• Published 1st Jan 2021
  • 1,330 Views, 16 Comments

Queen of Crimson Crows - ZhaoZoharEX

After Twilight's coronation, Celestia and Luna get a visit from their mother. Twilight must earn the respect of this ally she didn't know existed or she's gonna have a bad time.

  • ...

Prologue ~ The Grande Parade

“Hear me loyal children of the Blind. Our meeting shall now commence.”

A freshly ripped tapestry marked the center stage. Four robed figures, varied in size and age, stood before this ruined art. Gazing faces adorned with white masks and dark expressions, recent events fresh in mind.

“Our time has come, master has blessed us with purpose once more,” the colt barked with a monotonic decree.

“Do you always have to talk like that?” the stallion spat. “I understand in front of the pawns, but it’s just the four of us.”

“Oh you’re one to talk,” the mare retorted with a hint of condescension. “And just what have you done in the past few weeks, besides showing your face around?”

“More than touching yours up in the mirror all day.”

“Enough, you two. This is not the time or place for this bickering. Due to the developments over the past year, we are to move into contingency plan B as instructed. Our top priority is to retrieve what has been lost. Sister, what news do you bring us?”

The filly adjacent to him reached into her robe, pulling out a memo. “Boss has relayed the Gala schedule, the royal proceedings, and upcoming diplomatic meetings, among other events the princess will be absent from the castle.”

“Will the princess and her clique be a problem?”

“Unlikely. However, it would be wise to approach this with caution given their history.”

“Yes, indeed. It would be best not to rush in without the word from Boss, lest we end up like those other fools.”

“In addition, our informants have also relayed information regarding a sighting of a certain queen spotted leaving Vanhoover.”

“Queen? Do you mean the Changeling queen or perhaps…”

“No, Chrysalis is still locked up in stone with Tirek and—”

“I don’t believe it, she’s here in Equestria?! Does she know about the operation?”

“Unlikely. She hasn’t been to Equestria in almost a century. And I doubt she knows much beyond a vague understanding of the past few years.”

The stallion grunts in frustration clearly distressed over this piece of news. “Great, she’s gonna throw a wrench in things. As if things haven’t been chaotic enough.”

“Oh quit your whining, snowflake. It’s not like her presence is going to mess things up. If anything, she might provide the perfect distraction. Master has things under control, or would you have thoughts to the contrary?”

“How can you be so nonchalant about this?! You know what she’s like and how troublesome she is, what’s to say she doesn’t expose us right there? Have you forgotten this is the same mare we’ve spent literal centuries trying to strike in her homeland? The fact that this crone hasn’t hunted us down yet is an oddity.”

“What are you made of, ocean water? Because you seem really salty over your repeated failures.”

“Not helped by the fact that I haven’t drowned you yet.”

“I SAID ENOUGH!” The colt stomped his hoof into the ground, creating a small crater of partially shattered, partially melted marble. This caused the two to tense up and lower their heads. “I am not dismissing your concerns, Brother. You are privy to your fury, but you must remain calm and focused. Master would be most displeased with your bickering, and that is something we can all agree wished not upon us. So shut up, both of you, and concentrate on the matter at hand. For now, we must aim to reclaim the pieces. Before all else, we must be whole again.”

Both the stallion and mare huffed, the former in displeasure and the latter in arrogance. The filly merely rolled her eyes but remained quiet until addressed.

“Now then, Sister. Were there any other updates? What of the search?”

“No current updates over the remaining four of said pieces, though we have reason to suspect one is located south. Unfortunately, we have yet to narrow it down. However, we do have zeroed in on the amulet .”

“Good, good. Master would be pleased to have it in our possession again. What of the tree?”

“We have yet the chance to examine the site, so I have nothing of value to give you. We are, however, optimistic.”

“I see. Anything more?”

“That will be the extent of my update for now, Brother.”

“Very well. Brothers and Sisters of the Blind, we have our options before us. Master has made it clear what our next actions are to be. Brother and I will continue to monitor the situation. Sisters, you will continue the search. Should an opportunity to strike present itself, I shall assemble us once more to discuss the matter. I declare this meeting adjourned.”

The three nod in agreement, holding out their hooves over the ragged tapestry, the colt following suit.

“We have been betrayed by the wind and the rain, the sacred hall’s empty and cold. And then there was silence, just a voice from another world.”

“Like a leaf in an icy world, memories will fade. The newborn child will carry ruin to the hall, the newborn’s death would bring a blessing to us all.”

“She’s like the sunrise, outshines the moon at night, precious like starlight, she will bring in a murderous price. The words of a banished king, I swear revenge.”

“No hope, the Blind leads the blind. Carry on, through future’s denied, mare or stallion, there’s far more inside, we are in at the kill we’ll cheerfully die.”

Holy light shines on.”

“You’d think doing this at least twice before would’ve prepared her for this…”

Spike could merely watch as Equestria’s new beloved ruler - and his older sister figure - scrambled frantically around the ballroom hall of the castle, rushing to put the finishing touches on the first major public event of her new career: the Grand Galloping Gala. Sure, it was an event she had a hand in planning before with her mentor, but this was the first time she was in charge of it.

