• Published 15th Jul 2019
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The Centurion Project - TheEighthDayofNight

Elias "Rubrum Aquilae" Bright, the former leader of the Legio I Americana, on the run from his past, finds himself thrown into the conflicts of Equestria.

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Chapter 43: A Canterlot Wedding; Part 1

Elias held his head, shaking it back and forth slowly as Night Flash pleaded with him. The pony had been doing so for the better part of an hour, and while the day’s training hadn’t been particularly exhausting, the conversation was wearing Elias’ nerves down to nothing. He cut off the pegasus’ next sentence with a wave of his hand.

“First Centurion, I understand where you are coming from, I truly do, but the answer is no. It will always be no; it has to always be no.”

Night Flash’s puppy dog eyes made an appearance as the pegasus scooted forward in his seat, getting as close as possible to Elias without actually touching his desk.

“General, I beg you to please just consider it,” Night Flash pleaded. “Shooting Star would be a perfect fit for a scout position. He’s fast, he’s smart, he already knows how to fight a little! I’ve taught him myself, he’s just what we need!”

Elias closed his eyes and rubbed at his forehead. He should have seen it coming. He should have known that Night Flash would take the opportunity.

While initially planning the layout of his legion, Elias had assumed that the other forces would supply the army with enough scouts to screen the march, letting him focus entirely on making a core infantry group that could protect against any and all threats. What he had learned as training and the planning sessions progressed, however, was that the other generals, save for Nightshade, intended to keep him out of their information loop; at least until they decided to let him in on the scouting reports. While furious, Elias didn’t feel like putting in another complaint form about his “fellows”, so he instead worked with Book Binder and Anyon to design equipment for a small scouting attachment, which he would only recruit from outside the legion. He had already put far too much work into arranging the cohorts and auxiliary groups, and he wasn’t about to change that plan so close to issuing the ponies their official uniforms. So, he set out on a new recruitment campaign, specifically targeting ponies that prided themselves on speed.

That had led him to multiple issues. The first had come from Celestia, who once again interfered in his application process. She gave him a list of ponies that she considered “non-applicable”. Elias had responded by throwing the list back in her face, leaving no doubt that he would choose to exclude from his recruitment. Before the two could come to words over the issue, Luna had calmed him down and had helped them reach a compromise. Elias would again wave certain recruits from Ponyville, but at the same time, Celestia was forced to allow him to accept the application of a few lesser known Wonderbolts. The action had to be done under secrecy however, not only because the white alicorn was forcing him to do so, but because Elias knew how some of the pegasi would react if they knew actual Wonderbolts were nearby. He was going to have enough of a time corralling Night Flash.

Thinking of the devil; the second issue had come in the form of the pegasus seated before him. Though it had been an open secret, Elias had, with Book Binder’s help, tried to keep Night Flash away from the recruitment posters. Elias had made the pegasus work from dawn till dusk, pushing him harder than anyone else, praying that he would be so tired that all he would think about was sleep. Yet, Night Flash found time after the morning training to get an out-of-castle lunch with his fiancé, and had seen a poster asking for scouts. Book Binder reported that the pegasus didn’t say anything; he merely grabbed the poster and bolted. Less than a day later, Night Flash had trapped Elias in his office with a filled-out application in his hoof and a wide smile on his face. He was happy, energetic, and ready to make his case.

Too bad that he had to argue to a stone wall.

“Shooting Star is too young,” Elias replied, “and more importantly; he’s your brother. You know the rules First Centurion, you helped write them.”

He lightly pushed the application form back toward Night Flash.

“No family. No exceptions. He’s going to receive a rejection letter.”

Elias scanned Night Flash’s eyes for signs of defeat, but damn the pegasus was determined. His hoof rose and pushed the form back toward Elias’ hands.

“General, I can make sure nothing happens to him,” he said firmly. “I’ll train Shooting Star twice as hard as everypony else; please just give him this one chance.”

Elias sighed and turned off the compassionate area of his brain. He couldn’t shut down Night Flash with even the slightest trace of empathy in his mind. He had to be rock solid, and brutal. Elias’ eyes hardened into a glare, aimed wholly at the pegasus sitting across from him.

“You’ve just given me the exact reason why I won’t give Shooting Star any chances, First Centurion,” Elias snapped. “You would rather focus on your brother instead of your job; which is the safety and preparedness of this legion. It is decidedly not to care for the safety of a single member. The answer is no Flash, I will not let him die under my banner.”

“That won’t happen General!” Night Flash countered adamantly. “I promise, you just need to…”

“Can you see the future?” Elias cut in.

Damn was he tired. It just never seemed to end. Planning and arguments, and more planning, followed by training and arguments about training. So much damn arguing. It was all just so… exhausting. His migraines had only grown worse, and despite talking with Scalpel, he had no real relief from them. He could almost feel the stress ripping his brain apart, but he would power through. He always did. Elias just wished for the moment that he could go to bed; night terrors be damned. Even they would be a welcome return to some semblance of normalcy. At least in his night terrors the people were already dead, and he didn’t have to worry about driving them away.

Night Flash frowned and shook his head.

“No General.”

Elias spread his hands.

“Then how do you know what will happen? What magical force lets you know who’s going to live and die?”

Night Flash’s frown deepened, and he drooped slightly in his seat.

“I don’t General, I… I just…”

“Ah ah ah!” Elias cut in again, waving his finger back and forth. “The answer is you don’t. That’s what’s important here; you don’t know.”

Elias sighed and sat back in his chair.

“The problem is that I don’t know either. All I can do is work and plan and try to push everything to work out perfectly, but I’ll let you in on a secret Night Flash; plans don’t mean shit in the face of battle. They fall apart.”

