen the look she gave me.”

Luna nodded in understanding.

“Of course. When musical harmony such as this becomes regular, a few ponies will attempt to avoid it, but in truth, they could no more have avoided the song than we could avoid breathing. Any being with association to the subject of the music is compelled to join in. I am shocked that you have been able to resist this compulsion. I have never met a creature who could do so.”

Elias sighed and shook his head.

“There is no compulsion Princess, I’m trying to tell you. I’ve got nothing. No ambient magic whatsoever.”

Luna scoffed at him again. She prodded his ribs for the third time.

“Nonsense. Every creature, no matter their level of harmony magic, has to sing when called upon. It is a fact of reality.”

“Every creature huh? Does that mean Anyon had a song then? What was it about, a sword?”

Luna sighed as she kept prodding at his ribs.

“Unfortunately, yes. I was involved. That song took nearly an hour to complete. All because we forgot a few steel shipments in a row. Anyon felt underappreciated, and it took me that long to convince him otherwise. He is a stubborn creature.” She growled and sat down, using both of her forehooves to prod at Elias’ ribs. “Much like you. Why won’t you sing?”

Elias sighed at the pony’s antics.

“It isn’t going to happen Princess. I don’t sing. Maybe you’re just weird for all of this magic nonsense.”

Luna scowled. Her horn charged up and she tried to send a shock into his side. Elias felt a slight tingle as his armor absorbed most of the electricity.

“We are not the weird ones here Guardsman, you are. Do you not have any inclination to sing?” she asked, looking at him with her green eyes. “You are filled with strife; would singing about it not bring you closure? It certainly helped me when I returned from being Nightmare Moon.”

Elias had read about that the other day. Evidently the Elements of Harmony were a weapon, like he had suspected, that could be used to imprison, or “cure” magical beings of evil. Luna, who had called herself Nightmare Moon, had been purged of her “jealousy” with the weapon, and had returned to Equestria only a few years ago. Still, while interesting, Elias knew it had nothing to do with the subject on hand.

“I’m going to have to go with a firm no. Even if I practiced beforehand, and felt this “harmony” magic you keep telling me I should have, I wouldn’t. I don’t sing.”

Luna changed tactics and began prodding him in the gut.

“Elias, your voice is likely beautiful, give it a chance. Feel all of your conflict in your heart, and let it soar through you throat!” She prodded his stomach again. “Do it. Sing for me.”

“No,” Elias replied flatly.

She growled and glared at him.

“Elias, release your harmony magic and sing!”

“Absolutely not, there is no such thing.”

“I know that isn’t true,” Luna replied adamantly. “Sing for me.”

“No! I already told you I don’t sing,” Elias snapped.

Luna titled her head and smiled.

“I can make it an order if that will encourage you.” She straightened her posture, sticking her nose in the air, and assuming the regal stance that she used in the throne room. “Guardsman Bright I order you to sing for me at once.”

Elias scoffed in response.

“First, it is within the code of conduct to refuse absurd orders; and this qualifies, second they just finished up, so I’m getting breakfast.”

Luna’s head snapped to the cafeteria where the ponies were already settling back into their seats as the two sides glared over their shoulders at each other. She looked back to Elias, who winked and smiled as he walked forward, book in hand. Luna pouted, calling after him.

“I will look into this matter further Guardsman Bright! Do not believe that you have won this day! One of these days you shall sing!”

Elias shook his head as he got in line. He felt a fuzzy body on his shoulders, followed quickly by a hoof against his head.

“How could you do that to your friends?” Book Binder said in his ear, her play anger clear. “I thought you cared about us?”

Elias smiled.

“How was I supposed to know that would happen? Humans don’t have “song” magic. Hell, we don’t have magic.”

Night Flash looked at him, his mouth agape.

“What?” he shouted. “You never have to sing if you don’t want to?”

Elias nodded, noting that Flash’s observation had drawn a bit of attention. Elias raised his voice accordingly.

“Humans have no magic to speak of, and therefore, we do not feel compulsions to do things like sing and dance unless we want to.” He glanced behind his head at Book Binder. “If we feel any internal strife, we do what normal people do; fight about it, talk about it, or suppress it.”

