• Published 3rd Jul 2019
  • 1,509 Views, 101 Comments

SunLight Sliders: Infinite - Amber Spark

Accidentally whisked away from her home dimension by a mysterious Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle must join forces with the strange girl to survive a hostile and chaotic multiverse filled with both wonder and terror.

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Prologue - Novel-Idea & RadiantBeam

Princess Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer sauntered toward Sunset’s apartment. Both were holding hands. Both were blushing furiously. Both were grinning like idiots. And both were more than happy to put the chaos of jumping between the vastness of the multiverse behind them.

The journey was finally over and they could at long last… relax.

After all, despite the lives they led, this wasn’t the sort of thing that happened all that often.

Twilight Sparkle adjusted her glasses and sighed, noticing that she was almost near the end of the book she had been reading. She couldn’t reach over and adjust her lamp; she’d done that earlier, and the light was perfect. Her parents were out on a date night, and Shining was working a late shift at work, so she had the house all to herself save Spike. There was nothing for her to do, except enjoy the rest of her night in some other way after finishing her book.

Which she would be finishing. Soon.

She grimaced, then bookmarked her place and set aside the story with a deep sigh, rubbing her eyes. She was bored. She’d had nothing worthwhile to do since Princess Twilight Sparkle and Sunset had taken the amulet, and they wouldn’t even let her help with whatever they had in mind. Which was totally fine! It was! After all, that thing had stolen the magic of everyone around her before ripping holes in the universe. Oh yeah, and there was the whole turning into a demon intent on sundering the boundaries between worlds to get at all that wonderful magic in Equestria.

She didn’t want anything to do with that thing ever again! It’s not like she wanted to help with whatever insane experiment Princess Twilight had in mind.

She just kind of wished they’d needed her help so she wouldn’t be like this: at home in her room with nothing to do but finish a book she’d read a million times.

Well. She had some school assignments she needed to get ahead on anyway. She could get started on that at least, make a good impression on her new teachers at Canterlot High.

Mind made up, Twilight nodded to herself and climbed out of bed, invigorated and eager for the task ahead of her—and then the portal tore its way into her room. This wasn’t a gentle parting of air to form a stable gate between worlds; the blast of energy knocked the girl back against her dresser with a yelp, her glasses crashing to the ground. Bright light blinded her, and as the portal closed as abruptly as it had opened Twilight briefly saw white, blinking several times to try and clear her vision. She groaned, patting around until she found her glasses, and shakily put them on.

And then, she stared at the girl who had appeared in her bedroom.

Blood dripped from shaking fingers, stained through clothes on the right side of her body; she’d pressed her hand against the wound to try and stem the bleeding, but it clearly wasn’t helping much. She staggered on her feet, the pendant around her neck appearing to be the twin to the one Twilight had designed herself—if she could ignore the cracks that webbed their way along deep into the object, occasionally sending off small sparks of wild magic.

But what truly made Twilight stare was that beyond the wound, beyond the unstable pendant and the different clothes, beyond even the fact that this girl’s hair was a pixie cut and not long enough to fall down her back like it did in this world—what made Twilight stare was that the girl was Sunset Shimmer.

Teal eyes met violet. For a moment, the entire world seemed to stand still.

“Help,” the other Sunset gasped, and the spell was broken.

That single pained word spurred the purple girl forward, and she surged up to catch the redhead as she passed out from blood loss and collapsed into her arms. Twilight swore violently, gingerly setting her down on her bedroom floor and ripping a sheet off of her bed to try and stem the bleeding before she tore out of her room, yelling for Spike to find the first aid kit.

And so a new story, and a new chance to shine sunlight into darkness, began.

Author's Note:

Chapter written by Novel-Idea and RadiantBeam!

Novel-Idea Author's Note: And so, it begins.

Publication Note: The prologue of SunLight Sliders: Infinite is a slightly edited version of the last half of the Epilogue of SunLight Sliders.