He waved his hand through the air.

“A plan in battle is exactly like a sheet of paper in water; fragile and easy to rend apart. It’s messy, it doesn’t rip cleanly. Plans are soft and flimsy, and I am already planning for the absolute worst. I am already writing the speech that I will have to deliver to your mother if you die,” Elias said, jabbing a finger at Night Flash. “I am writing a speech for each and every mother and father in Equestria, so don’t you dare come into my office and ask me to write two for your family. Bring this up again, and Shooting Star won’t be the only one receiving a letter of rejection.”

Elias’s arm snapped out and he snatched a large rubber stamp from beside his pens. After a quick splash in ink, he slammed it down on Shooting Star’s application. The ugly red mark left no doubt about the status of the application; throwing it into the rejection pile was only a formality. The motion sapped all of the energy Elias had left however, and he slumped in his seat as he dropped the stamp back onto its hook. He didn’t meet Night Flash’s eyes as he spoke.

“Dismissed First Centurion. I’ll see you tomorrow morning for training.”

Elias could feel the heat of the pegasus’ anger as he snatched up his helmet and trotted from the room without another word. It cut at Elias’ heart. He had never seen Night Flash angry, and to have that turned on him? It was like a knife plunged into his ribs. Elias knew that he had done damage to their relationship, perhaps irreparable damage, but he had to not care. If he managed to drive Night Flash away, then he might quit, and if he quit, he would be safe. The justification didn’t sit well with him, but…

Elias sat slumped in his chair for a while, meditating on the pain he felt at the pegasus leaving him. His only comfort came from the blue feather around his neck. His hand drifted up and stroked it softly. Its fur like quality still hadn’t dulled or faded, and it was every bit as soft as the day Luna had given it to him. It acted as a reminder that he still had one friend; even as he slowly alienated the rest.

Elias glanced up as Book Binder pushed back from her desk. Despite the cruel way he had dismissed her fiancé, she still regarded him with a motherly smile as she stood up and stretched. Her horn lit up, and Shooting Star’s application levitated onto her desk. She made a quick edit to the form, then drew an envelope from her desk and placed the form inside. That went into her saddlebags as she draped them over her flanks.

“What did you change?” Elias asked wearily.

Book Binder smiled sweetly at him.

“Merely added the reason why he was rejected, as I do with all of the files. The stamp makes things faster, but it is a bit… blunt. Ponies often take rejection personally, so I try to listen to your process and add what I can to soften the blow. It’s a small thing, but I like to think it helps.”

Elias snorted and looked back to the featureless wood of his desk.

“More work that I should be doing instead of you.”

Book Binder sighed, but her smile never dropped.

“No, General. You do your job to perfection.”

Elias motioned to the empty doorway.

“Others would disagree with that assessment Adiutor.”

“Night Flash isn’t angry with you General,” Book Binder replied. “Or at least, he’s not angry with Elias. He understands why you have to say no, but even with all of this work, he still cares about you, and he believes you feel the same. It frustrates him that we can’t act like a family, can’t do favors for each other like a family would.”

She tidied up her desk, shifting little things around to make it more organized.

“In his perfect world, we would all work together; train together, that kind of thing. He misses when we were guards, and he wishes that he could get us back to that life, with Shooting Star included of course.”

Book Binder looked back to Elias.

“He just wants to train his brother General, that’s all. He’s not angry with you, he’s just disappointed with the situation we’re in.”

Elias spread his hands.

“But what can I do? I can’t let Shooting Star in, you know that.”

He shook his head and looked toward one of the blank walls of his office. He needed to decorate, put something up. Maybe a copy of the legion banner?

“I’m already acting like an idiot,” he continued, “by letting my friends in. If I had a smart bone in my body, I would force you out, but here I am, a big stupid human stumbling his way through life, as usual.”

Book Binder sighed again.

“Please don’t talk about yourself like that General; it makes me want to break my promise and snuggle the life out of you. You’re not stupid, you’re just normal. You’re acting like any other pony would in your situation; you want those you care about close.”

Elias closed his eyes and let his chin hit his chest.

“But I’m not a pony,” he said softly. “The reason this is supposed to work is because I’m not a pony. I can’t be a pony, not now, not…”

Elias felt a hoof on his shoulder, and he looked up to find Book Binder close, her eyes shining as she locked down his eyesight.

“Don’t say not ever Elias, because that day will come.”

Her horn lit up and a schedule book floated from her saddlebags, opening to the tenth page. Book Binder tapped a day at the end of the month circled in red.

“Four months, twenty-eight days. You’re going to be a pony in the eyes of the law, and in the eyes of the ponies you love, who love you back a million times more. Each day is a step closer, and if I have to remind you a thousand times, I will do so.”

Elias’ eyes narrowed, and despite the comfort he took in her words, he needed to shift the subject away.

“Did you have my birthday circled? How do you even know that?”

Book Binder smiled and the book disappeared back into her saddlebags.

“A mare never tattles on her source, and before you say anything, it isn’t anything big. A small gift, nothing more. Training as usual.”

She straightened and her motherly smile disappeared, replaced by her usual kind smile.

“Now, if you’ll excuse me General, I’m going to go have a talk with Flash, and then head home for the night. Don’t work too hard.”

Elias exhaled and slouched in his chair again as his eyes drifted toward the mountain of paperwork on the right side of his desk.

“No promises. I’ll see you in the morning Adiutor.”