And hoo boy, was it a mess.

“There will certainly be more times like this,” said the larger than life alicorn with a wide smile adorning her face, arriving with her sister in themed night and day dresses. ”I remember the first time I organized this event. If I had even an ounce of sense back then, I’d seek help from anyone I could find.”

“Oh, hi Celestia,” the young dragon said with a smile. “Did you get here alright?”

“Yes, thank you for asking Spike. I hadn’t anticipated the busy roads this time of year, Silver Shoals is more out of the way than I remember.”

Luna yawned as she rubbed her eyes. “And I hadn’t anticipated how hard it is to sleep on a carriage going down a rocky road.”

“Why didn’t you take a chariot? Don’t you still have guards to escort you places?”

“Sister thinks that since we are no longer active rulers that it’s improper to use the chariot.” Luna yawned once more. “Also she crashed it into a tree.”

“It’s, uh, not my fault. Someone put that tree in my way,” Celestia said with a nervous smile, shifting her eyes.

“...What were you doing with the chariot in the first place?” Spike inquired flatly.

“What indeed,” Luna responded just as flatly.

Celestia playfully shifted her eyes with an innocent smile. After a moment, both she and her sister collapsed into a fit of giggles, prompting the young drake to crack a smile and join in too. The sovereign princess, frantic in her steps, turned prepared to toss another task in direction of her number one assistant.

“Spike! I need another- Oh, Princess Celestia… ! How long have you been there?” the younger alicorn sheepishly inquired.

“Uh, she isn’t exactly ‘princess’ anymore, don’t forget,” Spike responded on behalf of her former mentor.

“Oh Twilight, it’s wonderful to see you again. I can’t believe it’s been a whole year since the last time.”

“Y-yeah, I guess it has. Time really flies,” Twilight smiled. “I just wasn’t expecting you until the Gala actually started.”

It was at that moment everyone’s favorite party pony burst in, pushing a large table with cake, a chocolate fountain, and various desserts on roller skates. Her being the one with the skates, not the desserts. “TWIIIILIGHT! Cake’s done!” she shouted with an ear-to-ear smile.

“Cake? Pinkie, cake isn’t a Gala food…” Twilight responded dejectedly.

“Aw pfft, of course it is! Did you even look at the banquet hall the last few times we went? Plus, everybody loves cake!”

“She’s correct, Twilight. And I very much approve of it,” Celestia said with a sagely nod.

“Besides,” Pinkie continued, “it’s not the only thing on the menu. I made cupcakes, brownies, oooh and I found my Nana’s famous crème caramel! I spent all year tracking down the ingredients for this event.”

“I- Pinkie-”

Twilight was interrupted with a spoonful of the desert. Surprise surprise, it was actually quite delectable, the creamy texture meshing well with the soft sweet wafers. “Oooh, is that honey? That’s tasty!”

“Honey AND cinnamon. I spent all my life looking for the recipe and I finally found it.”

“Caramel custard?” Luna asked with intrigue, taking one of the small plates. “Kinda reminds me of Hawthorne’s flan, mother’s favorite.”

“Actually, that’s why I suggested it,” Celestia added, already holding a plate with the custard. “I guess I just got a little nostalgic, mom would’ve loved it if she would just drop by.”

“I’m sure she would, you know how much she loves pudding.”

“It would be nice if she would visit, I wanted to invite her.”

Luna stopped mid-bite, almost dropping the dish in shock. “You… You didn’t…?”

Celestia waved her hoof with a chuckle. “No no, of course not,” she said before lowering her voice to a flat whisper. “Last thing Twilight needs, I’m sure…”

As Celestia stuffed a spoon into her mouth, Twilight raised an eyebrow. “Wait, ‘mom’? I don’t think you ever talked about your family? Are they around?”

“Oh absolutely! Mother and father just live on the other side of the world, so they don’t really visit often. We visit them a lot though.”

“Why didn’t you invite her? I’d be more than thrilled to meet them.”

As much as it distressed her to quash Twilight’s starry-eyed gaze, Luna immediately shook her head dismissively. “No no no no, you are not ready for that. Mother is a mare of very high standards, and it’s best you ease into your new role with as little stress as possible, at least for the first few years.”

Celestia scarfed down another spoonful. “Besides, with me no longer holding the throne, I feel I no longer have the right to send invitations.”

Disappointed, Twilight reluctantly withdrew her enthusiasm, just as quickly replacing it with calm optimism. “Still, this is your family we’re talking about. You never talk about them, and I’d be so excited to meet her in person.”

The sisters glanced at each other in unison, flatly glancing back.

“Trust me, no. You wouldn’t.”