Book Binder snorted, resting her head on top of his.

“That sounds dumb and unhealthy. Usually musical harmony is a wonderful experience.” She glared darkly across the room at the Solar Guard. “Usually.”

Elias gave the serving ponies a nod as they loaded him down with a steak and a healthy dose of mashed potatoes. He also grabbed him Book Binder’s plate of salad greens and a flower sandwich. Out of the corner of his eye, Elias noticed that Night Flash gave him a funny look. It had only been a glance, but it looked like the pegasus had a mix of sadness and joy on his face. Elias frowned, wondering if he should ask the pony if something was wrong.

Book Binder directed him to a table, that while largely empty of ponies, was covered in a wide spread of papers and what looked to Elias like battle maps. Scarlet Shield looked up, and upon spotting them approaching, he smiled widely.

“Great! You’re here, I can’t wait to see what you have to say about the exercise this year.”

Book Binder hopped off of Elias’ shoulders, and took her tray as she cleared a small part of the table to set it down.

“Where’s Ice Blossom?" the unicorn asked as she sat down. "She’s usually with you Scarlet."

Scarlet Shield smiled.

“Didn’t you hear? She passed her Royal Guard exams today!” he said excitedly. “They already did the induction ceremony and everything. Now she’s a big-time guard!”

Scarlet pointed to where the Royal Guard sat as a single group. Elias realized that he had never actually noticed the ponies, especially not their armor. While Flash, Binder, and Shield waved at the white maned pony at the other table, Elias studied the ponies around her. Unlike the seemingly happy-go-lucky ponies he found around him, these ponies seemed much closer to him in terms of personality. They talked only amongst themselves, occasionally casting a glare at anyone else who got too close. He saw many faces that looked like scowling was their default expression. Their armor was jet black with red and gold accents. The plumes on their helmets were also gold, and the plumes seemed to shine across the room at him.

Elias blinked when he realized that every single member of the Royal Guard was wearing armor. Unlike the rest of the guard, they evidently didn’t take it off before coming to eat. Interesting.

Ice Blossom whispered something to one of the ponies at her side, who gave her a single nod. He caught Elias staring at them, and glared at the human. Elias smirked and didn’t let his gaze waver as he stared back. He then pointedly looked back to his food as he began to eat, breaking eye contact on his terms. He occasionally glanced at the Royal Guards between bites, making sure they knew that he looked where he damn well pleased, and that he wouldn't be intimidated by mean glares.

Ice Blossom smiled widely at whatever the pony said and came trotting over to their table. Scarlet, Night Flash, and Book Binder smiled as she approached, but looked between each other nervously. Elias frowned. A nasty thought occurred, and he wondered what Flash and Binder would do if he attacked the pegasus if she said something he didn’t like. A threat was a threat, and he would deal with anything swiftly, friend or no.

He watched her carefully as she approached. Her smile seemed innocent enough, as did her gait. Elias waited silently as she called out to the ponies around him.

“Bring it in guys! I got permission for a one-time rule break!” Ice Blossom shouted with glee.

The nervous atmosphere vanished from the table, and Binder, Flash, and Scarlet leapt to their feet, all wrapping around the armored pegasus as they cheered excitedly. Elias feigned interest in his meal, which wasn’t difficult due to the always expert preparation of the steak. One eye and one ear remained up as he watched them carefully. Book Binder peeled back from the hug first, in awe as she looked at Ice Blossom’s armor.

“Oh my gosh, that is so cool!” she gushed. “It looks so good on you Blossom! So how was it? Was it as hard as they say?”

Ice Blossom smiled and tapped her nose.

“You know I’m not allowed to say Binder! You gotta do it yourself to find out.”

Book Binder gave a fake pout, then hugged her friend again.

“Oh well, I have to get as many of these in as I can.” She pulled back and danced on her hooftips. “I can’t believe you’re a Royal Guardspony now! It’s so exciting!”

Scarlet groaned and face-hoofed.

“Agh, but now we lost one of our best pegasi for the big exercise! We’re going to be short this year!”

Ice Blossom stuck her tongue out at the pegasus.

“So you only like me cause of my skills Shield? I’m hurt.”

Scarlet flushed red and rubbed his hoof abashedly.