He got no reply, and for a moment, he thought he had made her angry with him too, but as he looked up to the sound of her fast, retreating hoofsteps, his eyes caught a glimpse of a bright spot of color. It was a small letter with glowing pink writing on the front. The writing read;

For my baby boy; Elias

He sighed deeply. He knew what it was, had expected it a bit sooner if he was being honest with himself. He just wished it hadn’t come on such a bad day. Elias sat up and reached for the letter slowly. Best to read it before he said no.


Luna trotted swiftly through the long corridors of the castle. She had wanted to speak with Elias hours ago, perhaps persuade the man to take a lunch break with her, but she had gotten caught up talking with noble after noble. Each and every one brought forth inane laws, without a single good idea among them. They complained and droned on for hours, talking about this triviality, or that social grievance some “uncultured” pony offended them with. It was a complete and utter waste of her time. Agreeing to be awake for the afternoon was easily one of the worst mistakes she had ever made, and Luna knew that as soon as she had her full magic back, she would become a nighttime only princess again.

Luna sighed her headache away. The only way she had escaped the prissy nobles was by snapping and ordering her guards to escort them from the castle, something the black armored ponies did with vigor. Even they could only take so much, and they had not been gentle as they pushed the still complaining nobles from her throne room. After that, Luna had taken off like a shot, more than ready to take a lengthy break.

As she turned a corner, Luna nearly plowed into Book Binder, who was also trotting along briskly. The unicorn yelped as she dove to the side. The effort only slightly helped. Both ponies tripped and fell to the ground, though luckily, they didn’t fall on top of each other. Luna hated when that happened; her wings always seemed to get tangled up, making standing to get untangled impossible.

Both mares scrambled to their hooves and brushed themselves off, with Book Binder looking the more sheepish of the two.

“Sorry Princess, I was just trying to catch up to Night Flash and I wasn’t watching where I was going.”

Luna smiled at her.

“It is no issue fair Book Binder, I should have been more mindful myself, I was merely brooding on the inanity of the so called “noble” class of Canterlot,”

She finished straightening her regalia, then looked to Book Binder again.

“So, is there some issue between you and Guardspony Flash? I would hope that with your engagement everything would be going swimmingly.”

Book Binder sighed.

“Between us, everything is fine, it’s between Flash and Elias that is the issue. General Bright won’t let Flash’s little brother apply for the legion; part of the no families rule we made. He’s right of course, but you know Elias.”

Luna snorted and nodded.

“Indeed, he can be quite blunt. If my guess is correct, I would assume he phrased it in a manner that said, “my way or the high way”?”

“Essentially,” Book Binder replied. “so, Night Flash is mad, but I think things will be fine in the end. It’s just a spat the two are going through, their first if I remember correctly.”

Luna frowned.

“Are you sure they will be alright? Night Flash can best be described as Elias’ first and greatest friend in Equestria, at least officially. Those two never get mad at each other.”

Book Binder waved her hoof.

“Like I said Princess, it’s just a spat. Once we get through the march, Shooting Star will be free to join up, and he can train with Night Flash all day long. If anything, this is going to make my mother in law happy, so at least somepony will get a bit of benefit from the affair.”

Luna watched as Book Binder’s eyes lit up. The unicorn gasped softly and quickly removed her saddlebags, drawing forth a small white envelope, which she quickly offered to Luna with a wide smile.

“Here you go Princess!” she said cheerfully. “Your invitation to our wedding!”

Luna blinked in surprise as she gently took the letter in her hoof. Sure enough, in pink lettering across the front said;

For Princess Luna, my future daughter in law

Luna flushed red and looked up to Book Binder to find the mare smiling widely at her. Luna looked back to the invitation as her cheeks became a deeper shade of crimson. How could the unicorn before her be so bold? Had Elias told Book Binder something, made plans that ran parallel to her own? Her tail flicked with nervous energy as she decided to momentarily ignore the text on the letter.

“You wish for me to attend?” she asked hesitantly.

Book Binder nodded.

“Of course we do Princess! I think you more than qualify as “friends and family”.”

She saddled up closer to Luna and gently nudged her chest with her elbow.

“Especially with you courting my baby boy,” she whispered in Luna’s ear.

Luna felt even more heat rise to her cheeks as the unicorn took a step back. Keepers, she was acting like a filly caught in the act!

‘Maintain your composure!’ Luna’s inner voice screamed. ‘You are a Princess! Act like it, even to your future mother in law!’

That admittance made her even more nervous, especially given that the letter in her hooves was basically permission to continue her advances on Elias. Still, she had to play things cool, she had to prove to Elias’ mother that she could be a calm, fitting match for her soon-to-be adopted son. Luna cleared her throat softly.

“Ah, you, uh, noticed that?” she asked meekly.

Book Binder snorted and smiled.

“Princess, I would be a fool not to notice, you’ve been so obvious! The only reason Elias doesn’t notice is because he isn’t a pony and has a tendency to make assumptions and not ask if he doesn’t believe it “matters”.”

Luna’s nerves momentarily drooped as her heart sank slightly.

“He… he doesn’t think I matter?” she whispered.

Book Binder’s eyes widened.

“No no no!” she replied adamantly. “That’s not what I meant Princess, of course he cares about you! It’s…”

She waved a hoof in the air as she tried to figure out the right words. Luna felt her breath hang tight in her chest as the unicorn spoke.

“It’s Elias!” Book Binder blurted. “He believes that matters of his heart come second to everything else in life. With the whole legion thing, it’s coming in third or fourth. It isn’t that he doesn’t care, it’s that he won’t let himself care. He’s trying so hard to stay strong and focus on training and such, and he sees things like friendship and love as a distraction.”

She tilted her head.

“I want to say he’s wrong, but honestly, with what that man does in a day, I can’t say I completely disagree. He just doesn’t have a lot of time to focus on that kind of thing these days. It’s why I always say, “soon”. Soon, so much is going to happen, and we will be able to watch in real time as his heart expands to absorb as much love as possible.”

