• Published 21st Jul 2019
  • 4,902 Views, 72 Comments

Digimon Displaced Adventure - monkey king

While attending his first convention dressed as Beelzemon and meets a magical Vendor who sent him to another world. Now he must find a way to survive in this world he has found himself in.

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Chapter 8

Only a couple days have passed sense Marcus’s and Cherrymons talk in the Apple family orchards. While siting on the roof of Fluttershy’s cottage in his Impmon form he felt himself pondering. The words of the bark covered digimon still bugged him. If Cherrymon was a prisoner alongside other digimon then who let them out, how many exactly escaped digimon are there? However, he could only think of one place that had the potential to have his answers. The very placed where his adventure in this world started, that lab.

If the ponies at that lab summoned him then it stood to reason that they could do the same to others. But just the idea of going back to that place sent a shiver up his spine. Don’t get him wrong he was actually happy with this current version of himself. He had gained unimaginable power, a few new friends/acquaintances, and someone he looked at like a sort of sister. However, to get all this he still had to loss everything that he knew and love.

Marcus angrily growled as jumped to his feet and yelled out,” WHAT THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO DO?!”

Suddenly a voice he heard the voice of a familiar tomboy ask,” Why are you yelling so loud for?” Marcus turned to look at Rainbow Dash who had just landed on the roof.

Honestly Marcus was not the biggest fan of Rainbow. To him she was just like every annoying jock that she had ever seen in every form of media out there. With a slight grown he turned away from her and made a bowl with his hands, which he used to set his head in.” Well I was just contemplating doing something that has the likely possibility to make my life harder.” he said in a annoyed tone.

Rainbow walked up behind him and asked,” That sounds like really annoying.” She then sat down next to him and asked,” You, uhhh, want to talk about it?”

Marcus swiftly raised his head and blinked a couple times. Honestly out of every pony that he has meet since coming to this town he never expected Rainbow to offer such a thing. With a sigh he said,” I was thinking about going to a place I never thought I had cut all ties with.” Pulling his legs close to his chest wrapping his arms his legs before continuing,” The messed up thing is that seems like my only option?”

Rainbow’s brow raised slightly as she asked,” If you don’t want to go to this place your talking about then why consider going at all? What is so important that you need to know anyways?”

Not a word was spoken for a second, just the whistling of the wind buzzing around them. Marcus looked at Rainbow and said,” I need to find out why I was brought here and how many others like me are out there.” Turning his head away again he quietly said,” Besides I would like to get an idea what I might be fighting in the future.”

Rainbow looked at Marcus and sighed. “ So this whole thing is about finding your place and what you are supposed to do?” She said while placing a hoof on his shoulder. This caused Marcus to turn back to her and the twos eyes meet. With a slight smile and said,” It is normal to wonder what your purpose is, but it doesn’t help to worry about it. Like I told Scoot you will find your purpose in time.”

Marcus was honestly blown away. He expected this kind of say from Fluttershy and Applejack, but never from the likes of Rainbow Dash. However, while this new side to the Cyan mare her words did little in the way of helping him with his situation. “While I understand what your getting at that, but I was referring to why why I specifically summoned me.”

Rainbow removed her hoof and with a nervous chuckle said,” Oh okay.” She then rubbed the back of her head and said,” In that case i’m sure that the girls and I would be more than happy to help you out.”

A small smile crept onto Marcus’s face before letting out a small chuckle. “Well I might have to follow your advice Rainbow.” he happily said. Leaning back while using his hands to support him he asked,” So aside from being weirdly nice and offering me advice,did you come here for some specific reason?”

The Cyan Pegsuss eyes grew wide as she said,” Oh yeah I nearly forgot, Twilight told me to come grab you and Fluttershy. Apparently some giant strange book appeared outside her place this morning and has been unable to open it.”

Marcus raised an eyebrow and asked,” Okay so, why would she want Fluttershy to come? More importantly why would she want me to come?” Honestly he and Twilight never really had a good relationship. In fact he only believed she interacted with him due to the fact that she was “curious” about everything that is digimon. Curiosity was to be expected, but what that she did was just creepy.

Rainbow shrugged as she said,” I have no clue, maybe she thinks it has something to do with your Digimon thing?”

This did kinda annoy Marcus that jut because something strange suddenly appeared it they just assumed he was involved. However, given that since he had come to this town every big thing that has happened has been Digimon related. So instead of arguing he just let out a sigh before saying.” I will go and grab Fluttershy then.” After saying this he quickly jumped off of the roof and walking into the cottage and started looking around for Fluttrshy.

After a few seconds of searching Marcus was able to the shy Pegasus in an upstairs spare bedroom where she often uses to let injured animals rest. Upon entering he noticed she was bandaging up what looked like a ferret. Finishing wrapping the bandage around the tiny creatures paw she said,” Alright Mrs. Furry you get some sleep, and make sure to stay off your paws.” The ferret gave a quick nod before laying its head down and going asleep. Smiling turned around to walk out of the room but was surprised by a watching Marcus. “Oh Marcus, what are you doing here?” she asked with a tad bit of startled.

