• Published 25th Nov 2019
  • 2,608 Views, 46 Comments

Scoot 10 - TheIronPone035

Scootaloo wanted to be like her idol, a hero, somepony that Ponyville could look up to if they needed help. With the help of a strange space watch, her wish comes true.

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(S1) Among Us

After the robot attack, Ponyville slowly but surely returned to normal. The remaining parts of the robot had been taken by Twilight, who had already begun experimenting on them in the Golden Oaks Library's lab. Once night had fallen, the town was completely back to its normal state, except for one thing.

A blurr dashed around Ponyville, for once not being the rainbow maned pegasus. This blurr was actually yet another creature that Scootaloo had turned into. This one was black and blue, with a pointy head that had a helmet over it that could slide down to cover its face when it ran. Its feet were clutching two black spheres which acted like roller skates, while its hands were shaped like black pincers. A black and blue pointy tail flapped in the wind behind the creature as it zoomed across the grass plains surrounding the town at speeds that could rival anypony, including Rainbow Dash.

"THIS IS OFFICIALLY MY FAVORITE ONE YET!!!" Scootaloo declared as she dashed over a few hills so fast that if somepony had blinked, they would of missed her.

Scootaloo made a sharp turn, pulling a 90 degree angle as she switched directions. She zoomed over a few more hills before ending up near the outskirts of Ponyville. She was about to continue when something caught her eyes, making her slow down.

Now, Ponyville was home to all sorts of ponies, some who can be seen doing questionable things. But this was something different than the usual pony swimming in jelly.

A grey earth pony stallion with a dark blue mane and tail was standing in front of an alleyway, his eyes were constantly shifting around. He was also wearing a black suit over a white undershirt and black tie, giving off secret agent vibes from those spy comics.

Scootaloo ducked behind a building before the stallion could see her, and slowly peaked around the corner at the entrance to the alleyway. Another stallion, this one a dark blue earth pony with a black mane and tail, was carrying a black suitcase on his back. He was wearing a matching suit and tie, making the whole situation feel even more like a business deal between secret agents. The two stallions looked at each other, before nodding in silence as they trotted into the alleyway.

As quietly as Scootaloo could, she dashed off into the alleyways and hid behind a dumpster. She could make out the voices of the two stallions, their words echoing slightly against the closed walls of the area. Her helmet automatically rose, letting her pupiless purple eyes lock onto the two ponies without any filter.

"-d that's why the situation is being accelerated." The blue stallion exclaimed, setting the suitcase on the ground.

"Hmm, if that's what the Queen had decided, then I guess we'll have to adapt to this change of plans." The grey stallion answered, looking down at the suitcase. "I'm guessing you've found the artifact."

The blue stallion opened up the suitcase, revealing a sparkling orb that seemed to be pulsating with green light. "Yep, guards never saw me coming, or at least not me me."

"Good, take it back to the base. I've still got work to do." The grey stallion instructed.

"Does it involve the creature that destroyed that space robot?"

"Yes it does, but i've got reasons to believe that this creature has more in store for us. Which is why I plan on finding it, and exterminating it from our plans. We don't need more heros to have to deal with besides the Elements."

Scootaloo winced when she heard the work exterminate, unknowingly causing her tail to flinch and hit a box that had been put next to the dumpster. A few cans that had been on the box fell towards the ground, only to be frantically caught by Scootaloo who was very grateful to have super speed at the moment.

Once she set the cans quietly down on the ground next to the box, she peaked over the dumpster again, only to lock up at the sight before her.

The orb was now visibly pulsating green circles which were flowing around the alleyway. The two stallions grinned at each other, before getting engulfed in green flames.

Scootaloo watched in horror as the two stallions suddenly changed into insect looking ponies with hole filled legs and hooves as well as pointed horns and blue transparent wings. Sharp fangs were clearly visible even with their mouths shut, and when they opened them, tons of sharp teeth became exposed in the moonlight.

Scootaloo absentmindedly let out a gasp at the sight, causing the two bug pony creatures to avert their gaze from the orb.

"What was that?" The blue sta-creature questioned, looking over at the dumpster right as Scootaloo ducked behind it.

Scootaloo held her breath, praying to Celestia that the two wouldn't notice her. What in the wide world of Equestria are those things!? She was sure she'd be having nightmares tonight.

The alleyway was enwrapped in silence, tension radiating from all angles as the two insect-like creatures stared at the dumpster that Scootaloo was hiding behind.

Then, Scootaloo's blood ran cold as a familiar beeping noise shattered the silence, revealing her location. Knowing her time was limited, she dashed out of the alleyway, barely making out the shouts from the two creatures.

Sadly, before Scootaloo could cover a lot of ground, the watch timed out, engulfing her in a red flash of light. Once the light faded, Scootaloo was once again a filly, and thankful that nopony had seen her. Her thankfulness ran dry when she heard the sounds of hooves approaching from behind her.

