• Published 1st Jan 2021
  • 1,330 Views, 16 Comments

Queen of Crimson Crows - ZhaoZoharEX

After Twilight's coronation, Celestia and Luna get a visit from their mother. Twilight must earn the respect of this ally she didn't know existed or she's gonna have a bad time.

  • ...

Episode 02 ~ Somewhere Far Beyond

Author's Note:

Hey there, sorry this took longer than planned to get this chapter out. Hopefully now we can return to a more regular writing schedule. I'll admit, it's a bit of a struggle to be writing again but it's a good kind of struggle, y'know? :derpytongue2:

Anyway, next up I'll be working on two chapters. One is of course Episode 03, but I'm also going to start writing "interlude" chapters showing events that happened between chapters, elaborating on some things between scenes of chapters, and other things that I want to draw attention to. Keep an eye out for them, we're at a point where I've gotten past the awkward beginning phase of the writing so now that we're starting to get into it I can get more excited for it.

Have a good day, hope you're enjoying.

“It would seem the former princesses are just as enabling as always.”

The colt clad in white stood before the still ripped tapestry. Pacing back and forth in a restrictive, patient mantra.

“Yes, brother,” the monotonic filly responded. The queen is currently en route to their residence in Silver Shoals with her husband. The prince has stayed behind to facilitate travel plans with Princess Twilight. It would seem she and her cohorts are intending to visit Bloodmist. I have no estimate as to how long she will be out of the country.”

“I see. What of Discord?”

“I am unable to say for certain, however, it would appear he intends to travel with them. From what intel I have, the prison will be guarded by a battalion commanded by Flash Magnus of the PIllars. Seems an invitation was extended to him, however, he is reluctant to leave Canterlot.”

“Intent on defending the statue it seems. This will make things slightly more difficult. Still, with the major general traveling with the group, the prison may as well have been left undefended.”

So what are we waiting for?” the tall stallion inquired impatiently. “Why are we holding back? Why not just go in now and bust the statue open?”

“Brother, please have patience. I am just as eager as you, but Master does not wish for us to rush. You saw how that turned out before, we must be decisive with our actions.”

“Still, I don’t know if I agree with this short-notice approach. It seems like a patch job.”

“Keep a low tide, Brother,” the mare scoffed. “Master has handled similar plans in the past, it would be best not to go against it.”

“Many of those plans ended in disaster, I say I’m right to be paranoid.”

“Peace you two. I cannot have us bickering when our time is precious. Now then, sister. Please continue.”

“Even in spite of recent events, the security within the dungeons is relaxed. As expected, the actual statue remains relatively unguarded, much of the focus is placed on the entrances. A direct assault would prove little to no challenge.”

“Yes, though it would expose us to the world at large.”

“Indeed, Brother, however with the force we’ve amassed over the centuries-”

“No you big drip, we can’t waste mana on the peons. Master needs all that we can offer when we assemble the Ankh.”

“If you would let me finish for once, with the mana we’ve accumulated over the centuries, the Canterlot Guard would pose absolutely zero threat in direct confrontation. We wouldn’t even need to throw a punch.”

“Ah, that. Yes, that’s true. So long as we commence while the princess is out of bounds. That being said, this arrangement of theirs… It may be a golden opportunity to scope Bloodmist for once. I am confident one of the pieces is in the capital somewhere.”

“We’ve tried many times to infiltrate, but those damned birds have thwarted us every time. I can’t even get inside with a vessel because of them, and even if I did, that mist would be the bane of my existence.”

“Hm… Brother, I believe I may have an idea. Join me later at the archives, I need to conduct further research. In the meantime, Sisters, continue to cultivate your projects and continue to survey. Report with any updates should you have any.”

“Yes, Brother.”

“This better be good…”

“As you wish. I have two pets ready to unleash mayhem.”

“This meeting is adjourned.”

The sounds of the train arriving in the station prompted Twilight to nudge Spike awake, the motion of the locomotive having a profound effect on his ability to stay awake about halfway through the morning trip. Sitting in first class, he had a pretty quiet nap, evident by his satisfaction in stretching.

“Maaan, I haven’t slept like that in ages.”

“Yeah, I’ve had many nights like that since taking on the throne.” Twilight glanced over at her other travelmate, the stallion quietly putting away the book he was reading into his bag. “Hey Spruce, this is it. Ponyville.”

“Indeed. I’m still not sure I understand the logic in taking the train as opposed to the chariot, it would’ve been a more straightforward route.”

“I just wanted a little trip down memory lane. I figure it’d also give us time to rest after a hectic week of preparations.”

Spruce gave a simple nod. “Truthfully, I didn’t mind it. Sometimes I forget to sit and breathe away from work.”

Twilight stood, stretching her legs a bit after a long period of inactivity. “Ah yeah, you and Celestia have been doing this a lot longer than I have. Seems I’m gonna have to find the time to be myself once in a while.”

“I cope by meditating, personally. Clearing your mind before a big important event helps your focus significantly, but it also works to improve magic.”

The trio disembark off the train, Spike riding on Twilight’s back, the mare could not help but notice some of the boarding passengers sneaking glances at the forgien stallion, especially as he removed his peacoat due to the warmer temperature in the small town, revealing his simple shirt and ruffled tie. Either unaware or consciously ignorant of his princely looks, he remained steadfast in walking alongside Twilight, past the curious spectators.

“So this is where you used to live? Where Sister sent you for your studies? It seems like a nice peaceful place.”

“Yep,” Twilight beamed with pride, “it’s where I met my friends. Over the past decade we’ve had many experiences. Some good, some bad. But I wouldn’t trade them for anything.”

The vampony unicorn cracked a smile. “That’s good. Treasure those experiences. They make us who we are.” His smile slid up somewhat quickly as he wiped away the sweat trickling down his face. “Ugh, had I known it was going to be this warm, I would have left my gear with Snapdragon. Why is it so humid down here?”

“Sorry, I think the weather patrol is preparing for a storm today.”

“Ah that’s right, weather here isn’t automated.”

Spike, having taken a bottle of water out of Twilight's saddlebag, offered it to Spruce. “Does the sun bother you?”

“Not the sun itself, but the climate in Equestria. Bloodmist is located in a much colder region and it almost never gets above jacket temperature. The kind of place where blizzards are a frequent occurrence. Of course, it may have to do with the mist and the fact our capital is located in the valley.”

“Valley?” Spike inquired.

“Well, the capital is called Bloodmist Valley for a reason, but it’d be more accurate to call it a canyon. The region is covered with thick pinkish red mist that does weird things to the sun and moon light, giving them reddish hues from inside, hence the namesake.”

