• Published 10th Jan 2020
  • 1,153 Views, 20 Comments

Digimon: The Equestrian Digital Force (EDF) - TwinSwords79

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1: Enter Veemon

The Digital World - 10:20 AM

"HEY!!" said a large looking humanoid creature. He quickly got onto his motorcycle, the Behemoth, and began to chase a small blue and white dragon-like creature with yellow markings on his face, a small nose spike, had red eyes and fangs sticking out of his mouth. "I told you to get lost!"

The blue dragon creature was panting heavily as he kept running. He was running along the grass and past a few rocks as he heard the creature behind him shout something.

"Double Impact!!!" The blue dragon looked behind him and saw the humanoid take out a double-barrel shotgun he calls the "Berenjena" and fired at the small dragon. The small dragon did a small forward somersault to avoid the shot, and the bullet hit the ground, spiking the grass up a bit which made the humanoid growl.

The dragon looked forward and saw something open ahead of him; it was a yellow circle with a green vortex inside. He looked behind him and saw The Humanoid creature aim his Berenjena again. The blue-dragon closed his eyes and ran even faster with a small smile and jumped through the yellow circle, which quickly closed when The Humanoid Digimon stopped his Behemoth with a loud screech; he growled again. "Yeah, you better keep running!!"

????? - 10:30 AM

A loud alarm was sounding, and flashing red, an earth pony with light blue fur and a pink mane, wearing a blue and white uniform with blue pants and white boots, looked at her monitor. "Commander...We have illegal Digimon activity near Canterlot Bay."

The Commander looked at her monitor and spoke to her; she wore a blue blazer with a blue buttoned-up shirt, black tie, blue suit pants, and clean black shoes. She wore purple aviators on her face. "Send Lightning Dust...we can't let it escape..."

A small half-beast half-humanoid creature walked up to The Commander. "This is the 3rd Digimon sighting this month, Spitfire...what do you think is going on?"

Spitfire looked at the creature with a sigh. "I don't know...but I have my best agent working on it."

Canterlot Bay - 10:33 AM

Lightning was driving a blue and white car with the lettering EDF written on the sides, the sirens blaring as she stopped the vehicle to the right side of Canterlot Bay. She opened the door and stepped out of the car. The agent wore an open dark green and white jacket, with a light green skirt and white boots. She also wore a white belt on her waist with a holster; on her face, she had dark blue aviator sunglasses and had a blue earpiece on her left ear. She walked over to the scene where police officers positioned with barriers alongside their police cars blocking civilians from entering along with police tape blocking off the entranceway to the bay.

Lightning slowly walked forward to the scene with a slight sway of her hips. An orange pegasus officer stopping her. "Sorry ma'am, no one's allowed in-"

The agent took out a badge and showed it to the officer. "I'm a special agent of The Equestrian Digital Force...what's the situation?"

"Oh, well...a civilian called it in, it's pretty bad over there...we have a bunch of knocked out civilians...and have called an ambulance."

Then both ponies heard a small beep and a small raspy female voice. "Dust."

Lightning opened her belt holster and took out a small rectangular device, and looked at it.

"Yes?" She asked.

"We have sightings of a Digimon in the area..."

"Is it the target?"

"Yes and worse, there's a pony right in front of it."

The agent gasped and ran past the officer, who watched her with a confused look. "I'm on my way!!"

Lightning Dust kept running and saw a bunch of ponies, griffins, and dragons were on the ground groaning in intense pain. The agent heard a beep on her earpiece, and she pressed the answer button; Commander Spitfire spoke. "Don't worry about those civilians, Dust. The officer already called an ambulance. Just hurry up and find that Digimon!"

"Got it, ma'am!"

The agent was about to run past, but a dragon gripped her pants leg and spoke weakly; blood dripped from his mouth. "H-Help me..." Dust moved her leg, and the dragon let go.

"Don't worry." The agent said. "An ambulance is on its way."