She shrugged and met Luna’s eyes.

“But only soon. Every show of affection until we’re done has to be subtle, save for a plan or two I’m cooking up.”

Luna frowned and looked to the carpet, tracing small circles with her hoof in the red plush.

“So, he does care about me?”

Book Binder smiled sweetly.

“Princess, I can’t say for certain, only Elias knows his heart, but I have a strong feeling that he won’t disappoint you, he’s just busy.”

She leaned in close and gave Luna a gentle hug.

“And if it makes you feel any better, I absolutely approve, and will do everything in my power to bring you two together. I will not let that young man have a princess slip through his fingers.”

Luna felt Book Binder’s grip around her tighten, and she felt her nerves return as the pony whispered in her ear.

“That being said, if you manipulate my son and try to make him something he’s not, or if you break his beautiful human heart, I will make your banishment look like a thousand-year vacation, am I clear Luna?”

The lunar princess felt a genuine tinge of fear. She had no doubts in her mind that if she was at full power the protective Book Binder could inflict some pain, but with all of her magic being slowly locked away? Book Binder’s threat was very real.

Luna swallowed nervously. She had thought the letter was bold, but no. Book Binder used her name, publicly! That meant she was incredibly serious, and more than determined to protect Elias with a fierceness that sent a small shudder up Luna’s spine. Adoptive mother indeed. But Luna was no pushover, and while she understood the genuineness of the threat, she steeled her resolve and returned Book Binder’s hug with full force.

“I would never do such a thing to Elias,” Luna whispered in reply, “and I think you know that. I only want the best for him, even if that is not me. Should we both be wrong, and he lusts for somepony else, I will do everything in my power to see him happy with them. In that, you have my word.”

Book Binder nuzzled her neck.

“Good,” she said softly. “He’ll surprise you though, he’s always had a soft spot for you, and I have no doubts the he does love you. Give him time to come to terms with it, then make your big moves, alright?”

Luna nodded as she pulled back from Book Binder. The unicorn smiled right back, then looked pointedly to the letter in Luna’s hooves.

“So Princess,” Book Binder asked leadingly, “are you coming to the wedding?”

“I… wish to,” Luna replied honestly, “but a princess will draw unwanted attention. I do not wish for your family to be harassed by the paparazzi on my account.”

Book Binder nodded to the still sealed envelope.

“Strike one Princess, check your invitation and try again.”

Luna gave her a curious look, but opened the invitation. As she turned it upside down in her hooves to wiggle the card out, a small ring fell out. Book Binder caught it with her magic, and it expanded into a modest, silver hoof ring. She then levitated the ring onto one of Luna’s hooves, and Luna blinked in surprise as she felt magic wash over her body. She looked toward Book Binder to find that she no longer towered over the unicorn, but matched her in height. Luna also noticed an absence in her upper peripheral, and she looked up to find her horn missing. A flash of panic went through her body, and she focused inward, checking to ensure that her magic was still charging.

She let out a sigh of relief when she felt her pool untouched, still forming at the base of her non-existent horn. She looked to Book Binder, who smiled widely back.

“It’s an illusion spell Princess,” Book Binder said. “It set us back a few bits, but that ring will make you look like a regular old pegasus, save for your cutie mark of course.”

Luna looked toward her flank, and was pleased to find that her cutie mark was still in the same place. She opened her mouth to ask Book Binder how she looked, only to find a blue version of the mare staring back. Luna stared at her reflection, turning this way and that to get a good look at herself. Book Binder poked her head above the mirror and giggled as Luna spun in a circle.

“Not a bad illusion either I might say. A bit of styling, and you could pass for my twin sister.”

Book Binder sighed as Luna frowned at her flanks.

“Unfortunately, my more attractive twin, good for Elias though.”

Luna blushed and turned back around, sliding into her saddlebags.

“You think he will approve?” she asked.

“Of course he will Princess,” Book Binder replied as she collapsed the mirror and put it back in her saddlebags. “The spell may diminish your size a bit, but you’re every bit as pretty as always. I imagine you’ll be the talk of the reception.”

Luna smiled and slid the ring from her hoof, tucking it into her saddlebags. Returned to her full size, she once more towered over Book Binder, but for some reason, Luna felt smaller than the mare.

“I thank you fair Book Binder, and I think that I shall indeed attend, even if only for a short while. Do I need to bring anything?”

Book Binder tapped her chin like she was thinking, but Luna could tell from the look in her eyes that she already knew what she wanted.

“Well… I could use a fancy, Princess level gift, or….”

“Or?” Luna asked.

“Or you could bring Elias as your unofficial date!” Book Binder blurted.

“I… don’t think that would work,” Luna said, shuffling her hooves on the carpet. “Elias likely won’t want to go, certainly not with me.”

Book Binder snorted and waved her hoof.

“You aren’t the issue here Princess, the wedding itself is. He’ll say something silly about how he’s too busy, or we don’t actually love or want him. I’m the mare helping maintain his schedules, and everything is on track to succeed on time. He will have an afternoon off to get a tux fitted, and an evening to go to the wedding. It’s going to be your job to get him that tux, get yourself a lovely dress, and then drag that boy to my wedding.”

She smiled sweetly at Luna.

“Like I said before, he’s a bit blind when it comes to pony culture, but Momma Binder wants to see you two together just as much as you want him, so she’s going to conspire to get things moving along. I can’t well outright tell him all of the faux pas he’s made without stressing him out further, so we do this in a roundabout fashion. He won’t mind when he has a beautiful blue alicorn on his wing after it’s all over.”