Every year it’s the same thing. The Gala starts, guests start rolling in, they show their tickets, and they’re let in. And every year, inevitably, somebody is gonna cause some kind of trouble. With this being the first gala in which many creatures were going to be in attendance, there had to be modernized security in force. Princess Twilight, famous for her lists and forethinking, had walked through the palace parameters with the captains of her guard, taking notes and discussing how to put better security measures in place. As he stood at the gates supervising the guests rolling in, Captain Flash Sentry would continue to go through the new protocol as he fiddled with the new radio given to him in between admitting the ticket holders.

“Man, I really wish we had these before. These make communicating so much easier.”

Flanking his left was his superior, newly-appointed Colonel Flash Magnus. Still getting used to the modern age and the many changes since his time, he was also fiddling with his radio. “I admit, this instant communication is still a bit new to me,” Magnus said with a hesitant smile.

“Yeah, I suppose it’s a relatively recent invention. We had some older models we’ve been using from time to time over the past decade, but Princess Twilight made a point to update the equipment. I think it’s great, there’s less static with these.”

“I’ll take your word for it, Sentry.”

During this conversation, a unicorn couple approached in their finest attire. Sentry smiled as he recognized these two. They were regulars and it was difficult not to know of them, given their importance in Canterlot society.

“Welcome back Sir Fancy Pants, Lady Fleur,” Sentry greeted as he accepted their tickets.

“Ah, Flash Sentry, how are you, good sir?” Fancy replied, matching the pleasant smile with his own.

“Just fine, sir. It’s a nice evening, and one I think well-earned after all that happened months ago.”

“I would agree, Mr. Sentry,” Fleur said, adding her own smile into the pot. “And oh my, who is this handsome stallion with you?”

Magnus fought to hold back a minor blush with the giggle this mare threw with her compliment. Truthfully, while he had experience with many things, ladies were not one of them. “I am Flash Magnus, Pillar of Old Equestria, Element of Bravery, and current commanding officer of the Royal Guard Seventh Regiment.”

Fancy smirked. “Ah yes, I thought you looked familiar. I’m honored to finally meet you.”

“Likewise, Sir Fancy Pants, Lady Fleur.”

Even though the fine couple had already been allowed entry, the idea of conversing with an ancient hero was far too good to pass up. Sentry knew these two would certainly charm his superior’s ears off; he was perfectly fine with letting them, he had a job he needed to do. As they stood off to the side, he continued to accept guests and their tickets. There were many fun people one could meet in this type of work… As well as many not-so-fun people, a fact that Sentry remembered as he had to fight hard not to roll his eyes with the likes of Jet Set and his wife Upper Crust, or the likes of Spoiled Rich as she arrived with her husband and daughter, though the latter two were quite pleasant.

It was as he lightly glanced back at the trio that he noticed a tiny earth mare in a glossy high-collared black cloak approach the gate, separate from the line. Her short scarlet mane adorned with a gold headdress of sorts - easily the size of her own head - and her brown coat mostly hidden under a robe of much darker brown. Her face… Oh yikes, her face screamed creepy with eyes of irritation and mouth in a mix of scowl and grin. She looked ready to kill the line of guests jeering her for cutting.

“Uh, excuse me, madam?” Sentry said in an attempt to prevent an incident. “You will have to-”

“You’re in my way, boy.”

He was unable to finish his sentence as this tiny mare merely brushed him aside like a feather. Now while Flash wasn’t a hulking musclehead like his gym buddy Bulk Biceps, he was hardly a twig either, not to mention a trained military officer who was on day forty of a new training regimen. He was not a light stallion.

Deciding it was better to put up with irritated guests than to risk a possible public incident, Sentry sighed and prepared himself for a verbal confrontation. “Ma’am, if you’re going to enter the gala, I’m going to need to see your ticket.”

“I’m a VIP, I do not need to put up with this nonsense.”

Sentry blinked. The sheer audacity of this mare to walk up to the gate, ignoring the line and the guards, and expecting to be let in without a ticket demonstrated a breed of testicular fortitude mightier than even he was capable of conjuring. Still, he had his assignment and while he would have preferred to remain non-confrontational tonight, there was no other option.

“Ma’am, if you do not have a ticket, I’m afraid you’re going to have to leave, this is a closed event.”

The mare turned her head to him and stared into him with her cold gaze. Upon seeing that glare, it was like a frog was attempting to jump out of his chest. He froze on the spot. Something seemed… off.

This brief second of panic was broken as the mare smirked with a cackle. “Boy, you should know to pick your battles. Stand down.”

The absolute nerve! This crone was telling him in no uncertain terms that he was essentially weak wasn’t acceptable. He had a limit and this was certainly crossing it.

“Okay, ma’am, you need to leave NOW, or else I am calling for reinforcements to escort you out. I would recommend you-”

Again, he was interrupted. However this time, he found himself being held in the air by his neck, a claw grasping and squeezing the breath out of him. If the earlier demonstration hadn’t done anything, this certainly caught everyone’s attention, especially that of Magnus who was uncharacteristically unnerved by this sight.

“Boy, you should count yourself extraordinarily lucky that I’m saving room in my stomach for the feast. Otherwise, I would most certainly devour your guts here and now for your insolence.”