“The mist you told me about back in Canterlot?” Twilight said. “The same mist that saps mana from non-vamponies and leaves them feeling weak?”

“The very same, yes. It also shields the place from the sun’s heat, making it colder year round. This leads to issues with agriculture, making us more reliant on ranching and fishing.”

Twilight tilts her head. “Ranching huh? So does that mean vamponies are more carnivorous then?”

Spruce used a hoof to peel back his lips, showing off his more pronounced canines. “We don’t have these chompers for nothing. We lean more on the meat eating side of the scale, even though we’re omnivores just like Equestrian ponies. Even if our diet consists more of seafood and livestock, it’s not as if we don’t have our crops either. Though I’m sure our habits probably don’t help with the myth of man-eaters our kind might be associated with and Mother’s image certainly doesn’t help with it.”

Twilight started getting a little green, the thought of a plate of animal products making her rather queasy. In spite of realizing milk and eggs were a common part of the Equestrian diet in some way, at least they could be rationalized as not being actual meat.

“Relax, Twilight. My brother Hawthorne is in charge of the cuisine at home and he’s very accomodating to dietary habits. If you ask him, I’m sure he’ll understand your concerns. Plus the treaty we’re forming will open up to more importing of grains and vegetables.”

"Even so, I just shudder to think of Fluttershy's life there like that…"

"It's going to be okay. We're going to make sure she doesn't have to deal with it. We'll find some way to make it through."

A stray sunbeam interrupted their conversation, reflecting off the crystalline exterior of Twilight’s former residence as they approached, briefly blinding the vampony unicorn, prompting a grunt of annoyance.

“Geez, it’s like a magnifying glass. No wonder it’s so warm here.”

“You get used to it after a while,” Spike sighed. “I miss the old treehouse, but life is about making use of the things we’re given.”

With Castle Friendship within reach, the trio set their sights on the small crowd within the doors. The squad of mares were there of course, along the trio of fillies practically climbing all over their sisterly figures.

“Pleeease, sis!” Apple Bloom begged. “Ah really think we can make a diff’rence too!”

“Apple Bloom, no!” Applejack shouted with impatience. “Where we’re goin’ ain’t no place for a kid.”

“Rarity! I wanna go toooooo!” Sweetie Belle said, clinging to her sister’s leg. “Think of all the boys and girls who haven’t found their cutie marks yet! We can help!”

“Sweetie Belle, I understand you want to go, but this is strictly business. Please stop…”

“Scoots,” Rainbow Dash grinned as she ruffled the filly’s head. “I know you’re feeling left out, but we need you here to look after everyone.”

“Dash, I wanna go with you!” Scootaloo pleaded with the puppiest of puppy dog eyes.

“Squirt, I need you to trust me. I need to focus on this one and I can’t do that when I’m worrying about you running around and possibly getting hurt.”

The three filles pouted, feeling quite hurt over being denied this opportunity. Their sisters, while not wanting to admit it, were pretty done with this conversation, especially with all the packing they still needed to do and all the affairs they needed to settle. After exchanging a small glance with his equal, Spruce cleared his throat.

“Excuse me, little ladies,” he stated in the most princely voice he could muster. “Hello again. Now, I hear you also want to accompany us on this trip. I’m deeply flattered you wish to visit my home, however I can attest that it may not be that safe for you. It’s not because the people there aren’t nice, but because the climate and the road there can be… How shall I say this? Bitter. It’s snowy year-round, the place is surrounded by all manner of creatures who don’t take well to outsiders, and even inside, there is a thick mist that will make you sick if you aren’t prepared.”

Spike hopped off of Twilight and joined the prince. “Besides, it’s a long way away. If something happens, don’t you think everyone would be worried about you? Look, I promise I’ll bring back something, maybe if everything goes well you can visit next time.”

While this did little to absolve them of their disappointment, the three exchanged a glance, before a grin slid onto their face. “Alright. I really wanted to go, but maybe you’re right,” Apple Bloom said in a tone that… well, clearly wasn’t fooling anyone, least of all her sister. “C’mon girls, let’s go back to the clubhouse.”

The crusaders made haste out the doors, a bit too eager to give up on their efforts.

“Yeeeah, I don’t buy for a second they ain’t up ta somethin’,” Applejack declared her suspicions.

“They’re just kids,” Spike shrugged.

“So are you.”

“Nuh uh. Technically I’m a legal adult.”

“Anyway,” Twilight said, interrupting and shifting focus on her. “Everyone ready? I think we just need to wait for Starlight and Atha. The rest of our crew should be waiting for us in Silver Shoals.”

“Is that where Maho and the princesses are?” Fluttershy inquired.

“Indeed,” Spruce answered. “Mother and Father are helping my sisters move back home. Our destination will be Silver Shoals harbor, our airship is located there. Once we finalize our preparations, we’ll be disembarking from there.”

“Very well, Darling,” Rarity said, turning towards the doors. “I’m going to go wait at the train station. We’ll meet you there.

As she and the other mares exited the castle, Twilight made her way around the castle to find the others, leaving Spruce and Spike to their own devices.

“So, Spike,” Spruce spoke in an awkward attempt to pass the time. “I’ve been meaning to ask you something.”


Spruce paused, deep in thought as to what he wanted to ask. “Do you… think it’s wise to be bringing this many people along?”

“Sure, we’ve always done things together. Strength in numbers and everything.”

“It’s just that... You know what, nevermind. I’m sure it’ll be fine.”

“Uh, okay. I’m sure it will…”

Spruce sighed, something clearly bothering him. Like someone who had something on his mind yet could not put it into words though, he kept it to himself.

(“I don’t know if it’s because of Twilight, but I can’t focus. I can’t shake this gut feeling I’m overlooking something critical…”)

“Okay. Toothbrush, check. Shatterproof mug, check. Dark Arts of Old Equestria- what the, why do I even still have this? Oh well, might be an interesting read.”

Starlight was making a last check of her travel bags, probably packing a few more items than necessary. Finally satisfied with her essentials, she loaded her backs onto her back and stepped out of her room and into the hallway. Taking a deep breath to steel herself for what was certain to be a long trip, she walked down to the end where Twilight was waiting for her.

“Sorry that took so long, I’m ready now.”

“Great. We’ll be meeting everyone at the station. Once we load our bags onto the train, we’ll meet everyone else in Silver Shoals and head to Bloodmist from there.”

Starlight nodded and followed the princess into the foyer, leaving the castle from there. “So… Are you nervous?”