Luna matched her smile, then scooped the pony up in a bone crushing hug. Even without her alicorn strength, Luna could tell that she was making breathing difficult for Book Binder, but she needed to express her utter joy at having the mare’s approval and aid.

“Thank you, fair Book Binder. It may take time, but I shall do everything I can to make a good marefriend for Elias.”

“So, are you bringing Elias to my wedding?” Book Binder asked. A small squeak tinged her voice, but ultimately, the unicorn kept her composure despite being crushed.

Luna snorted into her neck fur and nodded.

“Indeed, I shall do my best to get him there. Do you have any recommendations to get him to accept the idea on his own? I want him to choose to come with me. We shall argue I’m sure, but I don’t want to force him too hard.”

Book Binder shrugged as she pulled away from the hug.

“The secret is you Princess, he likes you. The only information I know, is that his biggest argument against going will be work, and that he’s in his office right now. Maybe get a stand in for the time off? As long as somepony is running some kind of drill, I think Elias can be coerced into an evening off.”

Luna nodded, her mind already racing at the news that Elias was alone. Wedding aside, she could likely get him to take a small break with her. She needed to stop by the kitchen before she dropped by his office. A hot steak would do wonders to improve what was likely a blue mood.

To Book Binder, she said;

“I shall do my best to convince him then. Have you invited General Nightshade or General Chaser?”

Book Binder frowned and rifled through her saddlebags.

“I think I have one for Nightshade, but I didn’t really count Midnight Chaser as friends or family. Should I invite him? Ice Blossom is his sister after all, and we invited her…”

Luna shook her head.

“No, leave him to me. A Royal Guardspony will be able to do much for me in getting Elias to the wedding.”

She looked down the hall in the direction of Elias’ office.

“If there is nothing else, I wish to go brighten Elias’ mood.”

Book Binder giggled.

“Pun intended I hope.”

Luna blinked into the empty air before she cast a deadpan look over her shoulder at Book Binder. The mare giggled and trotted the opposite direction.

“See you soon Princess! Hopefully with my darling human on your wing!”


“Enter,” Elias said, glancing up from his paperwork.

Supply forms were a bitch and a half, but lucky for him, Luna came through his door, carrying with her the wonderful aroma of freshly cooked meat. The mare grinned as she trotted in on three hooves, balancing a sizeable steak on a plate on the fourth.

“Good evening General; a birdy told me that you were still hard at work and that you didn’t take a dinner break. I thought I would remedy that.”

Elias tried to hide his smile as he put his quill back in its well.

“I can’t say that you’re unwelcome Princess. Please, pull up a chair.”

Luna’s tail waggled slightly as she set the steak on his desk, then pulled Book Binder’s chair around her desk. She positively beamed as she watched him sit up. Elias’ eyes flicked up from the steak, but Luna waved him on.

“Go on General, you need to keep your strength up. I know how much you work, and this is more than deserved. We can talk a bit once you’ve finished.”

Luna looked him up and down as he ate. While he did look a might bit paler than usual, her eyes quickly caught on the spot of blue on his red tunic, and the sight of her primary being shown off so publicly sent her heart racing. Any confidence she had walking into the room vanished as she watched him eat. Her wide-eyed staring unfortunately caused the human to take notice, and despite only eating half the steak, he set down his silverware and looked at her with a curious expression.

“Are you alright Princess?”

Luna detected a bit of concern in his voice, and that made her chest tighten even further.

“I… I, uh…”

‘Think Luna!’ she cried internally. ‘Think damn you!’

“You are still wearing my primary?” she asked, her voice meek.

Elias blinked, then looked down to the blue feather draped over his chest.

“O-oh. My apologies Princess, I… I can take it off if you’d li-….”

“No!” Luna shouted, scooting to the edge of her seat.

Elias stared at her with wide eyed shock, and Luna quickly noticed that she had blown him back an inch with the power of her voice. She flushed red and looked at his desk.

“I- I mean I was just curious as to why. Heat week has long been over, and I was wondering why you were still wearing it. Just curiosity.”

Elias relaxed back in his chair and shrugged. He grabbed the feather gently between his thumb and forefinger. Luna felt her heart melt further as he began rubbing it affectionately.

“I don’t know why, if I’m being honest. I just like having it, you know? It’s soft, nice, and for some reason it always feels like it’s a bit warm, like you just plucked it.”

He shrugged again as he twirled the feather around.

“It smells like you too, and that makes me think of you; the smell of lavender is so wonderful, and I can’t help but think that… wow I just made that really weird,” Elias said as he sat up. “Princess, I apologize, let me take your primary off and-…”

Luna scoffed and waved her hoof, doing her best to hide the heavy blush that spread covered her face.

“Nonsense Elias, I am pleased that you know how to fully appreciate my gift. Some ponies would discard something like that once it served its purpose, but you show me that you are a true friend by keeping it.”

She snorted.

“Besides, I think it’s pretty, and it matches your eyes.”

Elias gave her a deadpan look, but Luna was happy to note that he made no further moves to remove the necklace.

“Which one?” he asked, tilting his head so that she got a good look at both eyes.

Luna giggled, then blinked and stopped, giving him a mild glare.

“Har har Elias, but that wasn’t funny.”

Elias smirked.

“Made you laugh, didn’t I?”