The mare loosened her grasp, allowing the poor captain to fall to the ground where he instantly began coughing and gasping for air. Her claw morphed back into her normal hoof and continued her walk up to the gate, stopping to look Magnus in the eye. Said Magnus was visually frozen, hesitant to act, though internally he was really struggling to do something. Words could not explain the crippling paralysis her gaze inflicted

“Long time no see, Leadfoot.”

Magnus grunted with a grimace, a wave of resolve rushing over him as he placed himself between this mare and his new friends. He scrambled for his radio the instant she took her eyes off him and formed her claw again, placing it on the gate bars. “All units, be advised! We have a possible Code Dragon in progress at the front ga-”

It took everything in him not to flinch and recoil in horror as this mare ripped the gate off its hinges like wrapping paper on Hearth’s Warming gifts, before casually strolling into the event.

“...Scratch that. DEFINITE Code Dragon! All available units assemble!”

“I was really hoping this would be less stressful…”

Starlight Glimmer, freshly established principal of the Ponyville School of Friendship, found herself playing babysitter to her six star students. Perhaps it shouldn’t have come as too much of a surprise when Twilight Sparkle was generous enough to include a ticket for this band of friends along with one for herself, along with her vice-principal and guidance counselor.

“Canterlot Castle! Woah, I’ve never been here before!” Sandbar practically shouted.

“Alright every creature, go have fun. Just please… Please be careful.” Almost on cue, what felt like a magnitude one quake shook the floor as the combined might of the six rushed off into the abyss known as the Gala. Starlight could not help but sigh. “Yeah, that’s about what I expected…”

“Have a little faith in them, Star;” Sunburst approached along with Trixie. “I’m sure things will be alright.”

“I suppose it couldn’t go worse than the previous Galas, according to Twilight. But what do I know? I’ve never been to a Gala in my life.”

“Trixie has never been either,” interjected the Great and Powerful exposition engine as she made a grab for a drink on the nearby punch bowl.

“I remember coming here when I was little,” Sunburst added as he too grabbed two drinks, one for himself and for Starlight. “Mom tried to take me once around the time I started in the school of magic. Sometime before dad left I think. I don’t remember going though, I spent my time in the library.”

“Really? I’d have thought the prestige would be too good to pass up. I know I wouldn’t be able to resist.”

Sunburst chuckled. “Not everyone is one for fancy events, Trixie. But I’m glad we’re all here now, let’s try to enjoy ourselves.”

“Sunburst is right,” Glimmer smiled. “I guess it’s just kinda stressful just wanting to keep things going the way Twilight would want them. But I think after everything that’s happened, not much worse can happen.”

As her friends and colleagues continued discussing, the principal of friendship turned to the table near them to take an appetizer or two. Her life might not have gone exactly as she had planned it, but she sure as heck wasn’t about to complain about how it turned out. All in all, life was good. She had a good and fulfilling job, a wonderful set of friends, respect in her community… The mountain was a tall one to climb, but the view was pretty good from up here.

Starlight closed her eyes to take in the serenity surrounding her mind and, after swallowing an hors d'oeuvre, took a sip of her punch as she began to motion to the main floor. Unfortunately, she had not had her eyes trained on her path, resulting in the collision with another partygoer.

“Oh, I say!”

“Ohmygosh, I’m so sorry!” Starlight scrambled as she recoiled in embarrassment. Tonight was already off to a fantastic start having stained this guest’s attire - and her own - with the punch. “I-I-I wasn’t looking where I was going, I was too focused on the conversation with my friends-”

Her panic subsided quickly as she heard a chuckle from this stranger. It was a mare, a tall and mature unicorn, pale peach in complexion and mane shaded in faded fuchsia layered with strands of gray. Her now stained evening dress uniform indicated a senior military officer, completed with a slightly scratched monocle adorning her left pinkish eye, her mane combed over her other. Her cutie mark, while slightly obscured by her coattails, was a gold scarab with its wings unfurled. Had it not been for the mare’s warm chuckle, Starlight would probably have been sweating bullets over inconveniencing a pony of clear importance.

“Worry not, dearie,” the mare said with a thick but posh Trottingham dialect, “This is hardly the worst mess I have experienced.”

“Even so, I should have been paying more attention. Um, I’ll pay for the dry-cleaning bill if you need.”

“Oh don’t be too concerned with it, nothing a simple spell won’t fix.” The military mare lit her horn and with a burst of gold magic, the stain was extracted from the fancy fabric and onto a handkerchief she had pulled from her pocket. “You don’t travel the world without learning a few tricks, Starlight Glimmer.”

Glimmer was taken aback slightly at the mention of this stranger mentioning her name. But upon getting a closer look at her face, her’s lit up with recognition.

“Professor Atha! Oh my gosh, it’s been years, how are you?”

Sunburst at this point stepped closer, handing Starlight a new drink. “Professor Atha? As in accredited Director of the Equestrian Archeological Society Professor Atha?” he said with a hint of excitement. “You seem well acquainted with each other.”