“You know it. Going to a place I’ve never been to with people I barely know? Who wouldn’t be.”

“Well, at least the stallions are approachable. That’s gotta count for something.”

“It’s not the stallions that bother me.” Twilight rubbed her head and popped her neck.

“How’s the injury doing?”

“Better. That queen is a pain in the neck in more ways than one.” She popped two more painkillers into her mouth and swallowed. “Medi-magic can only do so much.”

“Hey, if you need help, just ask. It’s not my specialty, but I know a spell or two that can help with the pain.”

“I appreciate the offer, but I think it’ll be fine.”

The walk back to the station didn’t take long. It was a straight path with few distractions, everyone had met up and loaded their things into the cargo hold. Starlight perked up as she saw the faces of Trixie, Sugar Belle, and especially Sunburst.

“Hey, you made it!” Starlight stated with mild glee. “Did the packing go alright?”

“Trixie made sure to pack everything she’d need,” the Great and Powerful pack mule responded with a confident grin. “Those vamponies will be sure to get an awe inspiring show.”

“I’m bringing a few journals with me, I’d like to document everything I see,” Sunburst said as he flashed his notebook and quill. “It’s not everyday you get to travel halfway across the world.”

Starlight turned to Sugar Belle. “So, I take it you’re coming too?”

“Mhm. Mac was sad to see me go, but I promised I’d come back with something special,” Sugar Belle giggled. “The others from the village told me they’re taking the invite too. Double Diamond was sold when I told him about the snow.”

“I’m glad you’re all coming along. It’ll be just like in Atha’s class again.” Starlight made an attempt to store her bags, setting aside her carryon. “Right down to the gear packs… Oof, that’s a lot.”

While Starlight was contemplating how she was going to stuff her things with the cargo, Trixie nudged the stallion with a subtle wink. “Go on,” she whispered.

“Um… What?”

Trixie, using the movements of her head, gestured over to Starlight. “Go help her, this is a golden chance.”

Sunburst blank stared, swapping his glance between the mares. “Err, chance for what?”

Trixie’s patience deflated like an untied balloon. “Don’t be dense, go help her and you might win points with her.”

Sunburst took all but a couple seconds before finally getting the memo. “O-oh, err, you really think so?” he asked with his face growing increasingly redder.

“Just go, Trixie doesn’t have all day.”

With a gulp, Sunburst shakily trotted over. “H-here, I’ll store this away for you,” he said, lighting his horn. “You go ahead and, uh... get settled?”

“Oh… Thanks,” Starlight blushed, “um, I think I’ll do… Just that.”

She made haste into the coach car before her brain made her say something stupid while Sunburst looked like he wanted to hide his face in the cargo.

Trixie just shook her head. “Those two need to just come out and say it.”

“Hehe, they just need some guidance is all,” Sugar Belle said as she carried her own bags in.

In coach, Starlight took a seat and slapped her hooves against her face. “Ugh, smooth Starlight…”

Whilst she lamented, a set of hooves echoed as another passenger entered the car. “You forgot your carryon bag, Ms. Glimmer.”

Turning her head, she mentally face-hoofed again at her impulsiveness as she saw the elder unicorn. “Thank you, Professor Atha.”

“Would you care to join me for afternoon tea? We have some time before the train disembarks.”

“Sure, I’ve got a few snacks in my bag.”

Setting the bag in the seat between them, Atha took the aisle seat and pulled a small tea set from her own satchel, along with a tray from the dinner cart nearby. Filling the pot with water and lighting her horn, the pot quickly steamed and in little time both mares had a cup of hearty, robust tea. “You know, I can recognize infatuation when I see it,” Atha stated as she stirred a few sugar cubes into her cup.

“Oh, you… you saw that, did you?” Starlight reached into her bag and pulled out the snacks she had packed. “I guess I’m not doing a good job hiding it, am I?” Sighing, she popped a mini donut into her mouth, staining her lips with powdered sugar. “Truth is… I’m looking forward to being on this trip with him. I’ve liked him since childhood, actually.”

“Yes, that much is obvious,” Atha replied matter of factly, taking a refined sip of her cup. “I’d recommend being more upfront about it, it’s also quite obvious he enjoys your company as well, I’m sure he’d reciprocate.”

“I know I should, but… It’s complicated, I just don’t know if it’d work with our history.”

“History, you say?” Atha took a small bite of a single scone. “Do elaborate.”

Taking a sip of her own cup - quickly deciding it was too bitter and adding some sugar - Starlight took a pause to gather her thoughts. “Well, it’s just… You know how I told you how my mom disappeared?”

“Yes, I recall you having run away from home, then a few days later ending up in the dig site where I found you and took you in.”

“Well, ever since she vanished, it seemed like my life was falling apart. Dad got overprotective, Sunburst left for the school in Canterlot, his dad suddenly dying, and then my spiral after you left… In hindsight, I had a lot of issues from the start. Honesty, Twilight was a miracle from above, I owe her everything.”

Atha sipped patiently as Starlight talked. “I see. You feel as though you have too much emotional baggage between the two of you and do not wish to ruin your friendship. Do I understand correctly?”

“Yeah, more or less…”

“Hmm…” Atha took her time to finish off the last of her tea before refilling the cup. “Yes, this is a legitimate concern to be sure, I can relate to this.” While stirring more sugar into her new cup, she reached into her shirt pocket where she pulled out a pocket watch. “You and I have something in common. My father was a well-established explorer and doctor in archeology for his time. Around the age you were when I first met you in fact, he suddenly vanished off the face of the planet, never to be seen again. The last thing I ever heard from him was a letter stating he was leaving his fortune to me. No explanation, not much more than telling me he loved me and mother, telling me to take care of her. Mother did not take it well, she would die of liver failure a year and a half later. Drank herself to death, she did.”

“That must’ve been devastating…”

“Yes, well… I cannot say it was the happiest of times. I did inherit her estate in the aftermath and it allowed me to pay for my doctorates, but it was a lingering trauma that never truly faded. Plagued my personal life, especially when it came to love. In retrospect, it was one of the many problems that factored into my divorce. Likely did me no favors raising my daughter either.”

“Oh, I didn’t know you had a daughter.”

“I will not lie, I was likely not the best parent to her, no surprise she cut off contact once she started her own family. Never was a fan of her fiance, which did not help matters either. My point being that my own emotional baggage contributed to me never being able to enjoy life and love to its fullest.”