“Sorry,” he mumbled.

Ice Blossom rolled her eyes and dragged the pegasus closer. She gave him a peck on the cheek, making him blush even redder.

“Don’t worry fly boy, I know you didn’t mean it. Besides, the Lunar Guard has a wild card this year!”

Elias blinked when he realized she was pointing at him. He stared at the four blankly. Night Flash titled his head.

“I guess you’re right,” the pegasus said. “Red is really good at throwing those spear things, and we’ve never seen him really fight.”

Scarlet however, looked much happier.

“Who cares about that, Bright has a whole world of military tactics!”

The pegasus leaped at Elias, stopping only because his chest impacted the table. The rough impact did nothing to deter the excited pegasus. He scrabbled across the table, scooping up a dozen sheets of paper, shoving them all at Elias.

“I need everything!” Shield pleaded. “We only scratched the surface at lunch the other day, and I need everything to make the best plans ever! Pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease!”

Elias sighed when the pegasus fluffed himself up, putting on a very nasty set of puppy dog eyes. Second only to crying, ponies were extremely adept at making eyes that made any soul cave due to their combined sadness and cuteness. He suspected it was the way they stayed war-free for so long. It looked like a kitten that had its tail stomped on. Elias scratched the back of his head with his fork.

“Sure, just come by my room after shift. We can work on it then. Be warned though, I may start to lecture you about ancient military history. I tend to get off track.”

Scarlet scoffed.

“Don’t threaten me with a good time. Thanks Bright! We’ll show the sun butts this year!”

The pegasus hopped down from the table, trotting happily back to Ice Blossom like a cat who had just caught a fish. She rolled her eyes, and smacked the happy pegasus with her wing.

“You’re ridiculous, I swear Scarlet. Anyway, I just wanted to make sure we’re completely good before the rules start getting enforced. You guys know how it is.”

Book Binder sighed.

“Yeah, no physical contact, no talking to the each other during shifts. Do you still get Sundays off for swimming?”

Ice Blossom grinned.

“As if I’d miss out swimming circles around the three of you! We’ll make sure to catch up fully on Sunday. If you don’t mind though, I’d like a private word with Guardsman Bright.”

Elias’ eyes narrowed, and he set down the piece of steak he was about to eat. Flash, Binder, and Shield looked nervously between the two. Night Flash in particular seemed antsy.

“Red isn’t in any trouble, is he?”

Ice Blossom bumped him playfully in the hips, the motion indicating that they should begin to move away.

“No, he’s not in trouble.” She side-eyed Elias. “At least not yet. It’s just something small, don’t worry about it. It’ll only take a second, then we can get one more hug for the road!”

She nudged Night Flash again. The pegasus looked to Elias, as if checking if he was all right. Elias bit his cheek and nodded for the pony to go. Night Flash frowned, but he, Binder and Shield moved away. Elias braced his elbows on the table.

“So Royal Guardspony Blossom, what can I do for you?” Elias asked.

She took a seat at the table, staring at him evenly. He had to admit; she had an excellent poker face.

“Let’s be frank with each other Elias, I saw that little look you gave me as I came over. Technically, I could use it to court martial you, especially since you decided to glare at Captain Chaser when he caught you looking.”

Elias shrugged.

“Then do so. I analyze threats, and while I don’t personally have a lot of experience with you, relationships have a nasty habit of souring when somebody moves up in rank. I don’t know your past relationship with those three, but they’re my friends now too. I’ll do whatever it takes to ensure their safety, including going against Royal Guardsponies.”

She snorted.

“Do you really think you could take on even one Royal Guard? We’re the best of the best for a reason.”

“There’s always a bigger fish,” Elias responded. “It isn’t about whether you can win, it’s about whether you should try to.”

Ice Blossom grinned.

“That’s what I like to hear.” She spread her hooves. “I have to admit, I was a bit nervous when Night Flash befriended you, but I can see, like usual, he knew what he was doing.”

She extended her hoof across the table.

“Let’s agree to stay out of each other’s way, and be good friends to those three, huh?”

Elias nodded silently. He took the offered hoof and gave it a few solid shakes before letting his hand drop.

