• Published 21st Jul 2019
  • 4,910 Views, 72 Comments

Digimon Displaced Adventure - monkey king

While attending his first convention dressed as Beelzemon and meets a magical Vendor who sent him to another world. Now he must find a way to survive in this world he has found himself in.

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Chapter 6

Marcus sat in the center of a room made of crystal with what looked like a crystal conference table, hog tied and surrounded by a group of four ponies. Two of them being normal ponies, one being orange with a blonde mane and a cowboy hat as well as a pink one with pink puffy hair. While the other two were a white unicorn with a purple mane and purple pony that looked like the love child of a unicorn and pegasus.

The purple unicorn/pegasus thing glared at the tied up Impmon, which caused him to slightly fidget. “Um you mind untying me here miss purple, these ropes are kinda starting to chafe”, Marcus said while showing his bindings, but just received an even harsher glare.

The uniasas, a name that Marcus decided on, said,” No, those ropes aren’t coming off until you answer a couple questions. Also the name is Twilight Sparkle, not miss purple.”

Marcus rolled his eyes and asked,” Okay then Twilight Sparkle, what exactly are these questions that you have for me?” He looked at the other ponies beside Twilight and said,” I assume the rest of you have some questions as well.”

The orange pony said,” No not really, Twi is the one with all the questions. The rest of us are just ta make sure you don’t scurry off.”

Marcus shrugged as he said,” Fair enough i guess.” He turned his attention to Twilight saying,” So shall we begin, what are your questions or should I start guessing what you want ot know? Because I think I know at least one of them.”

“Oh and what do you think that would be?” Twilight as with a mixture of interest and scepticism.

With a cocky smirk Marcus said,” Well I would bet good money that your first question is what exactly am I.” As he said this Twilight gave a small nod to show that he was correct. This caused him to smirk as he continued,” Well to answer your question I am a Digimon, a Digital Monster.”

“A Digimon, I have never heard of such creatures” Twilight said in a somewhat annoyed voice. She turned her attention towards the other ponies to see if they knew anything. However, they all just shook their heads. She sighed as she looked back to Marcus and asked,” Okay then, what about those other creatures?”

Marcus smirked as he said,” Well the two creatures I fought were also Digimon, a Megakubterimon and a Barbamon to be exact.”

The white pony turned her head to the side and asked,” Um excuse me darling, but are those their names or what they are.”

Marcus looked at the white pony and said,” Well technically it is both. You see a typical Digimon’s name is also the name of that species of Digimon. However, that “name” of a digimon changes as we grow stronger and goes through a process called digivolution.”

The white pony gave a quick nod before asking,” I see, then what might your name be?”

Marcus began to smirk once again as he said,” I am afraid it is impolite to ask someone that question before giving your name first.”

A light blush appeared on the white ponies face as she said,” Oh forgive me darling, that it quit unlady like of me. My name is Rarity, charmed to meet you.”

Marcus gave a polite bow and said,” My name is Marcus and I am a Impmon.”

“Wait a minute I thought you said that for Digimon their species name is also the name they go by?” Twilight asked in a rather harsh, and a tad bit angry, tone of voice. With narrowed eyes as she said,” Unless that was a whole bunch of nonsense.”

Marcus shook his head as he said,” Nope, everything I have told you is the truth. It is just that I am different then most other Digimon is all.” The ponies looked at him as if to tell him to go on, which just made him sigh. He then said,” Look I wasn’t always a Digimon, that is all that I can tell you.”

The orange pony scoffed as she angrily said,” What in tarnation do ya mean, how can ya just start being what ya are?’

Marcus shrugged as he said,” Like I said all that i can tell you is that I didn’t always used to be a Digimon. I would love to tell you more, but I am afraid that I myself am still trying to figure it out myself.” As he said this he gave them a look as if to ask not to press the matter anymore.

The orange pony was about to say something, but was stopped by Rarity who said,” Applejack darling, if he can’t tell us any more than that then we should move onto another question.”

Applejack sighed as she said,” Fine, but there is somethin else I want to know.” She inched closer to Marcus until she face to face with her and asked,” What about those other two, the ones with them bird wings?”

“Oh that was me” Marcus said like it was no big deal.

Applejack looked at Marcus as if he was crazy and harshly said,” What in tarnation are you going on about, you ain’t look nothing like those two!” As soon as she finished a puff of smoke shot out of her nostrils.

Marcus sighed and said,” Like I was saying earlier with the names, we Digimon go through a process called Digievolution. Which is a proses in which a Digimon transforms into another Digimon, you can kinda think of it like growing up.”

Twilight raised an eyebrow towards and asked,” But if this “digievolution” is like you say, then why are you like this now?”

Marcus looked himself over as he said,” Well I did say it is kinda like growing up.” He looked back up at Twilight and said,” You see a Digimon can revert back to a prior form when a certain amount of damage is inflicted, or when we simply run out of energy to sustain the form.” A wicked smirk started to spread and said,” If you untie me and give me something to eat then I can show you.”