Luna rolled her eyes as he went back at his steak. It was honestly impressive watching him eat. She had long ago gotten over the queasiness she felt when she watched others eat meat, what with watching a host of carnivore diplomats eat, but it was the way he devoured the meat. Other species seemed designed to rip and tear. Diamond dogs had sharp canines that jutted out of their mouth and sharp claws to tear the meat apart as they chewed. Dragons usually ate whatever they were provided whole, so there was little to watch. Finally, the gryphon diplomats like to fight their meals, and they often asked for the meat to be as raw as possible. Only the combined refusal from all three of Equestria’s princesses had ensured that a law passed prohibiting the slaughter of live animals in Canterlot, and if anyone wanted something fresher than two-day old imports, they had to make do. Still, all the carnivores she had eaten with used their natural features to eat, forgoing any offers for dining ware, usually including a plate.

Elias on the other hand, went about eating meat in such a civilized manner. His nails were blunt, kept trimmed and rounded, no doubt to prevent cracking. They didn’t even factor into the equation, as he used a fork and knife like any other pony. He quickly sawed away bite sized pieces, which went into his mouth. He chewed with his mouth closed, keeping the rest of the process hidden from the world. Little sound escaped after that, no growling, or tearing sounds, just the normal chewing that any being experienced. It was easily covered up with light music or conversation. So wonderful, so palatable. It had taken an evening on her throne brooding to come to terms with the fact that her ideal lover was an omnivore, but with the way he ate, she didn’t imagine she would have any long term issues with eating by his side. Especially not with how enjoyable watching his jaw work was. Such a strong, handsome mouth.

Elias swallowed the last bite of his steak and set down his silverware as Luna daydreamed about planting a kiss on his clean-shaven face. He smiled at her, sending a fresh flight of butterflies through her stomach.

“So Princess, while I appreciate the hand delivered meal, as well as an opportunity to enjoy your company, I’m sure this was for a reason. Nobody drops by my office unless they want something from me.”

“That is partially your fault,” Luna replied smoothly. “Your friends would drop by frequently were it not for your rule system, myself included. Still, we have all respected your wishes and kept to the rules you laid out as best we could. Until now that is.”

Elias’ brow furrowed.

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

Luna glanced to her right to a torn open pink and white letter.

“Is that your wedding invitation?”

Elias side-eyed the letter and sighed. He leaned back in his chair and swiped a packet off his stack of paperwork, then began absently thumbing through it.

“It is, though I will not be attending. Night Flash is livid with me because I denied his brother’s application. I know Book Binder thinks it’ll be fine, but his mother is already against me. With this, I’ve crushed Shooting Star’s dreams, and those of Night Flash to train his brother, so the odds of everything being “fine” between us by…”

He glanced over at the invitation.

“A week from this Friday, is little to none. I won’t ruin what’s supposed to be a special day for them.”

Elias picked up his quill and set to writing.

“Besides, I burned the bridge of being either family or friends. The invitation is very specific.”

Luna scowled at the human. Unfortunately for her, his argument did have some soundness to it, and by countering his point of his friendly status with both Night Flash and Book Binder, she admitted that he wasn’t keeping to the rules he had established. It was a devious trap, but Luna had negotiated treaties with dragons in ages past; she could win over the stubborn human before her.

Luna cleared her throat, forcing Elias to look at her.

“A sound point Elias, but I have been invited, and Book Binder has tasked me with bringing a plus one. I would quite enjoy it if that plus one would be you.”

It was blunt, and it risked her secret affections, but Luna kept her cool as Elias stared at her in silence. His lack of an answer put her on edge, but Luna was fairly confident she could be calm if he told her-…

“No,” Elias replied, causing Luna’s heart to wither.

‘That hurt far more than I would have liked,’ Luna thought.

“And may I ask why not?” Luna asked aloud.

Elias sighed, and his quill stopped moving.

“Princess, it’s not your fault, I just need to be here. I’m already giving two of my most trusted subordinates almost a week off of training so that they can prepare for their special day. I need to ensure, personally, that the readiness quality of the legion doesn’t diminish with their absence. I apologize if I disappointed you with my answer, but it must be a no. I’m distracted enough from my job as it is.”

Luna’s mind worked quickly. Alright, the reason wasn’t because he didn’t like her, that was a positive. She could focus on getting him there easier if she didn’t believe he looked at her with distaste. She shuffled herself as she regained her complete calm.

“What if I was able to find temporary stand ins? Training could continue as you specify, and you would have the opportunity to go to Book Binder and Night Flash’s wedding.”

Elias shook his head without looking up.

“Nobody is educated enough to lead my training. Even if there was somebody, they wouldn’t hold the recruits to the same standards I hold them, and they wouldn’t punish them properly when they failed.”

Luna grabbed her saddlebags and set them before her, quickly drawing out her candle and notepad. She quickly sent a hastily written letter, and within moments, General Chaser, Bloody Bandage, and Captain Lucky Swing were inside Elias’ office, saluting sharply.

“At your service Princess,” Chaser said.

Luna smiled at Elias.

“What if I could convince Royal Guardspony Chaser to lead training? He is a skilled combatant who has experience pushing ponies to their breaking points, unless, of course, you think Royal Guard training is less intensive than yours.”

Elias frowned at her.

“No, but it is different. Do recall that I was studying to be a Royal Guard for a short time before the invasion. General Chaser will make the mistake of asking the recruits to think, which I have not taught them to do yet. His style of training, while decent, is not similar enough to mine. He won’t do the job right alone, and he can’t be everywhere by himself. I’d need more than one pony to run training.”

Chaser stepped forward.

“Well, what if I asked General Everfree to assist me? I could use my subordinates in place of yours, and the general and I could manage the larger level stuff together.”

The pegasus shrugged and looked to Luna.

“If you don’t mind Princess, General Everfree and I could shadow General Bright and his legion for the next week or so, get a feel for how they work. Then, General Bright can educate us on the standards we need to meet. By the time of the wedding, we’ll be capable enough to hold down the fort for a day, and he can get things right back where they should be the next morning.”

