• Published 10th Jan 2020
  • 1,154 Views, 20 Comments

Digimon: The Equestrian Digital Force (EDF) - TwinSwords79

  • ...

2: New Acquaintances

3 Hours Later

As the sun was setting, The blue pegasus and Veemon were both on the dock, breathing heavily from their fight. Both of them were covered in bruises and cuts that were bleeding a bit.

"N-Not...bad...f-for...a pony." Veemon managed to say.

The pegasus gave a weak chuckle, her hand moving to her face and wiping her nose, looking at the drop of blood on her hand. "Heh...you're not...so bad yourself...been a while since...somepony made me bleed like this..."

Veemon then slowly lifted his arm into the air, the mare turning her head to him in confusion.

"How about we call it a draw?"

The pegasus then smiled and nodded. "Sure..."

She reached up and took his hand into her own, the blue dragon Digimon looking at her in the corner of his eye. "I'm Veemon."

"Rainbow...Rainbow Dash." said the pegasus.

Veemon slowly sat up with a smile. "It's a pleasure to meet ya, Rain."

Rainbow slowly sat up too. "Heh, you too..."

The Digimon then held up his index finger. "Oh, and also, since you're the first one who actually managed to go toe to toe with me...I'll be your humble servant."

"Huh, my servant?"

Veemon nodded and gave her a thumbs up and a wink. "Yep, from now on: I'll follow you wherever you go and if you want anything, just say the word, and I'll do it."

"Heh, really? Wow...I never thought I'd actually have a servant...let alone have one as funny-looking as you are." Both Rainbow and Veemon shared a laugh before it was cut short by a voice.

"FREEZE!!!!" They looked forward and saw Lightning Dust looking at them both with an angry expression. She then reached into her belt holster and took out her small rectangular device, aiming it at them like a small can of pepper spray, the black dot on the back that looks like a camera lens staring at them both. "Herissmon! Realize!"

The black dot on her device glowed and shot a beam of light; Rainbow Dash and Veemon both saw the beam of light quickly swirl around and make a silhouette of something.

As it slowly faded, they then heard a small female voice. "Yes, ma'am!" The light then completely vanished, and a new creature was standing right in front of them. It looked like some white and grey hedgehog with a bit of yellow in its quills.

Dash's eyes widened. "Woah! What the hell is that thing?!"

"So...you wanna do this the easy way or the hard way?" asked Dust, crossing her arms under her chest.

"Uh...is she talking to you or me?"

"Please don't let them take me, Rain!" exclaimed Veemon, the blue pegasus looking at him. "I don't want to go back!"

"Back where?"

"This is your last warning; put your hands up where I can see them!" Dust demanded. Rainbow looked at her, then at Veemon, smirking as she quickly stood up and grabbed Veemon, putting him over her shoulders and holding him like a firefighter. "Hey, what are you doing, kid?"

"I'm not gonna let you take him...this is the first time I've ever gotten an employee, and I'm not gonna give him up!"

"Yeah, you tell her, Rain!" cheered Veemon; Dash proceeded to run away with him as Dust gasped.

"HEY! Herissmon, stop her!"

Herissmon nodded and readied her attack. "Lightning Quills!" She got on all fours and shot her quills towards Dash and Veemon.

When her quills landed in front of them, they struck down like lightning, making small black ashy holes in the boardwalk. Dash held her arm out in front of her to block her from the flashes of light that came from the quills, and she grunted a bit.

"Hang on, Rain...I got this!" Veemon said, the blue pegasus looked at him, she watched him hold up his hand at Dust, and it started to glow a red-like ball.

"He's attacking!!" exclaimed Dust.

"V-Shot!!" Veemon jerked his hand back, and it fired a beam straight towards Lightning Dust, which made her gasp.

"Lightning Quills!" Herissmon fired her quills at the laser, and it canceled it out, but it made a dust cloud. The green pegasus put her arm close to her and coughed a bit violently in her arm.

When the dust settled, Lightning looked ahead and saw Rainbow and Veemon have vanished; Herissmon spoke up. "They're gone!"

"Damn it..." Dust said under her breath.

[Nightfall] - Dark Alleyway in Ponyville

Rainbow looked left and right; Veemon was still on her back. "Okay...this might be safe for now..." She slowly put the Digimon down. "Okay...Veemon, I want you to answer me when I say this: Who are we running away from...and what are you anyway?"

"I'm a Digimon...short for 'Digital Monster' I'm from the Digital World." Veemon replied, walking past her to look out the alleyway to see if the coast was clear; he then turned back towards her. "Please, Rain...don't let them take me back..."

Rainbow sighed and put her hands in her jacket pockets. "What am I getting myself into this time..." She thought out loud. "I don't know what kind of trouble you're in, Veemon, but I'll help you out..."

Veemon smiled. "Oh, thank you, Rain! I'll never ask for anything again!" He started to walk over to her, but his stomach then growled loudly. "E-Except food...I'm starving!"

"Well, suck it up and act like a man!" Rainbow ordered.

"But Raaaaaaaain!" The Digimon whined. "I'm a growing boooyyyy!"

