• Published 25th Nov 2019
  • 2,608 Views, 46 Comments

Scoot 10 - TheIronPone035

Scootaloo wanted to be like her idol, a hero, somepony that Ponyville could look up to if they needed help. With the help of a strange space watch, her wish comes true.

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(S1) Gone Fishing

The following day, after the payback on Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. The Cutie Mark Crusaders were currently sitting at the end of a dock that was on one end of the lake.

The three fillies were each holding their own fishing rod, all of them already casted. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo had chosen heavier fake baits which had sunk a little into the lake, while Sweetie Belle had picked a lighter one which was bobbing a little on the water level.

"This is so boring!" Scootaloo complained, reeling her line in a little to keep her bait from getting stuck at the bottom of the lake.

"Ya just have ta be patient, that's what mah brother says whenever he goes fish'n." Apple Bloom replied.

"Your brother fishes?"

"How else did ya think ah got these here rods an' bait?"

"I don't know. Found it in the barn? That's besides the point. The point is that this is boring! I mean look at Sweetie Belle!" Scootaloo exclaimed, pointing a hoof towards the final member of the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

Apple Bloom looked over to her friend, shocked to see that Sweetie Belle had actually managed to fall asleep mid cast and was now sleeping with the rod still in her hooves.

"How 'n tarnation did she do that?" Apple Bloom asked, wondering how Sweetie Belle still had a good enough grip on the fishing rod to keep it from falling into the lake.

"Beats me, i'd bet that I could catch even more fish than you if I just used my hooves!" Scootaloo claimed.

Apple Bloom glanced over at a notepad that had the purpose of keeping track of how many fish each of them caught. The page was blank, reminding her of the absence of any fish. Nopony had even gotten a nibble yet.

Before she could tell Scootaloo this, the orange filly had already jumped into the lake. Scootaloo quickly began searching for any sort of fish, but couldn't see any.

"This stupid water, I can barely make out the ground!" Scootaloo mentally exclaimed, her frustration growing.

Then, an idea formed in her mind. Scootaloo rose up her left fore-hoof and activated the watch, causing the dial to pop up and show the silhouette of a creature.

Scootaloo turned the dial a few times before stopping when she spotted a creature that looked somewhat like a fish.

"Let's see what you can do."

Scootaloo slapped the dial down, resulting in a flash of green light which engulfed her entire body.

Apple Bloom sighed as she reeled in her fishing lore which had been once again left untouched by any fish. She was about to cast it into the lake again, but stopped when she noticed Sweetie Belle's lore go under the water.

"Sweetie Belle! Ya got ah bite!"

Apple Bloom's words stirred Sweetie Belle from her nap, causing her to open her eyes which quickly resulted in her spotting her lore splash a little before being dragged below the lake's surface.

Sweetie Belle reached for her fishing rods reel and began cranking it backwards. The line quickly got tense under the pressure and nearly ended up pulling the filly into the lake.

Apple Bloom grabbed Sweetie Belle, trying to help keep her friend from sailing into the water, but even with her added weight, the rod seemed to still be pulling them. Whatever Sweetie Belle caught, must be massive!

"I'm losing my grip!" Sweetie Belle shouted.

"Hang on! On three, we pull." Apple Bloom said.

"One, Two, THREE!"

The two fillies pulled with all their might on the fishing rod, resulting in the line finally retrieving the fish that had been caught. However, much to the two fillies surprise, the fish had been caught by its tail and not its mouth. Not only that, but the fish didn't look like any fish in that book the three had checked out prior to the trip.

The fish's scales were icy white and had gills, both on the sides of its chest as well as under its neck. It had two legs and arms, two green fins being on the back of said arms. It had one more fin on the top of its head which also had a green rod extending from its forehead which had a glowing bit of light at the end. But the most terrifying bit of the fish was its massive jaws that had a set of very sharp teeth that could be seen even with its mouth shut. It also had a few bits of what seemed to be black clothing spread across its body, as well as some seaweed that covered it's left upper torso.

The fish grumbled something under its breath, before looking over at the two crusaders, it's pearl white eyes locking onto them.

"What was that for!?" The fish shouted, sounding very annoyed and angry.

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle backed up in horror, holding each other as they trembled in fear.

The fish stared at them for a few seconds before looking over at the seaweed on its left shoulder. It picked the seaweed up and chucked it back into the lake, revealing a familiar silver hourglass symbol that had been hidden beneath it.

