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Uplink Seven: Contact III


"Twilight I don't trust these people." Starlight stated plainly and bluntly to her teacher making sure they were out of earshot of the creatures guards outside.

"Starlight, you need to be more open minded to individuals and their traditions. We can't just turn away everyone willing to learn."

Starlight sighed. "Twilight, helping people is a noble cause, but these people are dangerous."

"I agree that they are a bit... off, but they haven’t done anything wrong." Starlight was stunned, had she really not put two and two together yet?

"They appear out of nowhere from the Everfree Forest right when the ponies start disappearing in the Everfree Forest! I’d say that’s pretty malicious. Have you really not figured that a might bit suspicious?"

"We can't link them to that, and when Zecora came from the Everfree forest everyone was scared of her without even getting to know her. Have I told you that story yet?"

Starlight face hoofed. "Yes you have, but this isn't like Zecora, their dangerous. Twilight listen to me." Starlight stressed every one of her words putting a hoof on Twilight's shoulder.

"Take it from a former villian. The first step, if your smart, and they seam intelligent, is always information gathering. Learning the weaknesses and where and when to strike. What better way to learn a weakness than have the enemy tell you it flat out? Think about it.”

“I will admit their behavior is a bit... strange. But they seam genuinely interested in their ‘quest for knowledge’ as they put it.”

“How do you know that they aren’t just going to imprison us in a dungeon once they read every book you have?”

“They wouldn’t do something like that.”

Twilight turned away ignoring her student and began trodding back to her palace, “Now if you’ll excuse me I need to check up and se—“


Twilight was blocked from entering her own home by one of the armored creatures.

“Access denied.” The thing spoke in a monotone voice.

“It’s my house!” Twilight demanded.

The thing looked annoyed, not that she could tell how they felt under those helmets of theirs. Did they have faces under? What did they look like?

“Access Denied.” It repeated in the same voice.

Twilight heard a hiss of repeating code from somewhere behind the door, then the thing stepped to the side.

“Access Granted.” It replied sounding annoyed.

How did they do that? Twilight definitely heard something, but it definitely wasn’t words. Was this how they talked? It was only just for a second as well.


“Soooo.” Starlight looked at the guard awkwardly “Where are you from exactly?”

“Mars.” The construct responded flatly.

Mars? Starlight repeated, she tested the word a few times in her mind. It didn’t ring any bells. Was it a land? A country? A city? A town?

“Can you elaborate?”








Auto Shunt Found
Designation: Cassius
Rank: Arch Magos
Location: Unknown World assigning designation: VP- 23336789432 Xeno Settlement Delta
Uplink successful

+The Numbers Have Spoken+

“So let me get this straight...” Cassius stated repeating what he just heard again to make sure his translator was functioning properly. This was his fifth visit to the xenos library in as many local days. Each time he came he returned to the Byzantium with new lore for it’s ever hungry archives on this race of xeno mythology, legend, and history. Each day Princess Twilight of house Sparkle would regale him with the tales of her own life and those of her companions, the events often seamed too fantastical to be believed. Cassius suspected some exaggerations in her telling of events, however she spoke with such conviction her stories may very well be true.

“You actually saw the tree produce this latic work construct fully furnished and decided to live in it?”

“Yes, and we also later found out this tree was planted by the Pillars of Equestria, legendary heroes from our past.”

“The more I learn about this world the more questions I get.”

“I’m sorry.”

“No, no, no you misunderstand this is wonderful!” Cassius allowed excitement to flow into him as he went on “The whole point of the quest for knowledge is uncovering information by journeying out and finding it. Unlike my colleagues, I see the knowledge inherent to those life forms outside our influence, just by talking to you over the course of these five days I’ve already learned more about your fascinating species then I ever would simply though observation from a far.” By that he also meant dissection.

The arch magos lifted one of Twilight Sparkles front hooves and patted the top with a different claw.

“I truly wish to thank you for your contribution to my cause.”

Twilight awkwardly backed away from Cassius.

“Don’t mention it. It really is nothing. But you know so much about us. And yet we know so little about yo—“

“This ‘Lord Tirek’ you mentioned in your story.” The Arch Magos interrupted. “Could you describe him for me? You mentioned both ‘hooves’ and ‘hands’ when relaying your confrontation.”

“Oh right, sorry.” Twilight abandoned her own inquiry not for the first time.

“Let’s see. He was almost about six times the size of a pony when I first encountered him. Though his size increased the more magic he absorbed. He stood on four black pony like legs, but coming from the spot a head would be was a second torso bracketed by buff red biceps. Like a minotaur. His face was long with a white beard, and two curved horns at the sides of his head.”

Cassius paused his recording cogitators. Red skin. Hooves. Horns. Hands. Hatred of magic? It couldn’t be. Could it? If they where here. How much did she know? Did they know? This wasn’t good. This needed to be discussed, but with whom?

“Twilight I need to speak with your leader.”

“Oh, you mean princess Celestia?”

Cassius shook his head.

“Negative. I said leader not one with the same rank as you. If you are matriarchal then the one I am looking for would be a ‘queen.’”

Twilight tilted her head considering this. It looked like she was trying to work something out in her mind. But soon she just shook her head.

“No you’re referring to Princess Celestia.”

+++Transmission Concluded+++

Author's Note:

Originally Contact was going to be one chapter. But it was taking me so long and I wrote a thousand words, so I decided to break it up into three parts.