Marcus crossed his arms as he leaned onto the doorframe and said,” Well I have came to get you, Rainbow came to bring grab us. Twilight received a giant random book and she thinks it might be digimon related.”

Fluttershy whined a tiny bit as she said,” Oh dear I hope that everything is alright.” She started walking towards Marcus, picking him up as she passed and setting him on her back.

Now one would think that this would be demining to Marcus, and they would be right. He really hated when she would do this, but begrudgingly he was getting used to this. At least she could only do this while he was an Impmon.

The two exited the Cottage and were greeted by the sight of the Rainbow floating in front of the front door. The sight of Marcus ridding on Flutterhsy’s back making her burst into a mad fit of laughter, causing her to fall onto the ground and roll around while clutching her sides. This continued for a few moments until finally she got back to her hooves and in between breaths asked,” Oh my Celestia, why are you ridding on Flutters back?”

A large vain pulsed on his forehead and with a growl said,” It is not like I asked her to do this, she just decided to pick me up and put her on her back.” He raised one finger on his right hand, a small blue flame igniting at the tip. “Now you will never say a word of this to anyone or I will set you alight get me!?” The tiny Imp Digimon said in a serious tone.

Rainbow Dash smirked as said,” Oh calm down little dude I won’t tell anypony, unless you ever annoy me then I am so telling.”

The flame grew slightly at her words before dissipating all together and sighing. He crossed his arms before saying,” I guess I will have to be okay with that.” Quickly he jumped off Fluttershy’s back and started to walk the direction of Twilights castle. All the while saying,” Now let’s go before my pride takes any more damage.”

The group made their way to the crystal castle all the while Fluttershy constantly apologizing about embarrassing Marcus, to which he just constantly said it was fine. After a few minutes they finally arrived at the castle.

Rainbow Dash was about to knock on the door, but before her hoof could even touch it the two large crystal doors swung open. Standing in the now opened doorway was a frazzled Twilight. Her main looked as if she had been struck by lightning, her feathers were also messed up, and under her eyes were two giant black circles. Basically she looked like she was at the end of her rope.

A small smirk couldn’t help but creep upon his lips as he said,” Wow Twilight, you sure look like you've been hit by the ugly stick.” This caused Rainbow Dash to burst into a fit of laughter and Twilight to angrily groan.

With a sigh Twilight hung her head and in a raspy voice said,” I have been trying to open that dumb book for days. I have tried everything that I can think of, but nothing is woking. Not magic, science, alchemy, not even brute force, nothing I have done even leaves a scratch on the thing.”

Marcus smuggly walked past the exhausted alicorn and said,” So you call in the big guns I get it, just leave it to me.” The group made they their way through the castle and into the castles’s library. In the center of the room was the reason they were there. On the floor in the center of the room was a large black leather book with what looks like the picture of an atom its cover. Surrounding the book there was visible scorch marks, some strangely in the in the shape a pony, as well as some tools scattered around.

Twilight walked in front of the group, standing next to the book, and said,” So, as you can see I am kinda at a loss as to what to do.” With a pleading look in her eyes she asked,” You all wouldn’t happen to have any ideas would you?”

Rainbow Dash shook her head no and looked at Fluttershy, shrink at tad bit a the attention, before weakly saying,” I-I’m sorry Twilight, I have no idea what else you could try.” The Cyan pegasus turned to look down at Marcus and asked,” What about you?”

Marcus didn’t say anything, he just stood there looking at the book. He couldn’t explain it, but something about the leather tome seemed familiar. Slowly he walked up to the book and touched it.

As soon as Marcus’s hand rested on the cover a red light shot out from the pages before bursting open. Everyone in the room jumped back in surprise as the pages quickly turned until finally stopping the middle. Red scribbles started to sprawl across the pages until both pages were covered.

Marcus waited for a moment before walking back up to the book and looking at the scribbles. His eyes bugged out as he recognised that the scribbles were Digiscript, the written language of the digital world. Why was a book of with the digital world writing doing in this world, could it have something with himself and other Digimon being brought to this world. Once again a bright light emanate from the book.

Jumping back Marcus found himself instinctively digivolving into Beelzemon and drawing his Berenjena at the book. Slowly a robed humanoid with a pair of tan wings slowly raised up from the light until it was hovering mid air above the book. The Figure slowly moved its arms out to the sides causing a pair of orbs to appear above each palm.

A pair of small yellow circles appeared where eyes should be in its hood. It scanned all the occupants of the room but stopped when it spotted Marcus. “ Ah a Beelzemon, this is quite rare.” It then turned its attention to Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and finally Twilight and said,” Odd I do not think that I have any information on these Digimon.”

“Hey we aren’t Digimon, we are ponies!” Rainbow Dash angrily said while flying into the beings face.

The being cocked its head to the side and said,” Hmm, a pony. Given your bodies then maybe a you seem akin to Pegasusmon.”

Marcus let out a small sigh as he holstered his guns while saying,” No she has no relation to Pegasusmon, none of them are related to Digimon. So don’t get any ideas Wisemon.”