The two crusaders spotted the symbol and eased up, realizing who the fish was.

"Sorry about that, but did you have to catch me instead of the fish I had been chasing?" Scootaloo asked, raising up Sweetie Belle's lore in her left webbed claw.

"I'm gonna have nightmares for a month..." Sweetie Belle responded, still staring at all of Scootaloo's sharp teeth.

"Well, 'least we caught someth'n. Did any of us get ah cutie mark?" Apple Bloom questioned, looking over at her flank, only to sigh as she saw that it was still blank.

Sweetie Belle checked her flank, which was also still blank. Scootaloo checked hers, but quickly remembered that she didn't exactly have a flank for a cutie mark in this form.

"Hmm, i'll have to remember to check once I-" Scootaloo was cut off as a red bolt of energy struck the wooden planks she was standing on, causing it to fall into the lake.

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle dove off of the dock and onto the shore just as it broke into several pieces. They looked up into the sky to see a group of those strange dark orange and red robots that had attacked them in the clubhouse.

"Those robots are back!" Sweetie Belle shouted, catching one of the robots attention.

The robot swirled it's weapon around and fired at the filly, who was quickly pushed out of the way by Apple Bloom. The two fillies rolled through the grass, narrowly avoiding the explosion from the blast of energy.

The two other robots had begun flying over the lake, searching for Scootaloo who had fallen in when the dock had been destroyed.

Scootaloo simply swam, her speed easily tripled in this form. She dodged a stray blast of energy from one of the robots and locked eyes with one of them. She then swam up as fast as she could and leaped out of the water, intended on grabbing it.

Instead Scootaloo's instincts made her grab the robot in her mouth, which was followed by a loud CRUNCH as her teeth sank into its metal plates. Her teeth easily went through the robot, causing it to spark a few times before losing the rest of its power. Scootaloo fell back into the lake and spat out the destroyed robot, before getting ready to repeat what she had done before with the other robot.

With another burst of speed, Scootaloo jumped out of the water and went to chomp the robot. But this one had risen from the lake, causing her attack to miss. Before Scootaloo could fall back into the lake, she managed to grab the robot's laser weapon with one of her webbed claws.

The robot tried to shake Scootaloo off, but the former filly kept her grip tight. Two loud screams suddenly rang through her ears, causing her to look over at the shoreline where she saw the last robot firing at her fleeing friends.

"Ok, now you've messed with the wrong pony tin can!" Scootaloo exclaimed, hoisting herself up onto the top of the robot.

Scootaloo barely managed to keep her balance, also managing to aim the robot's laser at its duplicate. She then put her face right in front of the robot's red lenses.

The robot retaliated by firing its laser, which struck the other robot and easily took it down. The other robot fell to the ground with a loud crash and let out a few sparks.

Scootaloo then gripped the robot's head with her claws and pulled, taking the head clean off before chucking it into the lake. The robot quickly lost altitude and plunged into the lake, taking Scootaloo with it.

Scootaloo let go of the broken robot, letting it sink to the bottom of the lake as she swam back towards shore. It didn't take long before she was back above water and greeted by her friends, who were both smiling with joy.

"That was so cool! The way you jumped out of the water and then fired that laser, you're really getting good with that watch!" Sweetie Belle stated.

"Darn tootin, ya showed those meanies whose in charge!" Apple Bloom followed up.

Scootaloo couldn't help but smile herself, which looked quite creepy with all the sharp teeth. But that quickly changed when the watch's symbol flashed red a few times before engulfing her in a red light. A second later, and Scootaloo was back to normal, still smiling.

"By the way, did I get my cutie mark in fishing? Or maybe I got one for kicking robot butt!" Scootaloo questioned, checking her flank.

However, it sadly still remained blank.

"Aww... well, what's next on the list? Princess Celestia's sun is still up!" Scootaloo exclaimed, filled with determination to earn her cutie mark.

Meanwhile, above the planet...

"The drones sent to retrieve the Omnitrix have been destroyed." The robot stated to its master, who was still recovering from its wounds inside the tank filled with a yellow substance.

"Uhg, this is really starting to get on my nerves. Have you found our next plans candidate yet?"

"Indeed, they should arrive in two rotations." The robot exclaimed.

"Good, whoever you are wielder of the Omnitrix, your days are numbered..."