"Hey! Filly!" One of the creatures shouted.

Not knowing if they had seen her transform or just assumed that it had been her behind the dumpster, Scootaloo took off in a full gallop down the empty streets of Ponyville.

"What in Equestria are those things!?" Scootaloo wondered, ducking into an alleyway.

The two creatures were right behind her, calling out to her in an attempt to make her slow down. Scootaloo weaved through a pile of left out junk and leaped over a fallen trash can. Her hooves thumped as they returned to the dirt, her speed unfazed as she dove out of the alleyway and towards the abandoned marketplace.

Scootaloo galloped past a few stalls, before hiding behind a bale of hay. She looked down at the still glowing red watch and frantically began pushing buttons.

"Come on! Turn green!!!" Scootaloo mentally shouted at the watch, freezing her assault on the device when the sounds of the stallions hooves rang through her ears.

Scootaloo looked around the hay bale to see that the two creatures had turned back into stallions, their eyes scanning the market. This time however, both of them were now unicorns, their horns ignited in a matching green aura as they casted illumination spells in search for the filly.

Scootaloo ducked back behind the hay bale, staring shakelly at the watch that was still red. Her irises shrunk to the size of pinpricks when a beam of light shined on the wall of a building right next to the hay bale she was hiding behind. The light made its way over the bale, before focusing on a market stall.

"Keep searching, we can't let that filly inform any of the Elements of our presence here." One of them ordered to the other.

Scootaloo shut her eyes, praying that they would give up and leave her alone, but another option quickly appeared in the form of a ding. She opened her eyes to see the watch was once again glowing green.

Scootaloo frantically activated the dial and flipped through several different silhouettes of creatures until she found one that seemed to be a good choice. With that in mind, she slammed her hoof down on the dial, causing the watch to engulf her in a green glow.

Scootaloo watched as the watch sank into her hoof, followed by her forehoove turning red and splitting in two. Her other forehoof did the same, becoming a set of four arms and hands. Her hind legs got longer and her back hooves turned into feet while her eyes shrank and became solid orange as well as splitting into four separate eyes. Her body was quickly covered in a purple shirt with an orange stripe down the middle as well as dark purple pants that encased her feet as well. The watch's symbol appeared on her left shoulder, reflecting a little bit of light from the glowing moon.

The green light faded, revealing what Scootaloo had turned into. The two creatures disguised as stallions looked up at her with fear easily showing in their eyes.

Scootaloo didn't say anything, instead she just cracked her knew knuckles instinctively, while grinning at the two creatures. They charged up their horns and shot out a strange green substance which was dodged easily by Scootaloo.

The creatures tried again, firing a combination of the green goop and green magical beams of light, all of which were being dodged or blocked by Scootaloo. When the two finally stopped to catch their breath, Scootaloo finally spoke to them.

"My turn."

The two creatures didn't have time to react before they had already been grabbed by Scootaloo, each held in an iron grip by one of Scootaloo's hands. Scootaloo slammed the two down into the ground, before chucking them into a market stall.

The two creatures easily shattered through the wooden frame of the stall, shredding it into small chunks. They cringed as pain shot through their bodies, but stood back up anyways, only to be greeted with a fist to their faces. The two creatures skidded across the streets of Ponyville, scrambling to get back to their hooves before Scootaloo could attack them again. Unfortunately, they weren't fast enough.

Scootaloo picked both of them up again and got ready to throw them at another market stall, only to stop as pain shot through one of her arms. She looked over to see one of the creatures biting down on her arm, fangs that had been in the stallion's other form glistening in the moonlight.

"Ouch! Ok, now your gonna get it!" Scootaloo stated, smashing the two creatures into each other, before chucking them again towards a building.

Before the two creatures could make contact with the wall of the building, they engulfed their bodies in a ball of green fire which turned them back into the forms Scootaloo had seen in the alleyway. The two creatures flapped their blue transparent wings, causing them to stop mid air and keep them from hitting the wall.

The two creatures took off into the night sky, fleeing for their lives. Scootaloo watched them go, smiling to herself at a job well done. But there was one thing she had to do before she went back home.

Scootaloo made her way back towards the alleyway that had the dumpster in it as well as a suitcase which still had the pulsating green orb inside.

Scootaloo didn't want to touch the orb, instead she shut the case it was in and picked it up. Scootaloo left the alleyway and walked towards the direction of the bridge that led out of Ponyville, an idea about what to do with it already in mind. She had to make sure this thing was safe until she knew what to do with it completely.

After a few minutes of walking, Scootaloo found herself in the middle of an empty plain that surrounded the town. She dug a hole in the dirt, before dropping the case into it and buried it. More than safe is she did say so herself.

Scootaloo stood back and looked at her handywork, satisfied that it had been well hidden. The watch timed out, letting Scootaloo trot back into Ponyville as a filly and towards her house. She had an appointment with her comfy bed.