Chaser looked back to Elias, who scowled in reply. The real problem was that the solution was competent. Elias actually respected Everfree and Chaser, and if he had to pass control to anyone, it would be one of them. The pair of stallions and Nightshade were the only generals he trusted in any sort of capacity, and if they were willing to shadow his training, he could probably get away with missing one or two afternoons for a wedding. All he needed to do was make sure the pair of stand-ins were up to date on his training, as well as ensure that Granite had the autonomy he needed to ensure proper disciplinary measures were used. It could work. Then he could go see Book Binder and Night Flash get married, as well as make Luna a bit happier by taking her out on a date.

Elias hid his blush at the thought of a date with Luna by glaring at Chaser. He opened his mouth to accept, when the thought occurred that he was slacking. He was letting down his legion, accepting compromise at every turn it presented itself. He was being weak. Again. Anger welled up in his mind, and he shook his head and snarled.

“No. I will be leading training the evening of the wedding. I will be down four officers already; I do not need a fifth to be elsewhere when training needs done.”

Luna had started to smile as she saw acceptance on his face, but that smile turned to a soft frown at his rejection of the offer.

“But Elias, why? I can tell you want to go, and this solution works! You know General Chaser; he is quite the capable pony. I’m more than sure he can lead your training for an evening. He will have your instructions; it is a sound plan!”

Elias shook his head and stared at his desk.

“It doesn’t matter if he would be capable, because he doesn’t need to be capable. I will perform my duties as usual, and that’s final. I cannot afford to budge on this.”

Luna tapped her hoof on her seat in mild irritation.

“But why? If you want to see your parents get married, then…”

“Because it is a distraction!” Elias bellowed, slamming his fists down on his desk.

The sound caused the ponies to jump, and Elias caught the flash of steel as Chaser drew his wingblades. Elias stared the pegasus down, daring him to act. Then his mind caught up and he took several deep breaths, trying to cool his anger. He let his eyes rest on the paperwork beneath his fists as he spoke.

“Princess, you of all ponies should know why I can’t afford to be distracted. Book Binder and Night Flash’s wedding is just another event in a series of never-ending distractions, and it will get people killed. I can’t keep compromising on this. I just…”

He sat back down and sighed.

“I can’t. I’ll tell them I’m sorry, and send them a gift of some kind, but I can’t. I’d rather they be alive and disappointed in me then dead and happy I saw them get married.”

Luna watched the man visibly deflate as his anger fled. He looked so painfully tired, and far too old for one so young. She subtly motioned for the Royal Guards to leave as she rose from her seat. She moved around Elias’ desk and before he could protest, she climbed up in his lap. Luna felt a small blush rise to her cheeks as she wrapped her hooves around his chest, but was pleased to note a tinge of red on Elias’ face as well. She pulled him close in a firm hug.

“Elias, I understand your concerns, but things are already different from the last time you did this. You have spent months with your recruits, are they soft? Are they underprepared?”

The man snorted.

“Some of them still struggle with basic tasks, but… I do feel like they’re more focused, less arrogant. I wouldn’t say they’re anywhere close to ready though.”

She leaned back and smiled.

“Precisely, you have changed as well. You won’t casually run into battle, you think things through, considering even the tiniest details. And you aren’t alone. Thousands upon thousands of ponies are at your back, more than prepared to aid and assist you. You may think they are beneath you, but there are more than a few competent ponies in the other guard forces, General Chaser included.”

“I know,” Elias said with a sigh, “but trust… it’s still hard to trust for me. I trusted you Princess, yet you turned on me. Sure, it worked out but… it still hurt. You didn’t trust me enough to tell me about all this before you presented it to everyone else.”

He shook his head and stared down, a difficult task with her fluff so close, but Luna didn’t take advantage of his close proximity. His words were far too important to even consider ignoring, even for the case of snuggles.

“I just wished you talked to me then, and I wish you would stop hiding whatever it is you’re hiding from me now.”

Luna felt her heart drop. By the Keepers, he knew. Her silent effort was for naught, and now the pressure of a romantic relationship was weighing on his mind. She didn’t want to burden him like that! It was all falling apart, she had failed him at every turn! Luna felt tears creep into her eyes as her heart sank lower and lower. She was a failure. She hadn’t managed to maintain her most important friendship, hadn’t managed to be strong enough to keep her feelings hidden until they wouldn’t burden Elias, and now he was going to hate her for it, and drive her away and…

Luna sniffled and opened her eyes as she felt a thumb run across her cheek. Her gaze was met instantly with a mis-matched pair of eyes that bled concern.

“Luna… is this secret really that important?” Elias asked softly. “I didn’t mean… look, I don’t know everything, I just need you to know that I’m not an idiot, that I can tell when you aren’t telling me the whole truth.”

Luna sniffled again and nodded.

“I know Elias, and please, never believe yourself an idiot. You are easily one of the most intelligent creatures I have ever known. I just… I have asked so much of you Elias, so very much. My secret is one that would only ask more of you.”

“I want to tell you!” she said earnestly, trying to make him see the necessity. “I want to tell everypony, I want to take you and scream my secret from the rooftops!”

She drooped slightly.

“But I can’t. Not without burdening you further. It’s not that I won’t tell you, it’s just I can’t tell you. Not yet. After. After we’re done with this march business, I want to sit down with you, and tell you everything, start to finish, no secrets. But I can’t until then. Not unless you want to see us both hurt.”

Elias sighed and Luna felt a bit of a blush return as he braced her rump with his hand.