Twilight looked surprisingly up at Marcus and asked,” Wait you know what this creature, is he a Digimon like you?” Her mind was wracked with so many questions. Honestly with how intense she was made Fluttershy just shrink next to Marcus.

Marcus didn’t bother to look at Twilight as she said,” Yes he is a Digimon like me, and as I just said his name is Wisemon. Not much is known about him, but those stones and the book are a different story. First of is that book.” He pointed at the book itself and said,” To but it in simple terms it is just a gate to anywhere and any time it is connected with. Also there is debate on whether that is book is its true form.”

All eyes shifted to Marcus, Schock from the girls and a neutral one from Wisemon himself. Fluttershy then piped up and asked,” W-what do you mean by its a gate to anywhere or any time?”

Marcus pointed at the book as he said,” Basically that book can take Wisemon through space and time to a destination of his choosing as long as the book is connected.” He moved his hand to point at the two stones before saying,” As for those things, they are able to able to playback a record of an area. Thus preserving every object and event of the Digital world.”

“It would seem that would seem that you know much of me Beelzemon, yet this is are first meeting. So tell me how do you know so much of me?” Wisemon said while rubbing his chin.

Marcus crossed his arms and with a smirk said,” Hey you have your records and I have mine and lets leave it at that.”

Wisemon removed its hand from its chin and moved it back to where it was prior. In a neutral tone he then said,” Very well then, now tell me for what reason have I been brought here.”

Without uncrossing his arms he pointed his thumb towards Twilight and said,” Blame that one over there. For some reason she was sent your book and was going mad trying to open it, which I did.” Moving his thumb back to where it was prior and asked,” So you know why your book suddenly was brought here?”

Wisemon looked at Twilight and in a neutral voice said,” I have no knowledge as to why my book was brought to thai place, but maybe there is a way to find out.” Slowly he moved his hand over which the time stone shown bright until it completely enveloped everyone in the room. Once the light dissipated the group found themselves in a completely different environment internally. Where once was a messy library was now a laboratory.

Sitting on a table in the middle of the room was Wisemon’s book. Everyone looked towards the book when the woosh of a mechanical door opening behind, catching their attention. Entering through the door was an elderly unicorn mare, with white fur and a short gray mane, and wore a labcoat and thick glasses.

The mare walked up to the book and lit her horn with a silvery color. A tape recorder floated out her labcoat, bathed in the same silvery color. She then said,“ Quantum Rift’s log, entry 1: Subject #012. Upon completion of the latest transdimensional ritual, an unknown object appeared instead of one of the creatures that has been summoned prior. The closest approximation to the object that we have would be an average book.” She set a hoof onto the book before continuing,” Several attempts to open the object have been, unsuccessful to say the least. Also all magic scans have come back inconclusive.” Slowly removing the hoof and in a groan said,” It is unknown as to why this thing was summoned, the alterations made to the ritual should have brought an ultimate level monster or greater.”

Quantum Rift turned her back to the book and began to walk out of the room. With another screech the door opened up and she said,” It would seem that further tests would be a waste of time. Recommendation, the book should be handed over to Princess Celestia as a “gift” for the increase in are budget. This is Quantum Rift signing off.” The tape recorder stopped and floated into her labcoat as the scientist mare walked out of the room.

Suddenly a bright flash once again overtook everyone in the room. Once the light disappeared the group once again found themselves in Twilight’s library. Wisemon then said,” I would imagine from there things are rather plane to see.”

Twilight gave a nod as she said,” Yes, it would seem that after giving your book to she passed it to me after being unable to being unable to open the book herself.” Raising her hoof to her chin and asked,” I do wonder though, how much does the Princess about all of this?”

Suddenly was dragged from that train of thought when Marcus asked,” Hey Twilight, where exactly is the Princess at?”

Twilight turned to look at Marcus who’s eyes seemed to be have been shrouded in darkness. With raised eyebrow she said,” Well Princess Celestia lives in Canterlot, it is that city on the side of the the nearby mountain. Just head outside and you will see it, why do you ask?”

Without saying a word Marcus suddenly brought his pointer finger and thumb up to his mouth and let out a ear piercing whistle. As he whistled Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Twilight covered their ears to try and protect their hearing. When he finally stopped, and everypony uncovered their ear, loud crashing could be heard getting closer and closer. Suddenly Behemoth crashed through the libraries doors and drove in front of him.

As Marcus mounted Behemoth Fluttershy frantically asked,” M-Marcus, what are you doing?”

Without even looking at Fluttershy Marcus said,” I am going to get some answers.” He then revved and made Behemoth do a wheely before peeling out of the room, and castle. This was his best chance to find out why he was brought to this world. He didn’t know what sort of info this Princess had, or even if would actually help, but he knew that he had to try and nothing would get in his way.

Author's Note:

Hey guys, sorry this took so freaking long to come out. Life had been hectic with school and stuff. However, I am happy to show you my latest chapter and will see ya later. Hope you all have a good existence and have fun in whatever you are doing. BYE!!!!!