"Hey, quiet down, V, somepony could hear you!"

"But Rain, I haven't eaaaaateeen!!!" The Digimon continued to whine like a spoiled little kid when his mother refused to give him a toy, Rainbow looking at him with a perplexed face.

Veemon grabbed Rainbow's jacket and started to slide down her like she was a wall, all the way to his knees, continuing the loud whining.

Dash had enough. "Ugh, ALRIGHT!! Alright! I'll get you something to eat... stop whining...Jeez, you sound like a crying puppy...wait here." She then started to walk away from Veemon, who was smiling.

"Oh, thank you, Rain, you're the best!"

She turned back towards him and pointed her finger down. "Stay put...don't let anypony hear or see you, okay?"

Veemon nodded in acknowledgment. "Mhm, got it...I'll wait right here!"

[A few minutes later] - Ponyville Convenient Store

Rainbow put a basket of various foods on the checkout counter. Some of the foods were instant ramen, various candy bars, canned pasta, potato chips, cookies, bread, water bottles, etc.

As the cashier scanned her items, Rainbow arched her eyebrow as she thought to herself. 'Hm...I wonder if Veemon eats any of this stuff..."

She then reached inside of her jacket to take out her wallet as she heard someone walk up. "Oh, and add this too, please..."

She looked forward and saw a green hand put a bag of mini chocolate chip cookies into the basket. Dash arched her eyebrow and looked to see who put it in, seeing that it was actually Lightning Dust, which made her eyes widen.

Dust wore casual clothing: She wore an open mint green hoodie, a black short-sleeve crop top, blue jean shorts, and red sneakers. She looked at Dash with a smirk. "Is that okay? Rainbow Dash?"

[3 minutes later] - Streets of Ponyville

Dash and Dust both sat down at a nearby bench; Inbetween them are the plastic bags full of the snacks Rainbow bought for Veemon. Dust took her bag of cookies out of the plastic bag and opened it up, putting a small cookie in her mouth. "Mmmm yummy, I love chocolate chip cookies; it reminds me of being a little kid again."

Dash looked at her with an annoyed expression. "You owe me 2 bits for that."

Dust gave a sly smirk. "Tell you what...I'll pay you back if you tell me where Veemon is..."

Rainbow then decided to act dumb. "Huh, I don't know who or where this 'Veemon' is..., and even if I did, there's no way I'd tell you."

Dust shrugged and ate another cookie. "Oh well, that's too bad...cuz now that means I have to arrest you and bring you in for questioning Ms. Dash..."

Dash then looked at her with a bit of interest and confusion. "Hey...how the hell do you know my name anyway?"

Dust smirked as she chewed another cookie, swallowing it. "I know everything about you: your full name is Rainbow Ashleigh Dashlyn."

Dash's pupils shrunk down a bit as Lightning continued. "You're 18 years old, Height 5,9, Blood Type O, and you're a Senior at Cloudsdale Academy for Girls. Your father, Bow Hothoof, disappeared when you were younger, and you currently live with your 42-year-old mother Windy Whistles, and your adoptive 12-year-old little sister Scootaloo, who looks up to you even though you act like a total bitch...am I right, or am I right, Dashlyn?"

"Okay, who the hell are you?!" demanded Dash, totally freaked out that she knows this much about her to the point of knowing her full name.

Lightning took out her badge from inside her hoodie and showed it to Dash. "I'm Special Agent Lightning Dust; I'm with The Equestrian Digital Force."

The blue pegasus looked at her badge then looked at Dust. "What do you do?"

Dust crumpled the empty cookie bag and put it in her pocket as she spoke. "Our job is to keep the peace between Digimon and equines by keeping wild Digimon away from the Equestrial Plain and sending them home in the Digital World...and you're disrupting the peace unless you tell us where Veemon is!"

RD shrugged, putting her pinkie in her ear. "I don't know...maybe he went back to the Digital World..."

"OR maybe you're hiding him!" Dust exclaimed, getting annoyed at Dash's attitude. She then stood up and pointed at the plastic bag full of food. "Look, I know you don't have a bottomless stomach; you got all of this for the Digimon you're hiding!"

Rainbow scoffed as Dust continued. "Digimon don't eat this stuff; they only eat food specifically for Digimon called DigiBytes."

Dash looked up at her. "What, Digibytes!? Where can I get those!?"

"You can't buy it at a convenient store, Dashlyn!" Dust explained. "You can only find it in The EDF Headquarters...so think about it...if you don't give Veemon to us: he'll starve to death!"

Dash sighed. "Fine...you caught me..." She slowly reached into the plastic bag and took out a cup of instant ramen, looking at it in defeat. "Show me where you work so I can do a little grocery shopping..."

Dust sighed and replied. "Thank you, Dashlyn..."

Dash looked at her in the comer of her eye. "It's 'Dash'...never 'Dashlyn.' "

'Alright...Thank you, Dash."

Dust then beckoned her head, and both pegasi opened their wings and took flight to the EDF.

Author's Note:

Yep, 'Dash' is just a nickname lol