“I guess… I can accept that. Especially since I’m a hypocrite, demanding full transparency from you without revealing my whole story.”

Luna laid a hoof over his heart. Oh, that powerful thumping, so strong and stable. She wished she could lay her ear against his rib cage to listen.

“And you never need to Elias. That story is yours alone, do not share it because you feel like you are keeping secrets, share it because you want to.”

Elias sighed again.

“Maybe. I don’t know. Luna… I’ll go. To the wedding I mean.”

“As my plus one?” she asked hopefully.

He blushed and nodded.

“Yes, as your plus one. You’ll need to arrange everything however, and whatever tailor you’re getting for the suit needs to be fast. They can use one of my lunch breaks for the fitting.”

Luna smiled, and she wiped her tears away as she hugged him hard.

“It shall be done then Elias. I will take care of everything.”

She sat back, and fluttered her wings to escape, but Elias’ bracing hand didn’t budge, and Luna quickly realized that the human had no intention of letting her go anywhere. She looked up to his face to find a smile there, something that made her blush further. Keepers, if he kept smiling at her like that, she wouldn’t be able to get anything done.

“I-is everything alright Elias?” she asked.

The man nodded and sat up, keeping Luna pressed to his chest.

“Yep, but breaking my rules again is going to cost you. I need Chaser and Everfree at the training grounds by six tomorrow; they need to learn how to sweat for real.”

Luna nodded wordlessly, and she stared pointedly at her saddlebags until Elias reached out to grab them. She began to pull out her candle, but Elias’ hand stopped her.

“Yes?” she asked nervously.

His grin widened.

“The price, my princess, is that you’re going to be my new assistant; starting right now.”

Luna eyed the tall stack of papers on his desk and groaned.

“Elias, please not this! I… I always have to do paperwork.”

He rested his chin in her mane and chuckled.

“Cost of war Princess, everybody has to make sacrifices. Chaser! Get back in here!”

The pegasus stuck his head inside Elias’ office.


“I will allow you to stand in during training,” Elias said. “Please inform General Everfree.”

Chaser nodded, then winked at Luna as he dipped back out. She fluttered nervously. She should have complained about Elias taking a very dominant role in their friendship, if she could even call it that anymore. Was it a sign that he was going to begin making moves on her? Did he know more than he was letting on? She didn’t know, but at the same time, she didn’t care. If he knew, then so much the better. She could be bolder in her moves, and perhaps in private she could start giving him a basic rundown on pony romance culture. If nothing else, it would let him relax and learn something completely unrelated to his current profession. A small break for the man.

To resist the urge to purr and snuggle against Elias, Luna sat up and motioned toward the tall stack of papers. If paperwork was the punishment she had to suffer for Elias’ happiness, then by the Keepers she would not be found wanting. Elias grabbed her a page, and as they set about working, they also set about engaging in small talk, something that brought out Elias’ wonderful smile. Luna wouldn’t have had it any other way.


Elias loved Luna. What was he going to do? Should he ask her about her feelings for him? Was he misinterpreting everything she had done for him of late? Was he an idiot for even considering that an alicorn, an almost godly being, the ruler of her nation, and the pinnacle of beauty would even want to be with a blood soaked, scarred, and battered monkey like himself? What the hell was he going to do? What should he do?

He glanced at her as she clicked her tongue and asked him about a potential recruit from Manehattan. He loved her muzzle, her beautiful face, the blue of her fur. He had thought his favorite color was red, but god was it blue now. He loved the elegant, perfect blue of her fur so much. The texture was unspeakably wonderful, and her wings? Big, puffy, fluffy, perfect. She was perfect. The perfect pony. The most perfect pony. Nobody could compare, would ever compare.

But what should he do? Should he talk to her? Try to work it out like the adult he pretended he was?

Elias snapped his gaze away from Luna and focused on the page before him, filling in his early estimate for tents needed. No, talk to her about it was not the first thing he would do. Not with how he had treated her. Yes, she had betrayed his trust, but she had worked so hard to fix that, and he was more than ready to fully forgive her, but only moments ago he had brought it up yet again. His brain just wouldn’t let it go.

‘Nice Elias,’ he thought to himself, ‘torture the mare you’ve fallen in love with. That’s a great plan to get her to like you. Let every bad thing she’s done to you dangle over her head. Yup, great plan. Another guaranteed winner.’

Elias let out a small sigh as he filed the form to the side and dragged down the next one. His arm was still wrapped around her, and while he didn’t know much about pony culture, his hand on her butt was a signal in any culture. He just hoped she didn’t think him creepy for being so forward. He prayed desperately that she reciprocated his feelings.

Elias winced mentally, and slowly he withdrew his hand. No, that was wrong. He was taking advantage of his ignorance. The ponies knew he was uneducated, and she was probably just being nice, letting him cop a feel in exchange for him not flying off the handle. No doubt she still thought him a raging dumb animal who was only good for-…

Luna scooted closer and glanced at his hand.

“Please Elias, return your hand to its bracing position. I may slide away if you do not hold me.”

Or maybe she did reciprocate some measure of his feelings. Elias swallowed roughly as he let his hand drift back down, settling back on the same warm spot on her rump. Luna sighed softly and leaned against his chest.

“Excellent,” she whispered, no doubt trying to keep the words unheard. Still, they brought a small measure of comfort to Elias’ mind, and he settled back as he let his thoughts drift away from the paperwork before him.

Talking to her may… no. Still out of the question for the time, perhaps in a month or two. He would try to hint at something, perhaps ask one of his friends for their opinion. If any of them would even speak to him.

Elias sighed again and decided that it was not a wandering kind of night. He focused his mind on the paperwork before him, letting it numb his riled-up brain.

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