“Professor Atha took me in for years after I left home, I met her on an excavation site, she gave me work, and taught me everything I know about magic, along with other subjects like history among other things. She helped me get on my feet, so I sort of consider her to be the grandma I never had.”

“Yes, in addition to my tenure as a major general in command of the Equestrian Royal Marines Magic Combat Division, I also contribute to some philanthropic work on the side. Seems you are familiar with my work, Mr. Sunburst.”

“Yes, I’m an avid fan of antiquing. How did you-”

“I overheard your conversation earlier with your girlfriend, dearie,” Atha said with a further chuckle. This prompted a stifled laugh from Trixie and embarrassed flailing from Starlight and Sunburst.

“Oh no no, we’re not dating,” Starlight responded with a blushing smile. “We’re just friends and co-workers, that’s all.”

“Y-yeah, we work together,” Sunburst added with an equal expression.

“Yes of course,” Atha took a moment to clean and polish her monocle before changing the subject. “Well then, it’s good to see you again, Ms. Glimmer. I have been monitoring your progress as of late and I am impressed at your recent achievements. Headmare at Princess Twilight’s new school? Even if it isn’t E.E.A. certified, it’s still worthy of praise.”

“Oh, well, I have Twilight herself to thank for setting me on the right path. Even before I was the guidance counselor when the school opened, she and I… Well, let’s just say she taught me some important lessons.”

“Yes, I understand. There are many life lessons that cannot be taught in an academic setting. You’ll understand when you’re older.” The elder mare stole a small pinwheel from the appetizer platter before straightening her jacket. “Well, enjoy the Gala you two, I have a meeting with a business partner of mine, best not keep her waiting. Tata.”

As Atha took her leave, Trixie trotted up next to her friends. “Well, that was something.”

“Yeah. Something,” Starlight responded as she took a sip of her new glass of punch. With her thirst quenched, her original obligation crept into her brain. “Oh, we should probably go find the students, just to check up on them.”

“Trixie will stay here and watch for them if they pass by,” said the Great and Powerful sentinel, stuffing small sandwiches into her mouth.

Starlight simply rolled her eyes as she gestures to her other colleague. “Sunburst, why don’t you go that way, I’ll go the other way. We’ll meet up back here later.”

Sunburst nodded and made his way to the east side of the palace. Starlight proceeded in the opposite direction to the west. Perhaps this little walk would help her get her mind off the stress of academics. After all, as much as she adored the Great and Powerful councillor, one could only spend so much time in her vicinity without pulling out their hair. Though maybe not entirely a downside. It had been giving her excuses to barricade herself in her office with Sunbur-

“Wait, no! He’s just a co-worker, Glimmy. Don’t think about him that way,” Starlight blurted out, practically slapping herself. “Besides… not like he’d think the same of a mare who enslaved a village…”

“Sugarcube, ya oughta stop beating yerself up over that.”

The headmare almost jumped out of her skin upon hearing this unsolicited response. While she knew who that voice belonged to, she slowly turned to the source and greeted it, almost as if to confirm she wasn’t just imagining it.

“Hehe, heeey Applejack, fancy meeting you here,” She said smiling a flustered smile. “I take it I was… thinking out loud? Again.”

“Don’t worry ‘bout it, we all do it,” Applejack winks and nudges her fellow mare. “Ya should talk to him, otherwise you won’t know for sure.”

“Haha, I don’t know what you’re talking about- I don’t know how to bring it up, I’m not ready.”

“Fair enough. Why not join me? The others are over by the dance hall.”

“Oh, I’d love to, but I really should go find the students.”

“They’re over with us, don’t worry. With them around, Ah figured it was only a matter of time before ya turned up.”

Starlight simply shrugs, not seeing a reason to say no at this point. “Well. Okay then, lead the way.”

The duo barely managed ten steps before something odd caught the eye of the headmare. A unicorn stallion, grayish-blue with a nearly white mane, seemed to be looking for something; or rather someone, as he was bugging the guests. He was wearing a simple-looking tan peacoat with a pair of saddlebags strapped to his side, far from the formal attire of the theme. Rather than let it go, Starlight decided it would be best to check this situation out, lest it go south later.

“Um, excuse me,” Starlight announced, practically dragging AJ in tow. “Are you okay?”

The stallion stopped and composed himself, presenting a poise and posture unexpecting of a common party crasher. “Hello. Allow me to introduce myself Ms…”

“Starlight. Glimmer.”

“Ms. Glimmer. Prince Spruce of House Bloodmist.”

Starlight blinked. “Bloodmist? I’ve never heard that name before.”

“Yes, well, I’m visiting from my native land. Nevermind that. Have you seen a small brown mare wearing a black cloak? I need to find her.”

“Uh, no, can’t say that I have. Look, maybe we can talk to the guards and they can look for-”

“The guards are who I’m worried for,” Spruce responded with an increasingly urgent tone in his voice. “We need to find her before something happens-”


On cue, a loud commotion stirred the air as shrieks accompanied the sickening thud from the direction of the foyer.