“ Yeah right, like we would be foolish enough to..” Twilight said in a a cocky tone before suddenly being cut off by the pink pony tying Marcus and handing him a cupcake. Twilight looked at the pink pony in shock and yelled,” PINKIE PIE!!”

Pinkie Pie looked at Twilight and said,” What he wanted something to eat.”

For a moment everyone in the room just looked at Pinkie in shock. Marcus however, not wanting to let this opportunity to pass him by. He quickly ate the cupcake and stood up. Now with some gas in his tank he closed his eyes as a white light overtook him as he digivolved into Beelzemon.

Now all eyes were off of Pinkie Pie and on Marcus, who just smirked. With a twinge of wicked glee in his voice asked,” So is this enough or do you need more proof?”

Twilight was lost for words for a moment before finally saying,” No I think that was more than enough.” She looked Marcus over before asking,” So what are you now?’

Marcus crossed his arms as he said,” Well this form is called Beelzemon, and from here I can take on two augmented forms. However, to go into those I need special items.” He looked around for his grimoire which was on the conference table. With a flick of his wrist the grimoire flew from the table and into his hand. “This being one of said items” he said as he held the book to his side.

Twilight looked at the book and began to reach her hoof out to touch it, but was quickly stopped by Marcus’s tail wrapping around it. She let out a slight grunt as his metal tail tightened its grip before quickly yanking her hoof back, out of his grip. After a quick look at her hoof she looked to him with a glare and, with venom in her voice, asked,” What in Equestria was that for?!”

Marcus glared back at Twilight and said,” I am not overly fond of people trying to touch something of mine without asking first.” He looked around to see any sort of exit and smiled once he saw one. He started to walk towards the exit, but was stopped when Applejack walked in front of him.

Applejack looked him in the eye and said,” Right sorry sugarcube, but i’m afraid that ya can’t leave just yet.”

Marcus looked back at Applejack and let out a long groan. In one swift motion he reached down and took ahold of his Berenjena, before pointing it at her. “Alright I have put up with this for long enough, so get out of the way or get hurt” he said as he readied himself to fire.

Applejack looked at the weapons and asked,” What ya gonna do with that thing?” Without saying a word Marcus aimed the shotgun in his left hand towards the sky and pulled the trigger, causing a loud boom and crystal shattering to be heard. She along with everyone else in the room looked shocked as pieces of broken crystal feel to the ground.

Marcus aimed his weapon back at the orange pony and the two just stared at each other. The air started to feel heavy, as if the room itself was waiting to see what was going to happen. However, before anything could happen Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy came bursting into the room.

Fluttershy frantically looked around before fixing her eyes on Marcus. She quickly ran up to him and said,” Oh Marcus there you are, I was worried that something bad had happened to you.”

Rainbow Dash flew above Fluttershy and said,” Yo Flutters, read the room a little.”

Fluttershy looked up at Rainbow Dash before looking back to Marcus and finally noticed his weapons where his guns were pointed at. With a gasp Fluttershy asked,” Oh my, Marcus what is going on here?”

Without turning his head he said,” What’s going on here is these ponies hog tied me, dragged me here, started asking me a bunch of questions, and now they are trying to stop me from leaving.” He tightened his grip on his weapons and said,” So if this is how I get to leave then so be it.”

Fluttershy frown as she forced her way in between Applejack and Marcus, causing his guns to now be pointed at herself. She looked up at him with pleading eyes and asked,” Please lower your weapons, and let’s talk about it?”

Marcus didn’t move an inch and just stared at Fluttershy, before letting out a a sigh and lowering his Berenjena to his side. “ Fine, as long as you stop looking at me like that” he said in a defeated voice.

Fluttershy smiled warmly at Marcus and said,” Thank you.” She turned her attention to the Twilight and the other ponies and said,” Alright if it is okay with everypony then I suggest that we call it a day here and if there are any more questions that still need to be answered then you may come by my cabin later.” Twilight opened her mouth to try and object, but was quickly shut down when Fluttershy gave a quick shot of her stare. With a quick nod she said,” Okay then I think we should all call it a day.”

No one said anything at first until Twilight sighed and said,” Fine we can call it a day.” She then glared at Marcus as she said,” However, don’t think that this is over. I will be keeping an eye on you!”

Marcus glared back at Twilight before turning his back to her and walking towards the door. As he walked he said,” Oh don’t you worry, I don’t plan on going anywhere any time soon.” When he reached the doorway he stopped. He turned his head to the side to reveal a wicked smirk and said,” Besides this place has offered me a whole lot of fun, and I imagine things are just going to get a lot more exciting.” He turned his head forward before walking out the doorway.

Author's Note:

Merry early X-Mas everyone! I am so happy to finally have finished this chapter. I wanted to finish this a long time ago, but life kinda got in the way. Hope you all like it and look forward to hearing from you all latter.