“So, we’re good?” he asked.

Ice Blossom snorted.

“Good enough. Don’t expect a hug from me.”

Elias grinned, then nodded his head toward the Royal Guard table.

“And what about the guy with the grey hair who’s still giving me the stink eye?”

Ice Blossom took a quick glance over her shoulder and smirked.

“Captain Chaser won’t give you any issues. I’ll smooth his feathers out. That or call Mom on him.”

Elias raised an eyebrow.


Ice Blossom nodded.

“Older brother. Helped prep me for the exam. He can be a bit protective. And hot headed.”

She sighed and looked over her shoulder again.

“You know, he might just try to pick a fight with you. Just be ready for that. He’s fast.”

Elias snorted and picked up his fork.

“Everybody here is fast for me. I’ll figure it out, or worst comes to worst, get my ass kicked so that Scalpel can yell at me again. That’ll be a treat.”

As he ate the bite of meat, he gave a whistle to Flash, and motioned for the trio of waiting ponies to come back over. They did so quickly, closing the distance in a second. Book Binder gave Ice Blossom one last hug, then walked around the table to plop down next to Elias, leaning against him. Elias noticed that look on Night Flash’s face again, a healthy mix of sorrow and joy. Ice Blossom noticed too, and she looked at Elias questioningly. Elias stole one of the sheets of paper from the table and scribbled a quick note on it, then folded it before passing it to the pegasus. She opened and quickly scanned the note. Within less than a second, she refolded it with a smile on her muzzle. She gave Night Flash and Scarlet Shield one more hug each before giving them one last wave as she walked back to her own table. Her entire demeanor changed as she walked, and once she sat down, Elias noticed that there wasn’t a trace of any emotion but anger. The grey maned pony quickly whispered in her ear, and she whispered a response. Elias tried to follow their mouth movements, but his attention was quickly dragged away by Night Flash.

“So, what were you two talking about?” he asked.

Elias noticed that his voice seemed off, like he was forcing the happiness into it, rather than just naturally being his chipper self.

“Nothing big, just making sure we saw eye to eye. I have to ask though, what’s the rules about the Royal Guard? What, you aren’t allowed to talk with her anymore?” he asked, gesturing in Ice Blossom's direction.

Night Flash nodded.

“Yep,” he said simply. “Royal Guardsponies aren’t supposed to interact with either of the other branches unless absolutely necessary. They also always have to wear their armor, and they always have to look serious. I guess it comes with being the most elite ponies there are.”

Elias’ eyes flicked back to the Royal Guard table. Ice Blossom was eating and chatting with the other guards, but that grey maned pony was still watching him. Elias frowned. The look the pegasus was shooting his way reeked of a problem waiting to happen. The only thing he could do was be prepared and wait. He cleared his throat as he looked away.

“So, this big exercise everybody is going on about, what is it?”

Book Binder groaned loudly. She pushed off of Elias and put her head on the table as she tried to cover her ears.

“I don’t even want to think about it right now,” she whined. “It’s awful every year!”

Elias looked to Night Flash and Scarlet shield, who both nodded grimly.

“We always get creamed by the Solar Guards,” Scarlet said. “Basically, every year since Princess Luna returned and took over the Lunar Guard, her and Princess Celestia have held a competition. It’s broken down by time spent with the guard, so we’re the lowest group. For the past three years we have been against the same group of ponies, and every year we lose. The Solar Guard gets all of the big, flashy ponies. Since we have to be more subtle when we go out, we lack in the power department.”

Elias sat in thought for a second. Likely the reason they were losing was due to poor use of their abilities. A strategy issue he could fix, but that was for later.

“So, what, is it a big battle, or a series of obstacle courses?”

Scarlet dragged out a map from the bottom of the pile. Spreading it on the table, he said;

“It changes every year. The team captains will be given a map of the arena once we get there. We then have half an hour to set up our plan, then we fight! We do that three times, unless one team wins the first two rounds.”

The pegasus drooped slightly.

“We haven’t ever gotten past the second round.”

Elias stroked his stubble in thought.

“Who’s the team captain? I would assume that it isn’t Captain Nightshade.”