“Ugh… Good news, we know where she is now.”

Spruce made a beeline for the foyer, barely escaping Starlight’s attempt to grasp the sleeve of his coat. The mare in question blankly glanced at AJ, who was equally blank.

“We should probably follow him.”

In spite, or perhaps because of her recent experiences, Fluttershy had been unable to properly unwind. Besides her work with the animal sanctuary and the events of the previous year, it seemed like every time she visited this castle in a gala dress, something spun out of control. But rather than resisting the chaos that was stuffy crowds, perhaps it was just better to go with the flow.

Speaking of chaos, out on the balcony overlooking the party where Fluttershy came to get some air was a certain dapper looking friend of hers. Rather than stirring up pranks or light-hearted mischief as would be expected of her draconequus bestie, he just… stood. At the edgeguard, he was entranced, deep in thought.


A twitch of his ears indicating acknowledgement was accompanied by a turn of his head one-hundred and eighty degrees. “Fluttershy!” After doing an electric slide over to the bemused pegasus, he picked her up and hugged her. “You have no idea how droll this party’s been without you, I don’t know how anyone can stand to be here.”

“It’s nice to see you too, Discord,” Flutters smiled. “Though I’d expected you to be out there, um… socializing?” Try as she might, she could not hide her quizzical expression.

“Yes, well,” Discord said letting her go, “I can’t just go spoiling everyone with my presence. Too much of a good thing and all that.” He took a breath before turning back to glance over down at the party. “Besides, it’s probably best if I… distance myself, a bit.”

“Are you still thinking about last year?” Shy asked with a tone of worry, stepping by the rail with him. “You’ve done a lot to make up for it. I don’t think the girls are going to hold it against you at this point.”

“Yes, well… I’ve had a lot on my mind lately is all, it has nothing to do with that.”

Not convinced with his answer, Fluttershy sighed. “Please, Discord. I don’t like seeing you like this. Just know that, if nothing else, you have your friends behind you. I don’t think Twilight would have sent you a ticket if she didn’t still think of you as a friend.”

“Really, it’s not that I’m hung up over this,” Discord said, several coat hangers suddenly falling into existence and hooking onto his arms, “It’s just…” Discord adopted an uncharacteristically troubled look. If his actions in the past year truly were on his mind, it certainly seemed they weren’t the only thing.“ Well in any case, it’s probably best for me to keep my distance while I sort things out. Maybe after some time, they’ll just forget about it.”

His unease puzzled the yellow pegasus. But if he’s resistant to talking about it, perhaps a change in subject was the better way to go. “Well, it’s a lovely evening. The moon shining overhead, the lights, the birds and flowers…”

“A bit plain for me, but if you enjoy it I guess I can’t really complain.”

“I just like the view, is all. If it wasn’t so full of people, it’s something I would imagine dreaming about.”

Almost on cue, a mare’s voice called behind them. “I’m sure it would be even better with your animal friends.”

Jolting up a little from the sudden third wheel, she looked behind her, smiling upon seeing the dark coated alicorn. “Oh, Luna! Sorry, you spooked me.”

“Apologies, that was not my intention. I was merely commenting. Would you mind if I join you? Tonight has been a tad busy and I’d like a moment to just breathe.”

“Oh of course. It’s why I’m here too, actually.”

“Quite.” Luna, not oblivious to her other compatriot, glanced over to the lord of chaos. “And hello, Discord. I’m… shocked you’re not out there having fun.”

Discord huffed but not without hiding his smirk. “Even I have to take a break too, y’know,” Discord said, leaning back in a reclining deck chair while sipping the glass off some lemonade, “It’s like when you wake up after a weird dream and you just have to sit for a minute. I’m sure you’d know what I’m talking about.”

“You’re not wrong, though it’s funny you mention dreams considering the one you seem to have had not long ago.”

Discord’s smirk vanished as quickly as the deck chair, replaced by an expression not unlike one would adopt after getting caught stealing from the cookie jar. “Everypony has dreams. And I don’t remember giving you permission to go snooping in my personal thoughts,” he retorted, tapping his noggin.

“I didn’t, actually. I couldn’t even if I wanted to,” Luna answered, raising an eyebrow. “But I can tell when someone is troubled.”

“Well, I never! I’ll have you know I-” Discord’s sentence was interrupted by a minor spike of pain throughout his head. Abandoning his prideful facade, he rubbed his temples like one would polish a gem. Another one?

“Are you okay, Discord?” Fluttershy asked as she patted her friend.

“I’m fine, Fluttershy. I’ve just had some side-effects from the Bell was all.

Fluttershy stepped between him and Luna, not willing to allow this escallate to a petty argument this night of all nights. “Luna, that’s a very pretty dress. Did Rarity make it?”