Dust continued running to where the Digimon signal was originating from. She stopped again by a staircase and gasped again. Seeing the blue dragon Digimon, in front of him was a rainbow maned pegasus. She wore an open dark blue hooded sports jacket with a small rainbow lightning bolt emblem on the top left, a white tank-top, gray jogging pants, and blue and white sneakers.

"Commander, I found the target!!" called Lightning. "And he's engaging another creature!"

"Aloe, Lotus, what are the data readings saying?"

"Hang on, Ma'am, I'm pulling it up right now..." Lotus said.

"It's Veemon: A rookie-level Digimon...his attacks are V-Headbutt, V-Punch & V-Shot."

The rainbow maned pegasus looked at the Digimon with a scowl. "I don't know who the hell you are...but you're standing in the middle of my turf. This is my training ground where I will become the ultimate fighter!!"

Dust arched an eyebrow. "Uh...is she really gonna fight a Digimon?"

"Heh, really? You're just like all the other ponies, all talk and no action!!" replied Veemon.

"And apparently, the Digimon can talk..." Her earpiece then beeped, she pressed the answer button.

"LIGHTNING!!!" The agent jumping a bit at the commander's sudden outburst. "What are you standing around for?! Get that civilian away from that Digimon!!"

"Yes, ma'am..." She then called out to the pegasus, pointing at her. "HEY!!! YOU!!!" The mare looked at her with an arched eyebrow as she spoke. "Get away from that thing; it's hazardous!!"

"Huh? Look, dude, I'm the one who's hazardous here!" snapped the rainbow-maned mare. Dust's eyes widened. "I don't need no babysitter to hold my hand; I can take care of myself!"

"This is between her and me!" added Veemon.

"He's right; this is a fight between us, so stay out of it!" yelled the pegasus.

"Fine then!" Lightning replied, basically feeling okay with this now. "If you have a death wish or something...then go ahead, see if I care!"

Her rectangular device beeped. "Dust! Don't let her talk to you like that!"

"No...I'm gonna stay out of this...she wants to get herself killed then be my guest."

"Thank you!" The mare looked at Veemon again and smirked, holding up her fists. "I don't know who or what you are...but you're going down just like I beat those guys!"

Veemon held up his fists too. "Oh really, what did you do, talk them all to sleep? Let's go bitch!"

"Ohoho, you are so gonna get it now!" Both of them then charged at each other. Dust gasped when she saw Veemon hit her in the face, but at the same time, she hit him in the face too.

"Veemon hit her, but she's still standing!" said Aloe.

The rainbow pegasus backed up along with Veemon; both of them coughed violently. "H-Hey...I wasn't ready...I was waiting for you to say '1,2,3, GO'..." Veemon said, his opponent looking back at him. "Ya know like this: 1, 2, 3 GO!!!!" He then charged at the mare again, Lightning and the other agents gasping again.

"No!!" yelled Lotus.

But to their surprise, when he got close enough, the pegasus swung her leg and knocked him in the side, Veemon grunting in pain as the pegasus smirked. "Heh, what's your excuse this time, bastard?"


"Huh?" questioned the mare before she was met face first with Veemon's hard head; the mare exclaimed in pain as she held her muzzle. "AHH, BITCH!!!"

"No more talking!!" yelled Veemon as the pegasus growled and moved her hand away from her face, blood dripping from her nose. "Fine then...lets do some real fighting!"

Both of them then started to duke it out, the pegasus and the Digimon going toe to toe with each other with punches, kicks, headbutts, and scratches (courtesy of mostly Veemon) as Dust continued to watch. "Oh my Celestia..."

"She's actually a match for the Digimon, ma'am!" exclaimed Aloe.

"Who is this filly?" the half-beast, half-human asked.

Commander Spitfire didn't answer and just continued watching.

Author's Note:

In case you guys didn't know who's attack "Double Impact" belonged to it belonged to Beelzemon