“Uh-uh.” Scarlet responded. “The captain is randomly chosen from any of the guards who volunteer. I’m really hoping I get it this year. With your human tactics at our side, there’s no way we can lose!”

“Is that so?” an arrogant, familiar voice said.

Scarlet drooped, and Night Flash suddenly found great interest in his plate. Book Binder stiffened at Elias’ side, but she kept her head hidden in her hooves. Elias calmly stared at the white unicorn that was ruining his meal. White Shine leaned down next to Scarlet.

“Ooh, look at all of these notes! It’s a shame that it takes more than a few books and some fancy maps to make a plan. It also takes intelligence, as well as the power to execute the plan. Do you want to know which one you’re lacking Shieldy?”

Elias calmly stabbed another piece of beef, making sure he caught the unicorn’s eyes as he ate it. White Shine flinched slightly, but his asinine grin didn’t waver. He leaned over to Night Flash.

“How about you Flash, are you going to be team captain this year? I can’t wait to see you in the arena.”

Elias sniffed, drawing White Shine’s eyes again as ate another piece of beef. The unicorn’s lip curled up in disgust.

“Do you have something to say monkey, or are you truly just that disgusting of an eater?”

Elias smiled. He stabbed another piece of beef and offered it to the unicorn.

“Want some White Shine? It’s nice and juicy. The cooks here do an excellent job, it never tastes like it’s been dead for more than an hour. Best meat I’ve ever eaten.”

White Shine blanched and turned a shade of pale green. He shook his head vigorously.

“N-no. Ponies don’t eat meat,” he said, clearly flustered and put off his bullying game.

Elias smiled as he shrugged and put the piece of meat in his mouth, savoring it as he let the unicorn watch. Elias then made a big show of swallowing it. It had gotten a bit quieter in the cafeteria, and a quick glance showed Elias that the Royal Guardsponies were watching him very intently. His eyes flicked back to White Shine, and he smiled widely, making sure that his canines were showing.

Elias embedded the fork in the wooden table as he shot to his feet, grabbing White Shine by the throat. His smile vanished in an instant, and the cafeteria fell quiet just as quickly. Elias curled his fingers around White Shine’s neck, keeping his grip just tight enough to restrict a bit of air flow. If the unicorn stopped panicking, he would find that he could breathe just fine. Elias dragged the pony over the table and held him so that they were nose to nose.

“I will say this once, and only once. You are going to leave my friends and I alone, permanently. If I catch you coming near any of them with anything less than smiles and kind words, the next piece of meat on my plate will be your sorry ass.”

The unicorn tried to kick him, so Elias shook him aggressively, tightening his grip so that more air was cut off. White Shine gasped and stopped flailing. Elias made sure that the pony made eye contact, ensuring that the unicorn saw his death in Elias’ eyes. Lowering his voice to a whispered growl, Elias said;

“I dare you to cross me you pathetic piece of shit. I don’t care who you’re related to, if I ever find out that you did something to these ponies, or their families, there is no force in Equestria that will save you from me. Are we clear?”

White Shine nodded and tapped on Elias’ arm, begging for release. Elias snorted and dropped the pony, letting him fall to the ground with a thump. White Shine was on his feet and scrambling away in an instant. Elias waited until the pony made it to the doors before he sat back down. Elias cracked his knuckles and rolled his shoulder; reaching across the table had been a stretch and the grabbing motion had agitated his left shoulder again. Elias winced in pain as he massaged it lightly, then decided it would be better to just ignore the pain and he set about eating again.

When he looked up, Binder, Flash, and Scarlet were all looking at him in awe. Elias took another bite of his steak. The last one unfortunately. He made sure to savor it completely. When he looked back up from the plate, the trio of ponies were still staring at him. Elias sighed.

“All right, what did I do wrong this time?”

Then he saw the look in their eyes. Elias slowly set down his fork. Night Flash’s rump began to waggle. Elias held up his hands.

“Now guys, just… wait.”

The three exchanged a single glance, and then smiled ferally at Elias. He briefly wondered if it was too late to go back to being an anti-social loner. As three fuzzy bodies dragged him from his seat, he smiled and decided that yes, it was.

Author's Note:

EDIT 2022: Here is the twelth chapter in the official Centurion Project reading

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