Luna, after a shrug and understanding the hint, began to twirl herself around to show off the gown. It was a night sky-esque silk gown adorned with stars and constellation motifs, along with a distinct eastern flare resembling a kimono, tied with a white obi that shimmered in the light, not unlike the moon. Her mane was tied back with a complimenting night themed headdress with a small crimson Phoenix feather. “You think so? Actually this is an old dress I had express mailed from home. To be honest, I’m surprised it arrived on time.”

“Why? Silver Shoals isn’t that far from Canterlot.”

“Oh, no no, I mean my childhood home.”

“The castle in Everfree?”

Discord, having failed to stifle his chuckle, perked up as he shifted his body to lean his back against the rail. “You mean the Valley, right?”

“Ah yes, I suppose you wouldn’t know that, would you Fluttershy?”

Fluttershy had intended to say something, but failed to find the words. Indeed, there really wasn’t anything she could do other than silently agree. “Gosh, now that I think about it, I really don’t know anything about you or Celestia before you lived in Equestria. I just know what the history books say and even they don’t talk about it.”

“Y’know it has been a long time,” Discord chimed. “Being trapped in stone for a millenium does wonders to preserve the body, but not the brain. After a while, it just kinda fades from misuse.”

“You say that as if you were using it at all in the first place,” Luna responded with a roll of her eyes.

“Oho, touche.”

“Well, look. It’s probably not the best time to really talk about it, both because I don’t remember much from that long time ago right on the spot, but also because…” Luna sighs a drawn out frustrated breath. “Mom…”

Now it was the pegasus’ turn to read the room. “Goodness, was she…?”

“Embarrassing? Absolutely. I love her a lot though, even if she is a bit… What’s the word?”

Discord summoned a large thesaurus, looking through it as he adjusted his reading glasses. “Overbearing?”

“Sure, let’s go with that. She was a wonderful mom back then, but she had this habit of being really protective of my sister and I. Why, when we were little fillies, Celestia and I were playing in the forest just outside the city, exploring and collecting cool rocks we found when we ran into a cockatrice. Sister did something to enrage it and got petrified because of it. I ran away to go find mom and dad, and when we returned mom was absolutely livid with the monster and it was so afraid of her rage that it unstoned Celestia to try and appease her. But mom… mom didn’t let it go. While dad made sure we were both okay and held us close, mom literally bit the thing’s head off. And when we got back to the castle, she scolded us pretty badly...”

“That’s mothers for ya!” Discord inserted with a mocking toast.

Fluttershy wasn’t as amused, choking back bile from the mental image of bestial decapitation. “She bit its head off?”

“Like I said, mother is a unique individual, especially back then. Celestia had a fear of chickens ever since. But make no mistake, mom did love us. And I think she realized how sheltered her coddling was making us because later she sent us off to Equestria to learn under Starswirl. It was a blast! We got to see the world and more!” Luna exclaimed, smiling.

The princess of the night, having been so engrossed in her retellings of her youth, failed to notice a tall, lanky, pale-looking stallion slide next to her, leaning on the rail with her. Fluttershy clearly noticed, as did Discord, the latter of the two neglecting to interrupt to say anything, a move Fluttershy debated on mirroring.

“And then after I returned from the moon, I met my new sister and baby brother. So much happened when I was away and I’m still catching up, but it’s been great.”

It was now, after a solid five minutes had gone by, the new stallion spoke up.

“I’m glad things have been looking up for you, Lulu.”

Luna’s ears perked at the name. Her old childhood nickname. She turned to face her addresser and after a millisecond of processing, adopted a beaming expression of glee.

“Daddy! Oh my gosh, I didn’t expect to see you here!”

She practically pounced on him, the embrace was so sudden, yet the overtowering pegasus did not flinch. He did however get his conal hat knocked off, a situation Fluttershy was more than willing to remedy.

“Here you go, sir,” stated the shy mare as she handed his hat.

“Ah, thank you Miss…”


“Ah, so you’re the Fluttershy I’ve heard about. It is a pleasure to meet you. Bonsai, at your service.”

A closer look at Bonsai revealed features unusual of Equestrian ponies. A faded pink floral-print oriental robe, a pair of katana hidden under his left wing. And were those… Clouded pink eyes? Fangs?

“And Discord. It has been too long, hasn’t it?”

The draconequus chuckled. “Yes it has, hasn’t it… do I know you from somewhere?”

Bonsai, with a look of bewilderment, tilted his head and pondered hoof to chin. “I suppose it has been over a millenia, hasn’t it?”

“That, and I haven’t exactly had the chance to travel the world.”

“Suppose we could catch up at a later time then.”

“I’m glad to see you again and everything,” Luna interjected, “but why are you here? I’d think you’d be back home attending to mother and Acacia.”

Bonsai’s smile returned to his face. “Acacia is in Maple’s care, she’s always happy to spend time with her little brother. As for your mother, she and I are here to help you and Tia move back. She saw the gala and decided to drop by.”

Luna’s eyes shot wide open. “Wait, you mean mother is here?! In the castle?”

“Spruce is here as well, although he arrived later than we did.”

