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Uplink Eight: Contact IV


“Alright, come on out.” The white unicorn called.

Emerging from behind the silken curtain a large form clad in shining white cloak, the threads visibly glistening in the morning sun. From the sides emerged four pink limbs, out of a hole in the back of the outfit was a thin cable like tail ending in a bulky box bristling with needles with a ribbon tied around it.

The creature was clad in a glossy white dress with a purple bow tied around the waist. The being examined it self from several angles in the boutique mirror before turning to the white equine, the green orb staring into her soul.

“I love it!” Was the response.

Rarity let out a sigh of relief. The alien’s body was one of the most challenging design of her entire career. Every one of their bodies was unique, except for a few of them that didn’t talk much. She had been trying for days to get the opportunity to design outfits for them to replace their drab and dirty trench coats and robes, all of them denied her request, except for one. The one standing before her. It wasn’t easy but seeing the customers reaction to her hard work made it all worth it, even if she likely wouldn’t get paid.

“The fabric is lined with gemsilk, ensuring it won’t tear or break easily. It also sparkles fabulously as is quite obvious.” Rarity bragged.

“Very engaging design.” Shearia responded examining herself from every angle. It seamed she also took particular note of the geometric patterns Rarity had weaved into the lines, the dress maker had taken inspiration from both gems, and a few of Twilights math books.

“You said this material is derived from gem stones that you refine into thread with your horn correct?”

“Fancy way of putting it but yes.”

“This will do fabulously for my research.”

“Might I ask you a question?”

“I will try my best to answer if I am able.” The tech Priestess bowed her head slightly. Rarity gulped.

“Do you know anything about the ponies who went missing in the Everfree Forest before your arrival?”





Auto shunt found
Designation: Catherine
Rank: Primus Magos Dominus
Location: Unknown World assigning designation: VP- 23336789432

Uplink successful

+Plague of Rust+

<Keep quiet now.> the Primus Dominus whispered through the noosphere.

They made their way through the grove as stealthily as they cook, keeping their optics calibrated for any signs of local xeno life. Slowly her and her cohort crept through the trees picking the local fruit as they went to later be fed to the equines they still had imprisoned in the Byzantium, they where to only take a few from every tree as to not arouse suspicion in the lands cultivators. This was an area the translator called “Sugar Fruit Hectare”. This was a delicate operation, one requiring the utmost stealth and discipline.

<Hostile sited.> Favron 44 streamed.

Catherine sequenced her optics with the sub alpha now staring down the scope of a galvanic riffle iron site pointed straight at the head of a terra equine that hadn’t seamed to have noticed them.

<Designation Favron 44.> Catherine streamed over <What do you think your doing?>

<Awaiting permitence to execute hostile alien life form.>

Catherine watched as the young creature meandered about getting momentarily distracted by this and that, the large pink bow tied to the back of it’s head making it an easy target. Favron 44 disengaged the safety on her rifle.

<Permission to fire ma’am?>

<Denied.> Catherine responded without much hesitation. <The shot would alert near by xenos, plus then their would be the issue of clean up to maintain stealth, keep a wide birth around it but do not engage unless directly ordered, understood?>

<Conformation my Primus.> Favron responded, yet she still didn’t lower her weapon.

<We need to move on before the xeno spots us.>

<Understood.> The skitarius still kept the young ling in her sites.

<Now sub alpha.> Catherine forced emphasis into her words.

<Compliance.> With that she finally lowered the riffle from her shoulder and continued on the march.

Catherine briefly turned to get a better look at the small creature. She couldn’t clearly see it from her position, good that meant it couldn’t see them. At any moment she had to be ready for her orders to change.

Transmission Interrupted



Auto Shunt Found
Designation: Cassius
Rank: Arch Magos
Location: Bizantium Deck 78
Uplink successful

+Strength and Certainty of Steel+

“This is madness! Why even negotiate?”

“Because they have resources vital to our efforts.” Cassius retorted back.

“I am well aware of resources present with the amount of crystals present under their capital alone we could arm three entire regiments of guardsmen with las guns, but how does that justify this level of xenophilia with a race that hasn’t even developed functional fire arms? They are no match for us, so why are you playing diplomat when we could be masters over them in but a few days.” Maximal argued.

“They are smarter than they first appeared.” Cassius admitted. “Down their I witnessed lumen orbs, pict screens, and vox devises. They may not have advanced weaponry, however they show incredible potential in many things. Also, I sense they are hiding something...” the Magos shook his head “Guided along the right path, they could ultimately prove useful to the cult Mechanicus as potential subjects even.”

The tech priest remaining human features where twisted into an expression of object horror as realization dawned.

“Your not honestly considering...” he couldn’t even finish it. To think such a thing, it was entirely blasphemous, utterly heretical. And on top of that, it was coming from an arch magos of all places.

“That is my decision to make, not yours.” The arch magos stated plainly closing the issue. The matter settled, he scuttled off to the arvus lighter Constantine. The lander was packed with ten Skitarii rangers on each side, most notably the alpha Rohn 44, looking forward to accompanying his lord down to the surface again for this vital diplomatic mission. The landers doors rose up, magnetized clamps engaged sealing them inside as light signaled the pressurizing of the cabin. The Magos mumbled a short prayer and like that the engines began to rumble.


Author's Note:

Originally I was not even going to make this chapter. But as I was writing the next one I came up with a few moments I want to happen first. Next chapter will be very brutal and we won’t be coming back from it for a while.

I also started working on my next big project. Without spoiling too much, everyone is dead... And that’s where I’ll leave it for now. I plan on releasing it around the same time as the last chapter or during the epilogue of this story. So you have that to look forward to.

For those wondering where about half way done with this story more or less.