Starlight’s gaze drifted to the floor, forlorn and unsure. “I see…”

“Now, do not go fitting my narrative into yours. You have an entirely different set of circumstances and a support group to help. You are young and you have your whole life ahead of you. Do what you feel is best for you, but at the end of the day I implore you to keep a realistic outlook. If you go into an irrational situation with an irrational mind, you’ll get an irrational response.”

Starlight sighed, but could not deny the words she was hearing. Even after leaving her class, the teacher was imparting wisdom onto the student. “Thank you, Professor. I think you’re right. It may not be the encouragement I wanted to hear, but maybe I can make something of it. I’ll find the opportunity to talk to Sunburst one day, but I’m gonna wait until the time is right.”

“If that is what you feel is best, then I wish you the best in return.”

Have you ever had one of those naps where it seems like you lay down and ten hours pass just as your head hits the pillow? Twilight certainly had one of those naps.

The trip to Silver Shoals Community came and went, the train rolling into the station as Twilight opened her bloodshot eyes to the sight of the setting evening sun shining off the reflection of the seaside waters. It’d be pretty if her head wasn’t pounding again. Achy and thirsty, she took another dose of painkillers with a swig of her water before working up the effort to stand and exit the train with her party.

Off in the distance upon the hills, the silhouette of a large airship sporting the flag of Bloodmist and the royal family coat of arms was present and looming over the town. Spruce, having prepared in advance for their arrival, stepped off first and was greeted with a salute by a pegasus stallion, clad in navy blue fatigues and midnight armor decorating his batlike wings, the chevron of his rank engraved on the breastplate.


“Good evening, Mr. Snapdragon. Hopefully mother hasn’t caused you any problems here.”

“No sir. Her Majesty has been occupied with Her Highness's Celestia and Selena for the most part.”

“Good, good. I was worried after the spectacle at Canterlot.”

Twilight stepped off the car flanked by Spike, who was equally sleepy and carrying a few of their bags. The alicorn sisters quickly joined the gathering along with their parents who were lagging behind.

“Selena?” Spike questioned with a yawn.

“My, uh… birth name,” stated Luna as she stepped forward. “No one really calls me that anymore outside the staff at home.”

“How are you doing, Twilight?” Celestia greeted with a smile. “Your head wound is getting better I hope.”

“Outside of the occasional migraine, yes thank you. It’s been a hectic week but I think we’re all set.”

“Speaking of migraines,” Fluttershy said as she poked her head out of the train, “How is Discord? He’s been helping you, right?”

“He seems okay,” Luna shrugged. “Strangely less of a pain in the flank, but his magic certainly sped things up. Once it was all done, he said he was having another migraine and took off. I don’t know where he is now.”

“After that yogurt stunt he pulled yesterday, he’s lucky all he’s got is a migraine.” The mood of the young princess quickly soured as she spotted the scowl of the grumpy queen as she rode on Bonsai’s back, stuffing her face with a cup of pudding. “You’re late, Purple. It’s almost dinner time and you keep me waiting. Count your blessings the elders in this community know how to make some delightfully scrumptious tapioca pudding,” said the queen as she ate a spoonful. “Mmm~!”

“Well sorry,” Twilight grunted passive-aggressively. “Shame on me for wanting to get prepared.”

Fluttershy stepped off the train with her bags and friends. “Um, could I please ask you not to be too hard on my friend?” she asked fully aware her request wasn’t going to be acknowledged.

“How are you doing, dearie?” Maho’s sourness turned sweet in an instant, lips curling into the kind of smile a grandma might give. “Did the ride bother you at all?”

“No, not at all. I’m used to rough rides by now.”

Maho giggled intensely. “That’s good. Sequoia will love that kind of stamina.”

Fluttershy recoiled in shock, face flushed in embarrassment and quickly hidden behind her wings. “O-oh, um…”

“Mother, please!” Celestia nearly shouted with a flustered grimace. “Jokes like that are wildly inappropriate!”

“Oh tish tosh, Tia,” Maho chuckled further. “Have some sympathy for dear old mother now. After all, you’ll be receiving some new nephews or nieces in the near future.”

Twilight’s patience for this tiny mare was being tested for some time. Even still, now was not the time to lose it, there was work to be done. “Can we just get a move on?!”

“Hrmp. You’re no fun. Fine then, Sprucie dear, could you have your cadre load the last of the haul into the ship so we can get off this rock and go back home?”

“Very well, mother.” Spruce nodded to his number two and turned to Twilight. “Sergeant Major Snapdragon will be coordinating the boarding, just let our men worry about your bags. I’ll escort everyone to the ship.”

“Thank you, Spruce,” Twilight responded with a stressed breath. “And thank you, Sergeant Major.”

Snapdragon gave a professional smile with a light bow before heading off to help unload the cargo. With that, the crew was led across the town boulevard, turning a few interested heads along the way, mostly from other travelers. Perhaps the locals - primarily the elders - had gotten used to the alicorn residents in the year prior, Celestia was greeting many of the old mares with whom she was on a first name basis with. Luna was a bit more withdrawn, but it was clear she too had a decent presence here. Many interactions were genuine goodbyes and well wishes.

Starlight decided to trail in the back with Sugar Belle, who had been gliding her eyes over to various sights of the town, half interested and half bored. “Say, Sugar Belle? Why do you think Professor Atha asked you and the others to come along? And why did you agree? I’d think you’d be on the farm tending to the family.”

“I wasn’t going to go at first, honestly. But after talking to Double Diamond and the others, it seemed like a nice little opportunity for a small reunion.”

“Yeah, DD would like to travel, wouldn’t he? Glider was a history major back in class, right? I guess it makes sense she’d wanna come too. Party Favor… Probably just wants to be part of the group, which hey, he’s just fun to have around.”

Sugar Belle didn’t take her eyes off the sights, focused on a small crowd formed around a shop. “As for why Atha asked us to come, honestly I’m not sure, maybe she just wants more eyes there? I know she…” the baker briefly glanced at the queen in front before lowering her voice to a whisper, “wants to keep an eye on Maho.”

“I may not have super hearing, but I recognize my name,” the queen in question glanced back with a vaguely annoyed scowl.

“S-sorry, I didn’t mean to offend!”

The queen cackled as her scowl transitioned to a grin. “Relax little one, I’m not going to bite your head off. Not unless you give me a reason to.” Maho finished off the last of her pudding cup and surveyed her surroundings. She spotted a trash can near the store with the crowd and tugged her husband’s wing. “Bonsai, would you be a dear?”