“So if she’s here, she’s probably looking for Tia and me, which means… Oh no! We need to find her before-”


Luna had little time to even think about wincing. “Before something bad happens…”

“Hello, welcome to the Gala! Good evening! We’re glad to see you here tonight!”

No doubt it was because she hasn’t had the time to loath this job yet, but it was quite obvious to Celestia that her former pupil was much better suited for this meet and greet job than she ever was. Standing in one place for the majority of the evening, unable to have fun at her own party and barely getting a chance to talk with the guests she actually likes. At least tonight she had Spike to converse with while Twilight bore the burden of photographs and autographs.

“She’s grown so much since that fateful day, hasn’t she?” Celestia said to Spike, adjusting the bowtie on his attire.

“Sure has. I still remember the day we left for Ponyville. Only been about five years, but it feels like it’s been longer than that.”

“A lot can happen in a short amount of time, Spike. Best to embrace change rather than resist it.”

“Speaking of change,” Spike points to her mane and tail, “Your hair. What happened, it’s all pink now.”

“Oh this? Well my mane was originally pink, but it shifted into the colors you knew as I matured. Now that I’m retired, I decided a mundane look was more suitable and magically changed it back. It makes it slightly easier to blend in from ponies who may be having a difficult time in the transition.”

“I guess having the shimmering mane would be easy to recognize. Though your size is a dead giveaway too.”

“I just want to try new things without constantly being harassed, you know? It’s hard enough trying to get out of my regent instincts like keeping up appearances.”

“Well at least you have the chance to cut loose now. So, what kind of cool stuff have you been up to?”

“What haven’t I been up to?” Celestia started counting the new hobbies she started using the feathers of her wings. “Diving, hoofball, acting lessons, I’ve put a lot on my schedule lately to the point I haven’t had as much free time as I expected. So much to do that I have so little to do, but at least here I can simply drop it if it becomes too much and I’m not obligated to do it.”

Spike began to laugh. “Reminds me of when Twilight took all those courses you suggested to her in magic school, all in the same year. Chemistry, calculus, physics, she had so many electives she didn't really have a life until you told her to slow down.”

Twilight, hearing her name brought up in conversation, glanced over. “I’m standing right here-” She snapped back to her role as host as another guest walked up. “Oh good evening, I hope you enjoy the gala!” Upon completion of her task, she turns back. “I don’t regret taking those courses, it was fu- Oh hello there, nice to see you again!”

This cycle of going in and out between chatting and greeting continued as more and more guests rolled in. Amused by this redux of galas of the past, but with the roles reversed, Celestia could not contain her laughter. While not outright belly laughter, it certainly was enough to catch the attention of those around her, especially her former pupil.

“Pri- Celestia! Please, you’re embarrassing me!”

“Sorry, Twilight. I just couldn’t help but recall that time back then. I’ve never seen this from the outside before.”

Twilight wanted to say something but was again interrupted by playing host to another guest before she could pout properly. Perhaps it was for the best, it would be unprofessional to lose composure in front of her public, even if in jest. Of course, this prompted even more laughter from both Celestia and Spike as they had the luxury of being casual observers.

“Believe me, Twilight. I will always be here if you need to seek advice from…”

The solar alicorn trailed off from that thought, her soft smile replaced by a sudden look of concern, an expression Twilight could not presently notice. Spike however certainly did. “You okay?”

Celestia did not answer straight away, her eyes scanning the crowd in the foyer. The sight of guards gathering near the entrance as someone, a mare in a large cloak pushed through them and guests. While she at first squinted to analyze the circumstances, her eyes shot open with faint terror as realization dawned within her thoughts. “Is that… No it can’t be… Can it- Oh no it is!”

The comotion building in the circumstances distracted the current guest Twilight was in the middle of greeting as they turned away towards the building crowd, curious and concerned. Twilight herself, took a moment to turn back to Celestia and Spike to gauge their input here. “Celestia, is everything okay-”

“Twilight, MOVE OUT OF TH-”


Neither alicorn had the opportunity to finish processing this warning before the younger mare found herself pinned against the wall, courtesy of the hoof of this small-statured mare who had the audacity to launch a flying drop kick above the heads of the attendants and staff. This assaulting pony had placed Twilight’s face into the hard- now cracked -marble with only a smug grin on hers. Everypony else, including Spike, only had a mixture of astonishment and horror on theirs. If listening closely, it may have been possible to hear a glass or two drop along with some audible gasps.

“Tia, sweetie,” this mare said in an obviously fake sweet tone to her voice. “You have some explaining to do.”

Celestia took a deep breath, not one of fear or stress but of resignation to her fate. This certainly was not what she had hoped for Twilight’s first gala in charge and certainly was not a turn of events she herself had expected or desired. But it was happening now and now there was no other choice but to make the most of it. Hopefully, it could be salvaged. With a defeated sigh, she stood up straight and cashed in every favor she could with herself. This was the moment of truth she wished she could’ve put off until later.

“Hello mother....”