• Published 3rd Jul 2019
  • 1,513 Views, 101 Comments

SunLight Sliders: Infinite - Amber Spark

Accidentally whisked away from her home dimension by a mysterious Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle must join forces with the strange girl to survive a hostile and chaotic multiverse filled with both wonder and terror.

  • ...

Chapter 12 - Tchernobog

In hindsight, she could have simply teleported out of the way, or even held Twilight with her magic. And she’d be the first to admit there was a bit of childish glee at seeing this Twilight ram muzzle first into the shield she’d instinctively summoned. The ensuing resonant bonk would keep her amused for far too long.

That, however, didn’t stop her from glaring at the other unicorn… with magic spectacles and wings. “What the hell, Twilight?”


“Shut up, Sonata.” Sunset said, keeping her eyes firmly on her ‘companion’.

“Ow,” Twilight said, rubbing her muzzle. “Rude. Is that how you thank your savior, Sunset? At least the one on my world knows the virtue of being polite.”

Sunset blinked. “Uh. Yeah, thanks, I guess? But that doesn’t change things. What’s with… this?” She asked, waving a hoof at Twilight.

“You just waved at all of me.”

“So I have a lot of questions, okay?” Sunset said, stomping a hoof. “What the heck is a ‘Midnight Sparkle’?”

“Horohorohoro….” Twilight chuckled, sending a shiver down Sunset’s spine. She’d never heard a Twilight laugh like that.

“...was that supposed to be a laugh?”

“Shh!” Adagio hissed. “Shut up and watch, Aria!”

“I guess I’m even more unique than I thought I was.” Twilight smirked, rubbing a hoof on her chest and peering at it admiringly. An eyebrow rose as she looked back at Sunset and tapped the shield with the same hoof. “You can take this shield down, by the way. I won’t kiss you. Unless you want me to.” She said, smirking even wider.

Sunset glared, silently holding the shield for just long enough to be considered insulting. “That still doesn’t answer my question.” She said, the magic around her horn fading along with the shield. “What happened back there? What’s wrong with you?”

“Nothing is ‘wrong’ with me, Sunnybuns,” Twilight said. “Let’s just say that I’m a part of Twilight. And that magic she ate was just what I needed to wake up again.”

Sunset’s eye twitched. “Sunnyb-. No. Do not call me that. Ever.” She glared at...whatever Twilight was now. “What do you want?”

“The knowledge of the multiverse, an orange smoothie, and you in a bed screaming my name.” Twilight grinned. “Not necessarily in that order.”

“Ooh, that sounds good right now.” Sonata whispered.

“What, Sunset in bed?” Aria asked.

“No! Well, yeah, but I meant the smoothie!”

Cheeks blazing, Sunset rubbed a hoof against her face. “This is not what I need right now. You three!” She barked, whirling on the sirens, who’d somehow gotten popcorn from somewhere. “Where are we?”

“Heck if I know.” Adagio shrugged. “We had a different place in mind when we jumped, but some dummy I won’t mention sent us here.”

“Hey!” Aria cried out.

“Regardless!” Adagio pressed on. “This seems like a pretty safe world. That’s Ponyville down there, isn’t it?”

“Looks like it.” Sunset nodded, staring down at the village. Her horn shone, plucking the talisman out of Aria’s hooves. Despite finally, finally holding her very own talisman, her heart sank. The device was lifeless, not even registering any ambient magic. All she could sense were the rapidly dissipating traces of that queen Twilight’s magic. “We need to go down there.”

Aria grunted. “Why? Let’s just wait until the damn thing charges.”

“Because it’s not working.” Sunset spat, holding up the device in her magic. “And I’m not trusting this Twilight with it.”

“Some offense taken, by the way.”

Sunset ignored Twilight’s jab. “We need to find this world’s Twilight. Let’s hope she’s home.”

“Y’know, it’s a lot pinker than I remember,” Sonata said, looking around as the group strode into town.

Sunset glanced at Twilight. “So let me get this straight-”

“Oh, I’m anything but.” Twilight smirked, her magic batting at Sunset’s hair like a cat.

Sunset ground her teeth, increasing the distance between herself and the other unicorn. “Twilight’s pre-portal talisman ate her friends magic, she consumed it, and out came whatever you are?”

“A short but accurate summary of my awakening, yes. I’m just the… passionate side of her, let’s say.” Twilight practically purred. “And call me Midnight Sparkle, if you really need to differentiate us.”

“...right. And Sparky’s still in there?”

“Like a bee constantly buzzing in my ear, yes.” Midnight smirked. “She thinks I’m being rude.”

“You did kinda take over her body…”

“Really, really pink. I mean, every building is pink.”

“If I didn’t know better,“ Adagio said. "I’d say it looks like Pinkie vomited paint all over town.”

“That’s because I did!” Pinkie chirped, popping up in the middle of the group, sending the mares stumbling back with a cry. “Well, I didn’t vomit it, I just threw paint over everything. Pink is the funnest color!”