Hubby nodded and extended his leathery wing, angling it downward to act as a slide for Maho. Her feet on solid ground, she made a beeline to the bin stationed next to the table in front of the shop, the mere sight of her prompting nearly all of those in line to scatter. Seems they knew better than to get in her way.

“Um, sorry,” the stallion behind the table sheepishly said. “The line starts back there-”

“Don’t mind me, I’m simply throwing away my garbage…”

Maho’s voice trailed off after getting a look at the stallion’s face. This male unicorn appeared to be an author given copies of his book on the table, doing a book signing given the ponies in line carrying a copy each. Something about him looked… familiar. Maybe it was the lanky limbs, the unique facial structure, the dialect in which he spoke… Wait, she did know him! Very much so in fact.

“You… You’re Stygian, correct?” she said with a widening grin.

“Oh, yes. Did you want an autogra-”

“Styg, I’m disappointed you don’t recognize your dear old Maho, haha. I haven’t seen you in ages!”

Stygian did a double take, another as he noticed Bonsai approaching with a smile etched into his face as usual. “...Maho? ….Queen Mahogany?” The realization dawned on him and his delight was suddenly plain as day. “My word, it’s been too long!”

Maho ruffled the mane of her friend with her hoof. “What happened you old dork, you just kinda vanished, thought you might’ve died.”

“No, but it’s kind of a long story” Stygian chuckled as he straightened out his mane. “We can discuss that later, it’s just good to see you again, and you as well Bonsai.”

Having noticed the holdup in their formation, Twilight glanced over and let out a groan at the delay until she noticed who Maho was conversing with. After gesturing the group ahead, she trotted to the trio. “Hey, Stygian. I didn’t know you were here.”

“Twilight, hello again. I was just doing a book signing… was.”

“You know Maho?”

The queen folded her arms, annoyed at this young’un interrupting. “The Styg and I are old, old friends. Heh, you can say it’s a pretty deep bond, really.”

“Maho, I don’t know if you know this or not,” Stygian stated, “but Twilight saved my life when I returned to Equestria. It’s because of her and her friends I’m standing here.”

“Is that right?” Maho eyed the purple princess suspiciously. Then with great hesitance exhaled a breath of resignation. “...Thanks for doing that, Purple. It’s appreciated.”

Twilight felt conflicted, unsure how to respond by this sudden show of gratitude from this mare of all people. It certainly didn’t relieve her of any of the resentment she held, but how does one respond to that other than simply rubbing the back of her neck. “Oh… Um… You’re welcome, I guess-”

“Ah, by the way, Styg,” Maho quickly snapped back to her previous state. “I’m moving my girls back home, why don’t you come for a visit, you can finally meet your son!”

“Wait, what?-” Twilight was brushed aside by Maho, pushing her back towards the path of the ship, as if to shoo her away like a cat.

“One more guest won’t hurt, Purple, just get going or you’ll be late.”

“But you’re the one hold us up!”

“Whaddya say, pal Wanna join? Just for old times sake?”

Stygian took a look at his table and the now non-existent line. “Well… I suppose I am right at the end of my tour… You know what, sure. I’ll have to pack things up here, it shouldn’t take long.”

Maho giddily turned to Bonsai. “Excellent! Bonsai, sweetums, would you be an angel and help Styg with his things?”

Bonsai smiled. “Of course, my love.”

“Aww, thank you dearie! Where would I be without you.” After planting a kiss on his cheek, she returned en route to the ship, dragging the poor perplexed purple princess along. “C’mon Purple, times awasting.”

“But- argh, nevermind.” Twilight pulled free from the claw pulling her hoof and matched her walking speed. “So, um, I heard you mentioned Stygian’s son earlier? Honestly, I still know so little about him and the Pillars of Old Equestria. Do you mind if I ask what you know about them?”


“...Yes you’ll tell me, or…?”

“Purple, I don’t go around talking about your bedroom life, don’t go asking about mine?”

“What... What does that have to do with anything? Also, yes you do, you literally made a lewd joke at the station.”

“I swear, Spruce is into the whiniest mares...”

“...Excuse me?”

Again, Maho cackled. “You kids… Well, we’ll see how long my Sprucie goes without-”

A flash of light sparked before them, manifesting a flustered vampony prince wielding his scythe.

“Ah, speak of the devil, we were just talking about y-”

“Twilight! We need your help!” Spruce interrupted, an increasing sense of urgency ringing in his voice.

“Oh, I’m being ignored."

Twilight stepped closer to her friend. “What’s happening, Spruce? Is something wrong?”

Spruce pointed towards the ship with his weapon, the silhouette of a troubling monstrosity visible in the distance. “You can say that. It would seem an Ursa Major has reared its head, causing a ruckus.”

“U-Ursa Major?!” Twilight’s eyes widened with shock. “Why? Where did it come from?”

“I don’t know, but we need to do something. You can teleport, right? Hurry!”

Without missing a beat, the prince and the princess lit their horns and vanished in an illuminating burst, leaving Maho behind with a look of annoyance on her face. “...Guess I’ll just walk then!”

At the ship, the two touched down onto the ground after leaving the light of their spell, joining the side of Starlight, the other princesses, and their friends. Atha had taken the rearguard to defend her pupils and staff of the ship, which she had placed behind a multi-layered crystalline barrier. Not even the most potent of magical beasts was going to penetrate it, but as long as the giant ursa was present, the ship was not going to take off.

“What happened over here?” Twilight asked as she adopted a combat stance.

Starlight lit her horn, preparing to launch another spell if she had to. “I don’t know, we were just helping with the cargo when we heard some trees fall and heard this thing roar!”

“It wasn’t my fault this time, I swear!” the Great and Powerful Trixie shouted as she bravely ran behind the two unicorns.

“The Ursa Minor from before was pushing it, but can we even handle a Major?” Twilight turned to the yellow pegasus. “Fluttershy? I know this is a long shot, but do you think the stare might work-”

“I already tried, Twilight! Something’s wrong with her, she’s not acting like a normal animal!” Fluttershy affirmed. She was trying to stay strong, but her quivering legs were betraying her. “It’s like it’s going berserk or something!”

“Darling!” Rarity shouted in refined desperation. “If you’ve any ideas, you should probably do them now!”

“I, uh…” Twilight clenched her teeth as she tried her best to think of a plan quickly, watching the Ursa approach with a burning malice in its eyes.

“Spruce?!” Celestia pleaded, turning to her brother. “Do you think we can take this thing?”

“Well…” Spruce too adopted a combat stance, pointing the blade of his polearm at the beast. “Star beasts like Ursa Major are beings made of mana, so it’ll just shrug off the spells of standard soldiers… Even in my hooves, I doubt my dark spells will do much good.”

“We’ve gotta try something! Anything!”

The beast was mere meters away as it swiped its massive claw at the group, an attack parried by Spruce with his weapon and lightning speed. While successfully deflected, his strike did little to discourage the Ursa Major from going for another one of its own. Another parry however convinced the mana monstrosity to use its jaws of death, which forced Spruce to change tactics.

“Mana Incantation No. 89 - Standkeeper!”

Planting his scythe into the ground, he summoned a crimson barrier, fortified with dark flames. As the beast bit, the flames seared its starry flesh.

“Mana Incantation No. 70 - Dark Devourer!”

From the ground around the giant claws erupted a swarm of dark thorny mana vines that secured its front legs, thorns digging deep into them. A loud angry roar resonated as the beast cried out in pain, feeling its essence drain out of its legs through the thorns.

“Mana Incantation No. 98 - Extinction, first phase!”

Spruce pulled his weapon from the ground and slashed at the air between him and his foe. The rippled wind from the slash collected around the Ursa and turned black, encasing it in a dome of mana.

“Second ph-”

A claw breaking through the dome interrupted his casting and made another swipe at him, forcing him to abort the incantation. It was not long before the dome shattered and the thorns securing the Ursa were ripped out of the ground.

“Dammit!” Spruce cursed under his breath. “Despite my training… I don’t know if this is going to work. Unless we think of something, I may have to summon the Mist.”

Celestia grunted in frustration. “But brother, we can’t use that here with the others, it may get caught in the wind and move into town!”

“I know. I want to avoid it if possible. But if all else fails…”

Another strike from the beast was launched with full force as its claw shot forward. Spruce prepared to parry once again, however never got the chance as the giant nails were stopped dead in their tracks, one being held firmly within the talons of the queen’s claws.

“Honestly, if you had just taken me along, you would’ve saved yourself a lot of trouble,” Maho nonchalantly said, looking back at her son. “I take it this is the cub that’s having a fit?”

Struggling to free itself from the clutches of this tiny mare, it tried to use its other claw to swipe at her, only to get itself caught in her other talon. Maho glanced back, rather annoyed at the antics of the pest.

“Seriously? Do you really consider yourself my equal?”

Maho, using the miniscule amount of force necessary, pushed the monster away, causing it to stumble a solid thirty meters away on its side. Popping her neck and cracking her knuckles, Maho propped herself onto her hindlegs and crossed her arms, claws still extended. The Beast managed to regain its balance and closed the distance quickly, getting its face right in hers, the breath from its nose sweeping her mane back.

The bravado from the Ursa quickly vanished however as their eyes met each other. Further lost after she reached out and dug her talons into its fangs, cracking them with her iron grip. It tried to pull away to no avail, the pain in its teeth being too much. Even among the other ponies, a wave of raw, unfiltered terror washed over.

“Listen and listen well,” Maho ordered, lowering the pitch of her voice and glaring menacingly. “I have slaughtered thousands of your kind in my youth and you lot are barely a nuisance compared to the icons of sin I’ve murdered. I’m trying to have a nice little evening with my kids and their stupid little friends, so be aware. I am holding back out of courtesy.” She tightened her grip on the fangs, fracturing them further and extracting more pained moans from their owner. “But by all means. Give me a reason to rip these teeth out and drive them deep into your corneas. Believe me, you will regret it. Do you understand me, you miserable, pathetic excuse for a monster?”

The longer it stared into her eyes, the more its pupils shrunk. The growing pain and fear inside forced it to submit onto the ground, a sign of surrender perhaps? Finally finding respite as Maho let go of its enormous canines, the Ursa backed away as it was clearly reluctant to attack again.

“Get out of my sight you worthless cub. Don’t come back here either… Or I will find you and personally make it my mission to relieve you of your existence.”

The message was received. The Ursa turned tail and ran for dear life. Maho popped her neck again and retracted her talons, resuming her quadruped stance, just in time for Bonsai to touch down with Stygian and his bags.

“Is everything alright, my love?” Bonsai asked casually.

“Yes, I’m fine hon.” Maho turned back to her kin, amused by the look of utter astonishment - and a little bit of fear - on the faces of her cohorts, especially Twilight. “Well then," she smugly announced, "if you’re finished standing there like a slack jawed numbskull, let’s get going.”

Maho gestured for Bonsai to follow and pushed her way through the staff into the ship. Twilight was at a loss for words at what she had just witnessed. She had only now realized how heavy her heart was pounding but soon found her voice.

"Just like before…. was she…. using the stare?"

The ship was vanishing in the horizon as the sun set below it. The day certainly didn’t end the way it was expected to, but it all worked out.

Yet… for some disdain was a mask worn in earnest. Literally, in the case of a group of three robed individuals and their horde of followers armed with lanterns, all overlooking the town from the seaside cliffs. Their features may be hidden behind white and gold, but black were their hearts accented with a red in their eyes.

“Hmph. That vile queen continues to disrupt our right of way. And the princesses follow blindly as always”

“Seems even a creature of constellation is nothing but prey to her. But I suppose it doesn’t matter. We accomplished what we set out to do.”

“Indeed, Sister. Things look to be most… fortuitous as of late. We shall monitor our progress as it unfolds and adapt accordingly.”

“Brother… Are you sure this is wise? You realize how lethal failure will prove.”

“Do not fret, dear Sister. I am confident Brother’s skill will stay true.”

“Besides, if that wet blanket fails, he’ll have to answer for his shortcomings anyway.”

“Continue to monitor. Before long, those fools will be blinded by the Light.”

Foggy, dark, cold, and desolate as the lord of chaos found himself once again trekking through this ghastly deserted ghost town. At least… It looked like a town, it was difficult to make out with limited visibility. Nevertheless, Discord had gone through this song and dance so many times now that it no longer mattered.

“Yawn,” he boredly stated. “What’s the point of all this? Is this some sort of nightmare? Because it’s not very terrifying… Luna? Is this your idea of a joke? I know you’re out there somewhere!”

Howling wind was the sole response he got.

“Ugh. What am I even supposed to get out of this repeating dream?” Discord made an attempt at snapping his fingers, if just to assert some sort of dominance over this realm. This attempt resulted in a big fat load of nothing as the only thing that happened was the echoing of his fingers. “Really? Still?” he lamented with a disgruntled sigh. “I can warp reality and manipulate life, why…” he snapped again “can’t…” and again “I make…” yet again “this go away?!”

Preoccupied with the fruitless action of making a spicy meatball, he failed to notice a black silhouette approaching from in front of him. It wasn’t until the broken siren song of a mare’s voice rang that he looked up.


Discord widened his eyes, not in any sort of shock but because of the mere fact that something was finally different. “Well, that’s new.”

“E..tro….Do no...e ala..d my l…”

“I’m sorry, you’re coming in a little garbled.” Discord stated. “You should probably…”

His wisecrack trailed as the figure approached. A pure black unicorn, her featureless face shrouded in thick fog. Only her wispy mane and white and gold robe were visible to him.

And a gold bell around her neck.

“Wait… Do I know you?”

Reaching out with his lion’s paw, he stepped forward to touch the hoof the mare was extending. The mare pulled away at the last second as an arrow of blinding light impaled her through the chest. Her body began to vaporize, the light ripping away the shadowy inky being.


The mare fell to the ground, the bell around her neck falling from the strap that held it. Discord rushed to her aid, kneeling and cradling her injured body as the arrow that pierced her flesh disintegrated into mana particles.

“Hey! Hey, are you alright?! Speak to me!”

The fog around her face lifted, displaying her pained facial features, mere white outlines of her eyes, nose, and mouth, all displaying a resigned expression.

“Wait… Just who are…”

“Entr...y….You...Protec….Her… Legacy…. I love…”

The mare fell limp and her body melted into an inky sludge, staining the white robe left behind. For some reason… This struck something deep within the heart of her would-be savior.

“Why… What is happening?...”

The area around him had changed from a desolate gray to a fiery red. The houses had disappeared and were replaced with bricks and windows, decorated with disheveled tapestry and set ablaze. The fog had turned to smoke and the area was now suddenly littered with corpses of guards and servants, having met the same fate as the silhouette. Most prominently was the body pinned above a throne by another of the very same arrows that caused this mess.

He knew this particular body.

“Is that King... No… No no no! This can’t be-“

His thoughts were interrupted yet again as another arrow pierced his back, the arrowhead erupting through his chest. He too, fell to the ground gripping his wound and convulsing as the pain radiated throughout his being. He managed to pull the arrow out with great agony, the offending weapon evaporating into mana as he stood up.

Coming face to face with a masked white figure. Bow at the ready, firing another arrow into his face.


Jolting up out of his hammock and causing it to roll over and flip him onto the floor, he got back on his feet and rubbed his pounding head. After popping his neck and examining his chest, he looked around. Crystal, nothing but the crystalline walls that made up the interior of the Tree of Harmony - or at least its current form - having taken a rest while… doing something, what was it again? Wait, why was he in the treehouse again-

“Well then… sleep well?” stated the monotonic Maud Pie who didn’t even look up from her rock book.

Being interrupted in his thoughts seemed to be a theme that night, but regardless Discord sigh-grunted and stretched from the nap and turned to his inquisitor. “Could’ve been better. Not exactly the most restful nap.”

“Technically,” stated the stallion who was across the room, “that was a slumber, it’s already past dusk.”

“Oh shut up.”

The alarm clock was set for 5am and it jolted Starlight awake with its incessant ringing, yanking her out of her dream date with her crush and plopping her back into reality. Resisting the urge to just use her magic to destroy it, she instead showed the temperance to jump off the bed and walk across the room to disengage it.

“Ugh, Starlight…” the Great and Powerful bunkmate groggily grumbled, “why does your alarm have to ring so early…”

“Sorry Trix, I wanted to get a bright start. Today’s going to be busy.”

Trixie, not exactly happy with the prospect of work just yet, leaned up from her pillow and yawned audibly, probably hoping to hypnotize Starlight with the prospect of more rest. Of course it didn’t work and upon noticing the crimson light shining in from the ship galley windows, begrudgingly emerged from her blankets, grabbed her brush, and went to work on her Great and Powerful bedhead.

“What’s up with the light? It’s all red…”

“I think it’s the mist. Twilight and Spruce said it would colorshift the light of the moon and sun.”

“Oh. So does that mean we’re already there? It’s only been like… two days?”

“I suppose so.”

Starlight packed away her clock into her saddlebag before going to look out the window. Sure enough, the ship had docked atop a spacious snowy plateau overlooking a section of the capital city. Not even dawn yet, the lights of the streets and string of paper lanterns illuminated the buildings with a soft comforting glow. From this angle, it was difficult to see the massive oriental palace at which they were docked by the base of, but there was no mistake it was going to be impressive just judging by the ornate red, white, and gold walls and vertical banners and small lanterns decorating the walk ways.

“Alright, I’m going to go find Twilight and Atha. I’ll catch up with you later, Trix.”

With the dismissive wave of her friend, Starlight rushed out of their cabin and almost immediately bumped into the opening door of the next cabin over. Catching herself just in time before face planting into said door, she maneuvered around it.

“Oh, sorry Starlight,” Twilight said as she donned her saddlebags. “I was just about to go get you.”

“Morning, Twilight. Should we go wake up everyone else or do we just go topside?”

“Topside, my friends are already in the palace. The rest of the guests can rest a bit, I want to check in with Spruce and Celestia before we worry about anything else. We’ll meet them all at breakfast.”

“Should we at least wake Spike?”

Twilight glanced back at the dragon in question, who was slumped over in his own little bed with papers and a quill scattered around it. She contemplated for all of a millisecond before shaking her head. “Nah, he’s been up all night helping me. He’s earned a break.”

The princess gently closed the door and with her companion in tow, made haste to the observation deck where Celestia was already bright and early. Luna, well, was also there and looking rather haggard as she sat with her lukewarm coffee.

“M-morning p-princesses,” Twilight greeted in between shivers as the cold of the plateau hit her.

“Good morning, Twilight,” Celestia smiled with the warming radiance that should’ve melted the snow around her. “Oh, it feels so good to be home again. I haven’t been here in almost a decade.”

“Morning, Twilight” Luna half smiled as she sipped her coffee. “Hope you slept well.”

“Are you…” Starlight started, but trailed off as a sudden wave of nausea and dizziness hit her. Trying her best to shrug it off, she stood her ground and smacked her face. “A-are you alright, Luna?”

“Oh yes, I’m fine. I just forgot how cold home can be and it’s just making me tired.” She took another sip and decided she was done with her cup. “I could ask you the same thing, though.”

“Y… Yes, I’m probably just feeling some cold fatigue, haha…”

Starlight sparked her horn to produce a warm glow to stave off the chill, though in doing so the light was shredded in an instant into the wind and intensified the dizziness, along with a wobble in her legs. Stumbling, she sat down on the cold floor of the deck and took a sharp breath as her rump made contact.

“Woah… Man, I don’t feel good suddenly…”

“Starlight, are you alright?” Twilight patted her back and looked to Celestia for guidance. “Hey, what’s happening?”

Celestia perked up with concern. “Oh, oh no, that’s right…” The Solar daughter looked over the deck and flagged down a passing maid. She didn’t have to say anything as she gestured to the staff member aboard, bringing with her a small coin-sized amulet with a strange insignia engraved onto it, tied at the sides with beads to allow it to drape around Starlight’s neck.

“I’m so sorry, Starlight! It completely slipped my mind, I got so excited with the prospect of being back home that it didn’t occur to me that the mist would be an issue..”

The maid who had come to save the day waited for the green light to attach the amulet around the unicorn’s neck. “Hi there,” she smiled mildly, “This is a talisman created by Master Cypress, it will protect you from the mist’s mana draining effects so long as you wear it. It won’t last more than twenty-four hours, so you will need to get a new one each day you stay here.”

Starlight managed to shake away the pending dizziness and relight her horn, albeit after a few tries. Her vision would take a couple minutes before it gradually started returning. “Oof, why me....”

Twilight sighed in relief, only now realizing she had been holding her breath during this - albeit minor - ordeal. She went to do her breathing technique when an odd epiphany struck her as she touched her hoof to her chest. “Say… Why isn’t the mist affecting me?... And for that matter, why isn’t it affecting you, Celestia? Luna?”

Celestia smiled and held up the cup of now-cold coffee she took from Luna, handing it to the unicorn maid. “Well you see....” she paused, unsure how to proceed with explaining. “Well… That is to say… Um…” She tapped her muzzle quizzically as if hoping to command her mouth to make some sort of statement. “I… Huh. You know, I don’t actually know. Luna and I grew up here and… Now that I think about it, we never ever had to worry about it ourselves, just when visitors came into the kingdom.”

Luna now began pondering, especially now that she had a new cup of coffee courtesy of the maid. “I don’t believe Fluttershy was affected either when Maho brought her into the palace earlier. I know vamponies are naturally immune to the mist, perhaps dark mana biology protects them? But then that doesn’t explain… Ugh, it’s too early in the morning for this.”

Starlight, who had gotten her full vision back and was now free of the nausea, stretched her back out. “Maybe alicorns also have some sort of immunity? I couldn’t offer any explanation for it though.” Holding her head up high, she felt better than ever and wanted to give her compliments to the staff. Sweeping her mane out of her eyes, her attention was on the maid. “Hey. My name’s Starlight Glimmer, thank you for helping me, I appreciate it.”

The maid’s smile faded a bit upon hearing the mare’s name and noticeably tensed up. “Oh, y-you’re welcome. My name is… Rafflesia. I’m glad… You feel better.”

Starlight’s smile faltered slightly as she got a better look at her. Something about this lady was… familiar? Her vermillion coat? Her crimson mane with coral streaks? These features were all kind of familiar to Starlight, but what really stood out were the mare’s glazy scarlet eyes. Those eyes...

“You… What are you… Doing h-”

“P-please excuse me, Ms. Glimmer! I must go distribute talismans to all our other guests!”

The mare turned tail and power walked back beyond the doors to the cabin quarters, leaving the unicorn equal parts baffled and shellshocked. This didn’t go unnoticed, the royal sisters exchanging apprehensive glances and Twilight approaching, taking her out of her trance.

“Starlight? You sure you’re okay? Maybe the mist is still having an effect?”

Starlight was silent for a solid five seconds before shaking her head and finding her voice. “N-no, I’m okay. It’s just… That mare…”

“She seemed nice, she said she was fetching more of those amulets for-”

“Twilight I… I’m gonna go find Trixie. I’ll, uh, meet you at breakfast.”

Leaving no time for Twilight to get another word in, Starlight turned tail and backtracked below deck and apprehensively trailed behind the mare at a distance. Rafflesia - carrying an arm full of amulets - made for one of the cabin doors, pulling away just shy of touching the knob. She looked… uncertain. Deep in thought.

The maid inhaled deeply, trying to psych herself up perhaps. She again reached for the doorknob. Without her input though, the door opened on its own, opened by a groggy and unassuming Sunburst who couldn’t stop himself from colliding with her and causing her to lose her grip on her cargo. As several amulets fell to the floor - thankfully not cracking the metal craftsmanship - some rolled down the hall where Starlight picked one up.

“Oh my, I’m so sorry!” Sunburst said having been woken up a tad.

“N-no, it’s not your fault!” Rafflesia scattered to retrieve the items she had dropped, causing more in her arm to drop as well. “There we go. Um, His Highness Cypress has authorized the dispersal of protection talismans, please wear one during your visit to our great capital.”

“T-thank you… Mrs. Skylight? Is that… Is that you?”

The mare’s ears drooped as she averted her gaze. “Oh, I believe you have me confused with someone else? P-please excuse me…”

She rushed herself through the hall and visited the cabins further down where Sugar Belle and her friends were. The noise of this commotion opened another door, the one where Starlight’s Great and Powerful bunkmate had been staying in.

“What was that?” Trixie said, drawing out an exaggerated yawn. “Is it so wrong to have a little rest?”

“Sorry, Trix…” Starlight half-heartedly responded.

Sunburst locked eyes with Starlight, sensing the glum tone. “Starlight… That maid...?”

“I… Met her earlier.”



Trixie went from irritated to puzzled as she noticed these two weren’t displaying the awkwardness they usually had around each other. Looking past them at Rafflesia further down, it wasn’t hard to put two and two together that she was related. “Hey, what’s going on? Is something wrong?”

Starlight looked into Sunburst’s eyes, who gestured to Trixie. “Um, Trixie, can I talk to you in private? You too Sunburst.”

Perplexed by this bizzare change of mood, Trixie reluctantly joined the couple in Sunburst’s cabin. Starlight extended the amulet she picked up earlier to her. “You’ll need this for the stay, we’ll talk about it later, but I need to talk about something. “

“Starlight, you’re scaring me. What’s happening here?”

Sunburst put on his own talisman along with his cloak. “Trixie, um. That mare that was just here a minute ago… I don’t think there’s any mistake, it’s definitely her.”

“Oh geez, stop being cryptic. Who is she?”

Starlight breathed deeply and once Trixie saw the tears welling up in her eyes, any and all irritation she had for the early morning shenanigans melted away.

“Trixie… I think… I know… That was my mother.”