• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Friday


No way of knowing, where we'll be going, our adventures never end.


Cozy Glow loses her last foal tooth and eagerly anticipates a visit from the Tooth Breezie.

Now with an awesome reading by Quinch: https://www.youtube.com/Tr-ef9WhW0s

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 30 )

Who is Petunia Petals?

She was in Rainbow Roadtrip. If you haven't seen that special yet, there are some spoilers for it in this story.

Well, THAT was a nice little twist! Totally in character for Cozy.

Why were all her plans destined to fail so close to victory? Why did the universe mock her?

Ya know, thinking back on the series proper, it’s always factors that are completely out of Cozy’s control that thwart her plans. Twilight being uncharacteristically angry at the CMC, The Tree of Harmony pulling a Deus Ex Machina right when she literally turns her back, Rusty being too stupid to respond to her manipulations, and probably a few more in future episodes we haven’t seen yet.

Cozy’s not overconfident like Tirek or unhinged like Chrysalis; She’s a competent schemer who’s just undervalued by her peers and really, really unlucky. Great job capturing that in this fic.

Ah, the tooth fairy! Fun times as a kid. Clever having it be a breezie in the pony world.

I get the feeling that Cozy specifically planned on Tirek smacking her in order to get that last tooth out. She probably could've come up with less health hazardous ideas, but at least having Tirek knock it out is effective.

The fact that Grogar sent Chrysalis on an info-gathering mission is laughable, but it makes sense when he later has the other villains humor Cozy for the sake of team morale.

So, Cozy had a plan to get the Tooth Breezie's magic, and the one time the other villains act like family happens to screw up what would be her last chance at getting it is hilarious.

Technically, in the voice of Mudbriar, your use of Deus Ex Machina is incorrect because the Tree of Harmony has been shown to be a sentient being and has acted on its own before. So, therefor, the Tree of Harmony was a Chekov's Gun when it saved the Young Six.

It wasn’t the Tree being autonomous that makes me call schenanigans; it’s the fact Cozy’s line just seconds earlier was “with magic officially gone from Equestria, I’m not sure the Tree of Harmony is going to as helpful as it once was.” Cue said Tree breaking the previously established rules of the episode to resolve the plot.

It’s a nitpick, I know. The writers had to contrive some way for Cozy to fail. I just personally didn’t like the one they picked.

Nice story.

And Cozy Glow wanting to trap the Tooth Breezie, fits her.

Every time I see Chrysalis, I don't understand why she hasn't found a stallion, and started raising a new army already.


And that's a good question. I guess it would depend on if ponies and changelings can interbreed? But that would definitely be a logical thing to do. Of course, it seems she's not quite all there in the head anymore, so logic may no longer be her forte...

What I seriously find weird is Tirek's attitude towards Cozy Glow. The way they acted in season 8 was as kindred spirits, and were supposed to show how friendship can be between BAD PEOPLE, and that doesn't make them LESS bad. And Cozy Glow's reaction to be in Tartarus SCREAMED 'All according to plan.'

Now Tirek treats her as a pest at best, and Cozy seems to have lost all the brilliant scheming that her so damn dangerous before.

Tirek did rightfully point out Deus Ex Machina constantly saves the pony's butts.

There were plants, and birds, and rocks, and things

I see what you did there.

I was hoping someone would catch that! :pinkiehappy:

Cute little story to pass the time.

“With friends like you, who needs Twilight Sparkle?!”
PFFF ok that was funny and surprisingly in character.
That was a cute story, the big bad villains amusing their youngest ally.

"Nothing but the Tooth" "Tooth and Consequences"

AHH! The moment of tooth!!

That was literally the first thing that popped into mind.

Poor Cozy, she can never catch a break or a mythical creature. Makes you wonder if trying to catch the Tooth Breezy was where it started for her. Maybe if one of her evil schemes to capture the fundamental forces of the universe succeeded, she'd calm down a bit.
The domestic violence at the beginning was a bit jarring, though, but I guess they are cartoon characters.


I agree with you wholeheartedly. I hated writing Tirek smacking Cozy Glow around, but the show has shown him abusing her. :pinkiesad2: :fluttercry: You know, for children.

And now, of course, she's a pigeon roost. :raritydespair: And everypony else in Equestria is okay with this. :facehoof: Yeah, she's bad, but she's still a child. Most of the other villains (and all of the pony villains) were offered a chance at redemption, but Cozy Glow wasn't. She was the only pony of the bunch to be punished for her crimes. Everypony else gets to apologize and go free (even the token, and not particularly sincere, apology offered by Trixie) or run away. Not to mention the whole thing was a setup by Discord, who was all too willing to suggest their ultimate punishment. I look at it as him getting revenge on Tirek, knowing Cozy Glow would irritate the centaur for all eternity.

Yet Discord, the one who released them from Tartarus and summoned King Sombra, isn't punished at all. Ultimately, Discord is the one responsible for the loss of the Tree of Harmony. He may not have destroyed it personally, but he gave Sombra the chance to.

Oh, and he doesn't turn ponies to stone. Yeah right.

I was gonna say Tirek never actually hit Cozy, but rewatching the premier shows that, yup, he just flicked her across the room. I guess I just edited such things out of my memory. I think he did stop hitting her after "Frenemies," though.
Also the scene at the end where Tirek, Cozy, and Chrysalis are all clearly afraid of Grogar and he threatens to kill them if they don't work for him. Probably another reason he had them turned to stone, since Twilight and Co won't hear about that now. Getting rid of the witnesses.

The worst part about it is they could have had more or less the same plot, and made it "Discord wanted to reform a bunch of villains by forcing them to work together and tricking them into discovering friendship while dangling Twilight in front of them as bait because he figured she could take care of herself." Then they really would have been betraying him (you can't call anything Tirek did to Discord/Grogar betrayal if Discord was always plotting to destroy Tirek) and Discord would be justified in being upset with his "students." It'd also be a more interesting way to have Discord not really understanding friendship, and would have made an interesting parallel between Discord and Cozy as folks who were paying attention but completely missed the point anyway.

Which would also give Twilight a more sensible reason to be depressed, since this is what her Friendship result in: Cozy Glow nearly destroys all the magic in Equestria and Discord creates a villain team. What is the point of being a teacher if your most effective pupils are the one's who learn all the wrong lessons?

The abuse Cozy Glow suffered was jarring for a children's cartoon. Having Tirek land on her, I'm fine with that. Even being flattened by the giant snowball in Frenemies wasn't bad (no different than watching Elmyra get an anvil dropped on her ~13 year-old head). It was when he was abusing her in ways that children can actually be abused (beating, strangling) that bothered me. Yeah, we've all seen Homer Simpson strangle Bart the same way. But The Simpsons isn't exactly for kids, either. Besides, it's obvious Homer loves Bart in his own warped way and would never truly injure him.

I love your idea for how they could've had a better season 9. There were many ways they could've done it better. I can think of about half a dozen, and that's just the tip of the iceberg. They had six episodes with the villains in season 9. There's no reason they couldn't have worked those into a redemption arc and made Grogar the ultimate big bad of the season, betrayed by his underlings at the last minute, then shown the error of his ways as the villains realize that they have learned friendship after the events of Frenemies. Instead, all the character growth and progress they made during the season was instead forgotten about for the series finale, to make it bigger and more badass.

Except it really wasn't badass so much as it was predictable and dull. It was like going to a Michael Bay movie. You know things are going to explode in ever more elaborate ways, but that's okay because no one is there for the story. And that's not what the show did well. The adventure episodes always seemed forced and honestly I never found any of them to be particularly good (except Dragonshy). Plus they were predictable since there's no way the heroes were going to lose in this series. Slice-of-life is really where they shined, and it probably speaks volumes that I watched the pilot four times and couldn't understand what all the fuss was about, but immediately got hooked by watching Suited For Success instead. But that's what I look for in a series, and MLP hooked me in ways no other series ever has, hitting a sweet spot between well-written, funny, and adorable.

Another thing about villains is they can only be a credible threat so many times. Once they've been defeated, the audience knows they're not unbeatable. Their threat level is hence diminished. Setting up Grogar as a new big bad could've worked, especially if he defeated the combined forces of the heroes, but was brought down by the team he'd selected instead as they learned the value of friendship, and then they'd teach him. Discord turning out to be the puppeteer over all of these events instead casts a shadow over Twilight's coronation, making me wonder if she's truly up for the task of ruling since he's been holding her hoof the whole time without her knowing it.

Instead we ended up with the ending they produced, which was disappointing on so many levels. A show with friendship right there in the title refuses to extend that friendliness to three of them. They could've used the final episode set in the future to unlock the three of them, and let Luster Dawn (or Discord) learn about friendship by trying to resolve their issues. Which would've been a far better use of those final twenty-two minutes...

I suppose the thing that bothers me the most about the whole scenario is we never get a reason why. Neither Cozy Glow nor Tirek are ever given any real backstory. Tirek's a creature that eats magic, leaving those he's fed on a husk of their former selves. He's a credible threat to the ponies Equestria, and has a reason to be feared and locked up. Still, they never made any attempts to help him be a better centaur. And Cozy Glow? We're just to accept her being a card-carrying villain for no reason. Chrysalis was the only one of the three who was extended the hoof of friendship, and she spurned it.

Oh well, there's always fanfiction (and possibly the comics).

didn't read but listened love it on youtube

D'aww, thanks!

I've always found it interesting that when she's picked up in The Beginning of the End she's making logs with changeling faces on them, and that her last appearance in the Mean Six had her grow minions in a similar way. Makes you stop and think for a moment.

So first off this is a great story and you should be proud for writing it. I just came back to this first reading it way back at the beginning/middle of Season 9 and it's still the same spectacular story I remember reading all those months ago. I enjoyed every line of this reread. So thank you very much for that. Now on with the comments.

There were many ways they could've done it better.

So many ways. So many ways. :raritydespair: :raritycry:

Slice-of-life is really where they shined, and it probably speaks volumes that I watched the pilot four times and couldn't understand what all the fuss was about, but immediately got hooked by watching Suited For Success instead.

I know right? I loved the slice of life stories in this series. Course it says a lot that my favorite two-part episodes in the show would have to be first The Return of Harmony and then Twilight's Kingdom, which are both more dramas than anything else.

Another thing about villains is they can only be a credible threat so many times. Once they've been defeated, the audience knows they're not unbeatable.

And it's not like they really up the threat level here, and although the Windigoes do add a sense of danger to the whole thing, it's not really all that much since they never actually get involved.

Discord turning out to be the puppeteer over all of these events instead casts a shadow over Twilight's coronation, making me wonder if she's truly up for the task of ruling since he's been holding her hoof the whole time without her knowing it.

I personally took that to refer to Season 9's The Beginning Of The End where he was drooping clues and aided them against Sombra, rather than a indication of the series as a whole, although I suppose there are episodes where that might be the case. Honestly I doubt her ability to rule for a lot more reasons than Discord's potential involvement but that's just me.


Thank you! I'm glad you like this story!

Honestly I doubt her ability to rule for a lot more reasons than Discord's potential involvement but that's just me.

It's not just you. She matured as a character over the course of the series, but there are still plenty of reasons why this is a bad idea. There's a lot more to ruling a country than just shooting rainbow laser beams at villains, and she's still Twilight 'prone to freaking out' Sparkle.

Not to mention, what exactly are Celestia and Luna going to do for the rest of their very long lives?

I'm very disappointed with how the series ended (and not just because Grogar was a hoax and the trio got stoned, though that's certainly part of it). Where was the magic of friendship that was extended to every other antagonist, regardless of their desire to be reformed? Where will the magic of friendship be when Twilight's friends die of old age and she keeps living forever?

But most of all, I'm disappointed because the ending of the series was so divisive when it didn't need to be. It's impossible to please everyone, but the ending didn't need to be this controversial.


Thank you! I'm glad you like this story!

It needed to be said and I am glad to say it.:twilightsmile:

There's a lot more to ruling a country than just shooting rainbow laser beams at villains, and she's still Twilight 'prone to freaking out' Sparkle.

Not to mention she makes a lot of mistakes when she's calm as well.

Where was the magic of friendship that was extended to every other antagonist, regardless of their desire to be reformed?

Honestly I kind of saw this coming after Season 8's final. Cozy Glow has issues no doubt. But aside from her being overtly bratty, nothing she does is any worse than the sum total of Discord's crimes over the course of the show seasons. Heck even Discord has moments of being a power hungry brat and no one does anything about him then (A Matter Of Principals).

The fact that no one noticed things like banishing someone to another dimension had been used as a punch line to a joke way back in "Make New Friends But Keep Discord", and the fact that no one acknowledged that it took incredible investment on the part of Fluttershy to reform Discord's character in the first place, tells me at that this point that any semblance of moral consistency had gone out the door (something I was worried about since Discord's reformation actually).

There really was no point to drop the hammer like they did (with as little foreshadowing as they had if it wasn't their intent to screw every "big bad" going forward. I would guess episodes like Daring Doubt and Sweet and Smokey were proberbly pandering after the backlash.

Where will the magic of friendship be when Twilight's friends die of old age and she keeps living forever?

With the next generation I guess? I proberbly wouldn't have made Twilight Princess of Friendship (or at least put the same emphasis on it) myself but there's a lot I wouldn't do that the show did.

But most of all, I'm disappointed because the ending of the series was so divisive when it didn't need to be. It's impossible to please everyone, but the ending didn't need to be this controversial.

I mean this fandom has always been controversial so I don't know how you would've avoided that, but certainly it didn't have to be as disappointing.


There were many ways they could've done it better.

Well I know how that goes. If you ever want to vent just shoot me a PM.

This was adorable. :rainbowwild:

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