“Pinkie!” Sunset said, her heart still beating furiously. “...Pinkie?” She blinked. She didn’t remember ever seeing a world with Pinkie having a horn and wings. One or the other, sure, but this?

“Yepperoonie!” Pinkie giggled. “You girls look new here. Welcome to Pinkieville!”

“Pinkieville?” Adagio asked.

“The Party Principality!”

Horohorohoro... I like this version.” Midnight chuckled. “Also, ‘funnest’ is not a word.”

Sunset sighed, shelving her concerns about an Alicorn Pinkie Pie to deal with later. Like, never. “Ooookay. Where’s Twilight? And I don’t mean this one.”

“Silly, she’s in Twilightville. And Fluttershy is in Flutterville, Rarity in Rarityville, Dashie and Applejack are in AppleDashville-”

“Okay, okay, I get it. Where’s Twilightville? I need to talk to her.”

“Other side of the country!”

“Of course it is.” Sunset sighed. “Can you message her? Teleport us there? Or a train? Anything? We really need her help.”

“Weeeeelllll yeah, but it's a long ride. Maybe I could help too!”

“Not unless you know how to fixed advanced dimensional travel devices.”

Pinkie gasped. “Ohhh, you’re sliders! Why didn’t you say so?”

“We kinda just got here?” Sonata offered, shrugging.

“Oh, right. Hi ‘Nata!” Pinkie said, pronking over to the pegasus and nuzzling her. She turned back to Sunset, leaving a bewildered but grinning Sonata behind. “Why don’t you let Twitwi fix it?” She said, pointing at Midnight.

“Because she doesn’t trust me.” Midnight pouted. “She’s being mean.”

“I’m-” Sunset took a deep breath. “No, I’m not even gonna dignify that with a response.” She faced Pinkie. “She’s not herself right now. So, can you help?”

“Welllll I could get my Twi here but it would take a week-”

“Too long!” Sunset cried out, ignoring Sonata’s ‘I don’t mind!’.

“Or you could go through my party chute.”

“Party chute?” The assembled ponies asked simultaneously.

“Well yeah, I thought it was just a place to put all my party paraphernalia but it’s actually another world!” She giggled. “Until another Twitwi came out and asked to stop throwing stuff into her basement. Maybe she could help!”

Sunset glanced at Midnight and the remaining undesired companions. She didn’t like the sudden sense of responsibility draping over her shoulders. “What do you think?”

“Risk it,” Adagio said, Aria nodding with her. “We gotta get as far from the Twive Mind as we can.”

“Aww but I wanna stay!” Sonata whined.

“We aren’t staying just because she likes you, Sonata.”

“Boo, hiss! Boooo.”

“Not that you’ll listen to me-” Midnight started.

Sunset nodded. “You’ve got that right.”

“-but I agree with Puffball here. I could take her own alone, but not with all the backup she's got.”

“Right. Pinkie?” Sunset said.

“One party chute, coming up! Follow me, fillies!”

Two corners later, Sunset was staring at a hole in the ground. “Pinkie, that’s a garbage chute.”

“It was! I just never changed it.”

“Whatever. Let’s go.”

“Waaaaaaait!” Pinkie cried out, leaping at Sunset.

“What? What?!”

“I almost forgot! Give the other Twilight this!” Pinkie said, floating over a box in her magic. “It’s a surprise! Oh, and make sure to hold it tight, you’re human on that side.”

“Oh thank Celestia.” Sunset sighed. She levitated the box and balanced it on a hoof. “Cmon, let’s go.”

Midnight Sparkle tsk’ed as she stood up. Despite being in control, her magic seemed just out of reach in this world. She’d sort through that headache later. Meanwhile, she'd just have to stay in Sunset's good graces. Mostly.


Speaking of headaches… Midnight thought. What do you want?

My body back, to start with!

Oh come now, my last stay was so brief. Let me have some fun.

No! It’s my body!

Our body. I’m not some thing possessing you. I’m part of you. Plus, I just saved everyone’s bacon and baconmanes. You owe me.

...Fine. But we’re getting me back in control!

No promises. Midnight thought, sending a mental smirk inwards. She took in her surroundings, a dusty basement full of boxes, and more boxes, and yet more boxes. She spied a book poking out of one of them, and chuckled. Yep, definitely one of us.

She turned back towards the rest of her group, holding back a snort as she noticed Sunset’s sizeable afro. “We all in one piece?”

“More or less.” Sunset grunted, hefting the box. “Okay, let’s find Twilight.”

The sudden slam of an opening door made everyone jump. In the middle of the doorway, a Rainbow Dash stood proud. She wore coveralls, a cowboy hat and had a pair of earrings in the shape of three red apples. But still, it was distinctly Rainbow Dash.

The girl grinned, leaning back to yell behind her. “Hey, AJ! Call Twilight! Delivery’s here!”

Author's Note:

Chapter written by Tchernobog!

Author's Note: Inner Twi is #a66ebe. Also known on fimfic's color wheel as "Twilight Sparkle" color. I'm not kidding. :rainbowlaugh: